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by Ferling, John;

  48. GW to Samuel Washington, Oct. 27, 1777, WW, 9:451.

  49. GW to Gates, Oct. 30, 1777, ibid., 9:465.

  50. “Council of War,” Oct. 26 [29], 1777, ibid., 9:441–42, 442n, 461–64; GW to PC, Nov. 1 and 17, 1777, ibid., 9:478; 10:73–74; GW to Greene, Nov. 22, 1777, ibid., 10:96, 104–105; Greene to Gw, Nov. 24, 1777, Richard K. Showman et al., eds., The Papers of Nathanael Greene (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1976–), 2:208–209, 212.

  51. GW to Greene, Nov. 25, 1777, Showman, Papers of Greene, 10:104–105; GW to Greene or Varnum or Huntington, Nov. 28, 1777, ibid., 10:120–21.

  52. Scheer, Private Yankee Doodle, 101; Smith, Letters, 8:38In; Freeman, GW, 4:561–63.

  53. GW to Gates, Dec. 2, 1777, WW, 10:133; GW to Reed, Dec. 2, 1777, ibid., 10:133; GW to PC, Dec. 22 and 23, 1777, ibid., 10:186–88, 196; Gen. Orders, Dec. 17, 1777, ibid., 10:167–68; Congress to GW, Dec. 15[?], 1777, ibid., 10:16263; John F. Reed, Campaign to Valley Forge, July 1, 1777–December 19, 1777 (Philadelphia, 1965), 381–96; Smith, Letters, 8:442n.


  The New Continental Army

  1. GW to John Augustine Washington, Nov. 26, 1777, WW, 10:113–14; GW to Henry, Nov. 13, 1777, ibid., 10:53; GW to PC, Nov. 26–27, 1777, ibid., 10:109; Ward, War of the Revolution, 2:543.

  2. Gen. Orders, Dec. 18, 29, 1777, and Jan. 4, 1778, WW, 10:170–71, 235, 262; GW to Gen. Robt. Howe, Jan. 13, 1778, ibid., 10:301; GW to Morris, Feb. 10, 1778, ibid., 10:447; Martha Washington to Mercy Otis Warren, Mar. 7, 1778, ibid., 10:414n; Scheer, Private Yankee Doodle, 102; John B.B. Trussell, Jr., Birthplace of an Army: A Study of the Valley Forge Encampment (Harrisburg, Pa., 1976), 21.

  3. GW, “Circular to the States,” Dec. 29, 1777, WW, 10:224; GW to Bd. of War, Jan. 2–3, 1778, ibid., 10:251; GW to Putnam, Jan. 22, 1778, ibid., 10:334; GW to Gen. James Potter, Dec. 21, 1777, ibid., 10:182; GW to PC, Dec. 23, 1777, ibid., 10:193; Gen. Orders, Jan. 1, 1778, ibid., 10:243 and 243n; Greene to GW, Jan. 1, 1777, Showman, Papers of Greene, 2:241; Ward, War of the Revolution, 2:545; Royster, A Revolutionary People, 190–94.

  4. Gen. Orders, Jan. 13 and 15, 1778, WW, 10:300, 306; Ward, War of the Revolution, 2:546; Charles H. Lesser, ed., The Sinews of Independence: Monthly Strength Reports of the Continental Army (Chicago, 1976), 54–61.

  5. GW to John Parke Custis, Feb. 1, 1778, WW, 10:414; GW to Capt. Geo. Lewis, Jan. 11, 1778, ibid., 10:290; GW, “General Instructions for the Colonels . . . ,” ibid., 10:242; Gen. Orders, Feb. 4, 1778, ibid., 10:421; Flexner, GW, 2:282–83; Walter H. Blumenthal, Women Camp Followers of the American Revolution (Philadelphia, 1952), 57–90.

  6. GW to PC, Mar. 24, 1778, WW, 9:139; Greene to GW, Jan. 1, 1778, Showman, Papers of Greene, 2:241; Royster, A Revolutionary People, 195; Trussel, Birthplace of an Army, 90.

