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Too Far Gone

Page 14

by Debra Webb

  Polzin turned to Vanya. “You vouch for her?”

  Vanya nodded. “I like her.”

  “Hmm.” He snapped his fingers. “Fetch her phone and her bag.”

  Lauren managed to keep her hands from shaking as she handed her purse to Vanya. The woman carried it to Polzin with a smile that managed to be sexy and content simultaneously. From the moment Polzin had arrived, all signs of the jaded cynic had evaporated. Of all the actresses in Hollywood, Lauren thought Vanya was one of the most talented.

  Lauren couldn’t imagine this kind of life. No control or say in even the smallest things. Vanya might be doing what she loved each night as she danced on that stage, protected and safe from poverty or harm, but the price was incredibly high.

  Both women waited in silence as Polzin searched Lauren’s purse and then paged through her phone, his sharp mind surely noting contacts and numbers. Trusting Mike, Lauren by default trusted Claudia and the rest of the agency resources to provide a background that would convince Polzin to take a chance.

  “There,” he said, returning the phone and purse through Vanya. “Now, take off your clothes.”

  Lauren blinked. “Pardon me?”

  Polzin shrugged. “If you’re wearing a wire, you will die here and now.”

  Vanya’s eyes rounded the slightest bit.

  “Fine.” Lauren stood. Slowly and remarkably steady, she undressed. If the man got the slightest hint she was wearing a wig, it was over. When she’d removed everything but her bra and panties, she held out her arms. “Would you like a closer inspection?”

  He nodded to Vanya.

  Vanya stood. She moved toward Lauren. Lauren held her breath. Her fingers icy, Vanya unhooked Lauren’s bra and removed it. Her small, cool hands moved over and under Lauren’s breasts. It was all Lauren could do to remain still. Vanya’s hands moved down her body, smoothing intimately over her bottom, between her legs and, lastly, sliding her fingers around the waistband of her skimpy panties. Lauren didn’t breathe again until Vanya turned to Polzin.

  “No wire.”

  Polzin surveyed Lauren’s body. “Very well. You have the invitation your boss requires. Fortunately, your request is well timed. We’re having a show tonight. You will receive the details shortly. Now, leave so I can have what I came for.”

  Lauren made a production of dressing, taking her time. Polzin ordered Vanya to turn off the camera. She did as he asked and returned to his side.

  “I’ll see you later.” Lauren smiled at Vanya as she headed for the door.

  Polzin watched her go, Vanya already on her knees in front of him.

  Lauren’s body sagged with relief when she was out of the dressing room and clear of the security detail. Surrounded by the garish lights and sounds as well as the push of the partygoers, she worked extra hard to keep her composure as she moved though the club. She counted her steps until she reached the brisk air of the December evening. With a deep breath, she relished the sanctuary of knowing Mike’s eyes were on her again. She wanted a long, sanitizing shower after being so close to the slimy Polzin. One shower might not be enough, she thought, as the extravagant Lotus sports car Claudia had arranged stopped at the curb.

  The passenger window rolled down and Mike leaned over. “Get in.”

  She hurried to comply—not because they were likely still being observed or she was eager to please him. She just wanted out of here. Fast. How could one man’s order sound like comfort and security while another man’s order evoked dread and resistance?

  “We have the invitation,” she said as he left the club behind.

  “You okay?”

  For the first time since she’d convinced him to look for Vanya she felt like they were in too deep. “I don’t know anymore.”

  “Staying put was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.” He stopped for a traffic light. “Claudia threatened to send a team in to take me out if I moved.”

  The idea almost made Lauren laugh. Almost. “Polzin is,” saying his name sent a chill down her spine, “expecting us at his show tonight.” The cell in her purse chirped. She jumped. When she’d checked it, she confirmed, “The directions to the mansion where they took the women were just sent to me.” She expelled a big breath. “We’re in.”

  “We might just have a tail, too,” he said, his eyes on the rearview mirror. “So Vanya is cooperating?”

