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Flash Bang

Page 9

by Meghan March

  Ro clenched and unclenched her fists while she replayed the conversation in her head. Each time, it seemed like the roar of the blood in her ears got louder and her heart pounded harder. Her initial stunned silence had given way to anger at Graham’s highhanded declaration. And then to curiosity. And then to arousal. Apparently Graham and Zach were her one-way ticket on the crazy train.

  Zach had promised to come back within the hour. Ro couldn’t begin to imagine what she’d be feeling in an hour. At this point, she put fifty-fifty odds on homicidal or horny.

  She grabbed the pillow on the end of the couch and hugged it. How the hell was a girl supposed to respond to something like that? Total meltdown? Hunger strike? Striptease? Her mind raced with the possibilities. She had options. Hell, she had a taser. She could suck it up and mount another escape attempt. Except the scariest thought running through Ro’s head was that she didn’t want to run from this. She sort of ... wanted to reach out and grab it with both hands. Or she could tell them both to fuck off. It would work. She was confident they’d back off. And then they could refuse to provide the escort Graham had promised.

  Dammit. She wanted to smack that “I dare you” look off Graham’s face. Cocky asshole. She glanced toward Graham’s bedroom. Memories of last night—before she’d had her mini breakdown over Zach’s comment—came rushing back. She’d been drowning in the heat from Graham’s kiss. Graham had claimed to be up front about what they wanted. Was that what this was? Their declaration of intent? Way to score perfect tens on the shock factor, Conan. He had to be expecting her to balk. Ro thought she’d made it pretty damn obvious that she wasn’t down with taking orders from anyone. Exhibit A: her escape attempt this morning. She couldn’t really call his bluff, because she didn’t think he was bluffing. But she could turn the tables on them—make her own demands. She’d been branded a slut in her past life for something she hadn’t done. Why not earn that scarlet letter now? Everything was different. She had nothing to lose. And maybe a hell of an experience to gain ...

  Graham. Zach. One hundred percent focused on her. Naked. Ro shivered at the thought. And it wasn’t a shiver of disgust.

  “I have terms.” Zach pulled up short as he and Graham entered the cabin. Graham grunted as he rammed into Zach’s back. Zach had considered whether they’d need to wear protective cups to confront her. Based on the no-nonsense tone of her voice, he might not have been far off.

  “Terms?” Zach responded, glancing to Graham, who’d taken a seat on the couch next to Rowan. Brave man.

  “I don’t do well with being told what to do. Call it a personality quirk.”

  “Rowan,” Graham started, but Ro cut him off.

  “You had your say. Now it’s my turn.” She shot them both a silencing stare, before muttering to herself, “I can’t believe I’m really going to do this.”

  Graham quirked an eyebrow, and Zach barely restrained his own grin.

  “This is how it’s going to go down, boys. You called it earlier: I’m in no shape to travel at the moment. I get it, and I see the wisdom in waiting. But I need you both to promise that when I say I’m well enough to travel, you will get me home.”

  Graham started to speak, but Ro’s gaze hardened, and she continued, “I think what we’re about to do requires a hell of a lot of trust, and if you can’t trust me to know when I’m fit to travel, we have a serious problem.”

  Zach and Graham both nodded, albeit Graham more reluctantly.

  “Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we’ll let you make that call. Within reason. If either of us thinks that you’re putting on show to get out of here faster, we will call you on it,” Graham said.

  “Then I guess you’ll just have to give me a reason not to want to get out of here faster,” Ro countered.

  “Done,” Zach said. “You tell us when and where, and we’ll—”

  She took a deep breath, as if digging up her courage, and interrupted him. “Here. Now.”

  She glanced at him and then to Graham and seemed to lose a little of her newfound bravado. “But I have to admit, I am completely out of my depth here. Should we … um ... flip a coin to see who ... um ... goes first?”

  Zach couldn’t hold back a chuckle at her hesitant, yet practical, suggestion.

  “Not necessary.” He pushed off the wall and rounded the table to stand in front of Rowan. Bracing one hand on the arm of the sofa, he leaned down, invading her personal space. Her pupils dilated and her breathing accelerated. “I get first dibs on fucking that smart little mouth of yours.”

