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Motorcycle Master

Page 8

by Maggie Carpenter

  The emerging majestic formations seemed completely incongruous to the dense woodland, but as they drew closer she discovered there were scattered patches of clear land, one of which was being used as a parking area for the bikes. Coming to a stop, Marco switched off the powerful engine, and as Kat climbed off she stared in wonder at the giant boulders.

  “My gosh! How the hell did they end up here?”

  “That was my first question,” Marco remarked. “You can’t see it from here, but they form a gigantic half-circle.”

  “I just got the goosies. They’re amazing. Who found this place?”

  “Kratos brought me here, but I don’t know if he discovered them or if it was someone else. I did ask, but he never gave me a straight answer.”

  “When will he be joining us?”

  “Not sure,” Marco frowned. “I need to check in with everyone, then I thought we might make a run into the village. We can stop in at a restaurant and have a meal if you want.”

  “I would. Thanks.”

  They’d removed their helmets and gloves as they’d been talking, and walking forward Kat retrieved her cell phone from a zippered pocket. There was no service, but that came as no surprise, and there was no way Johnny would be able to locate her. Moving closer, she saw the boulders were in groupings of two or three, with a slab resting on top, remarkably similar to the famous Stonehenge. The arc soon became apparent, and she was surprised at the lack of brush and vegetation.

  “Did you guys clear this area?”

  “Some, not much, but Kratos has been coming here for a long time. Maybe he did it. I never asked but Tank would know. If you’re interested you should talk to him when we get back.”

  The members of the gang had formed small groups, with most setting up camp under the boulders, and they waved and nodded their greeting.

  “Why has no-one taken those spots at the edges? They seem bigger, and they have more shelter than the ones in the middle.”

  “It’s close to the woods.”

  “That’s a bad thing?”

  “Depends on your perspective.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “If you’re a mountain lion, or some other predator, you’d consider it very convenient.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  “Don’t worry.”

  “Don’t worry? Are you kidding? I’ll be sleeping with one eye open, or better yet, I think we should do what you suggested and go into the village to sleep.”

  “I have to admit I’m not into sleeping out here. I’ll check in with everyone and let them know, then we can take off.”

  “I think I’m going to explore.”

  “Don’t go far, and make sure you keep the rocks in sight the whole time. It’s easy to get lost out here.”

  “Don’t worry, I have no desire to go into those trees by myself. How about we meet back at the bike in thirty minutes?”

  “Sounds good,” he smiled, then spontaneously dropped his lips on hers for a quick kiss.

  “What was that for?”

  “Just cos,” he winked. “See you soon.”

  As he marched away, Kat began to walk to the opposite side of the expansive arch. It was further than it looked, and as she neared she checked the time. She didn’t want to be late back.

  “Hey there.”

  Snapping up her head she spied a lone biker moving from behind one of the mammoth boulders. We was wearing the requisite leather pants, but only a leather vest with no shirt, and his powerful physique was evident. His long black hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, and with his scruffy beard and tattoos he reminded her of Mike.

  “Hi,” Kat replied, immediately sensing he could be trouble.

  “Do I know you?”

  He was moving slowly towards her, his head tilted to the side and his eyes narrowing as if scrutinizing her.

  “My name’s Kat. I’m new to the club.”

  “I’ve never seen you at the tavern, and I wouldn’t forget a hot chick like you? Whatta ya doin’ over here all by yourself?”

  “Just looking around. What about you?”

  “Like you, takin’ in the sights, and they just got a whole lot better.”

  He’d delivered the line with a sneer, and though she pretended to ignore it, she had her guard up as she studied the wondrous formation.

  “You ride out here alone?”

  “No, with Marco.”

  “Marco? Oh, you mean Brooder. That’s weird. Brooder never has a chick with him. You sure?”

  “What? Of course I’m sure.”

  “I’m findin’ that hard to believe,” he said, his smile transforming into a frown as he neared. “You sure he didn’t just pick you up in the village?”

  “No. I arrived in Los Angeles from New York about a week ago.”

  “Then, you two just met.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “Yeah, but nothin’. You’re not with him, like, with him. All you did was hitch a ride. They call me Cougar. You wanna know why.”

  Kat sized him up. His vest was hiding a beer belly, and though he was muscled and would weigh a lot, she guessed he’d be slow. The aroma of foul alcohol began to tickle her nostrils. He’d been drinking. That would help. She decided, if she had to, she could take him.

  “Not particularly,” she replied, walking away.

  “I’m gonna tell you anyway. It’s cos I like to hunt, and I like to pounce on my prey.”

  There had been no smile attached to his words, and he was following with her.

  “You’re not thinking you’re going to pounce on me!” she declared. “Marco would be furious. You’d get your ass kicked. All I have to do is yell.”

  He paused.

  “Gonna be kinda hard to yell with a hand over your mouth, and you think I’m dumb enough to fuck you out here in the open? The woods is the place to get to know each other.”

  “You’re an idiot,” she exclaimed, staring at him in disbelief, “or drunk out of your skull and that’s making you one.”

  “What’d you call me?”

  “I said, you’re an idiot. Marco will have your guts for garters.”

