Book Read Free

Breaking The Mold

Page 12

by Drew Sera

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes princess. I need to go take care of something on the computer,” I said as I stood and dried off my hands.

  Amy smiled at me when I said I needed to get on my computer for a few minutes. I couldn’t help but smile at her victorious smile. She was so quick to trust. I was still smiling as I walked to my den. She was so cute to think that she was getting her way. In due time, but certainly not yet. I told her I’d get rid of the pictures, and I will…but not yet.

  I booted up my laptop and opened up a blank email. I began composing my thoughts as I worked to prevent the fucking Golden Boy of Irons from taking what’s mine.


  Stay the fuck away from Amy…she’s mine.

  I hit send and returned to Amy.

  “Did you get it taken care of?” she asked me.

  “Of course. It only took a few moments, sweetheart.”

  My princess was happy, and even though our evening didn’t go as planned, I was content now. She would be moving in...and her mind would be my playground.

  Chapter Thirteen

  December 2011


  My heart started to pound as I got closer to my new home. Picking up and moving to Las Vegas wasn’t as easy as I thought. I was trying to sell my place quickly, but the real estate market had taken quite a hit with the downturn of the economy. And while I had some money tucked away, I really didn’t feel comfortable moving without the house sold.

  Things with Samantha have also become strained. We’re going to have to work out a schedule, and she’s going to have to get used to the fact that I wasn’t always going to have my phone with me. And it didn’t help matters that I told her I needed some time off from writing to get situated in Las Vegas.

  On my drive to Vegas, a new story hit me. I let it run around in my head for about an hour, and when I reached a rest stop, I pulled off the road to jot some notes down. This was great stuff, and it was as though my hand couldn’t write fast enough. I was in mid-sentence when my phone rang, startling me.

  Since my car was still running, I pushed the button on my steering wheel to answer the phone.

  “Hello,” I said and began writing.

  “Princess, did you get lost?” J.P.’s voice filled my car.

  “No, I’m sorry. I had this great idea for a book and pulled off at a rest stop to write some notes down while they are fresh in my mind.”

  “Amy, you should have been here about a half hour ago. I was starting to worry.”

  What? I looked at my clock on the display. Oh, my God. I’ve been sitting here for over an hour.

  “Oh God, I am so sorry. I didn’t realize the time.”

  “How long have you been there?”

  A piece of me was hesitant to tell him, but I knew he’d figure the math of it out. He knew when I left Samantha’s, so he knew when to expect me.

  “About an hour,” I confessed.


  “I know, I’m sorry. I should have sent you a message when I pulled off the highway. I hadn’t planned on being here so long. Just long enough to make some notes.”

  “Did you give any truckers a show?” he playfully asked.

  I laughed and began putting my notebook away.

  “Of course not. That would be dangerous,” I reminded him.

  “Please drive carefully and think about the punishment that you’ll receive when you get here.”

  Oh. Damn.

  J.P. was outside ready to greet me when I arrived. I had a handful of things in the trunk, but J.P said he’d help me with the stuff tomorrow. My hand gravitated to J.P.’s as we walked inside. He led me to the couch, and as I started to sit beside him, he held up a hand to stop me. With one of his eyebrows raised, he tugged on my pants.

  “Punishment time, princess. If you’re not going to pay attention to the time, you’re going to learn very fast that I don’t like being kept waiting.”

  The “threat” of being put over his knee was actually something that I’d come to enjoy, so I wasn’t too worried about this one. I unbuttoned my jeans and he swiftly yanked them down, then pulled me across his lap.

  “Why are you being punished?”

  “Because I didn’t pay attention to the time and made you worry unnecessarily.”

  “I won’t tolerate tardiness unless it’s for a reason out of your control.”

  J.P. rubbed his hand over the back of my upper legs just before he pulled my panties down.

  “I’m hoping you won’t need reminding that I am a sadist; punishing you and causing you to cry out brings me pleasure. I’m not a Daddy Dom who feels bad when he has to punish his little one. I feel completely satisfied with making you feel uncomfortable.”

  I stared at the floor as I thought about his words. He is completely satisfied with making me feel uncomfortable.

  The sound of flesh slapping flesh startled me and the stinging sensation quickly became my focus. In quick succession, J.P.’s bare hand landed on the same spot on my left butt cheek.

  “Ow!” I cried out.

  I tried to squirm, but his left hand grabbed my hand in an iron grip. Tears filled my eyelids and eventually spilled over as the spanking continued. After he finished, he pulled me onto his lap and cuddled me against his chest. Aside from the sounds of my sniffles, I remained quiet but noticed the firm bulge in his pants.

