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Breaking The Mold

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by Drew Sera

  Breaking The Mold

  Club Irons Series Book 4

  Drew Sera

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. No person, brand or corporation mentioned in this book should be taken to have endorsed this book nor should the events surrounding them be considered in any way factual. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


  This book contains sexually explicit scenes, adult language and disturbing scenes that may be difficult to read or considered offensive to some readers. This book contains content that is not suitable for readers under the age of 18.


  Please do not try any sexual practice, especially those that might be found within the scope of BDSM/Fetish kink without the guidance of an experienced professional. Author is not responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

  Copyright © 2018 by Drew Sera

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author.

  Cover design by Mayhem


  1. July 2011

  2. July 2011

  3. July 2011

  4. July 2011

  5. July 2011

  6. July 2011

  7. July 2011

  8. July 2011

  9. July 2011

  10. September 2011

  11. September 2011

  12. September 2011

  13. December 2011

  14. June 2012

  15. June 2012

  16. August 2012

  17. August 2012

  18. December 2012

  19. May 2013

  20. May 2013

  21. May 2013

  22. October 2013

  23. October 2013

  24. October 2013

  25. November 2013

  26. November 2013

  27. November 2013

  28. November 2013

  29. November 2013

  30. November 2013

  31. November 2013

  32. November 2013

  33. December 2013

  34. January 2014

  35. January 2014

  36. January 2014

  37. February 2014

  Drew Sera

  Also by Drew Sera

  Chapter One

  July 2011


  “I can’t wait to see you this weekend, princess,” J.P. said as I packed a few items that I had sitting out on my bed.

  “I’m looking forward to it as well. Will we be going to Irons again this weekend?” I asked him.

  “Yes, of course. But there’s something important that I want to talk to you about as well, princess.”

  Oh? I sat down on my bed as my mind raced with possibilities. J.P. and I have been spending every other weekend with one another. I’ve been driving out to Vegas since my schedule is wide open. Being an author, I have that freedom. He’s been taking me to his dungeon and I’ve been enjoying it. It’s been such an eye-opening experience and even though he hasn’t wrapped me up in rope and fed that curiosity of mine, he certainly has taken care of my sexual needs.

  “Don’t worry, Amy. It’s nothing bad but it’s something that I prefer to discuss in person,” his sexy voice filled my ears.

  “Okay, if you say that I have nothing to worry about, then I won’t.”

  We stayed on the phone while I finished packing and then J.P. pulled me in a direction that I love him to pull me in.

  “Now that you’re all packed, lie down,” he instructed.

  Eagerly, I went to my bed and got comfortable.

  “Are you wearing a bra?”

  “No, I was getting ready for bed soon.”

  “Reach under your shirt and roll one of your nipples between your thumb and index finger.” I did as his voice commanded and was surprised how my nipples were already aching points. “Now pinch it, hard.” I gave it a little pinch and soon heard J.P.’s laughter. “Amy, if you were pinching that nipple hard, I would have heard your sweet little whimper by now.”

  “I –”

  “Pinch it, Amy.”

  I closed my eyes and pinched it until a sound escaped my mouth. J.P. let out a content sigh and then laughed lightly.

  “I’m so glad you are amused and found excitement in that,” I teased him.

  “Slip that pretty little hand down in your panties and tell me if you’re wet.”

  I narrowed my eyes and was ready to prove him wrong. To my surprise, I was wet.

  “Wet, princess?” he asked. His tone told me that he already knew the answer.

  “Yes,” I confirmed.

  “Push your finger in that wet slit of yours…now drag those juices over your clit…tell me how it feels.”

  “Swollen.” I had to clear my throat because it was surprisingly dry when I went to speak. This made him laugh, of course. “Good, princess. Normally, I’d like to make you come while we’re on the phone and I’d tell you to fill up that pussy and ass with toys before bed. But tonight, I don’t want you to come.”

  “You don’t?” I asked. I was disappointed because I felt like I needed to come.

  “No, Amy. I want you to ache with need during your drive here tomorrow. I want your clit to scream at you as the seam from your jeans presses against it while you’re in the car. So, in the morning, I still want you to touch yourself before getting out of bed, but you will not come. Understand?”


  “What time are you going to wake up tomorrow?”

  “I have the alarm set for 5:00 a.m.”

  “Set it for 4:45 a.m. and call me. I want to hear you, okay?”

  “You want to hear me, or you want to hear me in pain?”

  His gentle laugh made me smile.

  “Both, princess.”

  When I hung up the phone with J.P., I quickly called Samantha to go over a few quick book things.

  “Well hello, Ms. Andrews,” Samantha greeted me.

  Every now and then Samantha would get formal on me.

  “Good evening, Mrs. Kelly.