  Holy shit. This was really happening.

  Ro could feel her mouth drop open, liable to catch flies, at Zach’s blunt declaration. She’d pegged him as the beta in this triad, but she was wrong. He was just as much of an alpha as Graham.

  Zach caught her chin in one hand. “Just like that, doll.” He slid his thumb across her bottom lip, and she couldn’t stop her tongue from darting out to lick it. Zach slid the digit in her mouth.

  Graham slid in next to her, and picked her up, resettling her on his lap. He pulled the hair away from her face and spoke directly into her ear. “Suck him, baby. Show Zach how you’re going to suck his cock like a good little girl.” Zach groaned at Graham’s words. Ro’s nipples puckered under the thin material of the t-shirt, and heat gathered between her legs. They really knew what the hell they were doing.

  A hand slid up and brushed over the hard buds pressing into the cotton. Zach’s eye’s burned with a predatory light. “You like that idea, don’t you? These tight little nipples say you do.”

  Zach removed his thumb from her mouth with a pop and dragged his wet digit down her chin, sweeping down the arch of her neck. Ro moaned, and her head fell back against Graham.

  Graham nipped her ear before cupping her breasts and lifting them toward Zach like some sort of pagan offering. One that she hoped Zach accepted. She could feel wetness seep from her center. She heard a rustle of clothing, and her eyes snapped open, hoping Zach was dropping his cargos. No such luck. Zach was now kneeling before her, his look more intense than she’d ever seen it. She looked down to see him gripping the hem of her shirt.

  “Look at me,” he said.

  Almost drowsily, she lifted her eyes and met his gaze.

  “Are you sure you’re good with this? Everything stops the second you say so.”

  The offer, although thoughtful, was completely unnecessary. Ro wanted this. Wanted them.

  She nodded, but Zach didn’t move.

  “He needs the words, baby. Tell him that you’re good with him pulling off your shirt and sucking on your gorgeous tits,” Graham said.

  Ro swallowed. Moment of truth.

  Zach studied her face as she said, “Yes.”

  “Tell him,” Graham demanded softly. “Tell him exactly what you want him to do to you.”

  Feeling the heat rising in her cheeks, Ro knew she was turning red, in a completely unsexy way.

  But Zach just smiled at her embarrassment.

  Oh fuck it.

  “I’m good with you stripping me naked and sucking my nipples before you fuck my mouth.” Her words came out in a rush, like water bursting from a collapsing dam.

  Both men groaned at her bold declaration.

  “Thank God, doll. Because I’ve been waiting to get my hands on you,” Zach said.

  Ro wasn’t sure what came over her, because her next words seemed to come out of someone else’s mouth. “Big talk. I was hoping for some action.”

  The gaze that she’d thought of as so friendly and easy-going sharpened with greed.

  Oh, hell. Ro was pretty sure she’d just said the exact right thing to unleash a beast she had no idea how to control.

  Zach lifted his chin at Graham, and Graham’s voice rumbled in her ear, sending chills up her spine. “Now you’ve done it, babe.”

  In seconds, her shirt was yanked over her head, leaving her naked from the waist up, sitting on the lap of a man she’d known for less than twenty-four hours,
in front of a second man she’d also known for less than twenty-four hours. Shit just got real.

  Without a bra to corral them, as soon as the t-shirt was gone, Ro’s breasts were exposed for only a moment before Graham shifted beneath her and his big, rough palms slid around her ribcage to cup them. His thumbs flicked her puckered nipples, and the shafts of pleasure had Ro going from wet to dripping in the span of a moment.

  Zach’s tawny head bent, and with his amber eyes on hers, he reached out to gently grasp her left nipple between even white teeth. And tugged. Ro jumped when a finger and thumb pinched her other nipple, and gently rolled it one way, and then the other. Skip dripping, Ro headed straight to drenched. The fingers dropped away, and Zach caught her right nipple and gave it the same attention.

  Ro’s eyes were starting to drift shut, so she could just focus on the pleasure when she felt a callused hand skim down her ribcage to the waistband of her sweats. Oh, sweet baby Jesus, this is really happening.

