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Bridesmaid Blues

Page 11

by Boone Brux

  “We’re not all independently wealthy like you.” She jabbed her key against his chest, causing him to step back. “Unless you want to pay my mortgage, I’ve got to get home.”

  “I’d pay your mortgage.” The man never missed an opportunity to flirt and was rarely serious. “Stick with me, princess, and I’ll have you farting through silk.”

  “Such a flirt.” She patted his chest and then gave him a little shove. “Thanks, but I think I’ll pay my own way.”

  His shoulders sagged. “You always know how to hurt me, Dani.”

  Her bottom lip curled into an exaggerated pout. “Somebody has to knock that ego of yours down a few pegs.”

  “I’ve got to bounce, too,” Jamie cut in. “I rode with Price. You mind dropping me off at home? I’ve got an early breakfast with my dad.”

  The entire group grimaced.

  “Sorry, man.” Lincoln slapped him on the back. “When are you gonna quit that job? You don’t need the money or the bullshit.”

  “And what, become a hotel magnate like you?”

  “I do have a few restaurant investment opportunities pending. I’d be happy to relieve you of some of your savings.”

  “Thanks, but restaurants aren’t really my style.”

  “Perfect,” Lincoln said, “you just give me the money and keep your piehole shut about running the business.”

  “When have you ever known Kingsland to keep his mouth shut…about anything?” Kyle said.

  “True.” Lincoln sighed. “But it doesn’t mean I’ll stop trying to get your money.”

  “I’ve been warned.” Jamie looked back to her. “How about that ride? I think I need to get out of here before these guys bleed me dry.”

  “Sure.” I will most definitely give you a ride. Though her libido had slowed its roll during dinner, it certainly hadn’t stopped. The idea of being alone with Jamie, and the near guarantee that this night would end in one of their beds, recharged her lust. She tried to keep her expression passive and leaned in to hug Roxy. “I’ll call you tomorrow. We need to finalize the details for your bachelorette party.”

  “Sounds good.” Roxy returned her hug and whispered in her ear, “Everything going okay?”

  “Uh-huh.” She couldn’t say more because Jamie had approached. “Thanks for a great evening.”

  Roxy eyed her suspiciously and then said, “Drive carefully, you two.”

  “We will.” Dani waved and stepped off the curb.

  “Night, everyone.” He joined her, and though he didn’t touch her, he stood close enough for the heat of his body to radiate against her skin.

  The remaining party replied with a simultaneous “good night” and then started talking among themselves.

  “I hope you don’t mind driving me,” Jamie said.

  Not looking at him, she replied, “Not at all.”

  “You know I’d really like to strip that dress off you.”

  “I hope you do.” She lifted her hand and clicked the unlock button on her key chain. Two quick beeps chirped. “And there’re a few things I’d like to do to you.”

  He opened the driver’s door for her and she climbed in. Before closing the door, he bent and peered at her. “I can hardly wait.”

  Chapter Nine

  Jamie’s hand drifted across the center console and slipped between her thighs. Shivers of excitement rocketed through her. Though she kept her eyes on the road, not wanting to put them in the ditch, she shifted her left leg, giving access to his searching fingers. He tugged her dress higher and inched his hand toward the junction of her legs. The skin under his fingertips tingled from his touch.

  She glanced at him. The dash lights illuminated his intense features. Another thrill shot through her. Her nipples hardened as he caressed her inner thigh.

  “You look so hot tonight.” His voice came out raspy. “I could barely keep my hands off you.”

  “As I recall you didn’t keep your hands off me.” The memory of the bathroom came rushing back to her. “Now that was hot.”

  “We should do that more often.” His fingers dipped deeper and stroked along the folds.

  She gasped. “Definitely.”

  He caressed her again, and her grip tightened on the steering wheel. Pushing her rear end back against the seat, she tried to spread her legs farther. A moan escaped her, and his stroking intensified. Though she tried to focus on the road, her brain kept wandering back to his exploring fingers.