  “Ew, that makes me sound so old. Okay, I won’t keep you long because I know you’re getting ready for your beauty sleep. You’ll have a great time running off to play with the sexy sadist in the desert. I’ll handle the social media stuff this weekend and I don’t have you scheduled for anything. I want you to enjoy your time but please, please promise me that you will try to write the blurb for Dark Spell.”

  “Yes, I promise. J.P. has to work four hours on Sunday, so that will be the perfect time for me to sit and concentrate on the blurb.”

  “Thank you. Please have fun, Amy, and remember, don’t let him push you into trying something you might not be ready for.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Is that one of your blanket warnings? You know, you could have just left it at ‘please have fun, Amy.’”

  Samantha’s laughter boomed in my ear.

  “True. I could have.”

  I shook my head and laughed before getting off the phone with her.

  I was awake before the alarm clock went off at 4:45 a.m. As I waited for the alarm clock to go off, my head was busy conjuring up what the weekend would hold. I knew I would be enjoying some earth shattering sex, but beyond that there was a new uncertainty that made butterflies dance in my stomach; J.P. wanted to talk to me about something.

  Exactly what, though? It could be a variety of things.

  I grabbed my phone and called J.P. and wasn’t surprised when he picked up on the first ring.<
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  “Morning, princess.”

  He had what I call a “morning voice.” It was soft, but deep and oh, so sexy.

  “Good morning my romantic sadist.”

  His laughter flowed into my ears.

  “How are you this morning, J.P.?” I asked as my fingertips toyed with the waistband of my pajamas.

  “Oh, I’m doing just fine, princess. I was just waiting for your call.”

  “Well, here I am,” I teased.

  “Good, now you can push those pajama pants and panties down and touch that naughty clit of yours,” he said.

  I felt the heat flare on my cheeks as I did what J.P. instructed.

  “Are you touching it, princess?”

  “Yes,” I replied with closed eyes.

  “Put your thumb on the left side and your index finger on the right. Now, roll that swollen nub between your fingers.”

  I could feel the pressure building and let out a whimper.

  “Ah-ah, no coming, princess. Hands away from that clit.”

  “Aw,” I whined.

  “No whining, princess. Or else I’ll have to punish you when you get here,” he laughed into the phone.

  I stretched on the bed and smiled at his gentle, morning laughter. I was turned on and wanted to tease him a bit though.

  “Mmm, and what would a punishment from my romantic sadist entail?” I inquired.

  “Oh, princess. Remember, the heart and soul of me is a sadist. I literally get off on punishment and humiliation play,” he teased back.

  I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling as I thought of the stories he’s told me about punishment scenes he’s carried out. As I pictured myself wrapped in rope and being spanked by him, I felt my clit throb.

  What does that mean?

  Did that mean I want to be hurt?

  I don’t think I like being hurt…but why am I soaked, swollen, and aching just at the mere thought?

  “Still with me, princess?” J.P. asked, his tone sounding not so playful anymore. “I didn’t scare you, did I?”

  “No, of course not. I was just thinking about some of the stories you’ve told me.” I sat up in bed and took a sip of water. “And as much as it has confused me, I’m wetter and my clit feels so swollen.”

  I felt a little vulnerable from just airing that out casually over the phone. But I’ve grown to learn that there aren’t any topics that are too taboo.

  “Amy, we’ll talk about this in person. I know you have a deep desire to experience bondage, but I also am very aware that you are very much a novice when it comes to many dynamics within the BDSM lifestyle. So, I’d like for a conversation of this magnitude to occur face to face.”

  I nodded and glanced at the clock. I needed to start getting ready to get out on the road.

  “Princess, on your drive I want you to think about how good you’re going to feel in a few hours as my cock stretches that ass of yours.”


  I could feel my heartbeat begin to race as I pictured J.P.’s big hands on my hips as he fucks me. I couldn’t help myself and let my hands gravitate to my aching nipples.

  “Mmm,” slipped out of my mouth.

  “Princess, what are you touching?” he asked.

  “I just rubbed my hands over my nipples.”

  “Are they sore?”


  “Good,” he laughed. “Get your sexy ass out of bed, put some clothes on and come on over.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I said playfully.

  “Drive safe, Amy. I want you to stop in Barstow and get something to drink.”

  “I’ll pack something for the road so I won’t have to stop,” I suggested.

  “That’s not the point, Amy. I want you to stop and get out of the car. Going into a convenience store will get you out of the car for a few minutes to stretch your legs and reduce tunnel vision.”

  Oh, I get it now. It’s for safety.

  “Okay, I understand. I’ll get out at Barstow and will text you when I’m there.”

  “Thank you, Amy. Now get going and I’ll see you in a little while.”

  As soon as we hung up, I raced to my bathroom for a quick shower. My clit ached badly as I ran the shower sponge over it. He knew exactly what he was doing by verbally teasing me. I’m sure by the time I get there that I’d nearly be begging for that cock of his. I spent a few extra minutes on my hair, hoping that it would still look okay by the time I arrived in Vegas.

