Monster Girl Islands 2

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Monster Girl Islands 2 Page 18

by Logan Jacobs

  We will be able to travel tomorrow, she announced. We can go home.


  That sounded amazing. We had been gone less than a week, but I missed my son and the four beautiful women I was mated with. Sela’s stomach was probably huge by now as she neared her due date, and I was excited to see how much Careen’s bump had grown, as well.

  Arrick would have also grown an astronomical amount, and I could only imagine how ready Nerissa would be to have his father around once more.

  Plus, I wanted to sleep in my own bed instead of the hard rock of the cave. My back was about ready to snap in half.

  When night fell, we all snuggled up in the cave, even the dragons. Marella and both babies curled up next to Jonas, while George and Nixie settled at the mouth of the cave, just in case their kids got any smart ideas in the middle of the night.

  “Sleep next to me,” Mira requested as she settled herself into bed.

  How could I resist the offer of such a beautiful woman?

  I absolutely couldn’t.

  So, I laid next to her, and she instantly wrapped her toned arms around my chest and threw a leg over my thigh. Her jade hair tickled my chin pleasantly, and I fell asleep to the soft sounds of her breaths.

  Marella woke us all up the next morning with the sun. She pounced on my chest, all twenty pounds of her, and knocked the wind out of me with such force that I jolted awake.

  “Gotcha!” Mira laughed as she caught Marella before I accidentally catapulted my daughter all the way across the cave.

  “Good morning!” the little girl giggled and smiled widely at her aunt and me.

  “Good morning, my sweet,” I mumbled as I attempted to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

  I blinked to see Jonas and the babies were still sound asleep, somehow, but George and Nixie were both wide awake, and the dragons held back chuckles at the way Mira and I had been woken up.

  Man, I couldn’t wait to share these early morning wake ups with Talise once more.

  “We go to Mommy today!” Marella shouted, and she began to zip around the cave quicker than a hummingbird.

  Needless to say, Jonas and the baby dragons weren’t asleep for too much longer, thanks to the antics of my darling daughter.

  In less than an hour, we were packed and ready to go, and we started to make the long hike down the mountain and back to the village.

  I could see Jonas was excited, but also extremely nervous, and as I thought of all of the nice things he’d done for me since I met him, I dropped behind the rest of the group so I could match his stride.

  “Everything alright?” I asked.

  “Oh, yes, quite alright.” The old soothsayer nodded, but it seemed like he wanted to convince himself more than anything.

  I debated for a moment whether or not I should press him, but eventually, my wish to help him got the better of me.

  “It’s alright to be nervous to see your family,” I reassured him. “I’m sure Talise and Sela are just as nervous.”

  Jonas glanced at me with clear eyes, but I could also see they shone with unshed tears.

  “It is not that,” he murmured. “Among my people, old age is a terrible thing. And … well … ”

  His words caught in his throat, but instead he indicated his legs and stilted walk.

  “You know, where I come from, being old is a badge of honor.” I smiled. “It means you’ve had a damn good life, and made it through a lot of shit that other people didn’t. It’s not a bad thing. You have wisdom young people don’t have since you’ve made all the mistakes already, so I’m going to listen to your advice when you choose to offer it to me.”

  Jonas was silent for a moment, and I figured our conversation was over, since he probably didn’t want to bare his soul to a complete stranger anymore.

  So, we walked on silently for another minute, but then he softly cleared his throat and spoke again.

  “Thank you,” Jonas murmured. “You are very deserving of the name Dragon King, Ben.”

  The honor of that compliment swelled through me, and I couldn’t help but grin at the old man.

  “Thanks,” I said as I patted Jonas on the shoulder. I’d known him less than a week, and already he felt almost like my dad.

  The moment we were anywhere close to the village, I heard cries go up from some of the women, who must have been told to watch for our arrival.

  “They’re back!”

  “Draco Rex!”

  “He has returned!”

  We walked into the outskirts of the village and were immediately greeted by babbling, excited women. I wasn’t sure if they were more excited to see me, Marella, Jonas, or the two baby dragons we now had with us.

