10. DGW, 3:336, 339; Freeman, GW, 3:437–45.
11. Jrnls. Cont. Cong., 2:92, 96.
12. Ibid., 2:93–94.
13. Adams to Elbridge Gerry, June 18, 1775, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 1:503; Adams to Josiah Quincy, July 29, 1775, ibid., 1:667.
14. Jrnls. Cont. Cong., 2:94–103. For sketches of many of the general officers, see: George A. Billias, ed., George Washington’s Generals (New York, 1964).
15. GW to MW, June 18, 1775, WW, 3:293–95; Deane to Eliz. Deane, June 16, 1775, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 1:494.
16. GW to Jack P. Custis, June 19, 1775, WW, 3:299–300; GW to John A. Washington, June 20, 1775, ibid., 3:299; GW to MW, June 23, 1775, ibid., 3:301.
17. GW to Burwell, June 19, 1775, ibid., 3:297.
18. Jrnls. Cont. Cong., 2:100–03.
19. Kenneth R. Rossman, Thomas Mifflin and the Politics of the American Revolution (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1952), 40, 43–44; Ch. Pettit to Reed, June 22, 1775, Reed Mss., 2:16; Daniel Cox to Reed, ibid., 2:21.
20. On Howes see: Ira Gruber, The Howe Brothers and the American Revolution (New York, 1972); Maldwyn A. Jones, “Sir William Howe: Conventional Strategist,” George A. Billias, ed., George Washington’s Opponents: British Generals and Admirals in the American Revolution (New York, 1969), 37–72; Troyer Steele Anderson, The Command of the Howe-Brothers During the American Revolution (New York, 1936). On Bunker Hill, see: John Alden, General Gage in America (Baton Rouge, La., 1948), 251–71; Don Higginbotham, The War of American Independence: Military Attitudes, Policies and Practices (New York, 1971), 68–77.
21. Adams to Abigail Adams, June 23, 1775, Butterfield, Adams Family Corres., 1:226; Freeman, GW, 3:458–59; Flexner, GW, 2:23.
22. Freeman, GW, 3:460–76; William S. Baker, Itinerary of General Washington, from June 15, 1775, to December 23, 1783 (Lambertsville, N.J., 1892), 1–9; Jrnls. Cont. Cong., 2:109–10; GW to PC, June 25, 1775, WW, 3:301–02; GW to Schuyler, June 25, 1775, ibid., 3:302–04; GW to N. Y. Legislature, June 26, 1775, ibid., 3:305; Bush, Revolutionary Enigma, 24–27.
23. Mabel Ives, Washington’s Headquarters (Upper Montclair, N.J., 1932), 13–40; Flexner, GW, 2:60–62.
24. Gen. Orders, July 3,4, and 5, 1775, WW, 3:305–06, 308–12; GW to Mass. Leg., July 10, 1775, ibid., 3:319; GW to PC, July 10, 1775, ibid., 3:320–29; Abigail Adams to John Adams, July 16, 1775, Butterfield, Adams Fam. Corres., 1:246–47; Peter Force, comp., American Archives . . . , 4th Ser., 2:1630; Freeman, GW, 3:493; “The Journal of Dr. Belknap,” MHS, Colls., 4 (1858), 83.
25. GW to PC, July 10, 1775, WW, 3:322–26; Freeman, GW, 3:509.
26. GW to R.H. Lee, July 10, 1775, WW, 3:330; GW to PC, July 10, 1775, ibid., 3:326–27; Philip S. Foner, Blacks in the American Revolution (Westport, Conn., 1975), 42–44; Benjamin Quarles, The Negro in the American Revolution (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1961), 15–17; Walter H. Mazyck, George Washington and the Negro (Washington, D.C., 1932), 37–43.
27. Gen. Orders, July 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, Aug. 11 and 18, 1775, WW, 3:309, 312–17, 333–34, 338, 341, 346, 414, 429; GW to R.H. Lee, July 10 and Aug. 29, 1775, ibid., 3:331, 450; GW to Lund Washington, Aug. 20, 1775, ibid., 3:432; GW to Mass. Leg., Aug. 7, 1775, ibid., 3:408; Joseph Reed to Esther Reed, Oct. 11, 1776, in William B. Reed, The Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed, 2 vols. (Philadelphia, 1847), 1:243.
