Miss Demeanor

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Miss Demeanor Page 27

by Beth Rinyu

  Sometimes people do the most screwed up things with the very best intentions. I thought back to that day when I asked Audra if she was angry at her mother for not telling her who her father really was and how her words had resonated with me. Never in a million years did I think that would apply to me, but it did. It would take me a while to get over this, but I knew eventually I would. However screwed up the situation was, they were still my family and they loved me without a doubt.

  Now I had a new addition to that family, a part of Alex and me, who right now was only the size of a peppercorn, but I was already completely in love with and fiercely protective of. I had two choices: become bitter and guarded for the rest of my life because of this, or use it as a lesson to make sure history didn’t repeat itself. I looked down at my belly and couldn’t contain my inner happiness. The thought of gaining weight, enduring God knows how many hours of labor then being up half the night to take care of a screaming little human used to scare me to death. Now here I was counting down the months for him or her to get here. I had made my choice, thanks to the man sitting across from me and the one true love he let slip away.

  Chapter 51



  AFTER TYPING, DELETING, AND retyping my response to Rose, I finally gave in and headed to her hotel. There were so many things I needed to say to her, and I couldn’t convey it in an email. I was taking a chance of having her slam the door in my face, and I was okay with it. She said she needed time, and I was willing to give it to her, but I needed to see her and make sure she was okay after her meeting. I stepped off the elevator taking in the room numbers, stopping and tapping on door number 407 while prepping myself for her rejection. After a few seconds that seemed more like hours, she finally answered.

  “Alex?” she whispered with her head resting on the doorframe. “How did you know where I was?”

  “Marisa kinda told me. You can tell me to leave, go to hell, or whatever it is you’re thinking right now, but I just need to know if you’re okay.”

  Much to my surprise, she opened the door farther and allowed me inside. I cautiously took the first step in. Her puffy eyes were encompassed in dark circles, and her face masked with exhaustion and worry.

  “I know, I look horrible,” she remarked.

  “No, you don’t. Not at all. You just look tired.”

  She dropped her gaze to the floor. “I was actually gonna call you,” she whispered. “I met with Phillip York earlier.”

  “I know.”

  “How do you know?”

  “My uncle said he called him for your number. I told him he shouldn’t have given it to him, and it was only going to make matters worse.”

  “Actually, it didn’t. It kind of helped me put things in perspective.” Taking a seat on the bed, she tapped on the mattress for me to sit next to her. “I needed to hear his side of the story, and I’m glad I did,” she continued once I sat down. “They were in love, and he was willing to take a chance at losing everything for her, but she wouldn’t allow it. He says he didn’t even know she was pregnant with me until she was eight months along. I know that still doesn’t make up for him not being a part of my life, but I’m not sure if I really wanted him to be. Despite everything that’s happened, my mother and father loved me. They gave me a good life…maybe too good, and that’s why I turned into that bratty, spoiled person you hated so much.”

  “You’re nothing like the person I once thought you were. In fact, you’re the exact opposite.”

  “You know, even though I acted like I did toward you at first, I never really hated you for feeling that way about me. In fact, I think I admired you. You were the first person who ever made me take a step back and take a good look at myself, and I think that’s what I needed. I realize now that life isn’t all about money and material things, and I have you to thank for that. My aunt let the love of her life walk away when she was pregnant with his child, and given the circumstances, I don’t know if I blame her.” Her warm, soft hand covered mine and her deep brown eyes set into me. “And I almost let the love of my life walk away over some stupid petty joke.” Her voice wavered before continuing. “I love you, Alex. I was afraid to say it out loud to you before because I knew if I did, it would be real, and it would hurt so much worse if something were to happen between us. But I realize now, whether you say it or not, you still feel it deep inside, and it hurts just the same.”

  “Rose, you know I’m sorry for not telling you, and I could apologize to you a million times more, but unless you’re able to trust me that it will never happen again, then all the apologies don’t mean a thing.”

  “I know.” She nodded. “I sat there today, staring at this stranger who resembled me in so many ways, and through him, I realized what matters most.” She nervously bounced her leg up and down, and I gently placed my hand on her thigh to stop her. “I don’t want to be my aunt Kate.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I need to tell you something, and I don’t want you to get freaked out or angry, but it’s something you need to know.” She drew a deep breath and her eyes lit up with emotion. “I’m pregnant.”

  I stared at her blankly, certain I didn’t hear her right as she continued to ramble on.

  “I was on the pill, but stupid me didn’t realize when you get sick with the flu and are throwing up nonstop for days, you should really use a backup method. I mean, how dumb of me. I can tell you anything you want to know about being pregnant. Turns out, I should have become more educated on—”

  I grabbed her face and kissed her, putting a halt to her nervous chattering. This was the biggest shock of my life but also the happiest one. I never thought much about having kids. I thought maybe someday it might happen, and now was that someday. Our kiss ended, and my forehead pressed against hers.

