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Miss Demeanor

Page 3

by Beth Rinyu

  “Oh yeah, sure.” I wasted no time, standing up and smoothing out my skirt. “I could’ve done—” I stopped myself when he pulled out the jammed piece of paper with ease.

  “Umm…just for future reference…not a good idea to put card stock paper in here.” His green eyes glared up at me and then down my body, stopping at my bare legs for a moment before he stood up and handed me the crumpled-up paper. “But you’re so smart…I’m sure you knew that already.” He scoffed and walked away. Just when I thought he was getting a little nicer, he had used his sarcasm to prove otherwise.

  “Don’t worry, I jam it all the time,” Kent, one of the guys from the IT department and one of the few people in this place who was actually nice to me, remarked as he snuck up behind me.

  “Yeah, these machines are totally foreign to me.” I feigned laughter, still trying to figure out what the deal was with Mr. Obnoxious. Why did he go out of his way to help me clear that jam when he obviously hated my guts?

  “Don’t sweat it. People will eventually start warming up to you.”

  “Huh?” I finally snapped out of my daydreaming.

  “I see how all the girls look at you and how Alex treats you. Give it time, once you prove to them that you’re worthy of the job, they’ll start respecting you a little more. It was just a blow to a lot of people’s egos.”

  “Well, I don’t see how.” I knew what the deal was with the ladies. Clearly, they were all jealous of me. I was young, pretty, and one pair of my shoes probably costs more than their entire paycheck. I could handle that. I was used to being envied by other females. It was the younger Mr. Andrews who had me so perplexed. Never had I gotten such a chilly reception from a male before. Okay, maybe after I broke their heart, but never just right off the bat.

  “We’ll have to go to lunch sometime.”

  “Okay, that sounds good.” I smiled.

  His smile back told me his invitation was meant to be more than just a friendly gesture. The last thing I wanted to do was lead him on. He was so not my type. He was cute, but in an average sort of way. He was only a few inches taller than my five-foot-three height, which automatically disqualified him—even if he was a contender…which he was not. I liked my men tall and with a lot more money than a computer guy made, that was for sure. But right now, he was my only ally, so I had to be nice in return, even if he did think it was more than just friendly.

  Marisa, one of the secretaries, who definitely wasn’t a fan of mine, pushed between us. “Oh, Kent, there you are! My computer keeps freezing up. Can you come and take a look?”

  “Sure, no problem.”

  She turned her head in my direction and eyed me up without a word.

  “Morning, Marisa! Your hair looks really nice. Did you just get it done?” I smiled, forcing her to speak to me.

  “Oh, umm, yeah, I did. Thanks,” she replied, her tone a little softer than it normally was with me. “I’m going on my break, so if I’m not there when you come over you can just hop on and take a look,” she said to Kent, flashing me a small trace of a smile before heading back to her desk.

  “Wow! Did she just actually try and smile at me?”

  “I believe she did. See that…baby steps.” Kent grinned and was on his way.

  Baby steps? It was more like I was walking in place. I sighed heavily, wanting to get back to the confines of my office and out of the fishbowl of piranhas surrounding me.

  “Oh, Rose, can you come here for a second?” Mr. Andrews called when I walked past his door.

  I turned back around and stepped into his office, my face dropping when I saw his nephew seated on the other side of his desk.

  “Have a seat.” Mr. Andrews pointed to the empty chair next to his nephew.

  “I was just telling Alex we’re going to be doing some reorganizing internally and moving some people around…maybe even hiring a few more people. But until then, the two of you will be sharing Lucy as an assistant.”

  “Oh, okay.” I glanced at Alex, who didn’t appear pleased over the news. “You know, it’s fine. I really don’t need an assistant. I can do it on my own until you get all the restructuring figured out.”

  “Don’t be silly, you’ll need the extra help, trust me. Things can get really crazy in here,” Mr. Andrews warned.

  “Well, I don’t want to take Lucy away from anyone—”

  “It’s fine and considering how you don’t even know how to use a copier, I think you need an assistant more than anyone,” Alex interrupted.

  My jaw dropped. “Why do you always have to hurl insults at me?”

  He narrowed his eyes at me as his mouth started to move then stopped before the words came out. “Can I go now? I’ve got work to do.” He redirected his focus to his uncle.

  Mr. Andrews nodded, waiting until he was out of the office before he spoke again. “Rose, I’m really sorry.”

  “Please, it’s not your fault. You’ve been nothing but kind to me, and I plan on paying back your kindness by proving to you I’m a good worker and not just some stupid girl you got stuck hiring because you know her dad.”

  “And I have all the faith in the world that you’ll succeed.”

  Thankfully he didn’t share the same low opinion of me as his nephew, and in return I was determined to keep that promise to him.

  Chapter 6



  THREE WEEKS ON THE job, and I was settling into my new position quite nicely. I had an office with an awesome view, an assistant, and best of all…the younger Mr. Andrews had been away for the past three days. This working for a living thing wasn’t too bad after all.

