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Thigh High

Page 3

by Amarinda Jones

  Maz knew he was trying to bait her. She wasn’t about to fall for it. “I’m plenty toned.”

  “Yeah, I always like soft women.”

  “Soft?” Maz considered herself as hard as nails. His betrayal had made her that way. Maybe it was foolish to feel like that but seeing Joe with another woman had hit her hard and even now it was not something she could forget.

  “Yeah.” Joe leaned in once more and lowered his voice so only Maz could hear. “Remember how good it was when I had you on your knees and I fucked you from behind? The feel of your soft ass still haunts me, Maz.”

  She swallowed hard and felt the heat rush to her face. Oh yes, I remember. “Well I have buns of steel now and the thigh-high rule is back in force.”

  “Oh yeah?” Joe pulled a card from his pocket and flipped it on the bar. “I’d like to see your buns and we both know how long that rule lasted.”

  Maz had meant the thigh-high rule when they first started dating to allow them to get to know each other rather than just rush into a wild sexual relationship. I was so young and naïve then. But now she was older and wiser and more able to enforce a rule. All Maz had to do was think back to the night when she had caught Joe out.

  “Anything else you want?” There was a moment of silence between them that seemed to stretch out for hours.

  “Come and check me and the gym out, Maz. If you’re game.” He winked and moved away from the bar.

  Damn man. He knew she could never resist a dare.

  Chapter Three

  “Wait, wait, wait.” Maz pushed her hands against Joe’s chest. “What are we doing?” She was hot, trembling, hair all over the place and her naked butt was sticking to the vinyl of a pink exercise mat at the gym. She had gone there to answer a challenge, not to have sex with Joe. Yet there she was all naked and hot with the man in question. It was like the gap of fourteen years had never happened.

  “You don’t know what‘s going on here?” Joe held her close, pushing up from the mat and sitting on his haunches. He kissed her hard and passionately.

  The man was barely giving her time to breathe. One minute she had been all cranky and full of attitude and the next she was flat on her mat, naked and under Joe before she knew what was happening. It had amazed her how fast Joe had emptied the gym of people and locked the doors. As for her clothes? He had always been fast with his hands and the man could pull off a sports bra quicker than she could. Maz usually ended up with it wrapped around her neck. But not Joe. The fabric covering her breasts was replaced by his hands and a million memories flooded back.

  “This is so wrong.” Well, wrong-ish. The whole naked thing was pretty good and exciting but that would lead to sex and Maz had already made too many promises to herself not to have her head turned once more by Joe.

  Joe’s hands slid down to her bum to pull her closer to his erection. “You’re not going to quote the thigh-high rule to me are you?”

  The thighs in question were parted by the hard cock at the entrance of her body. All rules had been thrown out the window. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” Even as she said the words, Maz rubbed her body against his reveling in the feel of his chest hair against her breasts.

  “Why? It’s not wrong. You’re not involved with another man.”

  “How do you know?” Was it that obvious?

  “I asked around.” Joe’s eyes locked with hers. “In fact word is there has been no man in your life ever—except me of course.”

  She pushed back from him, annoyed that he looked pleased with the knowledge. “Well ‘word’ is wrong.” Damn word. How was she supposed to come across all modern and sophisticated when everyone in town gossiped about her solitary state? “Anyway, regardless of whether I am or not, the thing is I don’t want you.”

  Joe’s hand circled around and slid between her legs. He smiled as she jumped in response. “You’re wet.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment, giving in to the sweet sensation of his fingers on her clit. “Joseph…” His name was supposed to come out stern but it was bordering more on a moan.

  “Marilyn…” His mouth found hers.