  “They’re magnificent,” was a phrase that rippled through the crowd more than once as the women’s eyes fell on the baby dragons.

  Suddenly, Hali pushed through the crowd, and the moment the cook saw Jonas, tears filled her eyes, and she clapped both of her hands to her mouth to stifle a sob.

  “Grandfather,” she breathed before she all but leapt at the old man.

  Jonas, of course, didn’t care one bit. He just wrapped his granddaughter up in his arms and let out a choked sob of his own.

  “I’m so happy to see you,” he rasped into her shoulder.

  “And I you,” Hali sniffled and squeezed the old man tightly.

  The two shared a long private moment before Jonas pulled back with a soft smile.

  “There, now,” he said as he reached out and wiped Hali’s cheeks, “no need for tears. This is a joyous occasion.”

  “Yeah, be happy, Auntie Hali!” Marella giggled from where she was perched on my shoulders.

  “Marella, you gave us all such a scare,” Hali scolded her niece before she swung the little girl into her arms and nuzzled her neck happily.

  “Had to find Grandfather,” Marella informed her seriously.

  “Of course you did, you brilliant girl,” Hali laughed before she turned to Mira and me. “The queen has asked me to prepare a feast for your homecoming! She wants to have a big celebration in honor of you helping bring Jonas back. Come!”

  We all followed Hali back to the palace and passed the crowd of village women who whispered and stared at Jonas as we walked. I could tell some simply recognized him from before, but the youngest women were clearly shocked at the sight of yet another man in their midst, especially one who had the kind of powers Jonas possessed.

  The moment we entered the palace, Careen, Talise, and Nerissa all but attacked me with excited hugs. I was instantly surrounded by soft skin, luscious curves, and the sweet scent of the coconut soap that lingered in their hair.

  God, I’d missed being home.

  “Hello,” I said before I kissed each one of my women.

  “I missed you,” Nerissa murmured. I’d kissed her last, and she all but melted into me as she wrapped her arms around my neck and clung to my body.

  “I missed you, too,” I replied.

  Talise, Jonas, and Hali stood a few feet away to have a private moment of their own. We could all hear the soft sniffles that came from them, so I let them have their reunion.

  “Marella, you’re dirty!” Careen exclaimed when she caught sight of the little girl. “Here, let me bathe the child.”

  Then she swept my daughter up in her arms and headed off to the bathing chambers.

  Nerissa seemed to notice I was dirty, too, and she stepped back with a laugh.

  “Ben, I think you will also need to bathe before the feast tonight,” she chuckled. She was about to turn and probably say the exact same thing to Mira, but the jade haired warrior cut her off.

  “I know, I know, me, too,” Mira grumbled good-naturedly.

  “Yes, please,” Nerissa snickered.

  Mira turned on her heels and headed toward the bathing rooms, but there was something I wanted to do first.

  “Jonas,” I called to the soothsayer. “Would you like to see Sela?”

  Jonas, who was still wrapped
up in the arms of Talise and Hali, instantly pulled away and nodded.

  “Very much,” he said.

  So, I motioned for him to follow me, and led him toward Sela’s room, with the other three women not too far behind.

  Arrick was in a bassinet under the window, and he clapped and shouted the moment he saw me enter the room.

  The nursemaid who watched over him curtsied to us before she took her leave.

  Then on the bed laid Sela, just as round as I’d predicted, with tears flowing down her face.

  It seemed pregnancy hormones had done a number on her emotions, too. The stoic Sela I knew was not a crier, even in insane circumstances like this one.

  “Sela, you are radiant, my child,” Jonas rasped as he sat on the bed next to her and placed a careful hand on her stomach. “Twins?”

  “You always did have a strong gift, Grandfather.” She grinned and wiped at her eyes. “Yes, Ben blessed me with twins, isn’t it wonderful?”

  “It is.” Jonas nodded, but he was once again choked up.

  We’d all need to sleep after this emotionally draining day, that was for sure.