  “We need to find a place to park or we’re going to die in a car crash.” She scanned the passing streets. “They’d find me with my dress around my hips and no panties.”

  “Can’t have that.” He pointed down a dark street. “How about there?”

  Cranking the wheel, she veered to the right. A few blocks down, she pulled into an auto parts store lot and found a spot in the darkest shadows. She shoved the gear into park, shut off the car, and practically launched herself at him.

  The shifter pressed into her stomach when she draped her body across the rise between the seats. “God, this reminds me of high school.”

  “You can be my randy prom date.” His mouth crushed hers while his hand continued to probe between her legs.

  She fumbled with the button of his pants and opened them. The zipper widened against the press of his erection. Bracing herself on one elbow, she freed his cock and stroked him. He shifted and shoved his pants a little farther down. She was free to caress his entire length.

  They continued to kiss as his fingers slid inside her and pumped. When she tried to reposition herself, the heel of her shoe caught on the edge of the seat. She broke their kiss. “Damn it!”

  “What’s wrong?” He rubbed her clit and nuzzled her neck.

  “My shoe is caught and I’m trying to…” She yanked again and her foot jerked free and slammed into the floor of the car. She exhaled and looked at him. “We need a new position.”

  “Should we get in the back?”

  Damn her gas-saving logic. What she should have bought was an SUV with a huge backseat. “Get out of the car.”

  Shock registered on his face. “Why?”

  “Because there’s not enough room in here, and if you don’t fuck me soon I’m going to lose my mind.”

  “Uh, okay.” He fumbled with his pants and opened the door. “And then what?”

  She climbed out and shoved her dress down a couple of inches. After slamming the door, she strode to the passenger side and scanned the street for nighttime walkers. Thankfully, the place appeared deserted. Good—the last thing she wanted was to get caught in a compromising situation in an auto parts parking lot.

  Around the other side of the car, she hefted herself onto the hood and spread her legs. The warmth of the engine emanated through her dress to touch her bare thighs. Again she reached for Jamie and stroked his still-rigid cock. “Condom.”

  He pulled one out of his pocket and opened the package. She took it from him, and while she rolled it on, his finger again found the sensitive flesh between her legs. “You’re so wet.”

  “You did that.” Once he was covered, she grabbed him by the lapels of his suit and dragged him to her. “Now, finish the job.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” His mouth captured hers and his cock replaced his fingers. The thick head pushed against her. “Mmmm, that’s nice.”

  She tilted her pelvis and wrapped one leg around his back. “Yeah, it is.”

  He eased into her, filling her. Slow at first, he drew out and pressed back in. Her muscles contracted when he buried himself again and again. One hand gripped her hip and the other dipped between her legs to gently massage her clit. She moaned and braced one hand behind her. As his thrust increased, sparks of pleasure ignited deep inside.

  Her body bucked against him, but in her position she couldn’t move as freely as she would have liked. She released his arm and leaned back on both elbows, allowing him deeper penetration. “Oh, that’s it.”

  Jamie hooked both arms under her knees and hiked
them higher.

  She swept her hand inside the neck of her dress and pushed the clingy fabric from her shoulder, exposing her breast. Instantly, his mouth was on her, sucking and laving her nipple. His hips thrust against her, building the aching throb inside. She gripped his head and held him against her. Tiny nips against her breast sent pleasurable pain through her. She gasped.

  “Jamie, I’m—I’m—”

  “Me, too.” The words panted from him. She released her hold, and he straightened, continuing to drive into her.

  Again she braced herself on her elbows and watched the erotic play. The growing sensation circled through her, rising, pulling her along. Her eyes slid shut. She focused on the mounting pleasure and Jamie’s gruff breathing. So close, she was so close. Needing the release, she reached between her legs and stroked her clit. Violent tremors shot through her and a scream caught in her throat as the orgasm consumed every rational thought.