  “I dunno what the fuck that means, but you’ve got one helluva smart mouth, and if anyone’s gonna get their ass kicked, it’s you.”

  Though Kat had hoped the reminder that Marco was nearby would make him back off, he suddenly lunged towards her, but Kat was ready, and deftly jumping aside she stuck out her foot. He tripped, tumbling to the ground, and as he fell she landed a swift karate chop to the back of his neck. Growling loudly he scowled at her over his shoulder, then staggering to his feet, with his arms outstretched, he charged. With lightning speed she grabbed his wrist, twisted it behind his back, and clutching his balls she tightly squeezed. His howl of pain rang through the air, catching everyone’s attention, and darting her eyes across the empty space she saw Marco break into a sprint. As he came racing to her aid, she kicked the feet out from under the squirming, wailing man and shoved him to the ground.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Marco demanded, first staring in shock at the large biker doubled over in pain, then the slip of the girl standing over him. “Kat, are you okay?”

  “Of course I’m okay. He’s the one who’s not okay.”

  “Where did you learn how to do that?”

  “He claims his name is Cougar,” she replied ignoring his question, “so if he’s going to be around people he should either be tranquilized or locked up in a cage. If you can’t do that, turn him loose in the mountains where an animal like that belongs.”

  “Damn. What the hell happened?”

  The question had come from one of the group who had just arrived on the scene.

  “Cougar picked on the wrong girl,” Marco declared. “Someone help him, and tell him if he can’t keep his shit together he can find another club. Let’s go, Kat.”

  “Way to go, girl,” she heard a female voice yell as Marco grabbed her hand and started marching away. “You need to teach us h
ow to do that?”

  “Happy to,” Kat called back over her shoulder.

  “I’m really sorry,” Marco frowned, worry in his voice. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Don’t I look all right?”

  “I damn near had a heart attack. Why didn’t you just leave, or call for help or something?”

  “I knew I could handle him, besides, that jerk needed taking down.”

  “Kat, you can handle yourself, and that’s great, but what if he’d had a weapon? What if he’d had a knife, or worse, a gun?”

  “A knife? I can deal with a knife, but a bullet traveling at twelve-hundred feet per second, yeah, not so much.”

  “This isn’t a joke.”

  “I wasn’t joking.”

  They’d been walking at a fast clip, but he suddenly stopped and grabbed her arm.

  “Hey, I care about you, don’t you get that? Next time call for help and that’s an order!”

  “Uh, sure, yes, okay. I’m just used to taking care of myself.”

  “But if I’m here now, and that’s my job.” The words had spilled out of him, and pulling her against him, he wrapped her up in his arms. “I mean it, baby, I’m here to protect you. Understand?”

  “Yeah, I understand.”

  “To be honest,” he said, his voice softening, “that was fucking impressive, but you’re not alone anymore.”

  Closing her eyes she let out a long breath. He meant it, and she loved it. She loved it a whole lot.


  It was nearing the beginning of fall, and though the village still had plenty of end-of-summer visitors, it was shifting gears and readying itself for the busy winter season ahead. When Marco pulled up to a restaurant called the Village Pizza Deli, Kat could smell the aroma of the delicious food the moment she climbed off the bike.

  “I’m suddenly starving!” she exclaimed. “It must have been that workout.”


  “You know, with the stud muffin back at the rocks.”

  Marco shot her a look, and though he couldn’t stop his grin, he was still wondering where she’d learned to defend herself. It was highly doubtful she’d be able to get the better of a big guy like Cougar from attending an average self-defense class for women.

  Carrying their backpacks they walked inside the casual eatery to find it moderately busy, and while there were tables available on the expansive outdoor patio, Kat opted to sit inside. Settling down she ordered a cup of coffee and Marco followed suit.

  “It smells so good in here,” she remarked. “I know we just had pizza, but I’d go for one again. What about you??”

  “I could definitely go for another pizza, and it’s great here.”

  The coffee arrived, and Kat quickly downed several swallows while Marco ordered their meal, then leaning across the table she smiled at him gratefully.

  “This place is perfect. Thanks for bringing me here.”

  “I’ve been thinking about it ever since we were riding up the mountain.”

  “Those rocks,” she said thoughtfully, “I can’t believe they’re not famous. Why haven’t they been found by—I don’t know—archeologists or historians or something?”

  “I’ve been curious about that myself, and I suspect we’re not the only ones who visit there, but it’s not exactly easy to get to. Maybe the other people who have stumbled across it want to keep it to themselves like we do.”

  “I can see that,” she agreed. “I’m going to the ladies’ room. Would you get me more coffee while I’m gone?”


  “Can you point me in the right direction?”

  “There’s a game arcade through there and it’s just around the corner.”

  Rising to her feet she picked up her backpack and walked through the comfortable dining room, finding the bathrooms just where Marco had said. Pushing open the door she was delighted to find it empty. It was perfect for a quick covert call, and pulling out her phone she touched Johnny’s name.

  “Glad you called.”

  “Talk to me, Johnny. Did you uncover anything more about Marco?”

  “You were right. That profile was totally fake.”