  7. GW to “Committee of Congress with the Army,” Jan. 29, 1778, WW, 10:362–65.

  8. JCC, 11:502–503; Wright, Continental Army, 124–25; Royster, A Revolutionary People, has the most complete treatment on the officer caste and its drive for professional status; see 190–254.

  9. GW to PC, Dec. 22 and 23, 1777, WW, 10:183, 192–98; GW to Henry, Dec. 27, 1777, ibid., 10:209; GW, “Circular to the States,” Dec. 29, 1777, ibid., 10:224.

  10. GW to Gov. Johnson, Nov. 6, 1777, ibid., 10:15; GW to PC, Nov. 11, Dec. 22, 1777, and Jan. 5, 1778, ibid., 10:37, l83, 267; GW to Col. Lutterloch, Dec. 20, 1777, ibid., 10:179; GW to Col. Adams, Nov. 7, 1777, ibid., 10:18; GW to Henry, Dec. 27, 1777, ibid., 10:209; Gen. Orders, Nov. 15, Dec. 15[?], 1777, Jan. 6, 23, and 26, 1778, ibid., 10:70–71, 162–63, 271, 342, 350.

  11. JCC, 9:1013–15; GW to PC, Jan. 5, 1778, WW, 10:267.

  12. On Washington’s view of the problems at Valley Forge, see: GW to Comm. of Cong., Jan. 29, 1778, ibid., 10:392; GW to Sullivan, Feb. 14, 1778, ibid., 10:460; GW to Trumbull, May 28, 1777, ibid., 7:326; GW to Gerry, Livingston, and Clymer, July 19, 1777, ibid., 7:441.

  13. Erna Risch, Supplying Washington’s Army (Washington, D.C., 1981), 17–18, 80–84, 188–219; Louis C. Hatch, The Administration of the Revolutionary Army (New York, 1904), 92–97; James A. Huston, The Sinews of War: Army Logistics, 1775–1953 (Washington, D.C., 1966), 6–12, 27–36; Victor Johnson, The Administration of the American Commissariat During the Revolutionary War (Philadelphia, 1941), 82–102; E. Wayne Carp, To Starve the Army at Pleasure: Continental Army Administration and American Political Culture, 1775–1783 (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1984), 20, 43–45; 56–72, 89, 92, 116–24; Rossman, Mifflin, 75–92; Trussel, Birthplace of an Army, 37–38; Wayne K. Bodle and Jacqueline Thibaut, Valley Forge Historical Research Report, 3 vols. (Valley Forge, Pa., 1980), 2:112, 155.

  14. GW to Henry, Nov. 13, 1777, WW, 10:51–53; GW to PC, Nov. 17, 1777, ibid., 10:76; GW to John A. Washington, Nov. 26, 1777, ibid., 10:114; GW to Conway, Nov. 9, 1777, ibid., 10:30.

  15. GW to Conway, Nov. 9, 1777, ibid., 10:30.

  16. Craik to GW, Jan. 6, 1778, WPPV. Also see: Nelson, Gates, 48, 55, 73–77, 102–103, 163–64; Rossie, Politics of Command, 188–202; Higginbotham, War of American Independence, 216–22; Bernhard, Knollenberg, Washington and the American Revolution: A Reappraisal (New York, 1941), 65–77; Royster, A Revolutionary People, 179–89; Rossman, Mifflin, 91–139.

  17. James Lovell to Robt. Treat Paine, Sept. 24, 1777, Smith, Letters, 8:15; Lovell to Samuel Adams, Jan. 20, 1778, ibid., 8:618; Henry Laurens to John Laurens, Oct. 16, and Nov. 15, 1777, ibid., 8:125, 270; Sergeant to Lovell, Nov. 20, 1777, ibid., 8:296; [Anon.], “The Thoughts of a Freeman,” Sparks, WGW, 5:497–99; Rossie, Politics of Command, 191; Knollenberg, Washington and the Revolution, 190–98.

  18. Rush to Henry, Jan. 12, 1778, Sparks, WGW, 5:495–96; Gouverneur Morris to Robt. Livingston, March 10, 1778, Smith, Letters, 9:264; Richard Peters to Robt. Morris, Jan. 21, 1778, ibid., 8:651n. On the notion that Washington must be maintained in power, see: Abraham Clark to Wm. Alexander, Jan. 15, 1778, Smith, Letters, 8:597; Robt. Morris to Richard Peters, Jan. 21, 1778, ibid., 8:649.