  He really does get excited by causing someone pain.

  J.P. stroked my hair as my head rested against his heaving chest. He took hold of my hand and uncurled my fingers before kissing my clammy hand. A soft laugh echoed in my ear that was against his chest.

  “Princess, don’t do the crime if you’re not prepared for the consequences.”

  I frowned and pulled my head away from his chest so I could look into his eyes. His eyes were dark with dilated pupils. Was he serious?

  “J.P., I’m sorry for pulling off to make some notes for a new book. Had I known that by doing so I’d be violating something, I wouldn’t have stopped.”

  “Amy, you knew that I was expecting you at a certain time. Or at a minimum, a phone call. A phone call would have prevented me from worrying.”

  He was right. I should have called. I nodded my head and told him that I understood. I know that I need to start thinking before acting.

  “I’ll do better. I’ve been so used to doing things my way for so long that I don’t always stop to think how my actions could impact someone else,” I explained to him.

  “You’ll learn,” he said.

  I wasn’t exactly comforted by his words, and I wasn’t expecting him to say that. I didn’t really know what I was expecting but it wasn’t that. Maybe my surprised facial expression prompted his next words.

  “Don’t worry, Amy. I will show you exactly how I want, and expect, you to act. You’ll learn what the consequences are but know that I’ll carry out each punishment with love.”


  He does love me; I reminded myself as my mood began to improve. A genuine smile appeared on J.P.’s face which forced a smile onto mine. He leaned forward and kissed me hard.

  “Now, I think we started our new living arrangement off on the wrong foot,” he whispered against my lips.

  This sounded much more promising and how I would have rather started our new life together.

  “I think I like the sound of that much better.”

  With me in his arms, J.P. stood and carried me to his room—our room. When he set me down on the bed, he gave me an upward nod.

  “Clothes off, princess.”

  I was already naked from the waist down, so it didn’t take much work to complete his instructions. J.P. quickly undressed, and his lengthy erection came into view. Wow. The head of his penis was a deep plum color, and it bobbed ever so slightly against his abdomen. J.P.’s cock was impressive, and I don’t know if I’d ever get tired of seeing it…especially in this erect form.

  “Get on your knees, lean over and put your head on the mattress.”

  I followed these familiar instructions and received praise.

  “Good, princess,” he said as he climbed on the bed.

  J.P. grunted before I felt his hand slap the ass cheek that he had spanked not too long ago. It hurt, causing me to flinch. He smoothed his hand over my sore flesh and told me to be still. Moments later he slapped his hard cock against the tender spot on my butt cheek.

  “Seeing these red marks on your flesh excites me to no end, Amy,” J.P. sighed as he pushed his cock into my waiting pussy. “Red looks good on your skin, Amy.”

  “Oh!” I exclaimed as his length pushed into me in one motion.

  God, his cock felt heavenly. He grabbed my hips, pulled out just a little bit and slammed back into me.

  “Oh! God, J.P.,” I moaned.

  He slapped my ass cheek hard with his firm hand.

  “It’s Sir from now on when we fuck,” he hissed.

  “Yes, Sir,” I acknowledged and made a mental note to myself not to forget his title.

  “I can’t wait to decorate your flesh and then show you off at Irons,” he grunted as his cock pounded my pussy.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I was lost in the wonderful sensations J.P. was giving me and barely heard him speak to me again.

  “Reach back and pull your ass cheeks apart, princess. I want to hear you.”

  As I tugged my butt cheeks apart for him, I braced for the initial pain that I knew I was in store for. The force of J.P.’s movements caused me to cry out and yelp multiple times as his cock impaled me over and over. I tried to meet and predict his movements and the amount of force he would use, but he managed to catch me off guard.

  When my yelps turned into whimpers, J.P. stopped moving and thrusting into me. It gave me a moment to catch my breath. He rubbed on my lower back as he said, “Almost there, my filthy princess. I’ve got something to fill you up with.”

  J.P.’s cock drove further into my ass when he pulled my hips back toward him firmly. He held me still as my ass cheeks pressed against his body. When he let go of one of my hips, his hand moved to my stomach and then down to my clit.

  “Oh, God yes!” I said and suddenly found myself trying to move against his fingers.

  “You like that, don’t you, my filthy cock hungry slut,” J.P. said as he pinched my clit.

