51. GW to Ward, July 29, 1776, ibid., 5:352; GW to Trumbull, Aug. 1, 1776, ibid., 5:363; GW to Col. Samuel Miles, Aug. 8, 1776, ibid., 5:393; GW to Gen. Hugh Mercer, Aug. 8, 1776, ibid., 5:395; GW to NY Leg., Aug. 8, 1776, ibid., 5:401; Charles K. Bolton, The Private Soldier Under Washington (New York, 1902), 38–39; Samuel Richards, Diary of Samuel Richards (Philadelphia, 1909), 9, 46; R.G. Albion and L. Dodson, eds., The Journal of Philip Vickers Fithian, 1775–1776, 2 vols. (Princeton, N.J., 1924), 1:131; 2:20; James Thacher, A Military Journal of the American Revolution . . . to the Disbanding of the American Army (Hartford, Conn., 1862), 20, 28, 303; Ferling, A Wilderness of Miseries, 121–26.
Washington’s War Begins
1. GW to PC, Aug. 12, 1776, WW, 5:416.
2. Gruber, Howe Brothers, 73–76; Rodney Atwood, The Hessians: Mercenaries from Hessen-Kassel in the American Revolution (Cambridge, Eng., 1980), 13–14, 22–32.
3. GW to PC, July 14, 1776, WW, 5:273–74; Reed to Pettit, July 15, 1776, Reed, Reed, 1:204.
4. GW to PC, July 22, 1776, WW, 5:321, 321–23n; Reed to Esther Reed, July 20 and 26, 1776, Reed Mss., 4:37, 40.
5. GW, “Address . . . ,” WW, 4:245.
6. WW, 5:57n; Reed to Pettit, Aug. 4, 1776, Reed, Reed, 1:212–13; Reed to Esther Reed, July 20, 1776, ibid., 1:208.
7. Atwood, Hessians, 53–57, 61.
8. GW to PC, Aug. 16, 1776, WW, 5:439–40; Gen. Orders, Aug. 20, 1776, ibid., 5:469.
9. Gen. Orders, Aug. 20, 1776, ibid., 5:469; GW to PC, Aug. 22, 1776, ibid., 5:475.
10. Henry Johnston, The Campaign of 1776 Around New York and Brooklyn (Brooklyn, 1878), 49–73. 143; Thomas W. Field, The Battle of Long Island, with Connected Preceding Events, and the Subsequent American Retreat (Brooklyn, 1869), 153.
11. GW to Gen. William Heath, Aug. 23, 1776, WW, 5:475; GW to PC, Aug. 23 and 26, 1776, ibid., 5:476, 491; GW to Putnam, Aug. 24, 1776, ibid., 5:486–87; Robert Harrison to PC, Aug. 27, 1776, ibid., 5:494; Reed to Livingston, Aug. 30, 1776, Field, Battle of Long Island, 397; Alan Valentine, Lord Stirling (New York, 1969), 43–49, 55, 153–75.
12. Johnston, Campaign of 1776, 148–73; Reed to Livingston, Aug. 30, 1776, Field, Battle of Long Island, 397; Freeman, GW, 4:159–68.
13. Anderson, Command of the Howe Brothers,134.
14. GW to NY Leg., Aug. 30, 1776, WW, 5:498–99.
15. GW to PC, Aug. 31, 1776, ibid., 5:508; Gen. Orders, Aug. 31, 1776, ibid., 5:502; Force, Am. Arch., 5th Ser., 1:1246.
16. George E. Scheer, ed., Private Yankee Doodle (Boston, 1962), 27–29.
17. Dann, Revolution Remembered, 44.
18. GW to PC, Sept. 2 and 8, 1776, WW, 6:5–6, 28; Gen. Orders, Sept. 4, 1776, ibid., 6:16; “Jedidiah Swan’s Orderly Book,” New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings, 2 (1917), 27–28; Freeman, GW, 4:180–81.
19. GW to Mass. Leg., Sept. 19, 1776, WW, 6:75–76.
20. Reed to Esther Reed, Sept. 2 and 6, 1776, Reed Mss., 4:56, 57.
21. GW to PC, Sept. 2 and 8, 1776, WW, 6:6–7, 28–29, 7n.
22. GW to PC, Sept. 8, 14, 16, and 19, 1776, ibid., 6:45, 53–54, 59, 73, and 54n; GW to Gov. Cooke, Sept. 17, 1776, ibid., 6:63; JCC, 5:733, 749; Freeman, GW, 4:184–90.
