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A Seductive Revenge

Page 8

by Kim Lawrence

  She was almost running when she came across Geraint, who was gently chastising a young dog in his native tongue.

  ‘He’s young and has a lot to learn, doesn’t he, girl?’ he said, switching to English as he rubbed the ears of the patient older dog beside him. ‘You after Josh, then?’

  I suppose I am! Boldly she nodded, refusing to be intimidated by the amused glow in the young man’s eyes.

  ‘You’ll find him in the barn, cariad.’ He gestured down the hill.


  Already striding out across the rocky ground followed by the two dogs, he waved a casual backward hand in response to her gratitude.

  The barn was dim and filled with the sweet, earthy scent of hay bales which were piled high all around. Flora saw Josh before he saw her. Stripped to the waist, his olive-toned skin gleamed with a fine sheen of sweat. As she watched he paused in his labours and slowly rotated his head, stretching the tight muscles in his neck and shoulders. She caught her breath sharply, covetously watching the play of lean, rippling muscle over firm smooth flesh.

  Josh looked around instantly.

  ‘Hello!’ she mumbled stupidly.

  ‘How was it?’ he asked, his eyes greedily taking in every detail of her appearance.

  A shadow passed over her face and her mouth quivered as her rigid control momentarily slipped. ‘Pretty terrible,’ she confirmed huskily.

  ‘When did you get back?’

  ‘About fifteen minutes ago.’ Her cheeks flamed. Why be coy, Flora? Just go ahead and tell him you were so pathetically desperate to see him you didn’t even unpack the car! ‘I’m disturbing you…’

  ‘Always,’ he confirmed huskily.

  ‘Your work…’

  ‘I was about to take a break, do you want to…?’

  ‘Yes, please!’ she rushed in quickly. ‘Dear God!’ she groaned, covering her blushes—the visible ones at least—with her hands. ‘I don’t believe I’m doing this!’

  ‘What are you doing, Flora?’

  The gap between her fingers widened and she peered out. ‘It’s very nice of you to act like you haven’t noticed, but I’m acting like…I’m coming on to you like a hussy,’ she told him with a very unhussy-like blush.

  ‘A very beautiful hussy,’ he qualified, gently peeling the last of her fingers away from her face. ‘Welcome home, Flora.’ His bold glance was warm and intimate as he locked her startled eyes to his so tight she couldn’t even blink.

  ‘Home,’ she echoed thickly. Her body was screaming out in need.

  ‘Isn’t that where the heart is…?’

  ‘I think it might be, Josh…?’ A deep shudder ran through her body as the tension inside her reached a critical level.

  ‘Come here,’ he instructed, his voice rough velvet.

  The dam inside her broke and she didn’t need asking twice. She walked into his arms, which happened to open just at the right moment. His head lowered towards her and she sank her fingers possessively into his thick glossy hair—she wasn’t taking any chances; if he changed his mind about the kiss she might go quietly bonkers. He didn’t change his mind.

  Slowly her blue eyes flickered open and she made a small sound of deep contentment as his head finally lifted. In that moment her selective senses were only aware of things which were directly connected with him—things like the warm, musky male smell that came from his body, the damp, satiny texture of his glorious skin, the impression of controlled strength in his embrace. She took in with primitive pleasure all the things that were part and parcel of this man she’d fallen in love with.

  The hand which had rested on the slender curve of her waist slid lower, testing the firm, taut curve of her bottom. His exploration caused him to groan deeply. He pulled her hard against him to show her the urgency of his desire and his face contorted in a grimace that was almost agony as he gazed with raw desire at her flushed face.

  ‘This probably isn’t too clever,’ he admitted reluctantly. ‘Someone might come in.’

  Flora trailed a finger down his lean cheek and shivered when he turned his head to kiss the tip. She ran the same slightly damp finger along the sensual outline of his lips.

  ‘Isn’t that traditionally the girl’s line?’ she asked huskily.

  ‘I don’t think you’re like any traditional girl I’ve ever met.’