  19. Henry Laurens to John Laurens, Oct. 16, 1777, Smith, Letters, 8:125–26; Morris to Peters, Jan. 21, 1778, ibid., 8:650; Peters to Morris, Jan. 21, 1778, ibid., 8:651n; John Adams to Abigail Adams, Oct. 28 and 26, 1777, Butterfield, Adams Fam. Corres., 2:361–62, 360–61; Adams to Rush, Feb. 8, 1778, Microfilm Edition of the Adams Papers (Boston, 1954–59), Reel 89.

  20. Gates to GW, Dec. 8, 1777, Horatio Gates Papers, 1726–1828 [Microfilm] (Sanford, N.C., 1979), reel 6, no. 111; GW to Gates, Jan. 4, 1778, WW, 10:263–65.

  21. Gates to GW, Jan. 23, 1778, Gates Papers, reel 6, no. 811; GW to Gates, Feb. 9, 1778, WW, 10:437–41.

  22. Gates to GW, Feb. 19, 1778, Gates Papers, reel 6, no. 1026; GW to Gates, Feb. 24, 1778, WW, 10:508–509.

  23. Conway to GW, Dec. 31, 1777, WW, 10:228n.

  24. Knollenberg, Washington and the Revolution, 43–59; GW to Gates, Jan. 4, 1778, WW, 10:265; Conway to Gw, July 23, 1778, WPPV.

  25. Butterfield, Adams Diary and Autiobiog., 2:263.

  26. On Lafayette see: Howard H. Peckham, “Marquis de Lafayette: Eager Warrior,” Billias, GW’s Generals, 212–38; Louis R. Gottschalk, Lafayette Comes to America, (Chicago, 1935); Louis R. Gottschalk, Lafayette Joins the American Army (Chicago, 1937); Louis R. Gottschalk, Lafayette and the Close of the American Revolution (Chicago, 1942).

  27. Rudolph Cronau, The Army of the American Revolution and its Organizer (New York, 1923), 13–30; John M. Palmer, General Von Steuben (New Haven, Conn., 1937), 3–22, 137–72; Royster, A Revolutionary People, 213–54.

  28. GW to PC, Dec. 23, 1777, WW, 10:197.

  29. Wright, Continental Army, 121–52; Hatch, Administration of the Revolutionary Army, 66; Reed, Valley Forge, 49–50.

  30. Thayer, Greene, 224; GW to the Comm. of Cong., Jan. 29, 1778, WW, 10:387–88; Risch, Supplying Washington’s Army, 40–44.

  31. GW to Sullivan, Mar. 10, 1778, WW, 11:57–58.

  32. Freeman, GW, 2:257; 3:55–56, 61–62, 98; 4:417–18, 535–36; Gen. Orders, Nov. 20, 1777, WW, 10:89.

. Lee to Laurens, Apr. 17, 1778, Lee Papers, 2:389–90; Alden, Lee, 164–93.

  34. GW to Comm. of Cong., Jan. 29, 1778, WW, 10:389; Gen. Orders, Jan. 20, 1778, ibid., 10:321; GW to PC, Feb. 3, 1778, ibid., 10:418; GW to Col. Geo. Gibson, Feb. 21, 1778, ibid., 10:495; GW to Putnam, Jan. 22, 1778, ibid., 10:334; GW to Smallwood, Jan. 13 and Feb. 25, 1778, ibid., 10:302, 512; Reed, Valley Forge, 19.

  35. GW to John Parke Custis, Feb. 1, 1778, WW, 10:414; GW to Henry Champion, Feb. 7 and 17, 1778, ibid., 10:425, 474; GW to Wm. Buchanan, Feb. 7, 1778, ibid., 10:427; GW to Henry, Feb. 19, 1778, ibid., 10:483.