  Rather than freak like her whirring mind told her she should, Ro lifted her hips, pressing against the hand that was now cupping her through the material of her pants.

  Graham kissed her shoulder before saying, “Fuck, baby. Your pussy is gonna burn us alive, isn’t it?

  “Touch me,” Ro breathed.

  Zach pulled away from her nipples. “You sure you’re ready for this?” The hand cupping her mound stilled.

  Ro gritted her teeth to stop the moan of frustration. “Please. I need …”

  “You need to come, sweetheart?”


  “Lift up,” Graham ordered.

  Ro’s hips shifted at his command, pressing into his hand. Zach wasted no time in dragging the sweats down her legs and tossing them aside.

  Hell. Now she was completely naked on the lap of a guy she’d known for less than twenty-four hours, in front of another guy she’d known for less than twenty-four hours. She couldn’t even bring herself to care, because the look on Zach’s face was one of pure worship.

  “Ah, fuck.” He looked to Graham. “You didn’t tell me she was bare.”

  Ro felt Graham’s answering growl against her shoulder. His hand covered her pussy, and a single finger dragged up her crease toward her engorged clit. He was so, so close.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, woman. You’re soaked.” The fingers disappeared for a moment. “And you taste fucking amazing.”

  “Spread her open for me, G. I gotta taste that sweet pussy,” Zach said.

  Thank the Lord, Ro thought, because the pulse thrumming in her clit demanded satisfaction.

  “I need—” she started.

  “We know, baby. Zach’s going to take care of you,” Graham assured her.


  “Hush,” he ordered, sucking the lobe of her ear into his mouth as he spread her labia. “If you’re good, Zach will get you off faster. If you’re not … well, then he might feel the need to make you beg.”

  Ro’s next words, whatever they were going to be, died in her throat as Zach bent his head and dragged his tongue up the middle of her exposed slit. He pulled back and met her eyes. “I’m going to eat this sweet little pussy until you scream.”

  All coherent thoughts fled as Zach’s head bent again and his tongue expertly circled and flicked at her clit, before dragging down to dip into her pussy, fucking her with short thrusts.

  Graham’s deep voice rumbled in her ear as he said, “Zach loves to eat pussy. He’ll fuck you with his tongue until you beg him to stop. And then he’ll slip a finger inside you, find your G-spot, and make you scream.”

  At the word “slip,” Ro felt a finger toying with her entrance. She gasped, her hips jerking forward, closer to Zach’s face. The digit slid inside her, and she felt Zach groan against her.

  “You’re so fucking tight, sweetheart. I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock.”

  Ro felt Graham’s hands slide back up to cup her breasts and tease her nipples, before he said, “With such a tight pussy, I can only imagine how tight that virgin ass of yours is going to feel when I get inside it.” Ro insides clenched, and she felt a second digit sliding inside her.

  Zach looked up, his lazy smile beyond sensual. “She likes the thought of that, man. She just squeezed my fingers so hard.”

  Graham tugged on her nipples, and combined with Zach’s continued onslaught of tongue and fingers, Ro was being dragged to the precipice of pleasure. Screw dragged. She was hurtling toward it.

  But Graham wasn’t done sharing his dirty thoughts. “I think Zach should finger that little asshole while he eats your pussy. You’re so dripping wet he won’t need any lube … just you.”

  Ro shivered at the thought, and then froze as the one of the fingers slid out and swirled in her slickness before moving back toward her anus.

  “I—” Ro started.

  “Hush, baby. We’ll take good care of you. Just relax,” Graham whispered.

  Zach paused in his exploration to glance up at her. Ro didn’t know what he saw in her face, but it must’ve been assent, because he ducked his head and sucked on her clit as his finger dragged over the pucker, spreading her juices. Ro stilled, but the flicks to her clit had her pressing harder against his tongue ... and pressing his finger against the tight whorl of muscle.

  “That’s it, baby. You push out a little more, and I’m going to be finger fucking that ass of yours.”

