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Breaking The Mold

Page 5

by Drew Sera

  Our movements slowed, as did our breathing. Neither of us spoke. My cock remained inside her while I cuddled against her. I wrapped my arms around my princess and kissed the top of her head.

  “God, I love you, Amy,” I whispered.

  She wrapped her hand around my forearm and said that she loved me too. I hadn’t harmed her and felt better about myself. After my cock slipped from her, I silently guided us to lie down. If my head had been in a better place, I would have taken us to the shower or a relaxing bath. But my head was a little busy.

  We’re approaching a dangerous corner.

  This time I was rougher with her, and she met me with that need. I was more than proud of her for trusting me not to harm her. I could have been a lot rougher and left my marks on her.

  But she was my princess. And she was very new to this.

  I held her close to me in my arms and couldn’t stop thinking of her tagline for Dark Spell. She wanted dark…but how dark could she go?

  Time would tell what Amy could and couldn’t handle.

  Chapter Five

  July 2011


  I studied my sore nipple in the mirror while J.P. combed his hair. We took a luxurious bath together after our morning romp and snuggle fest. After the bath, J.P. put some special lotion over my nipple and butt where he spanked me.

  “Do you think it’ll bruise?” I asked J.P.

  I saw him smirk in the mirror. Sadist.

  “If I’m lucky, you’ll bruise a bit,” he said and set the comb down. J.P. wrapped me up in his arms and cupped my right breast as he looked at it in the mirror. He grazed my tender nipple with his thumb gently. “You’ll be okay, princess. A few marks to remind you of where you’ve been isn’t the end of the world.”

  He was right. I’d survive.

  We got dressed together and had breakfast out on his patio.

  “Now, you’re sure you’re okay with me doing the half shift today?”

  I nodded and set my mug of coffee down.

  “Absolutely. We talked about this. I don’t want to interfere with your work schedule, and I have some things for the book that I need to get done. So, not to worry. I’ll have stuff to occupy my time with until you get back.”

  “Better get that book blurb done or Samantha Kelly will be on my ass,” he teased.

  “Ha! She’ll be on mine too,” I added.

  “Tonight, would you like to go to Irons?” he asked as I just put a forkful of chopped strawberries in my mouth.

  “Yes,” I nodded and mumbled then quickly swallowed. “I love going there with you. I always have a good time when we go.”

  “Because you like watching dirty, kinky sex.”

  “No,” I shook my head. “It’s because I’m with you.”

  J.P. smiled at me and went back to eating his breakfast.

  “If you’d like, maybe we can talk about a small bondage scene tonight,” J.P. suggested.

  “Yes.” My mind began racing. This might actually happen! I was so excited and for once was at a loss for words. “Yes…I’d really like that, J.P. I’m ready and want to,” I confirmed.

  He kept looking at me as if he was considering if what I was saying was the truth. It absolutely was, I was just so excited that I couldn’t relay my thoughts correctly.

  “We’ll see how it goes tonight and if you’re still feeling as brave when we get there.”

  J.P. glanced at his watch and stood.

  “I have to get going, princess.” He bent over to kiss me. “Be a good princess and work on your book. Otherwise, I’ll have to punish you,” he said.

  His threatening words of punishing me sent pleasant shockwaves through my body and landed right on my clit, making it throb.

  He left for work, and I brought my laptop out to the patio to begin working on the book’s description. I stared blankly at the screen for a while and then moved to his cushioned lounge chair. My butt was a little uncomfortable on the chair that I was sitting at.

  A good ten minutes passed by as I stared at the screen.

  His yard was relaxing. The patio was made of pavers instead of cement, and he had planter boxes separating the patio from the grass.

  “She wanted dark, but how dark could she go?”

  I read my tagline out loud as I stared the screen.

  I looked over his yard in the direction of a chirping bird.

  “She wanted dark, but how dark could she go? Why am I having such a hard time concentrating?”

  Maybe I needed to walk some. I stood to stretch and felt every place on my body where J.P.’s hands have been. As I bent to smell some of the flowers in his raised planter at the back of the yard, I noticed how sore I was. I never knew how much walking could hurt just from being spanked.

  Mmm, I kind of enjoyed the spanking. I thought more about what J.P. had said. Bodies don’t lie. That didn’t mean that I was a masochist…did it?

  After walking a few laps around the backyard, I picked up my laptop and logged onto Kinky Links. I searched for “masochist” and found a few forums with questions and comments. I read through lots of them. I had hoped that I’d be able to determine if I was or wasn’t a masochist but learned that there are varying degrees, just like with most other things.

  I decided to send Samantha a text. I wasn’t able to concentrate on anything book-wise, so I might as well get some socialization in.

  Amy: Hey, Sam. J.P.’s at work for a bit and I’m just relaxing in his lovely yard. Thought I’d say hi.

  Samantha: Weren’t you using this time to write the book description for Dark Spell?

  I frowned and set my phone to the side then stared at the screen with just my tagline. She was right, I needed to concentrate.

  Samantha: I meant, hi, how are you?

  I laughed out loud and picked my phone up.