  36. Reed, Valley Forge, 35–36, 41; Nelson, Wayne, 73–75.

  37. Gruber, Howe Brothers, 261–91.

  38. John E. Ferling, The Loyalist Mind: Joseph Galloway and the American Revolution (University Park, Pa., 1977), 55; John E. Ferling, “Joseph Galloway’s Military Advice: A Loyalist’s View of the Revolution,” PMHB, 98 (1974), 171–88.

  39. Quoted in William H. Nelson, The American Tory (Oxford, Eng., 1961), 141.

  40. GW to Nelson, Feb. 8, 1778, WW, 10:433; GW to Lt. Col. John F. Fitzgerald, Feb. 28, 1778, ibid., 10:529.

  41. Nelson, Gates, 170–71.

  42. Ibid., 174–75. A contrary view of the wisdom of the planned invasion is in Ward, War of the Revolution, 2:559–62. On the notion that the “cabal” had a hand in this scheme, see: Charlemagne Tower, The Marquis de La Fayette in the American Revolution, 2 vols. (Philadelphia, 1895), 1:268–87.

  43. Knollenberg, Washington and the Revolution, 78–92; Lafayette to Gates, Mar. 12, 1778, Stanley J. Idzerda et al., eds., Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790 (Ithaca, N.Y., 1977–), 1:347; Lafayette to Laurens, Feb. 19, 1778, ibid., 1:295.

  44. Wall, GW, 52–55; GW to Lund Washington, Nov. 26, 1775, WW, 4:114–15.

  45. GW to Lund Washington, Aug. 19 and Sept. 30, 1776, Aug. 15 and Dec. 18, 1778, Feb. 24 [26], 1779, WW, 5:460–62; 6:139; 7:326–28; 8:423–29; 9:147–48; GW to John A. Washington, June 1, 1777, ibid., 8:157–58.

  46. GW to Lund Washington, Feb. 28 and Dec. 18, 1778, ibid., 10:530–31; 13:423–29; Lund Washington to GW, Mar. 18, 1778, ibid., 10:531n.

  47. Wall, GW, 56–79.

  48. GW to Lund Washington, Dec. 18, 1778, Aug. 17, 1779, and Feb. 12, 1783, WW, 13:424–28; 16:124; 26:126–27.

  49. GW to Jackie Custis, Nov. 14, 1777, ibid., 10:61.

  50. GW to Lund Washington, Feb. 24 [26], 1779, ibid., 14:147–49.

  51. GW to PC, Apr. 18 and Mar. 24, 1778, ibid., 11:276, 138; GW to Cadwalader, Mar. 20, 1778, ibid., 11:117; GW to John Banister, Apr. 21, 1778, ibid., 11:288–90.

  52. GW to PC, May 1 and 4, 1778, ibid., 11:330, 348; After Orders, May 5, 1778, ibid., 11:354–56.

  53. Gen. Orders, May 5 and 7, 1778, ibid., 11:354–56, 362–63; Royster, A Revolutionary People, 250–54; John Laurens to Henry Laurens, May 7, 1778, in The Army Correspondence of Colonel John Laurens in the Years 1777–1778 (New York, 1969), 169–70.

  54. Gen. Orders, May 7, 1778, WW, 11:362; GW to Richard H. Lee, May 25, 1778, ibid., 11:450; J. Laurens to H. Laurens, May 7, 1778, Army Correspondence of Laurens, 169.

  55. GW to General Officers, Apr. 20, 1778, WW, 11:282–83; Council of War, May 8, 1778, ibid., 11:363–66, 366n.

  56. GW to PC, May 18, 1778, ibid., 11:415; GW to Pres. Jeremiah Powell, May 19, 1778, ibid., 11:424–25; William B. Willcox, Portrait of a General: Sir Henry Clinton in the War of Independence (New York, 1962), 211–25; Robson, American Revolution, 192–95; Mackesy, War for America, 230.

  57. Willcox, Portrait of a General, 3–93; Willcox, “Clinton,” Billias, GW’s Opponents, 73–83.

  58. GW to R. H. Lee, May 25, 1778, WW, 11:451; GW to Gen. Philemon Dickinson, June 5, 1778, ibid., 12:19; GW to PC, June 18, 1778, ibid., 12:84; Tatum, Journal of Serle, 300, 309, 311.