23. GW to PC, Sept. 14 and 16, 1776, WW, 6:53, 58; Benjamin Trumbull, “Journal of the Campaign at New York, 1776–1777,” Connecticut Historical Society, Collections, 7 (1899), 195; Atwood, Hessians, 70–71. On the peace talks initiated by Howe that September, see: Butterfield, Adams Diary and Autobiog., 3:415–24.
24. GW to PC, Sept. 16, 1776, WW, 6:57–58; Victor Paltsits, “The Jeopardy of Washington,” New York Historical Society Quarterly, 32 (1948), 267–68.
25. Anderson, Command of the Howe Brothers, 173–79; Johnston, Campaign of 1776, 231–39.
26. GW to PC, Sept. 16 and 18, 1776, WW, 6:59, 68–69; GW to Mass. Leg., Sept. 19, 1776, ibid., 6:77; Reed to Esther Reed, Sept. 17, 1776, Reed Mss., 4:59; Scheer, Private Yankee Doodle, 41–43.
27. Reed to Esther Reed, Sept. 17, 1776, Reed Mss., 4:59; Freeman, GW, 4:204; Scheer, Private Yankee Doodle, 46.
28. Anderson, Command of the Howe Brothers, 181–82; Gruber, Howe Brothers, 127–28; GW to Mass. Leg., Sept. 19, 1776, WW, 6:76–77; GW to John A. Washington, Sept. 22, 1776, ibid., 6:95.
29. GW to Gov. Trumbull, Oct. 9, 1776, WW, 6:190; GW to PC, Oct. 13, 1776, ibid., 6:197.
30. Force, Am. Arch., 5th ser., 2:1118; Freeman, GW, 4:222.
31. George A. Billias, General John Glover and His Marblehead Mariners (New York, 1960), 114–23; Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:261.
32. GW to PC, Nov. 6, 1776, WW, 6:248–50; Reed to Esther Reed, Nov. 6, 1776, Reed, Reed, 1:248; Scheer, Private Yankee Doodle, 55; Force, Am. Arch., 5th ser., 3:543–44; Freeman, GW, 4:374.
33. Force, Am. Arch., 5th ser., 3:618–19; GW to PC, Nov. 16, 1776, WW, 6:285–86; GW to Reed, Aug. 22, 1779, ibid., 16:151–52; Freeman, GW, 4:242–51.
34. Freeman, GW, 4:252.
35. GW to PC, Nov. 16, 1776, WW, 6:285–86.
36. GW to PC, Nov. 23, 1776, ibid., 6:303.
37. Adams to Gen. Samuel Parsons, Oct. 2, 1776, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 5:286; Adams to Wm. Tudor, Sept. 26, 1776, ibid., 5:240; Adams to Knox, Sept. 29, 1776, ibid., 5:260; Adams to Abigail Adams, Oct. 7, 1776, Butterfield, Adams Fam. Corres., 2:139; Adams to Knox, Sept. 30[?], 1776, Edmund C. Burnett, ed., Letters of Members of the Continental Congress, 8 vols. (Washington, D.C., 1921–36), 2:108.
38. Alden, Lee, 136–45.
39. Lee to Reed, Nov. 16, 1776, Lee Papers, 2:283; Reed to Lee, Nov. 21, 1776, ibid., 2:293–94.
40. Lee to Reed, Nov. 24, 1776, ibid., 2:305–306.
41. On GW’s reaction, see his later letter of June 14, 1777, to Reed, in WW, 7:247.
42. GW to Reed, Nov. 30, 1776, ibid., 6:313.
43. Reed to Esther Reed, Oct. 11, 1776, Reed Mss., 4:61; Reed to PC, Nov. 28 and Dec. 2, 1776, Reed NYPL.
44. Roche, Reed, 100–101.
45. GW to PC, Nov. 14, 27, and 30, 1776, WW, 6:279, 310, 314; GW to Lee, Nov. 21, 1776, ibid., 6:298.
46. GW to PC, Nov. 19, 1776, ibid., 6:293, 295.
47. GW to Livingston, Nov. 21, 1776, ibid., 6:302; GW to Lee, Nov. 21 and 27, Dec. 1, 3, 10, 11, and 14, 1776, ibid., 6:299, 309, 318, 326, 341, 348, 370.
