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Better Off Without Her (Book One of the Western Serial Killer series)

Page 21

by Hestand, Rita

  But leaving her there in the bed alone, he felt he had to do something to make her understand what joy she had brought him.

  Dear Wife,

  Last night was like seeing a piece of heaven and holding it in my arms. I love you beyond words. No matter how this comes out today, remember the joy and love we shared and keep me close to your heart always, as you will always be with me. We are as God intended, one now, and you go where I go. I love you more than you can possibly imagine.

  Your loving husband.

  John T.

  The posse was ready at dawn. It was beginning to rain, and no sun shone.

  The Sheriff had procured his paper and was satisfied they could go after and kill Victor Frank within the law for the entire posse had agreed that the only way to bring Victor in was dead.

  It only took a couple of hours to realize that they couldn't track Victor Frank in the rain. Not only had it been several days now but the rain covered his tracks. Still they pushed onward. There had to be some clue as to where he went.

  They had definitely wandered into Indian Territory though and they all knew they had another enemy to face.

  Even though most of the Indians were on the reservations now, there were a few scattered tribes about who refused to live like prisoners on the land. John T. understood the Indians and respected them. The land was theirs long before the white man came along. It was natural and right that they wanted it. Besides, they respected the land much more than the white men ever did.

  They came across a Comanche buried against a ledge. They all stared at how the Indian had been positioned just so, with bended knees. It was a strange thing to witness.

  The rain soon turned to snow and the posse seemed restless. Some wanted to turn back, others scathed them for being such cowards. A priest had been killed; it was their duty to see that Victor Frank paid.

  None had figured on the Comanche war party that attacked them that same day. They had come into a valley with a canyon like entrance. Wary, they entered, and there they were attacked.

  The Comanche surrounded them and took them by surprise. Each man fought hard, but many died.

  Rascal was behind a boulder when an Indian reared up in front of him. He was big and Rascal was no match to hand fight him. But the Indian kept plundering him, at last besting him with a spear into Rascal side. Rascal keeled over in pain and agony, but not before he saw the face of the Indian.

  Wesley found him first and tried to help him. But Rascal had been hit on the right side and it must have gone into some part of his heart, Wesley decided for Rascal was nearly done.

  He looked at his friend and shook his head, "I ain't gonna lie to you. It's bad…" Wesley said, shaking his head. "Want a drink…?"

  "Yeah…whiskey…" Rascal tried to sound jovial although it was plain he knew he was done in too.

  Wesley went to fetch his canteen, and John T. and Antonio showed up. "Rascal…" John T. shouted, unable to believe that an Indian could best Rascal.

  They all congregated around him now.

  "It weren't no Indian that done this…" Rascal pronounced mightily as the pain made him wince as he sat up a little to drink.

  "What do ya mean?" Wesley asked his eyes narrowing.

  "I mean…we done run into Victor Frank himself. He's with them…" Rascal announced breathlessly.

  "Are you sure?" John T. asked.

  "More than sure. I saw that ugly face of his staring at me after he got me…" Rascal said his voice going a notch lower now.

  All the men digested this news with interest. Murmurings went around the camp about Victor being with the Comanche. It could be good news and it could be bad.

  "John T.," Rascal called later as he felt himself slipping.

  "Yeah…Rascal, I'm right here…" he came up to him and squatted down so he could help Rascal.

  "You remember your promise?" Rascal asked, as the pain nearly became too much.

  John T. hung his head. "Yeah Rascal, I remember…"

  "Will ya be keepin' that promise to me?" Rascal gasped.

  "You know I will…." John T. held his arm tight, as though he didn't want to let go.

  "Then, I'm done…son…" he hollered and fell against John T.

  John T. cringed and leaned down to cry. He couldn't help it. He'd come close to Rascal and his dying wish was such that John T. felt honored to be ask. Antonio bent his head; Wesley walked off, and wasn't seen for over an hour.

  The posse seemed ready to get Victor now. Now that they knew he was with the Indians all they had to do was sneak up on them. It could be done, several said.

