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Motorcycle Master

Page 4

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I know, I have the fastest sliding door in the west, but he won’t fix that either. It doesn’t matter. I like it that way, it’s easy. Here,” she said, offering him a mug. “It’s black, but I have cream and sugar if you want it.”

  “Black is good. Thanks.”

  “So…why are we going camping?”

  “Security concerns.”

  “Security concerns? What does that mean?”

  “A rival gang might cause some trouble,” he lied, thinking it sounded plausible.

  “Really? If it’s bad enough that you’re taking off, aren’t you worried about them wrecking the tavern while you’re gone?”

  “Not my call.”

  “Why do you want me to come?” she asked, dropping her voice and looking at him with a suggestive glint in her eye.



  “Kratos said to bring you, and what Kratos commands…”

  “Ah, I see.”

  He knew it wasn’t the answer she’d been hoping for, but while it was the truth, he had to admit he was looking forward to having her wrapped around his body for the ride.

  “I have some muffins if you want? Or some chocolate chip cookies.”

  “No, this is good,” he replied, moving back into the room.

  “Why do we need to store my bike? It’s safe in the shed.”

  “You ask a lot of questions.”

  “You give a lot of orders. Why can’t I just meet you at the tavern?”

  “I can’t speak for Kratos. He’ll have his reasons.”

  “It’d be a whole lot easier.”

  “I’ll run it by him, but he’s not one to change his mind.”

  As they’d been talking his eyes had been scrutinizing the room. It all seemed to fit. Empty boxes broken flat, others waiting to be unpacked, a few personal items scattered about, but then he noticed there were no photographs. None. She claimed to be an actress. The actresses and models he’d known had a pictures of themselves everywhere. Not only was it a question mark, the observation reminded him he needed a picture of her so his handler could run it through their databases. He could get one on his phone, but there might be an easier way, and he could test the waters at the same time.

  “You’re an actress, right? Isn’t that why you came back here?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “What have you been in?”

  “Mostly plays, and some extra work.”

  “I know a few people, not anyone big-time, but a few. If you give me your headshot and resume I can pass it on.”

  Kat’s heart skipped. She had neither. A foolish oversight. She’d have Johnny make some and rush them over to her.

  “They’re still packed, but that would be great, thanks.”

  Though she’d responded quickly, his trained eye had seen it; the fleeting falter, the look of, oh shit, in her eyes. It was time to change tactics. It was well-known in the club that he’d sworn off getting involved with the women members, but needs must, and besides, she was sexy as hell. It would be understandable that a hot girl like her had been able rev up his engine, but as the thoughts tumbled through his head a fresh question popped up. Why was she being so warm and friendly after he’d beaten her butt? Most girls would have steered clear, or been intimidated, and why hadn’t that occurred to him earlier?

  She had him off balance!

  He needed to take back control. There was one surefire way to do that, and it played into need to change things up between them. Moving across to the couch he picked up their jackets and moved them to one end, then sat down and placed his mug on the coffee table.

  “Man, that feels good,” he said with a heavy sigh as he leaned back.

  “Sitting?” she laughed.

  “Yep. Taking a load off.”

  Kat was bewildered. His demeanor had abruptly, completely changed. He actually appeared to be relaxing, and he’d lost his edge. Maybe he was rough and tough in the tavern because he had to be, or perhaps he’d just needed five minutes to chill out. Ambling towards him, her eyes fell on his powerful arms. How amazing would it feel to be wrapped up in those? She could easily imagine curling into them and leaning against the ripped abs that were so obvious beneath his thin T-shirt. Raising her gaze to his face she took in his long dark hair and chocolate eyes. As if that wasn’t compelling enough, he’d been blessed with chiseled features, thick lips, and a square jaw. He was one handsome guy.

  “What are you looking at?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare,” she murmured, “it’s just…”

  “Just what?”

  “Have you ever thought about modeling?”

  “Are you nuts?”

  “No, I’m serious,” she declared sitting next to him. “This is L. A. You have a great face and an amazing physique. You could make some decent money.”

  “No. It’s definitely not for me. Not a chance.”

  “I have an interview at a modeling agency lined up for next week. What if I took some snapshots in with me? What have you got to lose?”

  Marco studied her. She seemed sincere. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe she was an actress after all.

  “This is so Hollywood,” he said shaking his head with a wry grin. “I want your headshot to give to people I know, and you want to take pictures of me to give to a modeling agency. Talk about La La Land.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I did mean it though. I think you’re, uh, very good-looking.”

  “I don’t know about that, but I’ll bet the camera loves you,” he said softly, raising his hand and tracing the outline of her lips. “You’re beautiful, but you probably get that all the time.”

  “Not really, not from the right people…uh…person.”

  “Close your eyes.”

  Kat was having trouble breathing, and she could feel her heart drumming against her chest. He was going to kiss her, and she wanted him to, but not because of her agenda. She wanted to feel his lips consume hers, she wanted his hands to knead her breasts and pinch her nipples, she wanted to be held down, she wanted…

  “I said, close your eyes,” he said huskily. “Don’t make me ask again.”