  Lauren cleared the nerves from her throat. “Yes.”

  “That’s not an overwhelming endorsement.”

  “She could’ve told him the truth when he walked in and she didn’t. She’s on our side.”

  Mike’s fingers flexed on the steering wheel. “He could’ve killed you without a second thought.”

  She was well aware. Maybe one day she’d get past this residual, hair-raising sensation that she’d made a narrow escape. “He didn’t. I’ll admit that I’m seriously creeped out after the encounter, but I’m not backing down.”

  Mike met her gaze, something like admiration or respect in his. “I’m with you all the way.”

  Her use of us and we was his biggest problem with this entire mess, Mike decided as he let the tail follow them back to the hotel. He couldn’t get into the party without her but his every instinct nagged him to keep her far away from Polzin and his crew. When Claudia had reported Polzin’s unexpected entrance and what he’d forced Lauren to do in that dressing room, Mike had almost come undone. The one thing that had kept him in this damned car was the realization that one wrong move could have cost Lauren her life.

  “You did a good job,” he admitted. “But walking into the lion’s den twice in one night is pushing your luck. It’s a bad idea.”

  “Don’t start that again.” She tugged the seatbelt and shifted, but the deep bucket seats of the Lotus restricted her movement. “Neither of us can get those women out alone.”

  No, but there had to be a way to avoid putting her close to Polzin or the men he’d tasked with killing Trinity. She had the invitation. They’d been by the mansion. He could take another look and create a sniper-style attack to clear a path. It was the sort of plan that sounded good in theory. As a sniper, he’d be too far away to help if something else went wrong. That sort of effort required backup for a successful, casualty-free rescue. There was no time. Claudia was a good start but outmaneuvering Polzin during his party would be thorny. Tonight would test Mike’s creative problem solving skills as never before. It was time to call in a favor. Maybe two.

  At the hotel, he parked the car and cut the engine, but he stayed in the seat. Their tail parked across the lot. Two men, apparently sent to watch. Somewhere in the city one or more of Polzin’s other men were searching for the right redhead for tonight’s preview. Their callous disregard for women, the lack of humanity, made him want to punch something.

  “Are we going in?” she asked.

  “Yes.” They had to go back into that massive suite that was far too small for his comfort. “What did you tell him about us? About me?” It sounded better when he rephrased it.

  She released her seatbelt with a click. “Just what we discussed. I gave him what he needed to hear.” Her eyes flashed with humor. “I even said you’re my employer, which makes you my boss.”

  He’d like to be. The thought filled his brain, followed by a parade of visions of her submitting to his sensual demands.

  Why in the hell couldn’t he shake that unfortunate conversation? He never should’ve brought up the subject of sex games. Teasing her wasn’t an explanation. Neither was testing her reactions. He had better control than that in and out of the bedroom. He was on a case here.

  The truth was, each revelation about her ex gave him the impression Trinity did everything for money or pleasure—his own. He’d kept a tight leash on Lauren’s career because it lined his pockets. He’d kept a tighter leash on her personal life because it boosted his status and respectability to date fan-favorite Dr. Loveless. He didn’t have to worry about her cheating on him or even leaving him, she was
too classy. Bastard. And it drove Mike crazy just thinking about it... about how the man had neglected her and used her.

  She might not see herself as a top A-lister, but her poise in the media, her good reputation on the set, gave her more clout than she realized. People saw her as the working-class girl who made it, the woman in control, and exactly where she wanted to be. It might not be true, but Lauren didn’t let the public close enough to bust the myth. Why had she allowed Mike to see what she hid from others? Not everything she’d shared was essential to her case. Why did that make him want to reciprocate? Why did it make him want her so?

  “Polzin will assume we’re lovers,” he said, his throat dry as hell. At his statement, her eyes went wide and her lips parted. Her hand froze on the door handle. He sympathized with the reaction. His mind had shot right back to the excellent kisses as well.

