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Breaking The Mold

Page 3

by Drew Sera

  “As sexy of a smile as that is, it’s still not an answer,” he said lightly.

  “Well, then I take the fifth.” I thought I was being clever with my romantic sadist.

  And I was...but he was just as quick and clever.

  “Princess, you don’t have to admit it. Or try to deny it. Our bodies don’t lie to us. They react to things; to stimuli, if you will. Your body is reacting, indicating desire. Whether or not you say something, I know what it did to you.”

  I just stared at him.

  “Now, there’s a matter you and I must tend to,” he said, and I raised my eyebrows. “Repercussions for your joke about giving truckers a show.”

  “I really wasn’t going to do that, you know.”

  “Even if it was an empty threat, it was still about your safety.” J.P. walked toward the couch and then turned to face me. “And I don’t want you to joke about your safety or take my concerns over your well-being lightly.” He sat down on the couch and gave his thigh a pat. “Since you’re soaked and throbbing, this is the best time for this. Come here, princess.”

  Oh, my God. He was actually going to spank me. I slowly walked toward him and stopped in front of him then gazed into his eyes as he took hold of my hands.

  “Relax, Amy. I’m not going to harm you.” I picked up on his choice of words. He said that he wasn’t going to harm me. He didn’t say that he wasn’t going to hurt me. And those two words have an entirely different meaning to him.

  “But you’re going to hurt me,” I said.

  “You were a bad girl with that joke, and we’ll see how you enjoy the spanking. I have a suspicion, Amy, that you’re going to enjoy it. Have you ever been spanked before?”

  “No, never.”

  Although the smile that appeared on his face was a mischievous one, I still completely trusted him and felt no fear around him.

  “Never been spanked before? Not by a parent or an old boyfriend playing around?” he asked again.

  I laughed and looked down for a moment before meeting his eyes again.

  “No, my sex life has never been that fun or exciting. And my parents never spanked me.”

  “Were you just that much of a good girl?”

  “Not really but they would ground me or take toys away when I was little.”

  “Well, this will be an interesting experience. Lower your jeans and lie across my lap, Amy. Leave your panties on, princess.”

  Oh, my God, this was actually happening. I should be scared, shouldn’t I? Why wasn’t I scared? Why did I feel wetter? I lowered my jeans to just below my knees and left my panties on as he requested. With his assistance, he guided me across his lap.

  This felt incredibly embarrassing.

  His left hand curled around my side, holding me in place as his right hand rubbed over my ass. J.P. made slow, calculated movements over my panties as his touch made the needy ache only grow. My heart pounded as I waited for the first strike. Why was he dragging this out? Every now and then, his fingertips would dip between my legs and graze my pouting pussy. I needed that touch. I ached for that touch.

  J.P. pulled the crotch of my panties to the side, and I felt my clit throb a tiny bit as the cool air hit my soaked pussy. His fingers lightly skated across my dampness as his laugh grew in volume. This was heavenly.

  “You like this, princess?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “You’re very wet.”

  “I know, I ache too.”

  His laugh was more mischievous this time. As I closed my eyes and began to relax, he pulled my panties down and rubbed gently over my butt. Embarrassment raced through my body but was mixed with excitement. My face was hot with humiliation, yet my pussy was soaked and my clit ached. It was so easy for me to lie across his lap, waiting and anticipating his next move.

  Would it hurt?

  It’s got to be coming now…any second he will start spanking me.

  My eyes shot open as he pulled my cheeks apart. He dragged some of my juices from my unbelievably wet pussy up to my tiny hole and rubbed it around.

  “Mmm,” I mumbled.

  As I was just getting acclimated to the intrusion of his finger, he withdrew it and spanked me.

  “Ow,” I whined.

  “Count them, princess. We’re going to five.”

  “Five?” I questioned.

  “Five swats. You’re very smart, Amy. This shouldn’t be a tough task.”