  As she lowered her eyelids she felt a hot flood between her legs. If he was a dominant she’d be lost, if he… but suddenly his mouth was over hers, his fingers were in her hair, his kiss was strong and demanding, and her arms lifted to circle his neck. He began gently pushing her on to her back, then keeping one of his hands entwined in her long locks, he moved the other to her thin white top. Moving it off her breasts, he broke from their kiss and dove his lips to her nipples, hungrily drawing them into his mouth. Gasping with a rush of prurient passion, she grabbed his shirt and began pulling it up his torso, but abruptly releasing her, he raised up, pulled it off himself, then literally ripped her cotton top in two.

  “You want me?” he growled, lifting his eyes from her chest and locking hers. “Ask me or I stop right here.”

  “Yes, yes,” she said breathlessly, “but…”


  “You said you weren’t available or interested.”

  “I changed my mind. Tell me what you want.”

  “Oh, God, I want you to fuck me.”

  She couldn’t believe the words had spilled from her lips, but she couldn’t have stopped them. It was true. She wanted him. Whether it was sheer animal magnetism, or because the spanking had sent her delicious submissive fever raging, she had no idea, but she didn’t care. She wanted him. Period.

  Swiftly standing he scooped her up, and carrying her into the bedroom he spied the queen-sized brass bed. The dark brown micro-suede comforter was void of clothes or clutter, and laying her down, he quickly stripped. His ramrod cock stood proudly at attention, and as he slipped his fingers into the waistband of her track pants, she let out a long, low moan.

  “I hope you’ve got protection,” he muttered, sliding them down her legs and tossing them aside. “I don’t carry unless I’m on the road.”

  “In my bedside table.”

  He pulled out the drawer. An brand new, unopened box stared up at him. He frowned. Why did he feel an unexpected sense of relief that it was still sealed? Why did he care if she’d had other guys there? Shaking off his alarming thoughts he ripped it open, grabbed the small packet, then quickly sheathing himself he climbed onto the bed and stretched over her.

  “I don’t usually do this,” she murmured. “I know it might seem like it, but I don’t. I’ve had that box for ages.”

  “Hey, you don’t owe me any explanations,” he purred taking his lips to her neck. “The only thing I want from you is to feel.”

  “Ooh, I can’t believe you said that.”

  He was a dominant, she was sure of it, and as his lips moved back to hers, devouring them in a crushing kiss, she felt his cock press against her.

  “I want you so much,” she whispered. “I want to be…”

  “I know what you want,” he murmured, breathing into her ear, “you want to surrender to me, and I expect nothing less.”


  The words had slipped from Marco’s lips before he’d even realized what he was saying. Spanking Kat had stirred his dominant soul, but he’d heated the bottoms of other bad girls at the club when Kratos had directed him to, and he’d felt completely detached. Why was Kat different?

  “How did you know?”

  She had breathed the question, and it startled him even more than his potent declarations. Was the sexy, husky-voiced woman a submissive? Unable to answer her question, he placed his cock inside her slick pussy and plunged forward. She let out a cry, and as he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head, she arched her back as if wanting his chest to brush against her breasts. He obliged, lowering his body and resting his weight on her as he continued to thrust.

  Kat was lost in his power. She tried to move her wrists to test his hold and found it impossible. His cock was pummeling her pussy, and he’d found an angle that caused him to scrape against her clit with every stroke. The weight of him on her torso was making her feel utterly devoured, and as he pressed his lips on her mouth, his tongue dove between her teeth and sent a rush of sparkling energy through her body. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think, she could only sink into the mattress as his mouth consumed hers. His battering ram was sending her further and further towards her climax, but when her body stiffened and her moment approached, he abruptly stopped.

  “Noooo! Why? Marco, please…”

  Wordlessly he withdrew, released her wrists, then effortlessly flipping her on to her stomach, he clutched her hips and pulled her into him. She was still groaning her dismay, but paying no attention he gazed down at her backside. It was still pink from his strap and his hot hand, but that didn’t stop him landing several hard swats before thrusting back inside her. She raised her head and squealed with each of them, but as he resumed his pumping, she sank her face back into the pillow in endless moans of pleasure.

  “You wanna come?”

  His voice was deep and raw, his fingers were digging deliciously into her skin, her entire body was tingling, and she was sitting at the edge of her release.

  “Yes, yes, yes.”


  “Ooh, God.”

  “I’m not God. Try again.”

  “Please, Marco, please let me come? Fuck me and make me come?”

  He propelled himself with gusto until she was screaming through her orgasm, her wails muffled by the pillow into which she’d buried her head, and clenching his teeth he tried to stifle his groans as his cock exploded. His body was stiff, the veins across his muscled arms were popping, and as the crescendo crashed he was unable to contain himself. Several almighty grunts escaped his lips, and as the last convulsions subsided, feeling almost dizzy, he slipped from her depths and collapsed next to her.

  It had been an intense, unbridled, unexpected coupling.