  “Of course,” she said after a moment. “I’ll keep that in mind tonight. To him, women are simply playthings or tools for using.”

  “That’s not what’s happening here.” He scrubbed at his face and yanked the key out of the ignition. “Inside.” He couldn’t stay out here, pretending to be a man he didn’t want to be with a woman he wanted too much.

  He walked beside her, but he kept his hands and lips to himself. If he kissed her now, it wouldn’t be about control or business. He couldn’t risk her life on the slim chance the men watching them recognized the personal attachment he was feeling. Once they were safe in the suite, Lauren set to work like a costume designer possessed. He was grateful for the distraction and limited conversation as she focused on presentation and he made the calls that would smooth the way for their escape.

  He checked in with Claudia and together they studied the blueprints of the mansion. So far she hadn’t come across a report of a missing redhead, but adults weren’t considered missing until at least twenty-four hours had passed. By then it would be too late. Polzin would insist on someone beautiful and clean to fill out the preview roster tonight. Mike was determined to keep another woman out of the snare. Rescuing five plus Lauren and Vanya would be tough but he intended to get the job done with no casualties.

  His mind turned it over and over as he dressed, thinking of the so-called finishing school and the clubs they’d waded through. “I’m an idiot,” he said aloud, checking his watch. No matter where they picked up the redhead, they were taking her to one place: the party at the mansion. If they hurried they could ambush the kidnapper on the road. “Can we leave ASAP?”

  “Sure,” Lauren replied. “My makeup’s done,” she added one final touch, “now.”

  “Damn it,” he muttered, fumbling with the knot of his tie. A sniper attack didn’t require this nonsense. He suddenly wished he’d insisted on a different approach tonight.

  “Having performance issues, dear?”

  “What?” Mike loosened the knot and started over. He didn’t want to spend the night among Polzin and his sharks with a convenient noose around his neck.

  “You’re twitching like an understudy called up on reviewer night.”

  He caught a glimpse of her in the mirror, then forced his attention on adjusting the silk at his throat. “I don’t want to know what that means.”

  “It’s a stage thing that means you look nervous.” She paused, securing a glittering golden earring that dripped nearly to her shoulder. “Whoa,” she said, her eyes on his tie. “That’s a four-in-hand.”


  “The knot.” She crooked a finger. “It’s wrong. Come here.”

  His feet were rooted to the floor. Moving wasn’t an option. It would put him closer to her and worse, too close to the bed. Minefields weren’t as dangerous as staying in this room with her. “It’s tied, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” She made an impatient sound and approached him, the deep blue fabric of her dress shimmering and taunting him with all the curves he couldn’t touch. “Polzin and the others will expect a full Windsor knot.”

  “How can you know that?” He leaned back, but her fingers were already loosening the tie. He forced himself to stay put. “It’s a tie. Guys don’t care.”

  “Maybe guys don’t care, but these men will. I met Polzin today, remember? And I’ve met men like him—sans the illegal activities—since diving into this industry.”

  As if he could forget she’d stripped for the SOB. He warred with the urge to dodge her hands, or move them to the places where his body craved her touch. He had a feeling that it would be damned hard not to knock Polzin senseless the first time he looked at Lauren tonight.

  “The tie underscores your background.”


  “A four-in-hand isn’t right for your build.” The length of silk slid back and forth under his collar as she adjusted the ends to her liking. Then she stopped, her hands resting lightly on his chest.

  Could she feel his heart hammering? Using the tie like a blindfold would be more fun—for both of them. Somehow he kept the words in his head and away from his tongue as his gaze fell to her mouth. He wanted another taste of her soft lips warming to his kiss, but they’d already had one near miss. Finding his last ounce of restraint, he stepped back. “My way is fine.”

  She seemed to snap out of her trance. “It’s not.” She tugged again, her gaze intent as she looped, twisted, and snugged until the knot at his throat satisfied her. “The man you’re playing tonight has more money than Bill Gates. His tailor wouldn’t allow him to ruin his image with the wrong knot.” She turned him to the mirror. “See the difference?”