  Ro could feel the climax barreling down on her, and she couldn’t hold on to rational thought. She just needed a little more …

  Zach slid his thumb into her pussy and caught her clitoris between his teeth and tongue and tugged. Graham rolled and pulled at her nipples, and Ro let go. The climax broke over her like a twelve-foot swell, crashing through her as she bucked against their hold. Zach continued to suck her clit, and as the orgasm raged on, Ro felt a finger breach her anus and slide inside that dark channel. The invasion was foreign. Dirty. And hot. So hot that she felt a second orgasm rushing on the heels of the first. It slammed into her, weakening her limbs, and she felt her pussy and ass clench around Zach’s fingers. Fingers that continued to pump in and out. Fucking her pussy and her ass. Holy shit. Ro threw her head back against Graham’s shoulder and rode out the orgasm, biting her lip to keep from screaming. The pleasured ebbed, and she wilted, spent from the sensory overload. The fingers slid out of her, and Graham wrapped both arms around her torso.

  “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Graham said. He pressed a gentle kiss against her shoulder, then her neck.

  “Think you can handle another?” Zach asked.

  Shot down by Graham, Zach had grudgingly agreed that Ro needed rest. Dazed from the two most intense orgasms she’d ever experienced, Ro hadn’t had the energy to argue. Until they tried to tuck her into bed for the rest of the day and offered to deliver her meals and take turns keeping her company.

  Oh hell no.

  Ro stood her ground, arguing that although she was injured, she wasn’t an invalid. But even with all her snark and attitude, she struggled to meet their gazes. Especially Zach’s. The man had devastated her with his tongue while casually slipping a finger into her ass.

  Ro knew that anal sex was the new black, but she’d never been tempted to try it. And now, all signs pointed to her losing her last bastion of virginity in short order. With not one, but two men. Holy fucking hell. Go big or go home.

  After what had happened on the couch, neither man could seem to resist the urge to touch her. Their collective hands had carefully redressed her, and Zach had swept her up into his arms and strode out of the cabin. When she’d protested, Graham had smacked her ass. A blond man, who Ro hadn’t yet met, had been walking by at that moment. Ro’s knee-jerk reaction had been embarrassment, but she quashed it ruthlessly and shot him a look that’d said, eat your heart out, asshole. At least she hoped that was what the look had said. Because, dammit, if she was woman enough to participate in a ménage, then she was going to own that shit. Graham had ca
ught the look and given her a quick—approving?—kiss before striding off.

  A few minutes later, she was seated in the mess hall and enduring good-natured ribbing from Alex and Jamie about “The Great Escape.” Apparently her stunt had required Alex to dust off his underwater welding skills, because Graham had ordered grates to be welded beneath the wall to block the entrance and exit via the stream. Ro was apologetic, but was assured that it was better to discover any hole in security now rather than finding out about it—potentially with much more dangerous consequences—later.

  After lunch, which had consisted of five-alarm chili and jalapeño cornbread made by one of the guys, her next stop—via Zach’s piggyback ride—was the central command post, where Graham was taking a shift. Zach was off to take his shift on fire watch, and she was hanging with Graham. It seemed that Graham and Zach had made the decision that she would be with one of them at all times. Before he’d left, Zach had leaned in for a kiss and whispered, “Don’t forget, I have first dibs on this sinful mouth of yours later.”

  Ro had turned crimson. Zach was definitely no beta.

  Conversation with Graham had focused on security protocols of the ranch. Now that she wasn’t trying to escape, he wanted her to understand all of the systems and procedures keeping her and the other residents safe.

  “So, wait, how did you know I was coming?” Ro asked.

  “We’ve got a few different types of perimeter sensors set up. One of which you tripped.” Graham pointed to a map on the wall. “This is the wall surrounding the inner compound, and this is the outer fence. Outside the fence we have sensors that are set into the ground and detect vibration.” Anticipating her question, he said, “The sensors are set to only go off if the vibration corresponds to a weight that’s heavy enough to be a person.”

  “Did you have those set up before? Or did you set them up after the grid went down?”

  “After. All of our electronics, or duplicates in the case of the electronics that we used on a daily basis, were locked down in one of the bunkers. They were protected so that an EMP wouldn’t fry them.”


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