  It would have been against the laws of nature not to kiss him back. Maz’s arms wound around his neck and once more her body was tight against his. His cock was sandwiched in between them in promise of more and better if she allowed it. And Maz wanted to but how rational was that? He’d cheated on her. And while Joe didn’t know she knew about Cheryl, Maz still considered his actions cheating. What to do? What to do? Technically it was a long time ago. They were older and wiser. Could anyone be expected to hold a grudge that long? Good point. And, he did owe her something for his betrayal. And I need a damn good fuck. That moment with him in the motel had left her empty and needy. Besides, who would they be hurting if she just lifted up and slid down on him?


  “Oh yeah.” He leaned back and picked up his discarded track pants.

  Maz looked at him in surprise as he withdrew one from a pocket.

  “I was hopeful.” He grinned at her as he worked the ring of rubber from its covering. “What?”

  There were so many reasons why this was completely the wrong move for Maz to make. She didn’t sleep around. She was picky. But this was Joe… “This can only be a one-off quick fuck.” The words were out of her mouth before she could think.

  Joe smiled, his eyes on hers. “For old time’s sake.” He worked the rubber down his shaft.

  “Yes.” When he said it like that it made a lot of sense.

  “To burn up calories,” he added with a chuckle as his hands went under her thighs to lift Maz up.

  Well, in that case it would be insane not to have sex with Joe. She was doing it for her health. “Yes.” She kneeled above him, his cock poised at the lips of her vagina.

  “Liar,” Joe murmured against her mouth.

  “Whatever. Who cares. Just shut up and kiss me.” Maz pushed down over his cock. The sudden rush of hard heat made her dizzy. It had been so long since she had felt anything as amazing as this. Maz had never wanted another man since Joe. She had always known in her heart no other man could compete.

  “I always loved kissing you.”


  Fifteen minutes earlier

  “Oh yeah, I remember this well.” Joe’s eyes were on Maz’s ass. She was on her hands and knees, bum in the air as she struggled to do the plank maneuver that was designed to strengthen her core and abs. Joe wasn’t sure what it was doing for her, but it was sure strengthening a certain part on him.

  His cock had been hard since that moment at the motel. Joe had gone there thinking about fucking the stuffing out of a woman he had never forgotten nor stopped loving. He had almost been gleeful when he had found her note slipped into his mailbox asking for them to meet “for old time’s sake”. He smiled as he remembered how she turned the tables on him and she was justified. Joe knew he never should have taken Cheryl as he had that night but he was angry and filled with need and although she was not and never could be Maz, he wanted to prove to himself that Maz was like any woman and no more special than anyone else.

  Of course that was madness and he knew now, more than ever, that Maz was the only woman he would ever love. How did I ever leave her behind? But then all those years ago he had been young and restless and Joe would even admit to having been stupid. Now he was back home, where he’d finally realized he belonged, and he wasn’t about to waste a second chance with Maz.

  That she had not married or become involved with anyone all these years amazed him. When he first heard the news through the ever-reliable Amberwarra Falls grapevine he had felt a strange spurt of excitement shoot through him. There was nothing like first love. “You filled out nicely.”

  Maz lifted up and turned to face him. It was not a graceful thing to do under the circumstances but she carried it off with the minimum of awkwardness. “Are you saying I’m fat?”

  Only a woman would say that in defense. While Joe couldn’t spe
ak for all men, he knew the perception of weight may worry a woman but never did it occur to him to find flaws in someone due to a particular body shape. He smiled at the nervous look in her eyes. Could she feel it as he did? Had her heart started to pound as madly as his had the minute their eyes met? He had travelled the word and yes, had sex with other women, but no one had ever compared to his first love, Maz.

  “So does the thigh-high rule still apply?” Gossip around town was there had been no men in her life. That no man had gotten past her knees since he had. What did Maz want from a lover? Joe wondered about that. As a lover Maz had been giving and hungry with need for fulfillment. How did anyone switch that off and avoid contact with others?

  “Yes.” Maz stood up.

  Joe held his hand out. That she avoided it was not unexpected. That was Maz. She had always been a law unto herself even way back when they were dating. It had deterred a lot of men but not him. Joe had seen the need and the great abundance of love within her and he had wooed her accordingly. Now he could see by the set of her mouth Maz wanted to fight him. That gave him encouragement. She was not immune to him.