  ‘Is that good?’ she enquired softly, stretching up on tiptoe to chew softly at his lower lip. She gave a sigh and rubbed the tip of her nose against his. ‘I adore your mouth,’ she told him without a shred of overstatement or self-consciousness. ‘It’s utterly utterly perfect.’ She scrutinised with hungry reverence the sternly sexy outline of his lips.

  ‘I wish all my critics were like you.’

  ‘You got any problems, point them in my direction.’

  His lips twitched as she made her throaty declaration of war. ‘That’s mighty generous of you, little lady,’ he drawled.

  She cleared her throat. ‘I hate to spoil a beautiful moment…’

  ‘It is, isn’t it?’ he agreed smugly. The lure of her luscious lips proved an irresistible temptation to Josh. He plunged headlong into all that sweet, soft taste of heaven.

  A breathless Flora tenaciously rediscovered the thread of her complaint. ‘But I do have a slight problem with the “little lady” thing.’ In truth, the patronising term made her feel kind of small and delicate, as if he could pick her up and put her in his pocket in a nice, cherishing sort of way.

  Then just as she was puzzling over this evidence of a hitherto unexpected character trait—a desire to feel cherished—Josh quite suddenly did pick her up. He didn’t put her in his pocket though, just in a snug, sweet-smelling cavern tucked away amongst the hay bales.

  Far more promising than a pocket, she decided as his hip nudged hers with delicious familiarity as he lay down beside her. Resting on one elbow, he brushed a few soft strands of bright hair from her face.

  With a slow, languorous smile she stretched like a cat. ‘This puts a whole new slant on a roll in the hay.’ Despite the lightness of her words there was a raw throb of emotion in her voice as she gazed up at him.

  ‘Forget rolling,’ he advised thickly as he reached down to dextrously flick open the top button of her shirt. He paused a moment to admire the curve of her collar-bone and the creamy flawless perfection of her skin before moving on to the next button. ‘Conserve your energy.’

  Flora didn’t think she had an energy problem; every time he touched her she generated enough electricity to power the national grid! He watched her small breasts rise and fall in their light, lacy covering as he finally pulled aside her shirt. The expression in his eyes robbed her of breath.

  Her head had fallen to one side. When he pressed his thumb to the point of her chin her face fell bonelessly against his supportive hand. He could feel the heavy vibration of the pulse spot at the base of her lovely throat.

  ‘Flora? Are you all right?’ he asked, his voice rough with sudden concern. The concave hollow of her flat belly deepened as her ribcage rose and fell rapidly. Her waxy pallor began to alarm him.

  Her eyes, deep, drenching blue eyes, flickered open and relief shot through him.

  ‘Never felt better,’ she assured him, putting her heart into each syllable.

  ‘Perhaps this isn’t a good idea,’ he said slowly, doubt beginning to cloud his eyes. ‘You’ve had a traumatic time…’

  Flora reached up and, grabbing the back of his hair, yanked his head down. ‘Not half as traumatic as you’ll have if you try and weasel out of this!’ she hissed. ‘I’m in full possession of my wits. I know exactly what I’m doing!’ she told him fiercely.

  Josh grinned, his teeth flashing white in his tanned face. ‘I’ll come quietly,’ he promised, holding up his hands in mock surrender. ‘Ouch!’ He winced as several strands of hair came away in her fingers.

  Flora examined the dark strands wrapped around her fingers. ‘Sorry.’ She grimaced. She levered herself upright. ‘It’s
not as if you haven’t got plenty to spare,’ she felt impelled to point out as she examined the lush crop of hair that still clung firmly to his head.

  ‘Just now I’m not interested in my follicle count.’

  ‘Really? Most men when they reach your age get very interested. Why, I know…oh!’ she mouthed silently as he pressed her back down into the hay and covered her with his body. A nudge of his knee had her thighs parted to provide just enough space for him to fit his long legs in between.

  ‘Isn’t this cosy?’ he purred, running an exploratory hand down as far as her quivering flank.

  Not the first description that sprang to Flora’s mind, but she wasn’t in the mood to argue with him about anything whilst he carried on doing all these deliciously wicked things to her.