  I locked up the house and put my weekend bag in the trunk before hitting the road. As I got out on the open highway, I smirked as I noticed how some of the bumps and grooves in the road made my needy clit press annoyingly at my jeans.

  “Of course,” I muttered. “He just knows everything.”

  God, I couldn’t wait to see him again. It’d only been a few weeks since our last visit, but I was growing physically attached to him…and that thick cock of his.

  I tried pulling my mind from the image of J.P.’s meaty cock and mentally ran through my list of things hoping I had remembered to pack everything. J.P. said to pack whatever clothing I was comfortable with. I packed a few dresses for dinner because whenever I go visit him, he always takes me out to dinner.

  Being directed, or instructed what to do, or how to touch myself, was something very new for me. And I really liked it. I could see the lure or attraction to that kind of lifestyle that many submissives choose to live.

  Not that I was submissive, or his submissive…at least I didn’t think I was. But, there was something inside of me that J.P. has stirred awake. I didn’t find myself pushing against his instructions during our phone play time. I never told myself to say “no” to him…but I rather enjoyed it when he took the lead. I’d never been with a man like J.P. He’s so commanding and confident and it was incredibly sexy to me.

  Chapter Two

  July 2011


  Over the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking about and planning Amy’s first bondage scene. The first weekend we met face to face, I had taken her to my dungeon, Club Irons, and showed her around. She visited me on weekends and we’d go to Irons to watch scenes. She’s visiting this weekend and I wanted to ask her if she was ready to try a bondage scene.

  When Amy was by my side, I didn’t give a fuck about playing with anyone in the club. I don’t give a fuck about anyone in the club either. All of my attention was devoted to Amy and helping her enjoy the atmosphere and experience. I found scenes that she and I could watch and we spent some time in an empty dungeon cell between scenes so she could touch the furniture and equipment.

  One entire evening was spent just showing her some impact implements and letting her touch the falls or ask questions. It was like I was back mentoring again and I fucking loved it.

  At one time I had been on the mentorship committee at Irons, but due to a misunderstanding with Blake, the owner, he had relieved me of my mentoring duties. It had taken so much away from me when he did that. He didn’t understand that I was trying to help my little muse...instead Blake viewed it as harm.

  I wasn’t trying to harm him. I was trying to help him. It was complicated.

  As I was cleaning one of my floggers, my mind drifted back to the event that eventually put me on the path to being removed from the mentorship program.

  “Can I get a volunteer?” I asked the group of applicants for the mentorship program.

  Come on, I silently urged young Anthony Graves to volunteer. I was dying to touch him and this seemed like an easy way to do that while being educational. He was writing something down but then he raised his hand. Fucking perfect. I had to conceal my excitement.

  “Excellent. Our brave, youngest applicant. Come over here,” I pointed to a spot just to the side of me.

  While I knew one of the other board members was waiting to fill this role, I wanted Anthony to fill it. Yes, I went off the book a bit, but I didn’t see the harm. I read his file multiple times last night and he didn’t seem to have anything alertin
g me of triggers. And he was so fucking young that he probably didn’t even understand what triggers were yet.

  As I showed everyone the implements, I put my arm around his shoulders. I wanted him to understand that he was in the apprentice role and I was the Master. I could teach him so much. He was by far the most moldable applicant in the program.

  “Anthony, have you ever felt the kiss of any of these implements?”

  I wasn’t surprised when he shook his head. I learned about implements by experiencing what they could shell out. And I believed it was the best way to learn.

  “If you would, take your shirt off and stand right over there.”

  Fuck, this was going to be so hot. I kept my lips parted so I could discretely take deep breaths to make me appear not as excited as I really was. In this moment, he was my sub.

  “Always pay attention to your bottom or sub. But by testing these implements and experimenting with them yourself, you will know what to expect. You’ll have an idea as to how hard you can swing, for example, before you begin to color the skin and get a reaction. You will still need to pay attention to your bottom, or sub for verbal cues. They might be very fair skinned and therefore will have the tendency to redden. Our brave volunteer doesn’t seem to be too fair skinned, so he should be okay,” I addressed the class.

  I felt the warmth of his hands as I carefully held them while I wrapped the rope around his wrists. His skin felt youthful in my hands. His hands and wrists didn’t feel soft, but they didn’t feel dry or chapped either. I looked him in the eyes as I bound his wrists together. He was focused intensely on what my hands were doing. I could sense apprehension and possibly fear. I wanted to tell him not to be afraid and learn from this experience. I raised his wrists above his head and attached it to the carabiner that dangled from the cable system overhead. Fuck, his skin was taut, and his muscled chest heaved. He’d been the calmest applicant in the group, so his sudden tense behavior made me want to calm him. I tried pointing out the fact that since it was rope and that he should enjoy it, but then I noticed a terrible scar on his side and my mouth wasn’t able to filter my thoughts.


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