28. Gen. Orders July 7, 14, 15, 23, Sept. 6, 1775, WW, 3:314, 338, 340, 357, 475; GW to Col. Wm. Woodford, Nov. 10, 1775, ibid., 4:80.
29. GW to PC, July 10 and 20, 1775, ibid., 3:324, 349, 351; GW to Lewis Morris, Aug. 4, 1775, ibid., 3:400; GW to Jos. Palmer, Aug. 7, 1775, ibid., 3:405; GW to R.H. Lee, Aug. 29, 1775, ibid., 3:451; Gen. Orders, Aug. 15, 1775, ibid., 3:425; Jonathan Rossie, The Politics of Command in the American Revolution (Syracuse, N.Y., 1975), 27–30, 61–62, 64.
30. GW to PC, July 20, 27, and Aug. 4, 1775, WW, 3:347, 369, 393; GW to John A. Washington, July 27, 1775, ibid., 3:372; GW to R.H. Lee, Aug. 29, 1775, ibid., 3:450; Freeman, GW, 3:505–507, 516–18.
31. GW to PC, Aug. 4, 1775, WW, 3:393; Gen. Orders, July 26, Aug. 9 and 15, 1775, ibid., 3:366, 410, 425; Freeman, GW, 3:529.
32. GW to Lund Washington, Aug. 20, 1775, WW, 3:435.
33. GW to Schuyler, July 28 and Aug. 20, 1775, WW, 3:373–74, 424; Rossie, Politics of Command, 33–44; Bush, Revolutionary Enigma, 24–40; Benson Lossing, The Life and Times of Philip Schuyler, 2 vols. (New York, 1860–73), 1:330–66.
34. GW to Schuyler, Aug. 20, 1775, WW, 3:436–37; Freeman, GW, 3:532–37.
35. Rossie, Politics of Command, 42–43.
36. Freeman, GW, 3:535–36.
37. Willard M. Wallace, Traitorous Hero: The Life and Fortunes of Benedict Arnold (Freeport, N.Y., 1954), 5–54.
38. GW to Schuyler, Sept. 8, 1775, WW, 3:485–86; GW to Arnold, Sept. 14, 1775, and GW’s Instructions to Arnold, ibid., 3:491–96; Gen. Orders, Sept. 5, 1775, ibid., 3:473; Wallace, Treacherous Hero, 55–61; Rossie, Politics of Command, 38–39.
39. Gen. Orders, Aug. 4, 1775, WW, 3:384–85; Freeman, GW, 3:523–25; Higginbotham, War of American Independence, 102–103; Smith, A New Age, 1:573; John Sellers, “The Virginia Continental Line, 1775–1780,” (-Ph.d. diss. Tulane Univ., 1968), 13; “The Revolutionary War Journal of Aaron Wright, 1775,” Historical Magazine, 6 (1862), 209–210.
40. GW to General Officers, Sept. 8, 1775, WW, 3:483–85; GW to PC, Sept. 21, 1775, ibid., 3:511; Freeman, GW, 3:539–41; Reed to Th. Bradford, Sept. 14, 1775, Reed Mss., 2:126; Reed to [?], Sept. 29, 1775, Reed Lbk; Dave Richard Palmer, The Way of the Fox: American Strategy in the War for Independence (Westport, Conn., 1975), 101.
41. Lee to Benj. Rush, Sept. 19, 1775, The Lee Papers [1754–1811], NYHS, Collections, 4 vols. (New York, 1872–75), 1:206; Eric Robson, The American Revolution: In Its Political and Military Aspects, 1763–1783 (New York, 1966), 161.
42. Reed to Esther Reed, July 26, 1775, Reed Mss., 2:20.
43. Diary of Samuel Ward, Sept. 13, 1775, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 2:10; GW to PC, Sept. 21, 1775, WW, 3:505–13.