  Through the euphoric fog, she felt Jamie’s body stiffen and convulse. She opened her eyes, wanting to see his expression. He thrust again and held, his body shaking. Another contraction tightened around him, causing him to jerk against her ebbing climax. A heavy breath rushed from her. Her breathing remained shallow as she tried to grasp a sliver of sanity in the sea of erotic ecstasy roaring through her.

  “Oh. My. God. That was good.” She sat forward and he released her legs, lowering them to rest against the side of the car. “I think I might have passed out.”

  He tugged her dress down. “I thought my knees were going to buckle.”

  After slowly sliding off the hood, she stood and adjusted herself while he took care of his end of the deal. Her legs felt like jelly, but inside she was all sunshine and giggles. He walked to the trash bin at the edge of the sidewalk in front of the store to discard the remnants of their lovemaking and then returned.

  “You’re incredible.” He wrapped her in a hug and kissed her. It was languid and gentle. “I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  “Really?” She twined her arms around his neck. The confession surprised her. Before they dated he’d been known as a ladies’ man with no shortage of women. That was something she’d accepted when they started their relationship, but it had never been an issue. As far as she knew, Jamie had been loyal during that time. “From the way you were game I figured there was a picnic table or a public beach in your repertoire.”

  “Nope, I think you’ve got a wilder streak than I do when it comes to public sex.”

  “Huh, guess I taught you something tonight.” She ran her hand down his chest and cupped him. “How do you like being the student?”

  His hips rotated against her. “I liked it—a lot.”

  As he leaned in to kiss her, a flashlight beam leveled on them. “Everything okay here?”

  “Oh, crap.” She straightened away from the car.

  Jamie turned to face the approaching security guard. “Yep, just pulled over to talk.”

  Heat flooded her face. Had the guard been watching them go to town on the car? She prayed they wouldn’t be arrested for indecent exposure.

  “Well, this is private property, so you need to move along.” The guard stood about twenty feet away and, thankfully, didn’t come any closer. “We’ve had some problems with vandalism here this month.”

  “Understood.” Jamie opened the passenger door for her, indicating he would drive. She didn’t argue. “You have a good evening.”

  Just as the door closed she thought the guard said, “Not as good as you.”

  Embarrassment flooded her. The man had probably watched them on the security camera.

  Jamie climbed into the driver’s seat and started the car. “That was close.”

  She snorted. “Yeah, like he doesn’t have you banging me on the hood of the car on the security tapes. The perv.”

  He shifted into reverse. “I know what I’d do if I had that security footage.”

  “Gross.” She grimaced. “Do you really think he—saw us?”

  “No.” He shoved the gear into drive. Before pulling out, he looked at her. “I didn’t see any cameras.”


  He stopped at the parking lot exit, leaned over, and gave her a quick kiss. “Really.”

  She wasn’t sure she believed him, but it was too late for take-backs—not that she wanted to. Maybe this new friends with benefits role was making her more sexually adventurous.

  “So.” He turned onto the dark street. “Where to now?”

  What was wrong with her? It was like she couldn’t get enough of him. Maybe it was because he’d be leaving soon, and she felt like she was grasping for every second she could spend with him. Shoving that thought away, and the fact that she’d probably be a wreck again when he went back to Florida, she smiled. “How about my place? It’s still early and…”

  “Yeah, I’m not the least bit tired, and I could use another lesson.”

  “I think I’ve got a few more tricks in my bag.” She reclined in the seat. Who knew what tomorrow would bring? Now was what she’d focus on and make the best of it. At least she’d have some nice memories to keep her company once he was gone—some very naughty, lovely memories.

  Chapter Ten

  Steam rolled from under the bathroom door. She could join Jamie in the shower, but that would only lead to another round of butter my muffin. Though she wouldn’t admit it to him, last night’s marathon romp had nearly done her in. Her thighs and hips ached from the acrobatic positions they’d tried last night, but the sex had been fan-friggin’-tastic! It had been great before when they were dating, but now, with no commitment, it pinged off the charts.