48. GW to PC, Dec. 20, 1776, ibid., 6:407; Alden, Lee, 151–57.
49. GW to PC, Dec. 1, 2, 8, and 9, 1776, WW, 6:321–23, 335–37, 339; Freeman, GW, 4:268; Franklin and Mary Wickwire, Cornwallis and the War of Independence (London, 1971), 7–46, 90–94; Hugh Rankin, “Charles Lord Cornwallis: A Study in Frustration,” Billias, GW’s Opponents, 193–232.
50. William S. Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton (Boston, 1898), 37; GW to Stirling, Dec. 14, 1776, WW, 6:367.
51. GW to PC, Dec. 3, 6, 8, and 20, 1776, WW, 6:325, 331, 335, 402, 411; Freeman, GW, 4:273, 278–81; Nelson, Gates, 72–73; Stryker, Trenton and Princeton, 18–19, 34–35.
52. Anderson, Command of the Howe Brothers, 204–12; Atwood, Hessians, 84–87; Gruber, Howe Brothers, 148.
53. GW to Trumbull, Dec. 14, 1776, WW, 6:366; Palmer, Way of the Fox, 133.
54. GW to Lund Washington, Dec. 17, 1776, WW, 6:347; GW to John A. Washington, Dec. 18, 1776, ibid., 6:398; GW to PC, Dec. 5 and 11, 1776, ibid., 6:330–31, 351.
55. GW to PC, Dec. 27, 1776, ibid., 6:441–43.
56. Stryker, Trenton and Princeton, 64–65, 86–88, 112–13; GW to PC, Dec. 15, 1776, WW, 6:378; GW to Gates, Dec. 14, 1776, ibid., 6:372; GW to Trumbull, Dec. 14, 1776, ibid., 6:366; Conner, Autobiography of Rush, 124; Reed to GW, Dec. 22, 1776, Reed, Reed, 1:271–73.
57. George F. Scheer and Hugh F. Rankin, eds., Rebels and Redcoats (New York, 1957), 212.
58. GW to PC, Dec. 27, 1776, WW, 1:441–44; Stryker, Trenton and Princeton, 70–192; Scheer and Rankin, Rebels and Redcoats, 212; Atwood, Hessians, 43, 64, 84–95; Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:291–303; Freeman, GW, 4:303–24.
59. GW to Cadwalader, Dec. 27, 1776, WW, 6:446–47; F
reeman, GW, 6:327–29.
60. GW to Cadwalader, Dec. 27, 1776, WW, 6:447; GW to Heath, Dec. 28, 1776, ibid., 6:447; GW to PC, Dec. 29, 1776, ibid., 6:451.
61. GW to PC, Jan. 1, 1777, ibid., 6:462.
62. Ibid., 6:461–62; JCC, 6:1045.
63. Reed, Reed, 1:282–83.
64. Scheer and Rankin, Rebels and Redcoats, 217; Freeman, GW, 4:373–74.
65. Reed, “Narrative,” Reed, Reed, 1:282–83.
66. Joseph M. Waterman, With Sword and Lancet: The Life of General Hugh Mercer (Richmond, Va., 1941), 45–86.
67. Stryker, Trenton and Princeton, 255–98; Scheer and Rankin, Rebels and Redcoats, 219.
68. GW to PC, Jan. 5 and 7, 1777, WW, 6:467–71, 477–78; Freeman, GW, 4:343–57; Alfred Hoyt Bill, The Campaign of Princeton, 1776–1777 (Princeton, N.J., 1948), 95–123; Waterman, With Sword and Lancet, 278–98.
69. The Journal of Nicholas Cresswell, 1774–1777 (Port Washington, N.Y., 1968), 179–81.
70. Piers Mackesy, The War for America, 1775–1783 (Cambridge, Mass., 1965), 98–102; Gruber, Howe Brothers, 191–92, 227; Atwood, Hessians, 97–98; Solomon Lutnick, The American Revolution and the British Press, 1775–1783 (Columbia, Mo., 1967), 77, 79, 95; Royster, A Revolutionary People at War, 119.
