Book Read Free

Flash Bang

Page 12

by Meghan March

  “Breath through your nose, baby. Swallow me down. That’s it,” Zach rumbled as he felt the head of his cock slide down Ro’s throat as she fought her gag reflex. Her nose was pressing against his stomach as she breathed deep and swallowed him again.

  “Jesus fucking Christ. Would you look at that? I knew those pouty lips would look fucking amazing wrapped around my cock.” Zach held her hair back so Graham could watch as he fucked her mouth.

  “Damn, baby,” Zach groaned, reveling in the pleasure. He looked back down at Ro, and saw her hand snaking between her legs to touch herself. Zach couldn’t help but thrust harder at the sight, bumping the back of her throat with each flex of his hips. He saw Graham reach out and snatch Ro’s hand away from her pussy. Graham sucked her fingers into his mouth.

  “I got you, baby.” Zach forced the pleasure back, and he watched as Graham knelt behind Ro and cupped her breast in one hand and slid the other down to cup her pussy.

  “You want to come when Zach shoots his load down your throat?” Graham asked in a near growl.

  Ro pulled away from his cock to answer. “Yes.”

  Zach cupped her chin. “Then you better get back to sucking my cock.” He pushed the head back between her lush lips and pumped in and out, knowing he wouldn’t last much longer. The bolts of lust shot down his spine and grabbed him by the balls.

  “Get ready, baby.” And then he let himself go. Ro swallowed spurt after spurt, the suction of her mouth prolonging his orgasm. She moaned around his cock, and he pulled out and clasped her against his chest as she trembled, coming apart in his arms. Graham’s fingers had clearly worked their magic. Her arms wrapped around his hips, and she slumped against him.

  Ro thought she might black out. She wasn’t sure if it had been Graham’s thumb pressing down with just the right amount of pressure on her clit or the three fingers that had relentlessly plunged in and out of her that had caused her to shatter. Honestly, she didn’t care. She fell against Zach and held on. She could feel a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead, unsure if it was from her or from Zach. Again, she didn’t care.

  She started to pull away, and Graham steadied her from behind. She leaned back, feeling secure in his arms. She turned her head to kiss him. She wasn’t sure where her lips landed, but he tasted salty. Unapologetically masculine.

  He maneuvered them until they were both propped up on their right sides. With her back to him, Graham’s hand smoothed down her hip to cup her center again.

  “I gotta get inside you. When you came, you clamped down on my fingers so damn hard. I nearly shot my load when Zach did. That’s what you do to me, woman.”

  He slid his hand down to her left knee, sliding it forward until it touched the bed. His fingers trailed up the back of her thigh and cupped her ass. “I can’t stop thinking about how tight you’re going to be when Zach and I are both filling you up.”

  She stilled. Holy shit. This was really going to happen. Zach slid onto the bed, and his fingers found her pussy and teased her clit.

  When she didn’t immediately reply, Graham continued, “You can take us, baby. Don’t you want to know what’s it’s like to be filled up with two cocks? One in your tight little pussy and the other buried deep inside this pretty little ass.” She felt his fingers bump Zach’s as he gathered up her wetness and swirled his finger around the pucker of her ass. Someone plunged three fingers into her pussy. Zach, she thought.

  Graham was relentless in his quest for her assent.

  “Tell me that you want this, Ro, or it stops right now. Tell me you want me stretching out your ass while Zach fucks your pussy.”

  “Yes,” she breathed, almost soundlessly.

  “Louder, baby.”

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  “Yes, what?” Zach prompted.

  “Yes, I want you both inside me.”

  As soon as she said the words, she felt a cold and sticky dribble between her cheeks. When she flinched, Graham murmured, “It’s just lube, babe.” And then she felt the slippery pressure on her ass before two fingers slid inside. She couldn’t hold back the moan.

  “Damn, man, she’s so fucking wet,” Zach said.

  “That’s because she’s a dirty girl and can’t wait to be all filled up.” The fingers in her ass scissored, stretching the tight channel and firing her nerve endings like synapses.

  Clutching handfuls of Graham’s blanket, Ro shuddered, the orgasm about to burst within her. Flexing his fingers inside of her, Zach told Graham, “Do that again; her pussy just clenched so hard.”

  The pressure was exquisite, and the orgasm barreling down on her was even more so.