  Heart racing and slightly shell-shocked, Kat quietly rolled on to her side, and a few minutes later, with a half-lidded gaze, she studied her fervent lover. His eyes were closed, his breathing was ragged, and she wasn’t sure if he’d drifted off or if he was still trying to catch his breath. She couldn’t believe he was in her bed, and considering his earlier rebuff it was confounding. Why had he changed his mind, and so quickly? After she’d met Nancy he’d gone out of his way to avoid her until they’d left. The memory reminded her she’d still not been able to contact Johnny. The buxom blond had stuck to her like glue. Marco didn’t strike her as the type who’d want to stick around after sex so she’d call Johnny after he left. An unexpected shiver rippled through her body. Had their roll in the sheets been a mistake? He had taken her breath away…literally…and she could feel herself wanting more. She wanted to crawl against him, soak in his scent, be engulfed in his powerful arms, and melt blissfully into a serene, safe, protected sleep.

  “I can feel you staring at me?” he softly muttered. “What’s on your mind?”

  She mentally shook herself. She couldn’t afford to daydream. Daydreaming could be dangerous.

  “Let’s see,” she began, gathering her wits, “I met this guy, he spanked my ass for no good reason, then he was unbelievably rude to me, told me he wanted nothing to do with me, then out of nowhere he totally seduced me and I just had incredible sex with him. I’m not sure what to make of any of that, or him or me at the moment. Does that answer your question?”

  He didn’t respond, but she could see the beginnings of a frown. She was tempted to add a sarcastic quip about him being a non-stop talker and not being able to get a word in edgewise, but thought better of it. After what felt like the longest pause in human history he finally spoke.

  “Sounds to me like you’ve met your match.”

  “Seriously? That’s the best you can do? That is such a clich��.”

  “Hey, if the smart mouth fits,” he retorted, his chocolate eyes abruptly opening and blazing up at her.

  “Maybe it’s the other way around. Maybe it’s you who’s met his match.”

  For the first time since she’d met him, the edges of his lips curled into the suggestion of a grin.

  “Kat, you don’t really believe that, do you?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  With unexpected speed he sat up, grabbed her wrists, and leaning over her, he pinned them above her head just as he’d done when he’d taken her, astonishingly, ardently amazingly taken her. Swallowing hard, trying to keep her composure and pretend her toes weren’t curling and her stomach wasn’t tumbling, she locked his eyes.

  “Is that supposed to prove something? Obviously you’re physically stronger than me, that’s a given. That doesn’t mean…”

  “Go on.”

  “Think about it. You totally rejected me, and yet, drum roll please, here you are, in my place and in my bed!”

  Her deep green eyes were twinkling up at him, and for a moment he felt uneasy. She did have a point, but it had been his decision to change the dynamic…hadn’t it? Yes, of course it had, so why was she was looking like the cat who’d eaten the proverbial canary.

  “You’re going to do one of two things!” he declared, determined to assert his authority.

  “I am?”

  “You’re going to rustle us up something to eat, or you’re coming with me to that pizza place at the bottom of the hill.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yep, and I’m being generous,” he said as he released her, “I’m letting you decide, and while you’re doing that I’m going to take a quick shower, assuming you don’t mind me using your bathroom.”

  “You’re weird, you know that?”


  “You’re all over the place.”

  “I repeat, I’m going to take a quick shower, assuming you don’t mind. Do you?”

  “Knock yourself out. There are clean towels in the cabinet.”

  Climbing off the bed he padded across the room, and as he walked into the surprisingly large bathr
oom he recalled her saying the so-called apartment was once the home’s master bedroom suite; that explained its unexpected size. He’d been in the smoke-filled tavern all night and he was desperate to wash away the grime, but there was another, more important reason he wanted to be in her bathroom.

  Moving across to the shower stall he turned on the faucets, then gently opening the medicine cabinet he scanned the shelves; the only medication he found was aspirin. Checking the drawers and underneath the sink he found nothing unusual, and as he stepped under the steaming water he found himself wishing she was with him. The recall of her body under his, her soft moans, how she’d screamed her joy, splashed over him like the steaming water sending fresh life into his cock. Was he kidding himself? Had he seduced her because he thought she had an agenda, and there was more to her presence than she claimed, or because he genuinely wanted her?

  He had to face it. The answer was both.

  Though she doubted Marco would stay the night it could happen. Kat decided to risk calling Johnny while he was in the shower. Pulling on her T-shirt and track pants she hurried into the living room, grabbed her jacket, carried it into the kitchen and fished out her phone.

  “Hey, Kat, how’s it going? Anything to report?”

  “I think our timing is pretty awesome. I’m definitely getting close to Marco, and Kratos is sending the whole gang off someplace. I don’t know where yet. Marco says it’s because of trouble with some rival gang but I’m not convinced.”

  “When you say getting close, what does that mean?”


  “Spell it out, Kat.”

  “Let’s just say he’s taking a shower right now.”

  “How the hell did that happen so fast? Dammit.”

  “I’m not sure about that myself, but it’s good. Don’t worry. I can use it.”

  “I thought I made it clear not to take things that far. These guys are dangerous. Why did you let him know where you live?”

  “Didn’t have a choice. Anyway, about the road trip, I won’t be on the bike so you’ll have to track me from my phone.”

  “Shit. Why?”


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