  With my face burning with embarrassment, I made it through the five swats. My ass was on fire, and I had a feeling that he hadn’t even spanked me hard. He had gone back to caressing my butt cheeks.

  “How do you feel, Amy?” he asked me.

  I had to think for a minute. After just having experienced my first spanking, my mind was a scattered mess. He repeated my name and pulled me to the present.

  “I think I feel okay. Yeah, it stung some, though I feel more embarrassed than in physical pain.”

  He let go of my side and brushed the hair off my cheek.

  “It’s natural to feel embarrassed after a spanking. Punishments are meant to cause discomfort; both physical and mental.” J.P. continued stroking my hair and my warm butt. “Punishments are also meant to encourage reflection.” He paused for a few moments and then said, “It drives me insane that you’re so far away. Your traveling makes me nervous as it is. I’m somewhat comforted knowing that you have a safe, reliable car to travel in. But when you joke about doing something dangerous just to get a rise out of me, it infuriates me and concerns me deeply.”

  I understood exactly what he meant.

  “I understand, and I’m very sorry about what I texted you. It’s no excuse, but I simply didn’t think about the dangers, nor what that worry might do to you. I won’t joke about things that could potentially be dangerous to me.”

  J.P.’s laugh was soft as he stroked my pussy with the back of his hand.

  “Amy, you’re wetter now. I think a little humiliation turns you on. That, or a little pain. Here, stand up.”

  J.P. pulled my shoes and jeans off and guided me to stand. I felt off balance standing there after having been spread across his lap for a while. My hair felt like a disaster, my bra was askew, and my panties were pulled down to mid-thigh. Though I felt and probably looked like a mess, it’s the sexiest I’ve ever felt. And why was that? I didn’t have the answer, but I had a feeling that he understood it perfectly.

  He sat on the couch smiling at me.

  He’s the first man I’d ever known that paid so much attention to me. While it’s incredible that he knows so much, it also made me feel vulnerable.

  “It’s okay, Amy. Don’t be shy or modest about your body being turned on,” he softly said.

  “I’m not. It’s just, you’re aware of so many things that sometimes I feel exposed,” I admitted.

  “Amy, paying attention to my partner is a huge part of who I am. And, speaking of which, I know that your body is craving to be fucked.”

  Does he have a clue how turned on I feel when he talks like this to me?

  J.P. slowly stood and removed his clothes. His impressive erection came into view, and I felt my eyes unable to focus on anything else but his cock. He stepped closer and reached between my legs.

  “Mmm, so wet, Amy.”

  With his hand glistening with my juices, he gripped his cock and slowly stroked it.

  “Are you ready for that fucking, princess?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Yes, please what?” he prompted.

  “Sir,” I swallowed hard. “Yes, please, Sir.”

  “Good girl, princess. Hands and knees.”

  J.P. motioned to the floor; his hard, tiled floor. Normally, I would have looked for something soft for my knees, but right now I just needed that cock. I lowered to the floor, and within seconds, he pushed my panties to my knees and slammed into me causing me to cry out.

  I took every inch of it and gladly began meeting his thrusts. My clit felt so swollen, and his body
felt harsh against my tender, spanked skin. He took a handful of my hair, pulling my head backward and gripped my hip with his other hand.

  “That’s it, princess, take my cock,” he grunted.

  He fucked me wildly on the floor of his living room. The pressure was building in my clit, and I bounced against him, begging for the release I’ve been in need of. Suddenly, a familiar slap landed on my ass, causing me to smile.

  “Mmm, J.P.,” I moaned.

  For the next few minutes, he sporadically spanked the right side of my ass, and without warning, it sent me over the edge. I moaned loudly as J.P. continued to bang against me. My body was weakened, and I was barely able to hold myself up anymore.

  “That’s it, princess. Squeeze my cock with that naughty pussy.”

  Suddenly he pulled out and wiped my wetness on my tiny hole and moved me into the position he wanted. I welcomed his guiding hands because I felt limp and weak.

  “Head down, Amy.”