44. R.H. Lee to GW, Aug. 1, 1775, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 1:692; Report of Committee on Powder, ibid., 2:181; Freeman, GW, 3:515; GW to Jos. Palmer, Aug. 22, 1775, WW, 3:442; GW to Gov. Nicholas Cooke, Aug. 9, 1775, ibid., 3:386–87.
45. PC to GW, Sept. 19, 30, and Oct. 3, 1775, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 2:31, 82, 105; Eliphalet Dyer to Jos. Trumbull, Sept. 15, 1775, ibid., 2:14; Diary of Samuel Ward, Oct. 3, 1775, ibid., 2:106; Diary of Richard Smith, Sept. 13, 1775, ibid., 2:8; Ward to GW, Sept. 17, 1775, ibid., 2:27; Butterfield, Adams Diary and Autobiog., 2:181.
46. Adams to Warren, Oct. 13, 1775, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 2:178; Jrnls. Cont. Cong., 3:270–71; Freeman, GW, 3:555–56.
47. Conf. Minutes, Oct. 23–24, 1775, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 2:233–38.
48. Jrnls. Cont. Cong., 3:320–27.
49. Franklin to David Hartley [?], Oct. 3, 1775, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 2:103; Butterfield, Adams Diary and Autobiog., 3:354–56, 2:186–217; Jensen, Founding of Nation, 617–18, 632–45.
50. Jrnls. Cont. Cong. 3:314–15; Nathan Miller, Sea of Glory: The Continental Navy Fights for Independence, 1775–1783 (New York, 1974), 39–69; Gardner W. Allen, A Naval History of the American Revolution, 2 vols. (New York, 1913), 1:58–89; Christopher Ward, The War of the Revolution, 2 vols. (New York, 1952), 1:114.
51. GW to Shuyler, Oct. 4, 1775, WW, 4:405; Adams to Warren, June 10, 1775, Robert Taylor et al., eds., Papers of John Adams (Cambridge, Mass., 1977–), 3:22.
52. Reed to Pettit, Aug. 7, 1775, Reed Mss., 1:116; GW to Schuyler, Oct. 4, 1775, WW, 4:405; Nettles, GW and Independence, 151–91.
53. GW to PC, Nov. 8 and 11, 1775, WW, 4:73–74, 82–83; Nettles, GW and Independence, 142–43.
54. Charles Royster, A Revolutionary People at War: The Continental Army and the American Character, 1775–1783 (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1979), 25–53, 61–69.
55. Gruber, Howe Brothers, 41–43, 62–63, 82–83; Anderson
, Command of the Howe Brothers, 82, 85–104.
56. GW to Ward, Nov. 17, 1775, WW, 4:96; GW to John A. Washington, Oct. 13, 1775, ibid., 4:26; GW to PC, Dec. 14, 1775, ibid., 4:162.
57. GW to Gov. Cooke, Dec. 5, 1775, ibid., 4:146; GW to PC, Dec. 4 and 11, 1775, ibid., 4:142, 156; Freeman, GW, 3:569–80; Gen. Lee to Rush, Dec. 12, 1775, Lee Papers, 1:226.
58. GW to PC, Dec. 4, 11, 18, and 25, 1775, WW, 4:143, 156, 173, 183; GW to Reed, Dec. 5, 1775, and Jan. 4, 1776, ibid., 4:166, 211; Higginbotham, War of American Independence, 390.
59. GW to Gov. Trumbull, Dec. 2, 1775, WW, 4:137; GW to PC, Dec. 4, 1775, ibid., 4:142; GW to Reed, Nov. 28, 1775, ibid., 4:124; Higginbotham, War of American Independence, 104; Thayer, Greene, 75–77; Rossie, Politics of Command, 65–66.
60. GW to Reed, Nov. 28, 1775, WW, 4:125; GW to Schuyler, Dec. 5, 1775, ibid., 4:148.
61. Thayer, Greene, 73; MW to Betty Ramsey, Dec. 30, 1775, MVL; Nordham, GW’s Women, 35.
62. GW to Mass. Leg., Nov. 2, 1775, WW, 4:60; GW to PC, Nov. 19, 1775, ibid., 4:101; Gen. Orders, Nov. 19 and 22, 1775, ibid., 4:102, 109; Freeman, GW, 3:582–83.