71. GW to PC, Jan. 5, 1777, WW, 6:470.
The Campaign of 1777
1. Leonard Lundin, Cockpit of the American Revolution: The War for Independence in New Jersey (Princeton, N.J., 1940), 231–33.
2. GW to Heath, Jan. 7, 9, 12, 17, and 19, 1777, WW, 6:475, 482–83, 497–98; 7:24, 31; GW to PC, Jan. 7, 9, and Feb. 5, 1777, ibid., 6:477, 487; 7:103; GW to Shippen, Jan. 6, 1777, ibid., 6:473–74.
3. GW to Heath, Feb. 3, 1777, ibid., 7:94–95. Also see, ibid., 7:31n and 96n.
4. GW to PC, Jan. 12, 14, 22, and Feb. 5, 14, 28, 1777, ibid., 6:502; 7:9, 48–49, 105, 146, 205; GW to Reed, Jan. 14, 1777, ibid., 7:15; GW to Schuyler, Jan. 18, 1777, ibid., 7:27; Freeman, GW, 4:383n; R. Arthur Bowler, Logistics and the Failure of the British Army in America, 1775–1783 (Princeton, N.J., 1975), 67–69.
5. Bowler, Logistics, 8–11, 92–145; Edward E. Curtis, The Organization of the British Army in the American Revolution (New Haven, Conn., 1926), 81–147.
6. GW to Morris, Jan. 19, 1777, WW, 7:32; GW to Pa. Council of Safety, Jan. 19, 1777, ibid. 7:35; GW to Gates, Feb. 20, 1777, ibid., 7:176; GW to John Augustine Washington, Feb. 24, 1777, ibid., 7:198.
7. Gruber, Howe Brothers, 156–57, 179–80, 188–89; Anderson, Command of the Howe Brothers, 214–222; Palmer, Way of the Fox, 139; John Adams to Abigail Adams, Sept. 1, 1777, Butterfield, Adams Fam. Corres., 2:335.
8. GW to PC, Jan. 22, Feb. 20, 1777, WW, 7:48, 168; Robert K. Wright, Jr., The Continental Army (Washington, D.C., 1983), 91–119; James Kirby Martin and Mark E. Lender, A Respectable Army: The Military Origins of the Republic, 1763–1789 (Arlington Heights, 111., 1982), 30–34, 69–78, 87–97; Edward C. Papenfuse and Gregory A. Stiverson, “General Smallwood’s Recruits: The Peacetime Career of the Revolutionary War Private,” William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 30 (1973), 117–32; JCC, 6:944–45. The emergence of the new army also has been explained as arising from the economic realities of the war. If the army was composed principally of landowning farmers not enough food would be available for both soldiers and civilians; hence, after 1777 farmers remained at home, while the least productive elements in society soldiered. See: Richard Buel, Jr., “Samson Shorn: The Impact of the Revolutionary War on Estimates of the Republic’s Strength,” in Ronald Hoffman and Peter J. Albert, eds., Arms and Independence: The Military Character of the American Revolution (Charlottesville, Va., 1984), 141–65.
9. Freeman, GW, 4:397; GW to Gov. Cooke, Apr. 3, 1777, WW, 7:350; GW to Patrick Henry, May 31, 1777, ibid., 8:148; GW to Gen. Parsons, May 25, 1777, ibid., 8:124; GW to Richard Henry Lee, June 1, 1777, ibid., 8:161; GW to PC, Mar. 14, 1777, ibid., 7:285; Buel, Dear Liberty, 105, 110–11; Wright, Continental Army, 111; Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:320–21.
10. Royster, A Revolutionary People, 87, 147–51; John Adams to Abigail Adams, Feb. 21, 1777, Butterfield, Adams Fam. Corres., 2:165; GW to PC, Oct. 4, 1776, WW, 6:153; GW to Gov. Livingston, Feb. 11, 1777, ibid., 7:134; GW to Col. Livingston, Feb. 20, 1777, ibid., 7:182; GW to Gov. Woodward, Mar. 3, 1777, ibid., 7:140; GW to John Parke Custis, Jan. 23, 1777, ibid., 7:54; GW to Heath, Apr. 10, 1777, ibid., 7:384; Gen. Orders, Feb. 9, Apr. 17 and 23, 1777, ibid., 7:122, 215, 422, 423; 8:23; GW to Gen. Smallwood, May 3, 1777, ibid., 7:13.