  “I got you a cappuccino. I hope it’s okay. I told them no sugar, but if you’d like some I have some packets in my desk,” Lucy, my assistant, rambled. The poor girl was a bundle of nerves. She was my age and clearly lacked self-confidence, and it was apparent why. She was definitely pretty, but she was in desperate need of a makeover. A haircut, maybe a few highlights in her mousy brown hair, some shaping of her eyebrows, and a complete wardrobe overhaul was a must. That was a project I intended to take on in an effort to have her build up some confidence.

  “It’s perfect just the way it is.” I smiled as I took a sip.

  “Really?” Her eyes widened. “I normally never get it right for Alex.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” I mumbled.

  “So, what’s on the agenda for today?” she asked, eager to please.

  We took a seat at the table and I pulled out my notes. “I was thinking about doing an article on…makeovers. Maybe we could focus on the female employees who work here. That would be a good way to introduce the women readers to the women in the company. You know, so they can kind of relate to the people behind the stuff they’re reading, if that makes sense.”

  She lifted her head and smiled. “Wow, I really like that idea! It sounds so different than what I’m used to around here.”

  “Yeah, I think it would be loads of fun, and you can definitely be included in the makeovers…if you’d like.”

  She let out a reluctant sigh. “I’m not sure. I have a phobia of getting my hair cut and I feel like a clown when I wear makeup.” Judging by the messy bun she always sported and her makeup-less face, I knew she wasn’t lying.

  “You just haven’t found the right person to do your hair or your makeup. I’ll hook you up with my aunt’s hairstylist. He’s fab, and I can help you with the makeup.”


  I got up and pulled my makeup bag from my purse. “The trick is to apply your makeup subtly.” I opened my eyeshadow pallet and examined the colors, trying to decide which would go best with her hazel eyes and porcelain skin tone. “Do you care if I try?”

  She shrugged. “Sure, but I don’t think it’s going to do much good. I’ll probably look like a raccoon like I always do when I put on eye makeup.”

  “Will you stop being so down on yourself? You’re a really pretty girl!”

Her eyes widened, and it was clear she’d never heard someone tell her that before. The truth was, I wasn’t lying just to make her feel better. She had beautiful skin, high cheekbones, perfectly plump lips, and I was certain once her hair was down and styled properly and a little eyebrow wax, she’d be a knock-out. She just had to gain some self-assurance. So, for right now, I was taking baby steps to let her see that makeup wasn’t the enemy. I blended the shadow and applied a light coat of blush then took a step back to examine my work. Even with just that little bit of makeup I noticed a huge difference.

  “Want to take a look?” I asked.

  She reluctantly nodded when I pulled the mirror from my purse and placed it in her hand. It was as if she was looking at herself for the very first time, and I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the smile that adorned her face over her reflection.

  “Wow…it looks so good. I really appreciate that.” She was unable to look away from the girl staring back at her. “Can I tell you something?” She put down the mirror and looked my way.


  “I was a little nervous about working for you. I mean, you’re so pretty and polished…I thought maybe you may have been a little…mean, but I rushed to judgement too quickly. I mean, Alex isn’t bad to work for, but sometimes he’s really picky about the way he likes things done, so this will be a nice break.”

  “Thanks for that. I promise, I’m nothing like him. Now, how about some lipstick?”

  She nodded and smiled. I chose my tube of naughty nude and colored in her lips, watching her face light up in a smile once again when I handed her the mirror. “You should have been a makeup artist.”

  “It’s just always something I liked doing.” I smiled. “Guess we better get working now.” We both giggled, breaking our laughter to a knock on the door.

  “Lucy,” Alex summoned as he stood in the doorway, not daring to cross the threshold into enemy territory.

  “Oh, Alex, I thought you weren’t going to be back until tomorrow.” Lucy’s voice cracked.

  “I had a change of plans. Did you email the printer with the layout for next month’s edition?”

  “Oh…umm, not yet. Carl wasn’t done with his portion yet. The deadline isn’t until tomorrow afternoon anyway.”

  “Okay, and did you remind Carl that you need it by the end of the day?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Do you think you can tear yourself away from playing dress-up to do that?”

  “Oh, yeah…sure, no problem.”

  I couldn’t believe the nerve of him. How dare he come in here so rudely and make demands of Lucy when she was supposed to be helping me on my project.

  “Excuse me!” I snapped, stopping Lucy as she stood up, ready to run out to appease his demands. “We’re in the middle of something, so you’ll just have to wait.”

  “Yeah, I guess putting on makeup would be a top priority for you. Besides, Lucy is my assistant.”

  “That’s funny because I was told she’s to assist both of us. Remember? ‘I don’t know how to use a copy machine.’”

  I glanced at Lucy, standing in between us like a deer in the headlights.

  “Rose, I’m just going to email Carl, and I’ll be right back.” She scooted out the door with Mr. Dickhead right behind her.

  I didn’t put up a fight, but only because I didn’t want to put Lucy in an uncomfortable situation. I balled my fists and took some deep, cleansing breaths, trying to get my temper under control before sitting down and starting some work. “Do you think you can tear yourself from playing dress-up?” I mimicked Alex to myself. I couldn’t take it anymore. Who did he think he was treating me like I was beneath him? Throwing my pen down on the desk, I marched out of my office and into his.