  “I was so scared you weren’t going to be okay with this. I don’t want you to think I tried trapping you because, I swear, that’s not what happened.”

  “Rose, stop. I’m better than okay with this.”

  “So, you want this baby?”

  “I want our baby, and I want you. I love you, Rose, and it doesn’t get any realer than that.”

  She smiled and threw her arms around me, suddenly bursting into tears, allowing all the bottled-up emotion from the past twenty-four hours to come to the surface.

  “I have to go see my aunt,” she whispered through her sobs. “Will you come with me?”

  “I will, but first lie down and get some rest. You’re exhausted.”

  We lay down on the bed, and I pulled her close. She rested her head on my shoulder, and it wasn’t too long until she was fast asleep in my arms. I placed my lips on the top of her head, measuring each breath she took.

  Before Rose came in my life, I thought it was over. My dreams had been crushed. I was no longer a Marine—I was a failure. Now, I realized it was just a chapter of my life that had come to an end. The real story was about to begin, and I was so excited to start it with this beautiful woman lying beside me and my child who was growing inside of her.

  Chapter 52



  THEY SAY FORGIVING IS easy, it’s forgetting that’s hard. But with each day that passed, I was learning to do a little bit more of each. I knew things would never be the same now that I knew the real story. How could they have been? My aunt was really my mother and my mother and father were really my aunt and uncle. What sounded like the premise of a trashy talk show was really my life.

  If I’d learned this truth a year ago, I would’ve never been able to take the first step to forgiveness, but so much had changed. I’d grown up. I learned what mattered most in life, and I was able to see things from others’ perspectives so much more clearly. I wasn’t the same girl I used to be, and it had nothing to do with who my mother and father were, and everything to do with the man I fell in love with. A man who was once my fiercest competitor but was now my greatest suppor
ter, my biggest confidant, and my very best friend.

  In the month that passed, things were back to normal between Alex and me before our little breakup, with one teeny exception—we were going to have a baby! I was spending almost all my time at his place and my favorite part of the day was when we’d lie in bed together each night reading What to Expect When You’re Expecting. Then before we’d go to sleep, he’d give me a kiss and then kiss my belly. It made my heart happy to know he was just as excited as I was over this baby. Typical of our relationship, prior to my pregnancy, we didn’t really talk about the future, we were just taking it one day at a time, and I was perfectly okay with that. I knew Alex wasn’t going anywhere, and I could already tell he was going to be a devoted father to our child, and that’s all that mattered.

  Marisa had given birth to a beautiful baby boy, and I was by her side the entire time. Of course, I was a sobbing mess by the time it was all over. It truly was a miracle, and to see it all unfold in front of me was just an incredible experience I’ll never forget. It was scary to know I’d be enduring that same pain I watched her go through in a short matter of time, but when I saw the end result, I knew it would all be worth it. I was so proud of Marisa and the way she instinctively took on the role of mother. When the baby was placed in her arms, it was as if she had finally met the love of her life. Lucy and I were taking turns going to her place and helping her out so she could get some much-needed rest. I couldn’t imagine doing it on my own like she was, so when Mr. Andrews presented me with the same check from Phillip York I refused to take that day in the coffee shop, I knew exactly what to do with it—I cashed it and gave the money to Marisa.

  Lucy and Declan had gotten engaged for her birthday and were planning a small summer wedding. I had agreed to be her maid of honor. Part of that agreement came with the disclaimer that I may need to be rolled down the aisle by then. I couldn’t tell her no. After all they were just another happy success story from the Rose Perkins Matchmaking Foundation.

  I sat up in bed with my laptop, trying to get caught up on some work with Alex next to me, studying. I was just about to shut down and call it a night when I got an email notification for my column. I didn’t have any intention of answering it until the morning, but my curiosity had me at least wanting to see what the question was, so I could maybe plot out an answer in my head as I was falling asleep. I clicked on the little envelope with the same anticipation as always when I’d get a hit.

  Dear Miss Demeanor,

  I love you…will you marry me?

  ~ Pompous Ass

  My eyes blurred with tears as I read it once again. Those same tears that were just a visual distraction moments ago were now spilling from my eyes when I turned my head in Alex’s direction and looked down at the sparkling diamond ring in his hand.

  “Well?” He raised his eyebrow. “Or are you gonna make me get down on one knee?”

  “Actually, now that you suggested it. I would love to see you down on one knee.” I was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Always have to have the upper hand, don’t you?” he teased as he got out of bed and walked around to my side. Bending down on one knee, he looked up at me, his eyes the most spellbinding shade of green I’d ever seen. “Despite our rocky start, I think you know I’m crazy about you and would do anything in this world for you. So, I was wondering, would you do the same for me and be my wife?”

  I grabbed the sides of his face and squeezed his cheeks. “Sure, why not?” I replied, causing both of us to burst out with laughter. He slid the ring down my finger and it all became real. I’m engaged. “I-I can’t believe this is all happening. Lucy was right.”