  The aroma of coffee pulled her toward the kitchen. Gotta love a man who puts the coffee on before showering.

  Her smile widened when she entered the kitchen and saw two cups with creamer in them waiting to be filled. She poured one for herself, but would wait until he finished his shower to pour his. Unless she took it to him in the shower. Good in theory, but when she shifted and her muscles protested, that’s when she discarded that idea.

  She got halfway to the living room when the doorbell rang. She froze. Who could be at her house at eight o’clock in the morning? Two guesses: one of the regular Bible-thumpers who wanted to save her soul…or Roxy. She prayed it was the bible thumper.

  When she opened the door, Joya stood on the other side, smiling back at her.

  “Good, I was afraid I’d wake you up.” She stepped inside.

  “Is something wrong?” Dani shut the door, but didn’t invite her friend in any farther. “You’re usually not up until after ten.”

  “Nothing’s wrong.” Not waiting for an invite, Joya headed to the kitchen. “I wanted to make sure we’re all coordinated with these errands and tonight’s party.” Her friend walked to the coffeepot and filled Jamie’s prepared cup. She looked into it and frowned. Then she looked at Dani. Her eyes widened. “Have you got a guy here?”

  “No.” The spray from the shower clicked off, and Jamie began whistling. Damn, why did he have to be so happy in the morning? “Maybe. So why don’t you come back later and we’ll coordinate everything?”

  “Who is it?” Joya walked to the living room and craned her neck to see down the hall. “Is it Robert from work?”

  “Ewww, greasy Robert? Why would you think that?”

  “I don’t know. Who is it?”

  “None of your beeswax.”

  “None of your beeswax? What are we, twelve? How did you pick up a guy? You left right after dinner and…” Her mouth rounded. “Is that Jamie in there?”

  Dani harrumphed and rolled her eyes for good measure. “No.”

  “Yes it is, you hussy. How did you manage that?”

  “It’s not Jamie.” The girls would latch onto this like a dog on a bone if they found out about their fling. “Nobody you know.” She took the coffee from Joya and set it on the table. “So go before you embarrass him—and me.”

  “It’s Jamie. Who e
lse would it be?”

  “Nuh-uh.” Her response was indeed childish, but any second he was going to saunter out of the bathroom. Maybe he’d have a towel on. Maybe he wouldn’t. Either way it would confirm Joya’s suspicions. She grabbed her friend’s arm and pulled her to the door. “Call me later. We’ll suss this out. I got my errands done, but I can help if you need me to.”

  The bathroom door creaked open and heavy footsteps faded into the bedroom. She breathed a silent sigh of relief.

  “Please let me have a peek.”

  “No.” She opened the door and shoved her friend out. “Call me later.”

  Before Joya could protest, she closed it on her. The shitty grin on her face told Dani she hadn’t fooled her. If she called Roxy, the woman would be on her doorstep within an hour. Out of her three friends, Joya was definitely the least reactionary. Hopefully she’d keep her yap shut about this.

  “Thanks for pouring my coffee,” Jamie said from behind her.

  She spun to see him standing with Joya’s discarded cup in his hand. “Yeah, you’re welcome and dressed.”

  He took a sip, his gaze narrowing over the rim of the cup. Slowly, he lowered it and swallowed. “I can undress if you want.”

  “Tempting, very, very tempting, but you have a breakfast appointment with your dad in forty-five minutes.”

  He sidled up to her and grasped her waist with one hand, pulling her to him. “Let Dad wait.”

  She leaned in and kissed him. “Also tempting, but I have a meeting at work, and I’m supposed to hook up with Joya later to finish the errands.”

  He groaned. “What about tonight?”


  “Am I being a pest?”

  “No, but have you forgotten about Kyle’s bachelor party tonight?”

  “Oh shit. How did I forget that?” He dragged her closer. “I blame you.”

  “I accept full responsibility.” She kissed him again and then stepped away. “I’m going to jump in the shower and get ready.”


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