63. Philip Cash, Medical Men in the Siege of Boston, April 1775 to April 1776 (Philadelphia, 1973), 68–81, 91–92, 105–112; “Diary of Ezekial Price, 1775–1776,” MHS, Colls., 6 (1863), 209–26; “The Journal of James Stevens of Andover, Massachusetts,” Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, 48 (1912), 58, 62.
64. GW to Reed, Nov. 27 and Dec. 15, 1775, WW, 4:118, 168; GW to PC, Dec. 14, 1775, ibid., 4:162.
65. William F. Norwood, “Medicine in the Era of the American Revolution,” International Record of Medicine (1958), 391–407; Whitfield Bell, “Medical Practice in Colonial America,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 31 (1957), 442–53.
66. GW to PC, Dec. 31, 1775, WW, 4:196.
67. Rossie, Politics of Command, 43–44, 50–56; Wallace, Treacherous Hero, 60–86; Kenneth Roberts, March to Quebec (New York, 1940), 201–206.
68. GW to Reed, Jan. 4, 1776, WW, 4:211–12.
At the Brink
1. Lee to Langdon Cater, Jan. 22, 1776, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 3:130.
2. Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:134; Robert L. Scribner and Brent Tarter, eds., Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence (Charlottesville, Va., 1979–), 5:14–18; GW to PC, Jan. 4, 1776, WW, 4:209–10; GW to Reed, Jan. 4, 1776, ibid., 4:210.
3. GW to Reed, Jan. 31, 1776, WW, 4:297; GW to PC, Jan. 4 and 14, 1776, ibid., 4:208–209, 238; GW to Gov. Trumbull, Jan. 7, 1776, ibid., 4:218; GW to Gen. Sullivan, Jan. 10, 1776, ibid., 4:225; GW to Gen. Montgomery, Jan. 12, 1776, ibid., 4:231; GW to Col. Arnold, Jan. 12, 1776, ibid., 4:232; GW to Mass. Leg., Jan. 13, 1776, ibid., 4:235–36.
4. GW to Schuyler, Jan. 18, 1776, ibid., 4:255–56; GW to PC, Jan. 19, 1776, ibid., 4:258.
5. GW to Reed, Jan. 4 and 14, 1776, ibid., 4:210–12, 240–45.
6. On Washington’s character see: Robert Calhoon, “’Inescapable Circularity’: History and the Human Condition in Revolutionary Virginia,” Reviews in American History, 11 (1983), 41; Smith, A New Age, 1:548–53; Edmund S. Morgan, The Meaning of Independence: John Adams, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson (Charlottesville, Va., 1975), 29–41; Edmund S. Morgan, The Genius of George Washington (New York, 1980). For the “to run all Risques” statement, see: GW to Cooke, Aug. 4, 1775, WW, 3:386–87.
7. Peter Force, American Archives . . . , 4th ser., 6 vols. (Washington, D.C., 1837–46), 4:774–75; GW to Col. McDougall, Jan. 13, 1776, WW, 4:234; GW to Lee, Jan. 23, 1776, ibid., 4:267.
8. Gen. Orders, Jan. 21, 22, and 24, 1776, WW, 4:264, 266, 275; GW to PC, Jan. 30, 1776, ibid., 4:288; GW to Reed, Jan. 23 and 31, 1776, ibid., 4:268–69, 296–97.
9. Force, Am. Arch., 4th ser., 4:534–35; Freeman, GW, 4:17; North Callahan, Henry Knox: George Washington’s General (New York, 1958), 32–56.
10. GW to Reed, Feb. 1 and 10, 1776, WW, 4:299–300, 322; GW to PC, Feb. 18, 1776, ibid., 4:335–36; Bellamy, Private Life, 53.
11. Force, Am. Arch., 4th ser., 4:1193; GW to Reed, Feb. 26, 1776, WW, 4:348; GW to PC, Feb. 18, 1776, ibid., 4:335–36; Reed to GW, Mar. 15, 1776, Reed, Reed, 1:171; Nelson, Gates, 45.