  After the grievin' was over, Wesley, John T. and Antonio joined the rest of them.

  "Well, we know where to find him now. Looks like Victor Frank has finally found himself a family he can live with." Wesley snorted.

  Antonio came forward now. "I must admit, my feelings have changed considerably. To kill a woman…is unthinkable; to kill a priest, unforgivable, but to kill a friend…the man must die…"

  Wesley smiled over at John T. The fact that Antonio had become friends with them, meant he was on their side now and they could count on him.

  "Course I don't have to tell you fellers that our plans have to change now. He's with the Comanche. I didn't really expect that. I figured the Kiowa would get him. They are pretty good about takin' anyone into their family. But knowin' Frank, they were probably too tame for his liking, and much harder working. I guess his true self is more like the Comanche. And that means we gotta try to outsmart them. It would have been much easier if they had kilted him. But obviously, these people have something in common with him. I figure it is best to locate 'em and sneak up on 'em, while they sleep. Anyone got a better idea, let's hear it."

  The Sheriff scratched his head. "Not me. Yor idea seems good to me. And they sure did leave enough tracks to follow from here, so we ain't settin' out blind like."

  Wesley nodded. "I guess they didn't think about that."

  "How many dead we got?" the Sheriff asked.

  One man came to the center of the camp. "I counted ten with Rascal…"

  Everyone bowed their head. Okay, we'll bury 'em. Then set out tomorrow to find the scoundrels."

  "I'll need their names so I can contact their families…" the Sheriff said.

  A couple of the men gave the Sheriff a list.

  Some of the others got shovels and buried the dead. Young and old, there was a mixture.

  After paying their respects, Wesley, John T. and Antonio stood over Rascal's grave and Wesley shook his head sadly. "He said he had a feelin'. I guess he was right…I didn't want to believe him, and after a while…I knew he had to be with us."

  "Rascal, I'll be keepin' that promise, and…we'll get Victor for you." John T. firmed his lips, cleared his throat, and moved away.

  Antonio shook his head. "He was a good man, a family man…"

  "Yep, he was…the best." Wesley said and looked away. He'd never let the others know how much it hurt to lay his friend to rest. Something in him curled up and died with Rascal that day, and John T. knew that the friendship they had shared was about as close as anyone could get to another person. But it took a bite out of him, and it set him as determined to get Victor now. He had to see the man die. They all did.

  The tracks the Indians left were not hard to follow. They were way into Indian Territory when they came upon the camp. It was a small rebel village. There were no women in this camp, only warriors and Wesley was glad of it. He never liked hurting a female even if they were Indian.

  "We'll lay low until nightfall, then go in after 'em." Wesley commanded.

  "Sounds good to me." The Sheriff agreed.

  "Check your ammunition. Take care of yourself and keep the horses quiet above all, we don't want to be discovered." Wesley said.

  Everyone seemed to know what to do. The sound of guns whirring, bullets loading, and a steady hand at the horses reassured everyone that things might go well.

  Wesley, John T. an
d Antonio sat together, waiting. They whispered back and forth so as not to make too much noise.

  "He asked me to take care of his kids…" John T. sighed heavily.

  "What'd you say?" Wesley looked at him.

  "I said I would."

  "It'll be a handful, new wife and all…" Wesley twisted his head.

  "Yeah, but Pepper and I both already talked about it."

  "Ya did…when?" Wesley asked.

  "Last night…"

  "You used the night for talking senor?" Antonio chuckled softly.

  "No…not altogether, but we did some. She was all for getting' his kids if anything happened, but I sure hate to be the one to tell her. She'll be so hurt…" John T. swallowed hard. "She is a strong woman, she don't let her feelin's get hold of her often, but when she loves people, she really loves them. And she loved Rascal."

  "Then I'll tell her." Wesley exclaimed. "She kinda looks at me as a daddy."

  "She does that's true…" John T. nodded.