  J.P. gently pushed my head to rest on the ground which forced my ass to be presented to him. Soon, he was crouching over me. His feet were flat on the ground on either side of me near my knees. I felt the head of his cock at the entrance when he said, “I’m going to fill this ass with cum and fuck you like the filthy princess you are.”

  I could feel my clit begin to react to his words even though I was still rebounding from coming so hard minutes ago. I cried out as J.P. pushed his way inside. He went slow but didn’t stop until my butt cheeks felt his soft, trimmed pubic hair pressed against me. I tried to move a little and slapped my hand on the floor when I realized he was holding me still.

  “Easy, princess. It will feel better if you relax.” His voice had gone from raw and almost animalistic to sweet and caring. He wanted me to relax. It just felt so incredibly full.

  “It’s so much. I feel like I’m being split open. It’s so full.”

  “Relax, Amy. God, your ass is so fucking tight. I love it.”

  J.P. remained still for another moment or so before he began moving again. He nearly pulled out and then pushed all the way back in. This movement was repeated over and over until my clit gave way again. The sounds that ripped from my vocal chords were anything but sweet sounding moans. I was screaming as my clit throbbed with a mind of its own while J.P. impaled me with his cock.

  “Fuck!” he yelled.

  His huge cock pulsated inside of me as I began to feel his warm jets of fluid. I continued to moan as J.P.’s body was taking over mine. All I had the energy to do was to stay in position and take it.

  I felt dirty…and naughty…and filthy to have loved that as much as I did.

  Finally, I could tell that he was pulling out and although it was a little uncomfortable, I remained still and smiling from ear to ear. I could feel my legs shaking as he scooped me up in his arms. I wrapped an arm around his neck and nestled my face under his chin.

  As he carried me to his bedroom, I could still feel my legs quivering. I really needed to start working out more if I’m going to keep up with J.P. He set me down on the bed and pulled a blanket around me.

  “Rest here, princess. I’ll be right back.”

  J.P. kissed me as I closed my eyes to rest. Soon he was back and picking me up again. He carried me to his bathroom where a bubble bath was waiting. He helped me into the tub, and then he climbed in behind me. With his arms wrapped around me, I leaned against his hard chest and closed my eyes again. I was so tired, and the warm water felt so calming. And it felt so good to be in his arms.

  “My dirty princess,” he quietly said.

  “Yes, you’ve turned me into a filthy, sex-crazed woman.”

  His laughter was soft and blanketed my ear as I continued to rest against his chest. Under the cover of the bubbles, he grabbed hold of one of my nipples and tweaked it until I yelped and started to sit up. He laughed a little louder and pulled me back into his warm embrace.

  “I didn’t turn you into anything, Amy. That ‘filthy, sex-crazed woman’ you refer to was already in you. I just helped you let her out of her hiding place.” He kissed my forehead before adding, “And she’s sexy as sin.”

  “You’re incredible. What a way to spend the first part of my visit.”

  “Mmhmm, discovering you’re turned on by a humiliating spanking. You have no idea how exciting that was for me, princess.”

  I laughed at my romantic sadist’s words. This was the most relaxing bath I’ve ever had. By the time we got out of the lukewarm water, it was mid-afternoon.

  “How about dinner in tonight? I’ll cook. You can keep me company in the kitchen with some wine and conversation.”

  “That sounds delightful,” I said and stood up on my tip toes to kiss him.

  I dressed in a light purple satin nightie that fell to mid-thigh while J.P. pulled on some lounge pants. Hand in hand, we walked to the kitchen. After J.P. pulled a chair out for me, he sauntered toward a rack of wine and pulled down a bottle.

  Watching him cook shirtless would definitely give my eyes something to feast on. And I sat back waiting for the show to start.

  Chapter Four

  July 2011


  From my wine cabinet, I pulled out the bottle that I picked up especially for Amy; Aloft Cabernet Sauvignon. Effortlessly, I inserted the corkscrew and popped the top. My senses quickly absorbed the intoxicating aroma of the wine. I poured two glasses and carried them to the table. Amy picked up a glass and smiled at me as I raised mine.