  He did. “No.” In the reflection he caught the quick, exasperated roll of her eyes.

  “Polzin will see it, that’s the point.”

  He grunted, which was as much of an answer as she was going to get.

  “I like the earring,” she teased.

  Claudia had couriered over a very special platinum earring for him to wear. The jeweled eyes of the gargoyle were actually the latest in miniature audio and video transmitting equipment. Claudia would be recording every minute of tonight.

  “I’m more worried he’ll see you.” Despite the wig and makeup, Mike saw Lauren Marie Woods, popular actress. Not even the contacts that turned her eyes to an impossible emerald green fooled him. “We need to rethink this.”

  “No.” The straight, black hair brushed her chin as she shook her head. “Vanya risked too much for us to bail out.”

  “I don’t mean bail, I mean rethink it.”

  She planted her hands on her hips. “You don’t believe I can handle it.”

  “That’s not it.” Not all of it. He could hardly explain it to her when he didn’t have the vocabulary to define this thing inside him that went beyond basic attraction. The body and face were outstanding, but the fascinating woman under the gloss and polish had him in a twist.

  Lauren had exhibited courage his fellow SEALs would admire. When he’d opened this case he hadn’t expected her to care about anything other than saving her skin. It was a rare day when he was proved wrong. He didn’t know how to admit it.

  “You know what?” she snapped. “I’m not sure I can count on you.” She plucked her small purse from the bed and checked the contents as she headed for the door. “Stay here. I’ve memorized Officer Cooper’s phone number if I need backup.”

  “Wait.” He caught her elbow as she stomped past him. “Just wait a minute,” he repeated. She couldn’t call Cooper. Not yet. The words he needed to say were more difficult when she didn’t look like herself, but he looked through the disguise.

  “Make it quick.” She stopped, but didn’t turn around. “If we’re late, we could be locked out.”

  “You’ll be great.” Several lives, theirs included, were riding on her ability to perform as a buyer’s assistant. All he had to do was act the part of a cold, wealthy man with a general disregard for women as anything beyond useful servants. Thanks to Lauren’s ability to costume him, his job was more than halfway done. “You can count on me. I’ll play the part and I’ll
have the exit route ready.”

  “If I thought waiting would work, I’d agree to hide until the authorities rounded up Polzin and his syndicate.” She stared up at him, her face imploring. “Frankly, I’m not so sure they’re even looking for these guys.”

  “I know.” He believed she’d prefer to execute a rescue that wouldn’t drum up media attention, but he’d learned she wasn’t shy when she thought she could accomplish something. That same core belief had carried her away from home and set her on a successful path in one of the most unforgiving industries. “And you’re right. We need to strike now while Polzin is in town.”

  She nodded. “Thank you. Bringing Desmond’s killer to justice and rescuing those women isn’t enough. We need to... cut off the head of the snake.”

  He grinned and picked up the keys to the car. “You got it, baby.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Hollywood Hills, 7:45 p.m.

  The Lotus practically floated through traffic as they headed out to the mansion for the party. He lost the tail when they stopped for drinks at a swanky bar, and managed to maintain just enough lead time to park the car out of sight along the drive to the mansion.

  “What if the driver won’t stop?” Lauren was the one showing her nerves now. “This could be the wrong move.”

  Claudia had been monitoring the police bands. An abduction of a young woman with red hair had been reported in West Hollywood by the victim’s roommate. A quick check of traffic cams and Claudia had spotted the black sedan from the finishing school in the area. With the windows tinted she couldn’t confirm the redhead was in the car, but it was definitely headed this way.

  “Trust me.” Mike flashed Lauren a smile. “I’m very good at this part.”

  “We’ll get them all out, right?”

  “We will. Now, sit tight while I do this. I’ll be back before you know it.”


  “Trust me,” he repeated.

  “Right.” Her tight smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Be careful. That’s an order.”


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