  "Now look boys," Wesley looked at both of them, realizing that he felt like a father to them both right now. "Some of us might not make it. If you never fought the Comanche, know this, they is good fighters. They use the knife with a skill you ain't never seen before. They's tough. So don't go turnin' your back on 'em. And if you kill 'em make sure they are dead!"

  Antonio nodded, "Si senor. I have fought them from a distance, never up close…"

  "Just don't trust you got 'em. If you shoot 'em, do it two or three times, make sure they are dead, otherwise they could rise up and kill you while they're dyin'. They'll do it too. Be careful."

  "We aim too. I sure got somethin' to go back to, so you know I won't be takin' any chances…" John T. said.

  "Si and I must go back in case something happens to my new Amigo," he chuckled looking at John T. "Know this now, if anything happens to you, I will see to your Pepper and the children of Rascal."

  John T. studied on that remark for a long time and just before dark he looked over at Antonio and whispered. "You know, I was jealous of you when I first met you?"

  "Si, I know."

  "But…it does relieve my mind that if something does happen to me, that you will fulfill my obligations."

  Antonio eyed him with new regard. "Si…but you will make it. I will see to it…" he smiled.

  John T. smiled and reached to shake his hand.

  Wesley let all that sink in, and a slow smile spread over his face as he watched; glad they had finally become friends. For sometimes in life, a friend was the best thing you could have, and John T. had plenty. Because now that Rascal was gone, he thought of both of these young men as his sons he never had. Naturally he wasn't about to tell them so, but he figured they knew somehow.

  They ate cold jerky and had no coffee. There was restlessness about the camp, as though death could be seen and smelled.

  In the distance a coyote howled as the moon came up.

  The wind stilled as though it too knew death was at hand.

  Since the rain, it had turned cold and even though they couldn't light any fires, they stayed warm by wrapping in their bedrolls.

  When it was finally dark enough, Wesley went around alerting everyone. The Indian camp was still now, most everyone asleep. Wesley glanced around at all the men hovered in their blankets.

  "Now look, some of you might be opposed to killin' and if you are, you should stay out of this fight. It ain't gonna be pleasant. If you got any notion that we don't have to kill these people, you shouldn't go with us. We got to kill 'em dead, else they will kill us. So when we go in, we kill. Understood?"

  It was agreed.

  "Stay low, till we're in there good. If they are sleepin', jest kill 'em. Ain't pretty, ain't nice, but it's got to be done. Better them than you…Okay, let's head out. The Comanche don't understand peace." Wesley commanded.

  "On your bellies," he hollered.

  Everyone went down and crawled into the Indian camp. Most of them were asleep and it was easy enough to sneak upon them. Knives going into unsuspecting bellies made a sharp whizzing sound, but one young man in the posse couldn't bring himself to kill the sleeping Indian. The Indian heard a noise, woke up, and attacked the boy, killing him and alerting the camp.

  Hell broke loose with a vengeance. Knives shone in the moonlight, while guns went off like a hailstorm.

  Clattering of pots on the spit, and swords that were not within grasp, made for confusion.

  Blood went everywhere, littering the ground like a flood. The Comanche fought with bow and arrows and some stole guns from the posse and killed them without a blink.

  Wesley, John T. and Antonio stuck together. The first Indian to spot them came at Antonio's back, John T. shot him down. Antonio nodded with a smile. One tent was quiet though, no one stirred from it, and Wesley got curious.

  He went inside just as Victor Frank came out.

  Victor Frank knocked him down to the ground and walked on him. Wesley gave a grunt, shaking himself as Victor proceeded to John T.

  Wesley saw what was happening as John T. was wrestling with another. But as Victor approached John T., the Indian fell dead. Victor looked at him and then outraged he growled aloud.

  He was about to grab John T. when Wesley came between them. Victor grabbed Wesley and lifted him off the ground with one hand, the hand squeezed Wesley's throat together. Wesley's eyes bulged, he sent a shocked look to John T. Meanwhile John T. tried to pull Victor down by the ankles, he couldn't get a grip. Antonio seemed to freeze for a moment. However, when he threw Wesley on top of John T. he turned on Antonio.