  “I knew it! So, what’s his deal?”

  “Prepare yourself. He’s DEA.”


  “I have a call into a buddy of mine over there, but it appears your newfound friend has been working undercover with the Kratos Kings for almost two years.”

  “Two years? No way. Two years?”

  “Crazy, right?”

  “Oh, my God. So…should I come clean?”

  “For sure.”

  “This is so bizarre.”

  “Not the first time agencies have crossed paths like this.”

  “What fantastic news. I have to get back, but first, Mike’s Garage. I’m sure it’s a chop shop and probably a front for other stuff. There’s a chain-link fence around the storage yard with some serious barbed wire across the top.”

  “Got it. I’ll be in touch.”

  “I guess we’ll be able to call each other now.”

  “Yep. That should make life a bit easier. Catch you later.”

  Ending the call Kat broke into a wide grin. Marco wasn’t a nefarious criminal or drug dealer. He was one of the good guys! Retrieving her cosmetics bag she freshened herself up, ran a comb through her hair, and feeling on top of the world she hurriedly returned to the dining area. He was sitting with his back to her, and as she saw him drop his phone in his pocket, she moved swiftly up behind him, dropped her bag, placed her arms around his neck, and hugged him tightly.

  “What’s this for?” he asked, turning his head around and smiling up at her.

  “As a very cool guy once said to me, just cos,” she said with a wink. “Actually, that’s not true. I have some great news.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yep,” she replied, moving around the table and dropping into her chair. “It’s great news for us both.”

  “Really? Is this news coming from Kat the FBI agent, or Kat the hot motorcycle chick?”

  “You knew? Dammit! Why didn’t you say something?” she demanded, her eyes blazing at him “I’ve been so freaked out that I was falling for some…some, bad boy.”

  “Hey! Settle down! I found out thirty seconds ago. I sent your picture off this morning, and called in while you were in the ladies’ room. Apparently so did you.”

  “Oh, sorry.”

  “And are you?” he asked leaning across the table and lowering his voice.

  “Am I what, sorry?”

  “Falling for me.”

  “I’m feeling totally flustered right now,” she muttered feeling a red flush cross her face.

  “I know, and it’s cute. It’s a nice change. You’re always so sure of yourself.”

  “So, uh, all that talk about things being fluid with you,” she continued, “was that because you weren’t sure about me, or is there something else going on I should know about?”

  “The timing of your arrival was suspect.”


  “Aw, shit, you don’t know? Yeah, there is something else going on.”

  “Maybe we should do some information sharing.”

  “Definitely, and my guys are talking to your guys right now, so it looks like we’re going to be working together.”

  “How cool is that?”

  “Very,” he grinned. “I’ll have some backup. What a concept.”

  “And my very sexy bad boy, is actually an angel. I love it.”

  “I’m not sure I’m an angel?”

  “You totally are, you’re a bad boy Angel! You have this really hot, rough look, but you’re one of the good guys. Anyway, tell me what’s happening.”

  “Yes, I think I’d like to change the subject,” he chuckled. “Obviously you know there’s a supply of high-grade heroin and cocaine being distributed by Kratos and his gang.”

  “Duh. I wasn’t sent to hang out at th
e tavern and create this whole persona for home decorating ideas.”

  “Stop being a smart-ass for five minutes!”

  “Sorry, go on.”

  “When we first got wind of a new major dealer in Southern California, we knew right away it was no run-of-the-mill operation. The product was unbelievably pure. It was as if Breaking Bad had come to life. That’s when I was imbedded, but trying to crack this thing has been incredibly difficult. Every lead we got went nowhere, so I was embedded in the Kings. From what we could gather, they were the only gang distributing. I think Kratos worked out an exclusive deal. It’s the only explanation.”

  “It was the same situation with us,” Kat remarked, “except we’ve only been working the case for a few months. We picked up a wannabe actress and she had cocaine on her that was incredibly pure. She said she got it from a Kings biker, but that’s all she’d give us. I was put into the gang to get close to you, but obviously we were seriously late to the ballgame.”

  His eyes narrowed, and Kat suddenly realized what she’d just said.

  “Soooo, you jumped into bed with me just to get information?”

  “NO…I mean…that was why I first started flirting with you, but I wouldn’t have asked you up to my apartment if I hadn’t been totally attracted to you.”

  “But you still had an agenda.”

  “What about you? You just said the same thing about why you were with me.”

  “Let me ask you something,” he said solemnly, “would you have let me into your bed if—”

  “You can stop right there!” she exclaimed holding up her hand. “Marco, this is simple. When we met we both had ulterior motives, but the chemistry was genuine, and just so we’re clear, I have fallen for you, and if you had turned out to be an asshole criminal it would have totally broken my heart. Does that answer whatever question you were about to ask?”

  “Yeah, I guess it does.”

  “And for the record, I never quite believed you were some lowlife drug dealer.”

  “You didn’t? Huh. I thought I had my role down pat.”

  “You must have, or you’d be six feet under. Call it women’s intuition, but what matters now is that we’re both on the same side. Can’t we just focus on that? It’s awesome.”


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