  “So what do you think of the place?” He was proud of the gym. It was something he had wanted to try for the longest time. Joe had been sick of working for other people. Sure, it had taken him all over the world but there was nothing like being your own boss. There was nothing like being back at home. There was no place in the world like Amberwarra Falls.

  “The name, Patto’s Place, must have taken you hours to come up with.” Maz rolled her eyes cynically. “And it’s pink.”

  “As is your face.” Not many women still blushed anymore. And yeah, Maz was right it was pink, but pink was a vibrant positive color and marketing and experience proved that worked when it came to fitness.

  “And it’s flashy.”

  Joe could almost hear the “like you” in her voice. “And?” His lip curled in amusement.

  “And you must be very rich.”

  “I do okay. How about you?” That she was the same Maz he fell in love with was all that mattered. Joe was prepared to do whatever had had to in order to have her back in his life.

  “Me too.”

  Stubborn as. “Never wanted to leave?”

  “I’ve always known where I belong.”

  It was funny, years ago he had not been able to understand why Maz had stayed, but now Joe knew. Some people understood where home was straightaway. It was the place that spoke to you like no other. Maz was smart. She had not needed to search for something she already had in her life. It had taken Joe years to work that out. Maybe the gym was a crazy thing to do, but he wanted to come home and start a business. Working in and running a gym was the one of the things he knew how to do well. He had worked hard for his qualifications in both personal training and business.

  Joe did a long, slow perusal of the woman before him. That she still blushed was adorable in his eyes but then she had always been that way. I was just too stupid to see that. Looking at her now he felt his cock twitch in anticipation of what was to come. Maybe it was arrogant but Joe had a feeling that he was not the only one feeling the intense sexual heat between them. Nothing had ever burned as brightly as it had with Maz. It amused Joe that despite her words to the contrary, Maz had not being able to resist his dare and come to the gym. “So what do you want here Maz?” Pick me.

  “Not you.”

  “I wasn’t offering.” But Joe was glad she said that as it gave him a clear idea that he wasn’t alone in what he was feeling. “Looking for a personal trainer?” He was longing to get very personal with her.

  Maz narrowed her eyes at his words. “You know I happen to think I look pretty good and every woman has cellulite.”

  “You also have a pudgy ass.” It was one Joe planned on grabbing onto as his cock slid into the tight heat of her body.

  “I do not!” Maz seethed. “Anyway it’s none of your business.”

  Joe was about to make her ass very much his business. “I offer personal training.” Though if this older version of Maz was anything like the younger one then he doubted she would allow herself to be trained to do anything. She had been stubborn back then and Joe doubted that had changed.

  “I’m very happy for you.”

  She didn’t look it and Joe knew any time Maz put her hands on her hips she was anything but approachable. But he was older and wiser and more daring and moving Maz was going to be a lot of fun. “I would love to train you.” There was so much Joe wanted to do with her body. Lick, suck, fuck.


  “I’m pretty trained up.” What the hell was wrong with him? Couldn’t he take no for an answer? And more importantly why was she suddenly unable to move away from him? If it had been any other man proposing what she knew he was, Maz would have blown him off long ago. But then, this was Joe and first love—her only love—ran deep.


  Yes, of doing something stupid. She had a desperate urge to finish what she started at the motel. “No, I told you before I don’t like to sweat.”

  “I remember a time…”

  “Shut up.” Maz needed no reminding of their mutual sweat-soaked bodies slick and tight against each other.

  “Make me,” he teased as he moved in close to her.

  Uh-oh. If Joe touched her knew she knew she would literally be screwed.


  And that’s how they ended up with their clothes torn off. Kissing Joe was like imbibing the finest wine. One sip was not enough and too much made her drunk with possibilities and lust for more. Her lips broke off from his. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” Yet there she was riding on his cock.