  “Lucy was right about what?” he asked, hopping up on the bed next to me.

  “She said the more you got under my skin, the closer you’d get to my heart.”

  “Me? Get under your skin?” he teased.

  “Just a little.” I crinkled my nose. “But not anymore, now you’re totally in my heart.”

  Our lips meshed together, and it was like we were kissing for the very first time. I hugged him as tight as I possibly could, resting my head on his shoulder. I stared down at my ring finger, and it all began to settle in—Alex was going to be my husband, I was going to be his wife, and together we were going to be someone’s parents. My life was so different than I ever imagined it would be, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way because one thing was for certain—it didn’t get any better than this.

  Chapter 53



  ALEX AND I WERE married two months after our engagement. It wasn’t the lavish gala I envisioned my entire life. Instead, it was a small, intimate ceremony, more beautiful and more meaningful than anything I could’ve ever imagined, because I had the one thing that was always lacking in those childhood dreams—true love. My dress wasn’t made by an overpriced designer, with a train that went on for miles, it was simple and classic.

  The ceremony wasn’t in a giant castle that was the setting of so many animated fairy-tale weddings I’d watch as a child. Instead, it was held in the gazebo overlooking the river in Alex’s parents’ backyard. The reception wasn’t at an elaborate ballroom, but in the barn on his parents’ property. Alex’s mother had transformed it into something more magical than any venue I’d ever seen or could’ve ever imagined.

  No, it wasn’t the standard princess wedding I’d always thought I wanted—it was so much more. I was so immersed in my pregnancy and becoming Alex’s wife that nothing else mattered. I let Alex’s mother take the reins of planning every last detail, and I couldn’t have been happier with the outcome. And in the end, I landed my handsome prince just like in those fairy tales.

  The man I’d known to be my father my entire life, and who would always fill that title, walked me down the aisle. There was no one else in the world I wanted giving me away on my wedding day more than him. I was fortunate enough to have my two best girls, Marisa and Lucy, make the trip down to attend, and I was even able to put my differences aside and accept that none other than Brock Donavan was Alex’s best man. I realized I had no other choice but to accept the truth that was now my life if I ever wanted to move on and be happy with my future, and so that’s what I did. I put all my differences from the past aside and focused on the future.

  “I’ve never seen you more glowing and happier than you are today,” my father remarked as we stepped out on the dance floor.

  “I am. Very happy.”

  “That’s all we ever wanted for you, and I hope we succeeded in doing so.”

  “You did, and you know what, I wouldn’t change a thing. You are the best dad a girl could ever ask for. I owe you everything, including that guy right there.” I looked in Alex’s direction as he stood at the bar area, laughing away with his father and Brock. “If you hadn’t given me your ultimatum, I’d still be back home acting like a spoiled brat and ducking my responsibility. And now look at me…in a few months, I’m going to be responsible for another human being.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Rose. You’ve grown up so much in such a short amount of time.”

  I looked over at my aunt Kate as she and Alex’s uncle moved across the dance floor. The smile hadn’t left her face the entire day, but she didn’t try to overstep her role, allowing my mother to shine as the mother of the bride.

  “She looks really happy too, doesn’t she?” I stared up at my father as we swayed back and forth.

  He directed his attention toward Aunt Kate. “She is. In more ways than one.”

  “I’m glad it’s all finally out. No matter how much that initial blow hurt, I’m just happy there aren’t any more secrets. Someone told me not so long ago that sometimes people do the most screwed-up things with the best intentions. I know now all of you only had my best interest at heart. It was just hard for me to see at first. Until I found out I was gonna have a child. I don’t know if I would be strong enough to do it on my own. I’d like to think I would be, but it’
s scary. I admire the women who do it, and I respect the ones who admit they can’t. I wouldn’t trade my past for anything. I love you and Mom so much for giving me the best life ever. I’ll always be thankful for that, and I’ll always be grateful to Aunt Kate for admitting her weaknesses and allowing you guys to step in and do so.”

  “My little girl has grown up in ways I never imagined, and I can’t wait to see you raise your own little ones.”

  I hugged him tightly as the music ended, allowing my mother to cut in and share a dance with him.

  I made my way to the bar area and tapped Alex on the shoulder.

  “Do I finally get to dance with my wife?” he asked.

  “After me.” Brock grabbed my hand before I could even decline and pulled me out on the dance floor.

  “I know I said it to you before, but I’m gonna say it again. I’m truly sorry. That was a dumb immature thing we did,” he said as we started to move back and forth.

  “And I said it before, and I’ll say it again. It really was. But it’s in the past, so we’re gonna leave it there.”

  He nodded and smiled. “Alex is crazy about you. We’ve been through a lot together. Stuff he’ll probably never tell you because…” His voice faltered, and he shook his head. “But he always had my back, and I always had his. I’m so happy for both of you.”

  “Thanks. I’m really sorry things didn’t work out with your fiancée.” They’d ended up calling their wedding off a week after the invitations had gone out.


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