  He kissed her and carried on kissing her until she forgot to breathe, forgot her own name…but not his…never his. His name was etched on her soul in letters a mile high, because she loved him. She’d never dreamt that submission could feel so wonderful.

  She never could figure out how or when he’d removed her shirt and bra without her noticing. It was his ragged gasp and the direction of his stark, needy stare that eventually drew her attention to her nudity. Always at ease with her body, she experienced a fleeting moment’s concern, so great was her need to please him. His next throaty words dispelled any fledgling doubts.

  ‘I wanted you since the moment I saw you. I didn’t know how much until now…’ he rasped. ‘You’re incredible.’

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her nipples were small, yet plump and pouting. And surprisingly dark against her creamy skin like sweet, ripe berries. Taking hold of each soft, firm mound expertly in his big hands, he bent his head to suckle first one and then, when he’d had his fill, the other.

  Flora’s back arched as she gave herself up totally to the sensual pleasure of his touch. He was curved over her, and his mouth moved from her tingling, aching breasts, up the vulnerable line of her graceful throat until he reached her tenderly swollen lips.

  Fingers splayed, Flora let her hands glide over the broad, hair-roughened expanse of his chest down his washboard-flat belly. She felt him suck in his breath and saw the quiver of muscles beneath his smooth skin respond helplessly to her touch.

  Breath coming in short, anguished gasps, her tongue firmly tucked between her teeth—nobody looked at her best drooling—she began to unbuckle the leather belt that was looped through the waistband of his washed-out denims. Her co-ordination was shot to hell!

  The basic skill seemed to be beyond her clumsy capability. Sweating with effort, she suddenly gave a sharp cry of frustration and pulled hard until his braced knees collapsed and he was on top of her. Feeling ever so slightly frantic, she pressed herself against him, glorying in the hard impression of his erection against the softness of her lower belly.

  ‘I want…I want,’ she babbled brokenly.

  ‘Hush, honey, I know,’ he soothed with indulgent roughness. Displaying none of her incompetence, he swiftly divested her of her jeans and shoes. A wolfish grin eased the tension stamped on his face as he contemplated the final item, a tiny lacy scrap, before he let it drift to the ground.

  ‘A natural blonde.’

  She opened her mouth to remonstrate him for ever doubting it, but her vocal cords didn’t respond.

  The air felt cool on her overheated skin, but it did nothing to reduce her inner temperature, which continued to boil. Her eyes felt heavy as she raised her slightly startled eyes from her own state of undress to Josh.

  He had stood up to slide his jeans, closely followed by his boxer shorts, over his narrow hips. Inhibition was obviously a term he didn’t understand. He made an intimidatingly erotic picture as he stood there naked, and obviously…very obviously aroused.

  ‘Don’t just stand there, man!’ Her words started as an imperious command and ended as a desperate breathy plea. That was exactly how Flora felt: desperate and totally out of control.

  Just watching him move turned her insides hotly molten. He touched her body; his hands and lips seemed to know exactly how to drive her sweetly out of her mind. She cried out in feeble hoarse protest as he located her most sensitive area and was relieved when Josh ignored her. As the moisture from his marauding mouth evaporated it left burning trails over her flesh.

  ‘So wet for me,’ he moaned brokenly, lifting his head.

  Kneeling between her thighs, Josh cupped her bottom in his hands. Eyes like molten metal melded with hers, he thrust himself with agonising slowness into her, and the intensity of the febrile tremors which shook her body intensified even further. The breath fled her lungs in a series of fluttering gasps as he filled her.

  Josh felt the tight, delicious resistance of her body as he obeyed the elemental compulsion to thrust deeper into her slick, receptive heat.

  ‘Dear sweet…’ An almost feral groan was wrenched from his dry throat as her ankles locked in the small of his back.

  She hadn’t known wanting could be like this. Nothing in her life had prepared her for the raw intensity of this degree of sheer feeling. Every nerve in her body was screeching for a gratification she suddenly felt sure existed, she just wasn’t sure how it happened. The idea of not fulfilling the expectation that held every muscle in her body rigid made her frantic.