  Amy: I’m good but am having a hard time concentrating. I hate writing book descriptions.

  Samantha: I know, but you’re the author, and you’re the best one to write it. It’ll come to you. And speaking of coming…how is that romantic sadist?

  I was thankful Sam couldn’t see my embarrassed face sporting the huge smile.

  Amy: Oh, he’s just fine. We’re going to his club tonight.

  I added a smiling emoji.

  Samantha: I hope you have a fantastic time. And I won’t tell you to be careful.

  Samantha: But be careful.

  I rolled my eyes and sent the mutually agreed upon emoji that meant “I’ll catch you later.” I set my phone to the side and began typing out ideas for things that I wanted to include in the blurb.

  Before I knew it, J.P. was home and asked me about my progress with the book description. I showed him what I had down as ideas for it and admitted that the ideas just weren’t flowing for me today.

  “Other things on your mind, princess?”

  “I was really enjoying your yard.”

  “I see. So, my yard is to blame for distracting you today,” he said in a serious tone.

  I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

  “Maybe your pretty little head is thinking about naughty and dirty things. Filthy things that cause your panties to dampen at the mere thought.”

  He kissed the top of my head, and I thought about our rough early morning romp in his sheets.

  “How’s that ass and nipple of yours, princess?” he asked.

  “Oh, they’re fine.”

  I was glad my head was resting on his chest so that he wouldn’t be able to see my embarrassment. He laughed and gave my butt a swat.

  “How about I change and then we’ll go to dinner and Irons?”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  I followed him inside, and we both got ready for our evening out.

  While we waited in the lobby to check in, I glanced up at the black and white photos on the walls. They were the same as the last time I was here, but for some reason they always drew my attention.

  “Let’s get a drink, princess.”
  J.P. and I made our way to the bar and sat down at the end. The bartender asked what we wanted, and J.P. ordered for both of us.

  “Water with lemon for my princess and I’ll have Jack and Coke.”

  He gave me a sly smile as the bartender walked away. I decided to tease him a little.

  “Maybe the princess wanted Jack and Coke, too,” I said.

  J.P. laughed and looked me straight in the eyes.

  “The princess is far away from her castle where she reigns. She’s in the hands of the dark castle dweller.”

  “I like the castle dweller.”

  “Good, princess.” The glasses were set in front of us, and J.P. pulled the glass of water toward me. “Amy, if you and I are going to potentially have your first bondage scene tonight, I don’t want alcohol in your system. It could sway your responses and influence you to say ‘yes’ to things easily. And that’s not how we’re going to ever play,” he explained.

  Oh my gosh! Of course. He was right. I shouldn’t play or negotiate play with alcohol.

  “Maybe once we get some experience under your panties and I have more experience with how you react and respond to things without alcohol, then we’ll talk about drinks before scenes. But not until then.”

  Our conversation was focused on the bondage scene when Blake came over to say hello. I really enjoyed Blake, though I knew J.P. was somewhat at odds with him. Blake had always been pleasant and welcoming toward me since my very first visit.

  “Good evening, Paul,” Blake nodded at J.P., then he focused on me. “Hello, Amy. It’s good to see you this evening. In town for the weekend?”

  “Yes. I’ll be here until Tuesday.”

  He mentioned a few scenes taking place this evening at various locations and J.P. cut him off. I couldn’t believe he did that. Blake was just being polite, and J.P. just interrupted him.

  “Oh, we’re not watching scenes tonight, Blake,” he said.

  “No?” Blake stared at J.P.

  “No,” J.P. smugly stated. “We’re doing a scene tonight.”

  Blake nodded, and his eyes shifted to look at me before glancing down at my glass of water. He looked back at J.P. and told us to enjoy our evening and to have a safe scene. As Blake walked away, J.P. took a long sip from his glass and then gazed at me. His eyes seemed to soften a bit.

  “Princess, don’t pay any attention to him.”

  “He was being nice.”

  J.P. looked down but nodded.

  “It’s complicated with Blake,” J.P. said quietly.

  “I think if he didn’t want to be your friend that he wouldn’t bother coming over to see you tonight.”

  J.P. opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but decided against voicing it. After he finished his drink, he took my hand in his and kissed my lips.

  “Let’s walk, princess.”

  On our walk along the path outside, J.P. delved into the bondage talk again.

  “Amy, understand that you have the control. You can agree to do this, and if at any time during the scene you get cold feet, you say ‘yellow.’ That tells me to slow down and that you need a minute to regroup. And if at any time you decide you can’t go further and need to stop, just say ‘red.’ Understand?”

  “Yes. I understand completely. I wanted you to show me the dark…so show me the dark.”

  He stared at me with a cocky smile on his handsome face and gave me a small nod.

  Chapter Six

  July 2011


  Once we picked out our cell in the dungeon, I placed Amy’s play card in the metal basket by the archway. It would be available for any Dungeon Monitors in case they felt the need to examine it.

  But I knew my princess, and I wouldn’t harm her. Before she undressed, I reminded her of the actions that would follow upon saying “yellow” and “red.” She wrote a book about this, and knew what they meant but now she was ready to embark on her own experience inside the dungeon.