12. GW to Lee, Feb. 26, 1776, WW, 4:352; GW to Bassett, Feb. 28, 1776, ibid., 4:359; Gen. Orders, Feb. 27, 1776, ibid., 4:355.
13. GW to PC, Mar. 7, 1776, ibid., 4:370–74.
14. Gen. Orders, Mar. 3 and 4, 1776, ibid., 4:363–64, 368–69; GW to PC, Mar. 7, 1776, ibid., 4:370–79; GW to Reed, Mar. 7, 1776, ibid., 4:379–81; Freeman, GW, 3:28–35.
15. GW to Reed, Mar. 7, 1776, WW, 4:379.
16. Anderson, Command of the Howe Brothers, 99–100; Force, Am. Arch., 4th ser., 4:458–59.
17. Boston Selectmen to GW, Mar. 8, 1776, WW, 4:377n.
18. GW to PC, Mar. 13, 1776, ibid., 4:390; GW to Cooke, Mar. 17, 1776, ibid., 4:401.
19. GW to PC, Mar. 19, 1776, ibid., 4:403; Freeman, GW, 3:50–51.
20. GW to PC, Mar. 19, 1776, WW, 4:403–404; GW to Reed, Mar. 19, 1776, ibid., 4:405–406; GW to Schuyler, Mar. 19, 1776, ibid., 4:407; John C. Dann, ed., The Revolution Remembered: Eyewitness Accounts of the War for Independence (Chicago, 1977), 10.
21. GW to Reed, Mar. 25, 1776, WW, 4:430–31; Freeman, GW, 3:56–57.
22. GW to PC, Mar. 27, 1776, WW, 4:436–37; GW to Reed, Mar. 28, 1776, ibid., 4:439; GW to Putnam, Mar. 29, 1776, ibid., 4:442–43; Gen. Orders, Mar. 30 and 31, 1776, ibida., 4:444–45.
23. GW to John A. Washington, Mar. 31, 1776, ibid., 4:446, 450; GW to Reed, Apr. 1, 1776, ibid., 4:453.
24. Lee to GW, Jan. 5, 1776, Lee Papers, 1:234; GW to PC, Jan. 4, 1776, WW, 4:208–209; GW, “Instructions to Major General Charles Lee,” Jan. 8, 1776, ibid., 4:221–23; Adams to GW, Jan. 6, 1776, Taylor, Papers of Adams, 3:395–96; GW to Adams, Jan. 7, 1776, ibid., 3:397.
25. Alden, Lee, 95–103; Lee to Prov. Cong. of New York, Mar. 6, 1776, Lee Papers, 1:350–51, 36°; Lee, “Report on the Defense of New York,” ibid., 1:354–57.
26. GW to PC, May 5 and July 4, 1776, WW, 4:20, 219.
27. GW to Knox, Apr. 3, 1776, ibid., 4:462; GW to Morgan, Apr. 3, 1776, ibid., 4:465; GW to Reed, Apr. 15, 1776, ibid., 4:483; Freeman, GW, 4:77.
28. Ferling, A Wilderness of Miseries, 97, 101; Smith, A New Age, 1:1711–12.
29. GW to PC, Apr. 15, 1776, WW, 4:479–80; Ives, GW’s Headquarters, 46–65; Royster, A Revolutionary People at War, 60–61; Baker, Itinerary ofGW, 37.
30. Butterfield, Adams Diary and Autobiog., 2:119; GW to PC, Apr. 15 and 27, 1776, WW, 4:480, 501–502; GW to NY Comm. of Public Safety, Apr. 17, 1776, ibid., 4:487; Gen. Orders, Apr. 19 and 27, 1776, ibid., 4:491, 526.
31. GW to Lee, May 1, 1776, WW, 5:2; GW to NY Leg., May 19, 1776, ibid., 5:59; GW to Gen. Putnam, May 21, 1776, ibid., 5:68; GW to PC, June 20 and July 3, 1776, ibid., 5:161, 215.
32. Lee, “Report,” Lee Papers, 1:354–57; GW to PC, June 13 and Aug. 5, 1776, WW, 5:129, 370–71; GW to NY Leg., May 19, 1776, ibid., 5:59; GW to Putnam, May 21, 1776, ibid., 5:69.