  “To a fantastic weekend filled with sex and new experiences,” I toasted.

  Amy cocked her head to the side, and the expression on her face told me that she was considering my choice of words. I knew my romance author’s mind was working now. Authors typically have a place for everything, and word choice is usually done for a reason.

  Just as I had carefully selected my words.

  I liked to make Amy’s mind work. She had a very creative mind, and all I had to do was toss out a few words and watch her mind unravel it. I knew she thought about being put over my knee for the duration of her drive and then while she was actually over my knee.

  Mind fucking is mastering the art of controlling the anticipation of the unknown. And I loved it.

  “To sex and new experiences,” she repeated and clanged our glasses together.

  I kissed her lips and then began moving around the kitchen getting dinner ready. We chatted while I prepared the meal for us, and every now and then I went over to steal some kisses. Her mouth tasted of the wine, making her mouth a delectable treat.

  “So, you cook too?” she asked.

  With the spoon in my hand, I turned away from the stove and smiled.

  “I do many things, Amy.”

  “Yes, you’re full of surprises. Lover of romance novels, kinky sex, excellent wine and you cook,” she said.

  I couldn’t help but laugh at her description of me.

  “When I went to live with my older brother after high school, I learned how to cook. He taught me a lot of what he called ‘life tasks.’ My brother was in a culinary school to become a chef. I learned a lot by just being in the kitchen with him.”

  “That sounds like a great way to bond, too.”

  I smiled at her comment as I brought over the plates.

  “It was. All of my brothers were very kind and supportive of me after I left my parents’ home.”

  We dug into our meal and continued talking. She was in an inquisitive mood, and I loved the fact that we could carry a good conversation.

  “When did you have a desire to become a pharmacist, if you don’t mind my asking? Pharmacy isn’t really a profession you dream about as a child.”

  I laughed and took a sip of wine.

  “My brother that was just a few years older than me was who inspired me. He was the one who pulled my dad away from hitting me when my parents found my kinky stuff.” Amy nodded confirming she knew which brother I was referring to. “When I was in elementary school, he was diagnosed with lung
cancer. I wanted to be a doctor because of him. All of my class electives became math and science. I even got a partial scholarship. But even with the scholarship, there wasn’t money to send me to med school. My parents had gone through a lot of their savings for treatments, surgeries, and doctors for my brother. So, my dream of being a doctor was crushed.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about your brother,” Amy said. I could sense her apprehension in asking me how he was doing. I nodded at her.

  “He’s in remission, and we’re still in touch. Anyhow, as you know, my relationship with my folks ended the summer before I started college. I had the scholarship to use for my first four years of school. I switched gears and worked my ass off to pay for the additional years it would take for school to earn my pharmaceutical science degree.”

  “Did you hear from your parents when you graduated?”

  “No. I was dead to them. My conservative, straight-laced parents didn’t have a son who was into the shit that I was. I lost my parents after they found out that day, but I still had my brothers.” I explained.

  “What was it like growing up with brothers all with the same name?” she asked after a few minutes of silence.

  I smirked and took a sip of wine after swallowing some food.

  “Kind of weird, but we all had nicknames. My father obnoxiously insisted that all of us boys were named after him. He and my mother worked hard and wanted us to have the very best of everything, even though money was tight. Nothing was handed to us though; my brothers and I worked for everything we had growing up. Our parents instilled a good work ethic in us. We were to go to school and get good grades. That was the only acceptable path to them. It was the only path that would give us the finer things in life and be happy.”

  “What about the enjoyment of life?”

  “Amy, happiness is having nice things in life and being comfortable. If you have nice things, you’re happy.” I explained.

  Amy shook her head and swallowed rapidly before taking a sip of the wine.

  “I think you’re wrong, J.P. Happiness isn’t a snazzy car or a bank account with money sitting in it.” She said it playfully, but I detected confidence in her tone.


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