  “Oh my God!” Graham’s dick jerked at the sound of Ro’s breathy moans. Still working his fingers in and out of her ass, he could feel Zach doing the same in her pussy through the thin membrane that separated them. They drew out her pleasure until she went limp. Goddamn, the sound of this woman coming was the hottest thing he’d ever heard.

  Graham slid his fingers out and lubed up his dick.

  “I think you’re ready, baby.”

  In response, Ro’s ass jerked toward him, as though she was seeking the fingers he’d just removed.

  Graham kissed her shoulder and then slid off the bed. Zach rolled to his back and moved toward the edge of the bed. They readjusted Rowan so she was on her knees, straddling Zach. Graham stood between her spread thighs, gripping her hips and smoothing his thumbs up and down her ass before spreading her wide.

  “I’m going to push in first, and then you’re going to sit on Zach’s cock. If it too much, just tell us, and we’ll slow down.”

  Ro whimpered.

  “Ro, you with us, baby?” Zach asked.

  “Someone better fuck me. Now,” she said.

  “Since you asked so nicely ...” Graham guided his cock, bumping against the crack of her ass before pressing the head against the tight pucker. “Push out. Let me in,” he breathed harshly.

  The muscle eased, and Graham felt the head of his cock slide inside the hottest, tightest hole it had ever had the pleasure of knowing. She clenched, nearly pushing him out. “Easy, baby.”

  “Holy shit, you’re in my ass.”

  “How does it feel?” he and Zach asked in stereo.


  Graham couldn’t stop the chuckle. “That’s just the head, sweetheart. But let’s fix that.”

  That’s just the head? Oh good Lord, Ro thought. She wasn’t sure if she was thrilled or horrified. Hell, she wasn’t sure that she could actually accommodate him. She felt Zach’s fingers teasing her clit, and she relaxed, letting Graham sink deeper inside. If she’d thought the pressure from his fingers was exquisite, this was … mind-blowingly intense. She arched, and Graham nipped her shoulder before sliding in more.

  She couldn’t help but ask, “Is it all the way in?” She really should have gotten a look at his cock before she agreed to let him shove it up her ass. Recon. Or something.

  “Almost. You’re doing great.”

  Almost? Ro couldn’t stand the suspense and pushed backward, impaling herself on his dick.

  “Fuck! Rowan!” Graham ground out. “Jesus. Zach, you better get in her pussy, because I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to make this last.”

  “Are you okay, baby? You want to take us both?” he asked, looking up at her, his amber gaze burning with obvious hunger.

  Graham was holding still, awaiting her decision.

  “Yes. Please.”

  Zach leaned up and placed a kiss on her lips before helping to guide the head of his cock to her entrance.

  “And I thought fucking your mouth was amazing,” he groaned, as he pushed inside in one smooth, long thrust.

  Ro stilled, unable to believe the fullness she felt. It was like every other time she’d had sex, she’d only been doing it halfway. Like she’d spent her whole life waiting for this experience. For these men. For this night.

  “Please. Please, move. I need more,” she heard herself b

  And that was when the perfectly timed thrusting began. Graham pulled almost all the way out, and as he started to push back inside her ass, Zach slid out of her pussy. They alternated, pressure and pleasure swamping Ro’s senses and rendering her mindless.

  “Touch your clit, babe.”

  Obeying, she slid her hand down to her clit and gasped at the added sensation. Detonation.

  Zach felt Ro’s pussy flutter, signaling the impending orgasm. He and Graham instinctively picked up the pace of their thrusts, shuttling in and out of her body. Zach reached between their bodies and moved Ro’s fingers away from her clit, replacing them with his own. He pressed down, increasing the pressure until he felt her jerk and heard her moan as another orgasm overtook her.

  “I’m coming,” Graham said, before he roared his release.

  Zach felt his own orgasm tear out of his balls, and he tried to pull out, but Ro’s clenching sheath imprisoned him. So he just let go.

  Graham shot up in bed as his radio came to life with a crackle of static. He scrubbed his hands over his face and reached out to snag it off the nightstand. Normally he jumped out of bed at every creak. At the moment, he felt like he’d just woken up from a coma. When he looked at the bed and saw Ro curled between Zach and the indent he’d just left on the bed, he remembered the cause of his uncharacteristically deep sleep. Fuck. That woman was something else.