  “Undress and stand in front of the chair, princess.”

  I pointed to the high-back wooden chair and went to the table near the cell entrance where my bag was waiting. I could hear Amy removing her clothes while I pulled out the rope I brought specifically for her. It was a blue cotton rope that had some give to it.

  When I turned around, Amy shyly stood by the chair with her arms folded and resting against her mid-section. I have seen her plenty of times naked but seeing her naked in Irons made me feel like I was gazing at her body for the very first time.

  I approached her with the rope and sat down on the chair. I could tell she was nervous because she kept looking over her shoulder to see if anyone was looking.

  “Everything that you need to be concerned with is going on in this room. Don’t get caught up in anything else, princess.”

  She nodded and gave me a small smile. I needed to go slow with her and remember this is her first time naked in a dungeon.

  “Amy, in Irons all of your kinks and wildest desires are accepted here. No matter how odd or not ‘normal’ they may seem outside of Irons, here it’s welcome and common place.” I reached up and took her hands, pulling them away from her body and closer to me. “There’s nothing to be shy about here.” I looked into her eyes as my thumb rubbed the back of her hand. “Here, you get to be you.”

  Her smile broadened into the genuine smile that I have come to love, and I took that as confirmation that she was ready. I’d have to go slow for her. She needs this to be a good experience, and for that to happen, I needed to be cognizant of everything.

  “Ready, Amy?”

  She nodded.

  “You’ll have to speak, Amy. Gestures can be confusing, and things need to be crystal clear when we step inside a dungeon stall.”

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  “Good, princess.”

  With my hands on her hips, I guided her to turn away from me so that her back and ass were facing me. I gently guided her arms behind her back and bent them at the elbow so they’d rest against the small of her back.

  I quickly made a wrist sleeve to secure her arms together, and when finished, I tested the amount of give she had with it. She had a little, which is what I wanted.

  I guided her to turn around and face me as I stood. With a length of rope in my hand, I draped it around the back of her neck, letting the end fall between us toward the floor. Amy looked down at the dangling rope and smiled. I pulled the dangling rope toward her sternum and made a few twists until just below her breasts. I let the soft, cotton rope brush against her abdomen as I guided the rope between her legs.


  Amy’s cheeks were bright red, and she smiled shyly. The rope between her legs caught her by surprise. I walked behind her and pulled the loose ends of the rope upward between her butt cheeks. I had to work around her bound arms at the small of her back, but the rope formed a nice “v” coming out of the top of her ass crack. I wrapped the loose ends forward around her hips and weaved it between the rope against her abdomen and her skin at the lowest point.

  I crossed the rope behind her and then brought the ends forward again and weaved them between the lowest twist by her sternum. I repeated this until I was out of rope and the ends were tied off behind her.

  Amy now had a beautiful diamond webbed pattern on the front of her torso. She looked amazing. I stood back to take in her beauty.

  “Well, princess, how does it feel?”

  “It feels….different. It’s not tight, and I don’t feel trapped.” Amy moved her shoulders a bit. “Confined. I feel confined, but not in a bad way.” I watched her mull over her thoughts and feelings. She looked up at me with a playful gleam in her eyes and said, “I feel like your dirty princess.”

  My laughter filled the dungeon cell. I walked toward Amy then reached behind her and took hold of the rope coming up from between her butt cheeks. Tugging the rope upward made the rope rub against her clit and pussy.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed and wobbled a

  I reached out with my other hand and placed it on her upper arm to help her balance.

  “I think you like the rope in that snatch of yours, Ms. Andrews,” I teased.

  “You’re probably right,” she agreed with me.

  “Amy, may I take some pictures of you?”

  “Are they going to end up on JP Fever’s Kinky Links account?”

  “No, sweetheart. These are just for us.”

  She nodded and stayed still while I moved around her taking some pictures with my phone. Standing there bound in the rope that my hands intimately put in place, Amy was the sexiest woman I’ve ever had in a dungeon stall.

  I wasn’t hurting her, and the only marks that were on her skin right now were the impressions that the rope would leave. This was a very different kind of scene to me…this woman loves me and trusts me implicitly.

  Her creamy, soft skin on her ass was taunting me though. I gave one of her ass cheeks a firm slap, making her yelp and me smile.

  “Now, ready for me to fuck you while you’re in the rope?”

  Her eyes widened, and eyebrows shot upward. Amy looked downward at the rope between her legs. I hooked two of my fingers in one of the rope diamonds on her sternum and tugged her closer.

  “Don’t worry about the rope, princess. I can fuck you in it. It’ll only be slightly uncomfortable, but it’s all part of the experience.”

  She smiled and said, “Yes, please.”

  I unzipped my pants and let them fall to my knees then sat down on the chair. Grasping my raging hard-on as I gazed at Amy, I motioned her to step closer. As she straddled my legs, I hooked my thumbs between her skin and the rope that nestled between her legs. I held the rope to the side of the inside of her legs as she lowered herself on my shaft. When she was firmly mounted, I let go of the rope. I wasn’t too concerned about it since it had some give and I just stretched it some.


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