  ‘Yes, oh, yes, I want all of you, Josh…’ She sobbed as her fingers clutched at the distended corded muscles of his shoulders and forearms.

  Josh responded with fervour to her plea. Delirious with delight, Flora matched his rhythm move for move as the intensity of his measured strokes grew increasingly frenzied, increasingly desperate. She cried out in startled pleasure as it hit her, her teeth closed over the damp skin of his neck as a shocked hoarse cry emerged from her dry throat.

  ‘I didn’t know!’ She sobbed as she felt the last hot, pulsing surges of his body within her before he stilled, breathing hard.

  His big, wonderfully sweat-slick body felt deliciously heavy against her. One long leg remained looped over his hip as he rolled to one side. She could feel his heart still pounding hard. The situation was deliciously intimate, just as much in a different way as their frenzied coupling of moments before.

  ‘It’s never happened to me before, you see,’ she explained in a distracted manner. ‘If I’d married Paul it might never have,’ she realised, her eyes widening in horror in her flushed face. No longer orgasmically uneducated, she knew exactly what she’d been missing. ‘That would have been…’

  ‘A terrible waste,’ Josh completed softly. He tucked a stray damp strand of hair behind her ear before running a gentle hand down the soft contour of her cheek. His eyes were quite extraordinarily tender.

  Paul the prat had certainly earned his name, he thought scornfully. Before Bridie he’d had a series of casual liaisons which he was neither ashamed nor proud of, but even though the emotions involved on both sides had been shallow he had got as much satisfaction from providing his partner with pleasure as taking it himself. When he’d eventually fallen in love, adding an emotional element to the equation had only intensified this need to give pleasure and he felt deeply scornful of men who missed out on this enjoyment.

  His response made Flora blush—how could you blush with a man you’d just done that with? It probably was quite terribly bad taste to discuss a previous lover with your current lover, she pondered worriedly. She didn’t want Josh to think she was the sort of girl who went around bitching about male inadequacies—not that he had any! Flora found she didn’t like thinking even briefly about a day when Josh would be an ex.

  ‘Never?’ he persisted, a note of incredulity entering his deep voice. She showed an inclination to bury her face in his shoulder but a finger under her chin wouldn’t permit this cowardly retreat.

  ‘I guess I’ve been doing something wrong…?’ she mumbled.

  ‘Not so that I noticed,’ he responded warmly. ‘You know what this means, don’t you…?’ A small worried frown pleated her smooth fore
head. ‘It means you have a lot of time to make up,’ he explained cheerfully. ‘But don’t worry—I’m prepared to put some overtime in on the job if you are.’ He gently extracted several odd stalks of hay from her hair.

  Flora smiled slowly. She was, she definitely was! This hadn’t felt like a one-night stand, but it was good to hear him say something to confirm this.

  ‘Unfortunately, now probably isn’t the best time to start. Megan produces afternoon tea about this time and if I’m not there she’ll probably come looking.’

  ‘Oh!’ Flora gasped, glancing down at their intertwined naked bodies, and realised it might prove a bit embarrassing if they were discovered like this. A bit was probably a massive understatement! The fact she had made love in a barn in the middle of the afternoon was growing more extraordinary with each passing second—talk about out of character! But then, she mused, reflecting thoughtfully on the dramatic contrast between shockingly aggressive aspects of her behaviour during their love-making and the compulsive need to relinquish control…surrender to him…maybe she was just getting acquainted with parts of her character which had been submerged.

  She watched from under the protective sweep of her lashes as Josh got lithely to his feet. He really was awesome. Maybe the answer was even simpler—she’d just not met Josh Prentice before!

  It took her longer than it should to dress because Josh, who’d donned his clothes almost as fast as he’d shed them, stood there watching every move she made. Consequently every move she made was incredibly clumsy.

  ‘Do you want to join me for tea? Megan would love to meet you, Liam still remembers his “smelly lady”—you made quite an impression…’

  ‘On Liam…?’ she enquired, shamelessly fishing.

  ‘On us both,’ he remarked, a somewhat grim expression flickering across his face. ‘We could go out to dinner tonight if you’d like? Somewhere we can talk.’

  ‘A date?’


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