  “Be advised, we’ve got a sensor that just tripped near the main gate. Southeast corner. Alex, what’s your twenty?” Cam’s voice came through the radio.

  “I’m headed in that direction right now, coming down the east fence line. I think I see movement …”

  “What’s going on man?” Zach asked as he reached for his radio and rolled out of bed.

  “Not sure. Let’s go check it out,” Graham replied, shoving his legs into his cargos and snagging a t-shirt from the floor.

  “And here I was hoping for another round—” Zach started to say. But the radio cut him off.

  “We got company, boys. Three. Looks like Duck Dynasty rejects. You want me to engage or wait on backup? Never mind. Fuck. They’ve got bolt cutters and are cutting through the fence. I’m going in,” Alex finished.

  Graham pressed the button his radio. “Do not engage. Wait for backup. You don’t know what they’re carrying. We’re headed your way. Be there ASAP.”

  “I’m not waiting for them to get in here, G. I can’t stand for that,” Alex argued.

  “Shut the fuck up and stand down.”

  Graham shot a glance at Ro, who was wide-awake and wide-eyed at the radio chatter. “What’s going on?”

  “Don’t know. Get some clothes on. I’m going to check this shit out. Zach will take you to mess hall and get you locked up tight with Allison.”

  He gave her a quick kiss and handed her the backup sidearm he kept in the nightstand, and then he was out the door.

  As soon a Graham left the cabin, his radio blared to life again.

  “They’re inside the fence. I can take them out,” Alex reported.

  “I’m in the southwest corner and coming your way, man,” Ty replied.

  Shit. Graham was closer. He’d get to Alex way before Ty. It wasn’t that Alex couldn’t handle himself, but he’d shoot first and ask questions later. And Graham wanted answers more than he wanted dead bodies.

  Graham headed to the armory and grabbed an M4. They were all going to have to start carrying them everywhere. Just like they had when they were deployed. He hated that they had to take that kind of precaution in their home, but it was better than the alternative: being caught with their pants down and getting fucked up the ass. Cam was holding down the command post when Graham ducked his head inside.

  “Who else is on watch?”

  “Travis. But he’s way the fuck out on the north edge.”

  A shotgun blast ripped through the silence of the morning.

  Neither Alex nor Ty carried a shotgun.

  “Fuck!” Graham yelled. “Alex, sitrep!”

  The sharp report of a rifle was the only response. Two shots. Another shotgun blast. And then silence.

  It was a bad fucking sign when a Marine didn’t keep firing until he emptied his magazine. Unless Alex was taking cover. He might finally be listening to Graham, though he knew it was unlikely.

  “Sitrep!” Graham yelled into his radio, and he took off toward the bolt hole. He didn’t want the main gate open at a time like this.

  No answer.


  When he reached the wall to slide the metal bar and swing the door open, Jamie and Beau were right behind him.

  Graham led, melting into the woods and moving silently toward the location of the breach. As soon as he heard voices, he halted, holding up a fist.

  “He dead, Mel?”

  An icy mantle settled over Graham. The one he donned every time he knew he was about to kill.

  “I dunno, Len. Dwayne, check and see,” a man, presumably Mel, grunted. “That fucker shot me in the goddamn shoulder. Twice. He better be fucking dead. You better fucking shoot him in the goddamn head.”

  Graham moved soundlessly toward the voices, knowing Beau and Jamie followed directly behind him. He caught sight of three camo-and-flannel-clad figures, one using his shotgun to nudge Alex’s prone form. Blood dripped from Alex’s head—a small puddle had formed in the dirt. Another man was reaching down to check a pulse. The one with a dark spot expanding on the upper right corner of his flannel shirt pulled out a revolver from his waistband.

  “Fuck it. I’m shooting him anyway.”

  Graham lifted his rifle, and before the man could pull back the hammer, Graham unleashed a spray of bullets. The man dropped where he stood. Another man with scraggily dark hair swung around and lifted the shotgun. Jamie and Graham fired, and he crumpled. The third took off on a dead run, but Graham didn’t give chase. He dropped to his knees beside Alex. Beau was checking his carotid for a pulse.

  “He’s alive.”