  “So climb off me.”


  As Maz lifted off on the upstroke, Joe held firmly onto her hips. “You’re not going anywhere, lady.”

  She sank back down and let the heat from his cock invade her body once more. It had been so long since she felt so good. “We can’t go any further than this.” Maz held onto his shoulders and rode Joe’s thighs at a slow leisurely pace.

  Joe’s hands rose up to cup her breasts. “Of course not.”

  “I mean it.”

  “Sure you do.”

  And then he leaned in sucked one nipple into his mouth and Maz had no idea what she meant or who she was anymore. The wet suction of his lips pulling at her breast sent off a wild chain reaction around her body. Maz moved faster, her clit hitting his pelvic bone with every thrust. “Oh Joe,” she whimpered as her fingers threaded through his hair. Her eyes closed as and she held Joe close. She felt like she was on fire.

  “Open your eyes.” Joe lifted his head and looked at Maz. “I want to watch you as you come.”

  Her eyes met his. “I may not come.” She was going to come screaming.

  “Liar.” Joe chuckled at her words and slapped her butt playfully. “What?”

  I want this back in my life. I want Joe. “Nothing.” This was just pure lust. This was not reality. It was insane to think it was anything more than one needy moment in life.

  “Maz, you can’t hide from this.”

  The look he gave her was so intense that she wanted to believe she was not the only one feeling more than just lust. But that was madness. Fourteen years was a long time to carry memories, let alone love. “I’m impaled on your cock, Joe. Trust me I’m hiding nothing.” Maz lifted her hand and stroked his face, the rough, manly stubble making her skin tingle. ”Don’t talk. I just want to feel.” If I never see him again I want to remember this moment. Maz knew she was pathetic but first loves, only loves, were always important to a woman.

  “I’d do anything for you.”

  “Then make me come.”

  Joe caught Maz against his chest and rolled them over so he was covering her body.

  When he pulled his cock from inside her, Maz whimpered. This was not what she wanted. She needed heat and skin-to-skin contact. “Joe?”

  “It’s okay.” He lifted her legs above hi
s shoulders. “Do you want me, Maz?” His cock was poised at the wet entrance of her pussy.

  “Does a chicken have lips?” It was an insane question. She was open and ready to receive.

  Joe chuckled at her words. “No one has ever compared to you.”

  The head of his cock teased her from clit to anus. Maz squirmed against Joe trying to entice him inside. “No one? How many are we talking about?” Not that it really mattered but she wanted to know. She’d only had one lover. Maz knew no other. Would she even satisfy him?



  Joe’s gaze turned tender. “Worried?”


  “You are beautiful.” He pushed the head of his shaft inside her wet core. “You never have and never will disappoint me.”

  Never will? That suggested a future. “Um, Joe,” Maz murmured, the hard solid length of his cock sliding inside making her suddenly silent as she arched up, seeking more, her stomach tightening. As she pressed against him, Maz suddenly giggled.

  “That’s not the response a man wants to hear at a time like this.”

  “I was just thinking this is good for my abs.” Maz sighed as Joe started thrusting deep and hard into her body, every move designed to bond and thrill.

  Joe pulled back out and slammed back in hard. “I’m going to work on you a lot, Marilyn.”

  “Just fuck me now and we’ll worry about tomorrow later.” His mouth found hers and any concerns Maz had, melted under his lips and tongue as his cock pounded into her. It was the most amazing feeling and even better than she remembered. And an orgasm? For one so used to using her own fingers to come, the plunging heat of his shaft beat her digits hands down. “O-o-hhh…” There it was. The familiar rush of sensation starting in her loins and shooting up her spine.

  “Look at me.” Joe’s voice was a hoarse whisper.

  “I may faint.” Maz wasn’t kidding. She felt almost boneless as the wild surge of super hot energy overcame her. Her hands clutched at his shoulders as Maz held on for more, her eyes on his.


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