33. Reed to Esther Reed, July 26, 1775, Reed Mss., 2:20; GW to Reed, Jan. 14, 1776, WW, 4:240; Roche, Reed, 67–70; Freeman, GW, 4:72; Lee to GW, Nov. 12, 1775, Lee Papers, 1:273.
34. GW to Reed, Nov. 20, 28, 1775, Mar. 7 and Apr. 15, 1776, WW, 4:104, 123, 381, 483; Adams to Tudor, June 24, 1776, Taylor, Papers of Adams, 4:336.
35. Reed to Esther Reed, June 4, 1776, Reed Mss., 4:14.
36. WW, 5:87n; GW to Jesse Root, Aug. 7, 1776, ibid., 5:391; Jrnl. Cont. Cong., 4:399–401; Josiah Bartlett to John Langdon, June 3, 1776, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 4:125; Joseph Hewes to Samuel Johnston, May 26, 1776, ibid., 4:78.
37. Jrnl. Cont. Cong., 4:376–78, 388, 394–96, 399–401, 412; Whipple to Joshua Brackett, June 2, 1776, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 4:119.
38. Reed to GW, Mar. 3, 1776, Reed Mss., 4:12; Adams to Abigail Adams, Feb. 13 and 18, Apr. 12, 14, and 15, 1776, Butterfield, Adams Fam. Corres., 1:346, 348–49, 377, 382–83; Jensen, Founding of a Nation, 632–66.<
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39. GW to John A. Washington, May 31, 1776, WW, 5:91; Freeman, GW, 5:10m; Smith, Letters of Delegates, 4:9–Ion. Cultural historian Kenneth A. Silverman discerns an “embarrassed” look on Washington’s face. See: Silverman, A Cultural History of the American Revolution. Painting, Music, Literature and the Theater in the Colonies and the United States . . . (New York, 1976), 317.
40. GW to John A. Washington, July 22, 1776, WW, 5:327; Flexner, GW, 2:95.
41. Gen. Orders, July 2, 1776, WW, 5:211; GW to Trumbull, July 9, 1776, ibid., 5:241.
42. GW to Ward, July 11, 1776, ibid., 5:256; Gen. Orders, July 11, 1776, ibid., 5:263; GW to PC, Aug. 2, 1776, ibid., 5:364.
43. Gen. Orders, July 7, 9, 10, 12, 18, 19, 20, 25, Aug. 2, 4, 6, 13, 15, 17, and 20, 1776, ibid., 5:230, 244, 246, 264, 299, 301, 313, 336, 366, 368, 376, 426, 427, 443, 468.
44. Gen. Orders, Aug. 1, 1776, ibid., 5:361; GW to Putnam, Aug. 25, 1776, ibid., 5:488.
45. John Bakeless, Turncoats, Traitors and Heroes (New York, 1959), 94–109; Freeman, GW, 4:115–20; Carlos E. Godrey, The Commander-in-Chief’s Guard (Washington, 1904), 21–35; Gen. Orders, June 28, 1776, WW, 5:194–95. After the war a certain “credibility” was given to the action against Hickey when certain of his alleged co-conspirators once again publicly admitted their complicity in the plot; however, in some cases these were men in quest of a Loyalist pension, a lure that might have colored their testimony.
46. GW to PC, July 12, 14, Aug. 7, 1776, WW, 5:264, 275, 382; GW to Trumbull, Aug. 7, 1776, ibid., 390; Freeman, GW, 4:135–36, 145–46.
47. Lee to GW, Feb. 14, 1776, Lee Papers, 1:295.
48. Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:195–201; Whittemore, Sullivan, 26–31.
49. GW to PC, June 17 and July 17, 1776, WW, 5:152–53, 296; Nelson, Gates, 55–57; Whittemore, Sullivan, 29–31.
50. GW to Schuyler, May 17, June 7, 13, and 24, 1776, WW, 5:52, 102, 130, 171; GW to PC, June 9, 27, and 29, 1776, ibid., 5:112, 183, 199; GW to Sullivan, June 16, 1776, ibid., 5:148; GW to Mass Leg., June 28, 1776, ibid., 5:187–88.
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