  A burst of rifle fire had Graham whipping his head around, gun at the ready. Nothing. He glanced back to Beau, who was pulling on nitrile gloves and checking for injuries. He unzipped his kit and pulled out a clotting sponge to stop the bleeding from the head wound. Beau carefully lifted Alex’s black t-shirt, and Graham could see the divots where the shot pellets had impacted the body armor. Thank fucking Christ.

  Graham turned his attention back to the surrounding forest.

  “Why is he unconscious? Why the fuck is he bleeding so damn bad from his head? He got shot in the chest. Where else?” Visions of another man lying bloody in the dirt surged to the forefront of Graham’s memory.

  “No gunshot wounds. And I’m not one hundred percent certain, but he might have been diving to miss the shot and cracked his head on this.”

  Graham glanced back to see Beau holding up a fist-sized rock. Relief was a tidal wave sweeping through him.

  The crunch of boots had the wave evaporating in a millisecond. Graham and Beau raised their M4s. Jamie. The rifles lowered. He was alone. No prisoner in tow.

  “Where’s the third one?” Graham demanded. “Dead?”

  “Gone, G. I don’t have a fucking clue how he got away from me. I think I winged him, though. It was crazy; he was there, and then he was just fucking gone. The trail just died out.” Jamie shook his head.

  “Did you see any signs of anyone else?”

  “No, but we need to fix the fence,” Jamie replied.

  “He okay?” Ty called, hauling ass toward them. Graham lowered the rifle he’d instinctively sighted in on the man.

  “Probably,” Beau replied. “But he’s knocked the fuck out. Let’s get him back to the clinic. Be nice to have someone bring a backboard out.”

  Graham nodded. “Ty, get back to your loop. I’ll get Ryan to take Alex’s shift. Let Travis know that he needs to stay on his loop.” Graham lifted his radio. “Ryan, I need you to get out here and take Alex’s shift. And bring a backboard. Zach, give the women
the all-clear, but have them stay inside, you copy?”

  “Copy that, G. Be there in three with a backboard,” Ryan replied.

  Then Jamie asked, “What should we do with the bodies?”

  As soon as they’d helped Allison, Grace, Ro, and Lia from the bunker beneath the mess hall, Jonah and Zach took off, but not before reinforcing the order that Graham had given over the radio. They were to stay inside, with the doors locked, until further notice. Ro once again sat on a stool in the kitchen, watching as Allison worked on salvaging breakfast, although they weren’t certain anyone would actually stop to eat it. Grace played with a doll on the floor. Lia sat on the floor next to her, arms wrapped around her knees. The foray into the bunker had been Lia’s first trip out of the infirmary. Cam had broken protocol and left the command post to bundle her up and bring her to the mess hall to be stashed with the other women. Lia was still in rough shape, and shied away from everyone except Grace and Cam. When Jonah had reached a hand out to steady her on the ladder coming out of the bunker, she’d jumped back down to the bunker floor and wouldn’t climb a single rung until he’d backed off.

  Zach and Jonah had stayed outside to stand guard when the women had been sealed away in the bunker. Ro couldn’t help feeling like they’d consigned them to a terrible fate when Allison had hit the actuator and lowered the hydraulic hatch. As Ro hadn’t gotten a look at the bunker under the range, she wasn’t certain how it compared as far as size. She had been shocked to see a porthole-style door—the type one would see on a Navy ship—at one end of the large room. According to Allison, when unsealed, it led to a tunnel that linked four underground bunkers together—the ones beneath the gun range and the mess hall, and then one beneath the infirmary, and one beneath the command post. Each had a separate door that sealed it off from the tunnels in the event one of the bunkers was breached. It was mind-boggling even to Ro, and she had grown up with a father who lived and breathed this type of preparedness. He’d love this place. They’d built an underground community that somewhat mirrored the one above. Kitchen, bathrooms, showers, bunkrooms, medical supplies, communications equipment, and every kind of other supply that Ro could imagine. When she asked Allison how and when this had been set up, Allison informed her that the bunker beneath the mess hall had originally been built as a bomb shelter during World War II, and the others had been added during the ‘50s. Graham’s uncle, a WWII and Korea vet, had stumbled upon them when he’d purchased the camp and modernized them. From what Allison had been told, the man may have had a somewhat irrational fear of a nuclear attack on U.S. soil. But having grown up with Rick Callahan, things like that didn’t faze Ro.


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