11. GW to Arnold, Apr. 3, 1777, ibid., 7:352 and 234n; John Adams to Abigail Adams, May 22, 1777, Butterfield, Adams Fam. Corres., 2:245.
12. Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:321; GW to Heath, May 2, 1777, WW, 8:2–3; Gw to Bd. of War, June 30, 1777, ibid., 8:318–19; GW to Knox, Jan. 16, 1777, ibid., 7:18–19; GW to Col. Benj. Flower, Jan. 16, 1777, ibid., 7:20–22; Wright, Continental Army, 104.
13. GW to PC, Mar. 26 and Apr. 28, 1777, WW, 7:319, 490; GW to Heath, Mar. 29, 1777, ibid., 7:332; GW to McDougall, Apr. 28, 1777, ibid., 7:487; Freeman, GW, 4:409–411.
14. Gruber, Howe Brothers, 199–215.
15. Edward Tatum, ed., The American Journal of Ambrose Serle (Los Angeles, 1940), 226; Gruber, Howe Brothers, 228.
16. GW to McDougall, May 1, 1777, WW, 8:2; GW to Bd. of War, May 10, 1777, ibid., 8:36; GW to Putnam, May 12 and 26, 1777, ibid., 8:74; GW to John Augustine Washington, June 1, 1777, ibid., 8:157.
17. GW to Sullivan, June 14, 15 and 17, 1777, ibid., 8:248, 251–52, 262–63; GW to Schuyler, June 16 and 20, 1777, ibid., 8:253, 275.
18. GW to PC, June 22, 1777, ibid., 8:281–82; GW to Reed, June 23, 1777, ibid., 8:295.
19. GW to PC, June 25, 1777, ibid., 8:298; GW to Putnam, June 22, 1777, ibid., 8:284; GW to Wm. Gordon, June 29, 1777, ibid., 8:316; Tatum, Journal of Serle, 234.
20. GW to PC, June 28 and 29, 1777, WW, 8:307, 308–309; GW to John Augustine Washington, June 29, 1777, ibid., 8:314; Tatum, Journal of Serle, 235–36; Gruber, Howe Brothers, 229; Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:326–28; Alan Valantine, Lord Stirling (New York, 1969), 202–205.
21. GW to PC, July 10, 1777, WW, 8:376–77.
22. Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:384–411; Rossie, Politics of Command, 107–17; Nelson, Gates, 58–92; Richard J. Hargrove, General John Burgoyne (Newark, Del., 1983), 141.
23. Hargrove, Burgoyne, 117–29, 147–48, 178, 192, 269; Gruber, Howe Brothers, 208, 212, 232–33.
24. GW to PC, July 10, 1777, WW, 8:376–77.
25. GW to PC, July 12, 14, 16, and 22, 1777, ibid., 8:384, 407, 414–15, 453–54, 471–72; GW to Schuyler, July 18, 1777, ibid., 8:427; GW to Heath, July 19, 1777, ibid., 8:439; GW to Gates, July 30, 1777, ibid., 8:499; Freeman, GW, 4:446–47.
26. GW to PC, July 30, 1777, WW, 8:502; GW to John Augustine Washington, Aug. 5, 1777, ibid., 9:21; Anderson, Command of the Howe Brothers, 279–82.
27. GW to Samuel Washington, Aug. 10, 1777, WW, 9:40; GW to Heath, Aug. 10, 1777, ibid., 9:42; GW to PC, Aug. 10 and 21, 1777, ibid., 9:46–52, 107–109; GW to Gates, Aug. 20, 1777, ibid., 9:102; “Council of War,” Aug. 21, 1777, ibid., 9:109–110, 11on.