  He lifted his head from his computer and rolled his eyes when he saw it was me. “I’m busy,” he muttered, turning his attention back to his computer monitor.

  “Yeah, well, so was I, and you didn’t have any problem barging into my office like a Neanderthal and stealing Lucy.”

  “The only thing you were busy with was turning Lucy into a version of someone you find acceptable.”

  “For your information, it was for—” I stopped myself. I didn’t owe him any explanations.

  “Oh, I know what it’s for. God forbid, Miss High and Mighty has someone working for her who doesn’t have her hair and makeup just so or doesn’t wear designer clothes. It may be a reflection on her. Don’t try changing Lucy into some version of you!” He looked back down at his computer and muttered, “One of you is more than enough.”

  I stomped toward his desk and threw my hands in the air. “What the hell is your problem with me? You don’t even know me, and you hate me.”

  “Will you please just get out of here? I’m busy!”

  “No, I won’t! Not until you tell me what I did to piss you off so badly.”

  He shook his head and ignored me, typing on his computer as if I weren’t even standing just a few feet away. It was useless, and I was done trying. He clearly had a major chip on his shoulder over something, and I couldn’t care less what it was.

  “You think you’re better than everyone just because your daddy has money.”

  I stopped in his doorway and turned around as he began to speak.

  “Well, guess what? You’re not. You’re given everything in life and don’t know a thing about earning it. You look down on people who have less money than you when the cold reality is, if your father went broke tomorrow you’d be the same as those people you turn your nose up at. So, don’t tell me you’re trying to help Lucy out. We both know you’re just trying to bring her up to your standards. Leave her alone. She’s a nice girl, something you know nothing about.”

  “How dare you sit there and judge me? You know nothing about me!” I snapped.

  “Oh, I know what’s necessary to know…I don’t need to know any more.”

  Tears pooled in my eyes. No one had ever spoken to me that way before. He was downright mean, but at the same time, he’d struck a major chord. As much as I wanted to believe he was wrong in his callous observation, I knew deep down inside he was right.

  I pulled it together, willing myself not to cry in front of him. I wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. Instead, I waited until I was in the safety of my office and behind closed doors before I let the tears flow. Was I that transparent that he saw right through me? He was wrong when it came to Lucy. I wanted to help her and not because I felt like I needed to bring her up to my standards, but because I wanted her to gain some confidence in herself. But he was right, I was given everything. I wouldn’t even have this job if it weren’t for my father and his connections.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I can come back,” Lucy said, peeking her head into my office just as I was dabbing my eyes with a tissue.

  “No, it’s fine. Come in.”

  She took a hesitant step forward. “He’s really not so bad.”

  “I guess you heard?” I asked.

  She nodded. “It couldn’t be helped. No one heard exactly what you guys were saying…just the raised voices.”

  “Great!” I sighed. “Please, whatever you do, don’t tell him I was crying.”

  “Oh, I promise. I would never.”


  She took a seat across from me.



  “Do you think I’m a snob?”

  “No…” She hesitated.

  “I mean, before you got to know me. What was your first impression?”


  “Just tell me the truth, I can handle it.”

  “A few of the girls…not me, but a few of the other girls thought it wasn’t fair that you got brought in and were given such a high position without it even being offered to any of them. Then there was the talk of who your father was and that was the only reason you were working here.”

  “And let me guess who started that.” I raised an eyebrow.

ike I said, he means well, and once you get to know him he’s a really great guy.”

  “Well, he’s gonna find out soon, I make a better friend than enemy.”

  “Can’t you guys try and get along? I hate seeing people fight.”

  “I tried to reason with him, but he’s impossible. He hates me and that’s all there is to it. So, whatever! I don’t even care.”

  “Then why are you crying?” She flashed me a sympathetic smile.

  I shook my head. “Guess I’m just on emotion overload today.” I sighed and forced a smile back.

  Chapter 7



  I HAD BECOME A master at avoiding Alex over the month that passed. The ease of it was more than likely because he was doing his best to evade me as well. Whatever the case, I didn’t care. If it meant I didn’t have to deal with him, then so be it. The few times I did encounter him we did our best to avert each other’s gaze or if communication was required it was one word or a grunt. They had hired a new assistant for Alex, so Lucy now primarily worked for me, helping him out from time to time when he needed her. In addition to Lucy, I had Marisa, who had just been promoted within the company, helping me out. She had overcome her ill feelings for me, and the three of us got along great. I was going about my business and loving my job, proving to myself I wasn’t as bad as Alex tried to peg me that day in his office. I made a point of befriending my coworkers and they retuned my congeniality toward them by befriending me back. I knew it was probably pissing Alex off big-time to see these people who he claimed I looked down upon wanted to be friends with me, but I didn’t care. That made me want to do it even more.

  “So, everything with the job is going well?” my aunt asked as we sat down to Sunday brunch at one of her favorite restaurants.

  “You know, it really is. I’ve got to be honest with you, I was planning on bombing the interview, just so I could get out of working, but I really like it. It’s kind of nice making my own money.”


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