  "I don't want to kill you…but I must." Antonio screamed and pulled the trigger. Victor didn't fall, so he pulled it again. He still kept coming. This time Antonio emptied his gun into Victor. He was still pulling the trigger when the gun emptied.

  Victor fell just inches from his feet. Antonio turned white as a ghost for a moment. His hand trembled even as he held the gun. Antonio cried out for Wesley and John T.

  Victor's mouth moved for a second. "Help….me…" And then he was gone. The screech from his voice was gone. The terror in his eyes was gone.

  Antonio threw the gun down. He cried out, his hand going at the sign of the cross. Then he looked over at Wesley and John T.

  John T. moved slowly. Wesley lay still.

  Antonio thought him hurt and rushed to his side. "Are you all right…my friend…" He cried out.

  "Yeah…only Wesley…." He cried real tears when he saw Wesley's neck was twisted.

  "My God…" Antonio grabbed Wesley, pulling him gently off the top of John T. he laid him at his side. Both men could not move or speak for a long time. They just sat there, crying like children for a father. The killing went on in the village for a few seconds more and then a dead silence filled the air.

  The village was a massacre, but as Wesley had commanded, it had to be. And the object of their killing was dead. Victor Frank had met his maker. Victor Frank was now at ease.

  Antonio went to check the body. It had taken six bullets to down Victor, like the devil himself he kept coming, Antonio realized. Now, he lay dead at last, finally resting. Antonio made the sing of the cross, "In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, Amen…"

  "Wish that I could, I would have changed your life, senor." Antonio said moments later as the smoke began to clear from the horizon and the sun came out.

  The Sheriff hadn't made it either. He lay dead at an Indian's foot.

  Victor was buried at the Indian Village as no one wanted him near their dead.

  Half the townspeople were still alive and they all helped carry the Sheriff and Wesley back to Rascal's grave. They buried all the dead there and John T. and Antonio stayed a little longer.

  "I never had a friend like Wesley before. He was…like a father to me, most of the time." John T. said, his sorrow stuck in his throat.

  Antonio nodded, "Si, I too share in the grieving of this man."

  "Why'd he get in front of me like tha
t…?" John T. glanced at Antonio. "Why did he have to save me…"

  "Because my friend, you have much to live for, and he'd done most of his living. A good life too, from what I heard."

  "I'll miss him more than I can say." John T. cried openly now.

  Antonio bent his head, wiped his eyes and agreed. "Si…"

  For a long while they stood there staring at the graves unable to move away just yet.

  As they finally mounted John T. looked seriously over to Antonio. "What are we gonna tell her?"

  "The truth my friend…that he died a hero."

  John T. nodded. "You know….Antonio, it's funny, but I thought when Victor Frank died, that I'd be satisfied and happy…but…I don't know…all I feel is this strange emptiness."

  Antonio nodded. "Even though vengeance was done, it is not a happy ending. And in the end, it is your friend you grieve for, not the death you sought. Perhaps killing deserves some kind of grief."

  "I'm just glad it's over. But it sure cost us a lot…" John T. murmured giving Wesley's grave one more glance.

  "As for me…I grieve too for the friends we lost. And…I grieve for the soul that knew no peace…Victor Frank… This man was a victim." Antonio said with conviction.

  John T. thought on that a while…"You know, Antonio, you got a heart there. And I got a feelin' inside that tells me, you and I are gonna be just as good a friends as me and Wesley."

  Antonio smiled. "But of course, and I'm glad you realized it…"

  They laughed and looked back for just a moment.

  "Do not be sad my friend, we will mark their graves with fine headstones and revisit them often, to say prayers for their souls."

  "Yeah…I guess we will…"

  After a long silence, John T. admitted something that bothered him a bit. "Ya know, I promised Rascal we'd see to his kids. But that means starting out with three kids. I ain't never been a daddy before. Kinda scares me a little."

  Antonio smiled again. "Have no fear; we'll all do it together…"


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