28. GW to PC, Aug. 21, 1777, ibid., 9:111.
29. Gen. Orders, Aug. 23–24, 1777, ibid., 9:125–27, 129; Freeman, GW, 4:462; Henry Marchant to Nicholas Cooke, Aug. 24, 1777, Smith, Letters, 7:541; John Adams to Abigail Adams, Aug. 24, 1777, Butterfield, Adams Fam. Corres., 2:327–28.
30. Gruber, Howe Brothers, 233–38.
31. GW to Sullivan, Mar. 15, Aug. 3, 10, and 27, 1777, WW, 7:290; 8:6, 44, 135; Whittemore, Sullivan, 51–52, 55.
32. Gen. Orders, Aug. 22, 1777, WW, 9:122; GW to Gates, Sept. 1, 1777, ibid., 9:154; Nelson, Gates, 89–113; Hargrove, Burgoyne, 147–59; Higginbotham, War for American Independence, 191.
33. Atwood, Hessians, 117; Gen. Orders, Sept. 5 and 7, 1777, WW, 9:181–82, 192; GW to PC, Sept. 9, 1777, ibid., 9:197–98.
34. Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:344–53; Freeman, GW, 4:471–84; Thayer, Greene,
198–96; Whittemore, Sullivan, 56–64; Valentine, Stirling, 207–210; GW to PC, Sept. 11, 1777, WW, 9:206–207; Mark E. Lender and James Kirby Martin, eds., Citizen Soldier: The Revolutionary War Journal of Joseph Bloomfield (Newark, N.J., 1982), 127.
35. Freeman, GW, 4:484–89; Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:351, 353–54; Whittemore, Sullivan, 56–57; GW to PC, Sept. 11, 1777, WW, 9:207–208; GW to Heath, Sept. 30, 1777, ibid., 9:287.
36. GW to PC, Sept. 16, 17, 19, and 23, 1777, WW, 9:230, 231, 238, 258–59; GW to Anthony Wayne, Sept. 18, 1777, ibid., 9:235; GW to Bd. of War, Nov. 3, 1777, ibid., 9:497; GW to Gov. Clinton, Sept. 19[?], ibid., 9:241.
37. GW to Sullivan, Sept. 21, 1777, ibid., 9:245; GW to PC, Sept. 23, 1777, ibid., 9:257–60; “Council of War,” Sept. 23, 1777, ibid., 9:261; Freeman, GW, 4:490–98; Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:355–61. On the Paoli affair, see: Paul David Nelson, Anthony Wayne: Soldier of the Early Republic (Bloomington, Ind., 1985), 55–57.
38. GW to Heath, Sept. 30, 1777, WW, 9:287; Nelson, Gates, 103–21.
39. GW to Gates, Sept. 24, 1777, WW, 9:264; GW to Putnam, Sept. 23 and Oct. 1, ibid., 9:253, 290; GW to Thomas Nelson, Sept. 27, 1777, ibid., 9:271.
40. “Councils of War,” Sept. 27 and 28, 1777, ibid., 9:259–61, 277–79; Bernard Knollenberg, George Washington and the American Revolution, A Reappraisal: Gates, Conway and the Continental Congress (New York, 1941), 24–29.
41. GW to PC, Oct. 5, 1777, WW, 9:308–309; Freeman, GW, 4:50In.
42. Gen. Orders, Oct. 3, 1777, WW, 9:305–306.
43. Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:362–71; Freeman, GW, 4:502–19; Thayer, Greene, 201–202; Whittemore, Sullivan, 69–75.
44. GW to PC, Sept. 23, 1777, WW, 9:259.
45. “Reports on Fortifying the Delaware,” Aug. 6–9, 1777, in Worthington C. Ford, ed., Defences of Philadelphia in 1777 (Brooklyn, 1897), 5–30; GW to PC, Aug. 10, 1777, WW, 9:46–53; W. H. Moomaw, “The Denouement of General Howe’s Campaign of 1777,” English Historical Review, 79 (1964), 500–501.
46. Ford, Defenses, 5–45; Freeman, GW, 4:527–29.
47. GW to Gen. Newcomb, Oct. 22, 1777, WW, 9:418; GW to PC, Nov. 23, 1777, ibid., 10:100; Ward, War of the Revolution, 1:372–77; Thayer, Greene, 207; Atwood, Hessians, 118–29; Gruber, Howe Brothers, 246–52, 558–60.
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