  Ten minutes later, I was soaking in the huge bathing tub behind my bedroom, and the heat relaxed my muscles as I thought about the map tucked away in my quarters.

  There were so many other islands. So many people who needed to be saved from the monstrous orcs and their senseless need to raid, pillage, kill, and rape.

  And it was up to me to save them.

  It was a challenge I accepted gladly. It was honorable, really, to be the man they would all rely on.

  I would save them all. I wasn’t sure how or when yet, but I knew with confidence it would happen.

  Satisfied with that knowledge, I soaped myself up and washed all of the dirt away before I slipped into a pair of silky brown pants and a creamy white top. Then I was ready for the feast to celebrate the dragon babies and Jonas’ miraculous return to the village.

  Once I was prepared, I stepped out of my bedroom, and I could already hear the excited sounds of the villagers as they got an early start on the festivities.

  “Ben!” Hali called from the kitchen, and I walked in to see she held one of the giant blue fruits in her hand, and her eyes were alight with wonder at the object.

  “Did you taste it?” I grinned. “They’re amazing!”

  “It’s like a party on my tongue!” Hali exclaimed as she turned her wide eyes on me. “Do you think you could find more? I could make so many wonderful things with these fruits!”

  “I will do my best,” I chuckled.

  I had no idea where those fruits came from, or how the gryphons had gotten them, but if one of my women wanted more, then she would get them.

  “Thank you.” Hali blushed, and before either one of us could think for another second, she pressed up onto her tiptoes and kissed me. Her lips were soft and warm, like a good cup of hot coffee on a cold winter’s day. So, I kissed her right back, and I lost myself in this glorious moment with her.

  After a long minute, we both pulled away at the same time.

  “I would like to have your babies one day,” Hali murmured and averted her eyes. “When all is more settled. My grandfather told me about what Marella foresaw.”

  I reached forward, stroked a finger through Hali’s brilliant red hair, and reveled in the softness of it.

  “It would be an honor,” I told her.

  “There you two are!” Talise exclaimed from the doorway.

  I turned to see the healer was wearing a knowing, proud look on her face as she glanced between her sister and me.

  “The food is almost ready,” Hali assured as she stepped away from me and smoothed down her apron. “Ben, go enjoy the fun!”

  I gave the red-headed dragon woman one last smile before I followed Talise out into the courtyard, where the village was already gathered for laughter and fun.

  As usual, Nerissa and Mira were seated above the rest at the long table meant for our little family. Darya and Zarya were there, too, and each of them gave me excited waves as I approached.

  “We heard you met a gryphon!” Zarya shouted over the din of the party. “What was it like? Tell us everything!”

  “I’ve already told them the story a hundred times over, but they seem not to trust me,” Mira snorted and rolled her golden eyes.

  “We just want to hear all there is,” Darya protested. “Besides, Ben has a way with words.”

  The warrior sent a sexy wink my way, and my cock instantly strained against my pants with the motion. She noticed, too, because she pulled her bottom lip up into her mouth and let her eyes drift slowly down to the bulge in my pants.

  If I wasn’t worried about having too many warriors pregnant at once, I’d pull her into the palace and fuck her right now. I’d grab every inch of her skin in my hands and feel her warm, supple breasts under my palms.

  The image of the warrior, buck naked and splayed across my bed, sent me into overdrive, but there were other things to be done first. I couldn’t impregnate every woman who knew how to fight if I wanted the village to be able to protect itself while I was away.

  “Well,” I cleared my throat to rid myself of the arousal, “the gryphons were amazing. Creatures of Oshun like I’d never seen before. They had clear golden eyes and wings that looked like they could carry the beasts for miles and miles before they grew tired.”

  The twins listened with wide eyes as I retold my encounter, and Mira helpfully interjected every few sentences.

  “I wonder if we could ride them?” Zarya mused once I was finished.

  That was an interesting proposal, and one I hadn’t thought of before. The ability to fly would be a great help in the battles with the orc pirates.

  “Oshun’s creatures are not meant to be tamed, dear Zarya,” Nerissa said from my other side.