  59. Council of War, June 24, 1778, WW, 12:116.

  60. GW to PC, June 28, 1778, ibid., 12:128.

  61. Councils of War, June 17 and 24, 1778, ibid., 12:75–78, 115–17.

  62. John Shy, “Charles Lee: The Soldier as Radical,” in Billias, GW’s Generals, 41; GW to Lafayette, June 25, 1778, WW, 12:117; Lee to GW, June 25, 1778, ibid., 12:119n.

  63. On the curious episode of Barren Hill, see Ward, War of the Revolution, 2:562–67.

  64. Theodore Thayer, The Making of a Scapegoat: Washington and Lee at Monmouth (Pt. Washington, N.Y., 1976), 31–33; GW to Lafayette, June 26, 1778, WW, 12:119, 121–23.

  65. Thayer, Making of a Scapegoat, 33.

  66. GW to Lafayette, June 25, 1778, WW, 12:117; GW to Gates, June 28, 1778, ibid., 12:127; GW to Lee, June 30, 1778, ibid., 12:133; Alden, Lee, 213–14.

  67. Lee to R. Morris, July 3, 1778, Lee Papers, 2:458.

  68. Scheer, Private Yankee Doodle, 127.

  69. Alden, Lee, 222; Thayer, Making of a Scapegoat, 52.

  70. Thayer, Making of a Scapegoat, 36–67; Alden, Lee, 212–27; Freeman, GW, 5:24–37; GW to PC, July 1, 1778, WW, 12:139–46; GW to John Augustine Washington, July 4, 1778, ibid., 12:156–57.


  The Character of General Washington

  1. Lee to GW, June 30, 1778, Lee Papers, 2:435–38; GW to Lee, June 30, 1778, WW, 12:132–33.

  2. Flexner, GW, 2:30; Hughes, GW, 2:365–66.

  3. Higginbotham, War of American Independence, 90; Smith, A New Age, 2:1134.

  4. Thayer, Greene, 20–51, 56, 91.

  5. GW to Jay, Apr. 14, 1779, WW, 14:383–86; Hamilton to Elias Boudinot, July 5, 1778, Harold C. Syrett and Jacob E. Cooke, eds., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, 26 vols. (New York, 1961–1979), 1:512.

  6. Alden, Lee, 164–65; Greene to Griffin Greene, May 25, 1778, Showman, Papers of Greene, 2:406; Greene to Gov. Wm. Greene, May 25, 1778, ibid., 2:408.

  7. Thayer, Making of a Scapegoat, 73; Hamilton to Boudinot, July 5, 1778, Syrett and Cooke, Papers of Hamilton, 1:512.

  8. Thayer, Making of a Scapegoat, 75.

  9. Robert A. Hendrickson, The Rise and Fall of Alexander Hamilton (New York, 1981), 93; Thayer, Making of a Scapegoat, 76–83.

  10. See North Callahan, “Henry Knox: American Artillerist,” in Billias, GW’s Generals, 239–59; Willard M. Wallace, “Benedict Arnold: Traitorous Patriot,” ibid., 163–92; Hugh F. Rankin, “Anthony Wayne: Military Romanticist,” ibid., 260–90.

  11. GW to Reed, Jan. 23, 1776, WW, 4:269; W. Jackson Steager, “Tench Tilghman, George Washington’s Aide,” Maryland History Magazine, 77 (1982), 136–53; Jacob E. Cooke, Alexander Hamilton (New York, 1982), 13–15.

  12. DGW, 2:181.

  13. Cooke, Hamilton, 1–13.

  14. Hamilton to Schuyler, Feb. 18, 1781, Syrett and Cooke, Papers of Hamilton, 2:564, 566, and 566n; John C. Miller, Alexander Hamilton: Portrait in Paradox (New York, 1959), 246.

  15. Hamilton to Schuyler, Feb. 18, 1781, Syrett and Cooke, Papers of Hamilton, 2:567; Silas Deane to Eliz. Deane, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 1:61; Marquis de Chastellux, Travels in North-America, in the Years 1780, 1781, and 1782, 2 vols. (New York, 1968), 1:113, 129; Alden, Lee, 236, 297.