  “Yes, my queen,” Zarya murmured with an embarrassed bow.

  The queen had listened intently with Arrick in her lap as I retold the story of my encounter. The baby wasn’t very interested in his father’s adventures, but he was still and seemed perfectly happy to be held.

  For the moment, at least. I wasn’t sure how long that would last.

  Despite what Nerissa said, though, I couldn’t shake the thought of Zarya’s proposal, even as Hali brought out our dinner. So, I ate the plate of roasted boar, grilled pineapple, and coconut bread, while lost in deep thought.

  I didn’t want to tame the gryphons and turn them into wannabe horses. That was the absolute last thing I’d want to do, but if they allowed us to ride, to fly on their backs as they took us to wonderful new places, the possibilities seemed endless.

  With their stamina, I was sure the beasts could fly between islands. Possibly even further.

  Still, that was an idea to focus on later. I had to take things one step at a time and deal with the most pressing matters first. Build a big ass boat, save other islands, and kill the fuck out of those orc pirates.

  Then I could allow the explorer in me to truly be set loose.

  “You were ravenous,” Nerissa chuckled beside me and pulled me from my thoughts.

  I glanced down to see my once full plate was now so empty, the pottery shined.

  “A few days in the jungle will do that to a man,” I laughed. “I have to rebuild my strength.”

  “Oh, of course, we absolutely need that.” Nerissa smiled and winked at me.

  “Daddy!” Marella suddenly hollered out, and both Nerissa and I turned to see what my little daughter had gotten herself into now.

  She’d mounted George’s back and climbed all the way to the top of his head, and now she had her leg up and her hand out, Christopher Columbus style.

  I guessed I’d given my explorative nature to my kid, too.

  “I am sorry, dear one,” I told George, but I couldn’t contain my laughter.

  Do not fret, George assured me. The little one is never a bother.

  “This is you, Daddy!” Marella announced as she frowned o
n her perch, held her hand over her eyebrows to shade against the sun, and stared off into the distance like she was trying to find new lands.

  “Yeah, I guess it is.” I nodded, and I assumed she meant that’s what I looked like when I stood on top of the mountain the day before. Maybe she’d seen it in a vision.

  Apparently, I was wrong, though, because Marella scrambled down from George’s head, ran over to me, placed her little hands on top of my knees, and looked at me very seriously.

  “No, Daddy, it will be you,” she informed me.

  I glanced past Nerissa to look at Talise curiously, but the blonde shrugged her shoulders in confusion.

  “Of course, sweet girl,” I reassured the child.

  Marella looked at me seriously for a long moment before she hopped up into my lap.

  “Time for bed,” she announced.

  “Come here, my love.” Talise stepped forward with her arms outstretched to take Marella to bed.

  “No!” my daughter shouted and pressed her tiny form into my chest. “Daddy take me.”

  “Alright,” Talise replied as she bit back a laugh.

  I figured this was just one of those little kid phases, where they choose one parent over the other. I remembered when my nephew went through it. He always wanted to be with my sister and never with her husband.

  So, I picked Marella up with a shrug and whisked her off to bed. Then I tucked her in and was ready to leave when she reached out and grabbed my wrist.

  “Daddy,” she mumbled, even though she was almost in the throes of sleep.

  “Yes, Marella?” I whispered as I sat down next to her.

  “That’s gonna be you,” she told me. “I saw it in my head. You’re gonna travel to those islands and look like I looked, but you have to leave soon, before the moon is fat again. Because if you don’t, bad things will happen.”

  “What bad things?” I demanded with a frown. I wasn’t about to ignore her words like they were the ramblings of a normal small child. My daughter had a magical gift, and I knew I’d be stupid not to heed every word, even if they were sometimes jumbled and confusing.

  “Bad things,” Marella sighed. “The boat will tear, and the ocean will swallow Auntie Mira. But only when the moon is fat, so you have to be on the island with the trees and the lightning-eye woman with the long, long, long legs. She’s sooooo pretty.”


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