  16. Cunliffe, GW, 153, 160, 162–63; Flexner, GW, 2:372.

  17. Charles Royster, Light-Horse Harry Lee and the Legacy of the American Revolution (New York, 1981), 199–204; Freeman, GW, 4:411, 411n; 5:158, 192; Chastellux, Travels, 1:137–38; Mathieu Dumas, Memoirs of His Own Time; Including the Revolution, the Empire, and the Restoration, 2 vols. (Philadelphia, 1839), 1:29; John Adams to Abigail Adams, June 18 and Sept. 1, 1777, Butterfield, Adams Fam. Corres., 2:268, 335; Page Smith, John Adams, 2 vols. (New York, 1962), 2:1084; Adams to Jefferson, May 1, 1812, Cappon, Adams-Jefferson Letters, 2:301; Jefferson to Wm. Jones, Jan. 2, 1814, Andrew Lipscomb and Albert E. Bergh, eds., The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, 20 vols. (Washington, D.C., 1903), 14:48; Evelyn M. Acomb, ed., The Revolutionary Journal of Baron Ludwig von Closen, 1780–1783 (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1958), 64, 241.

  18. Thacher, Military Journal, 30; Callahan, Knox, 32; Claude Blanchard, Journal (Albany, N.Y.
, 1876), 67, 89, 117–19; Chastellux, Travels, 1:119–26, 137; von Closen, Journal, 241; James Warren to Adams, Nov. 14, 1775, Taylor, Papers of Adams, 3:306; Mercy Warren to Adams, Oct. 25, 1775, ibid., 3:269; Abigail Adams to Adams, July 16, 1775, Butterfield, Adams Fam. Corres., 1:246; Freeman, GW, 3:370n; 4:70, 343n, 413, 496, 519n, 581n; “Mrs. Theodorick Bland’s Reminiscences on George Washington’s HQ at Morristown,” New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings, 51 (1933), 250–53.

  19. GW to Livingston, Gerry, and Geo. Clymer, July 19, 1777, WW, 8:439–40; Freeman, GW, 5:483; Flexner, GW, 2:283; Chastellux, Travels, 1:117–28.

  20. Freeman, GW, 3:290; 4:413; 5:44, 408, 443.

  21. WW, 6:106n; 7:268n; 11:342n; GW to Lund Washington, Dec. 25, 1782, ibid., 25:472; Freeman, GW, 4:453; Chastellux, Travels, 1:119.

  22. Alden, Lee, 297; Freeman, GW, 5:436. On the evolution of Washington’s “character” in American art, literature, and historiography, see: Bernard Mayo, Myths and Men: Patrick Henry, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson (Athens, Georgia, 1959), 25–48.

  23. GW to Reed, Feb. 10 and 26, 1776, WW, 4:319, 321, 348; GW to PC, Sept. 8, 1776, ibid., 6:28–29, 32; GW to Lund Washington, Sept. 30, 1776, ibid., 6:138; GW to John Augustine Washington, Mar. 31 and Nov. 19, 1776, ibid., 4:450; 6:246.

  24. Lee to Gates, Dec. 19, 1779, Lee Papers, 3:401; Lee to Sidney Lee, June 22, 1782, ibid., 4:9–11; GW to Lafayette, Dec. 31, 1777, WW, 10:236; GW to Landon Carter, May 30, 1778, ibid., 11:493; GW to G. Morris, July 24, 1778, ibid., 11:228; GW to John Augustine Washington, Mar. 31, 1776, ibid., 4:457; GW to PC, May 16, 1776, ibid., 5:62.

  25. Henry Laurens to John Laurens, Jan. 8, 1778, Smith, Letters of Delegates, 8:546; Lafayette to GW, Dec. 30, 1777, Idzarda, Lafayette, 1:204.

  26. Mayo, Myths and Men, 45.

  27. Blanchard, Journal, 67; John Adams, Thoughts on Government, in Taylor, Papers of Adams, 4:91.

  28. GW to Lund Washington, May 19, 1780, WW, 18:392; GW to Bannister, Apr. 21, 1778, ibid., 11:286–90; Morgan, Genius of George Washington, 3–25.



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