  Waves of pleasure moved through me. It was only moments until I felt myself gripping his thick cock as the orgasm took over. As I came, J.P. withdrew his cock almost all the way before slamming it back in. He repeated this as I moaned and cried out my release. Suddenly, I couldn’t hear myself over his thunderous yell when he came.

  We settled down and regained our voices before we looked at one another and then laughed uncontrollably. J.P. held me close and kissed my forehead.

  “I love you, my filthy, cock-hungry, princess,” he whispered.

  “I love you, Sir.”

  We took a soothing bubble bath together and afterward he gave me a back massage while my thoughts were occupied by this man.

  It wasn’t that he couldn’t make anal sex pleasurable or pain free for me. J.P. is very controlled when it comes to sex. He could make anything pleasurable, but on the other side of the token, he could make anything painful too. Just like Blake warned.

  As I settled down in his arms for the night, I continued to let some things run through my head. I understood that he needed to give pain to feel satisfied sexually. He didn’t always work that into our sex, but I realized now that need exists. He usually comes during sex but when he comes after he’s been rough is very different than if he hadn’t been rough. It’s almost animalistic, in a sense.

  He could make me feel whatever he wanted me to feel…and right now I was exhausted and happy to be in my new home wrapped up in his arms.

  Chapter Fourteen

  June 2012


  Colin fucking Everett.

  I stared at his name in disgust as I looked at the flyer for an entry level submissive class at Irons. Everett has become a trainer at the club, and so far, everyone raves about him. It fucking figures.

  This week Irons was holding a series of classes on various topics or dynamics. And since Amy was so new and eager to learn, I signed her up for a bunch. Including the one given by Everett. I was even conducting a class on implements and how to properly use them.

  As much as I fucking hated Colin Everett, I needed to make sure Amy followed basic protocol during the class at least. Her behavior was a direct reflection on me, and I do not have a brat. And if there’s someone that I don’t want thinking that I didn’t know how to train a sub, it’s Everett.

  Amy actually has been doing very well since she moved in. I’ve adopted some requirements slowly, and while they were met with resistance at the beginning, the cane and leather strap have made my points come across quite clear.

  For the first few months of her living with me, she tested the waters a lot...and lost. Texting and talking with Samantha about her book shit became excessive. I realize it used to be her primary focus, but I was her primary focus now, and she needed to learn that. A cane to her hands prevented her from texting or working on her book for a few days. She doesn’t even go near the phone when I’m home anymore. She’s learning.

  “Remember, during the class you look at the instructor when he is speaking,” I reminded her, though I was unable to say Everett’s name without revolting.

  “Yes, Sir. I will look at them as they speak,” she replied.

  “And sit still.”

  “Yes, I will be still. I won’t embarrass you J.P. I’m not an animal.”

  I reached across the console that separated us in the car and gave her thigh a gentle pat.

  “Of course you’re not an animal. You’re a filthy, cock hungry princess,” I teased.

  As we parked, I glanced at the clock on my dashboard, I noticed we still had a good forty-five minutes before her class starts. And I had the urge to mark her.

  “Princess, we still have some time before your class starts. I’d like to take you down to the dungeon for a few minutes,” I said as I shut the car off.

  “A few minutes?” Amy asked sarcastically and chuckled as she rounded the back of my car. I took hold of her hand and walked toward the doors to Irons. “What can you accomplish in a few minutes?” Her playful tone and smart comment made me smile. She makes it too easy for me sometimes.

  “Well, princess, I will show you what a few minutes will do with that smart mouth of yours.”

  In the lobby, I took Amy’s play card and reviewed it. I grinned at the most recent change to her card; masochist. Was she a full-blown masochist? No, not by a long shot. But she was with me, taking everything I gave her. There was a masochistic bone or two buried in her.

  I held the card out for Amy to look at and confirm the info. She nodded, and I handed the card back to the check-in attendant.

  “Let’s go, princess. The clock is ticking,” I said.

  I quickly found us an empty dungeon cell that had a spanking bench and ushered us inside.

  “Strip and straddle the spanking bench. Let’s get this smart mouth under control before you embarrass me in Everett’s class.”

  Amy did as she was asked. I wasn’t even going to mess with restraints; I just needed her in this position. I began to unbuckle my belt but stopped. I took a breath and looked at the wall of implements. No time for those. I went back to unbuckling my belt and yanked it out of the pant loops. I quickly folded it, and before striking Amy with it, I ran my hand over her ass cheeks.

  “Count princess. You’ll take twenty, and then you’ll be face fucked. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Use ‘red’ as your safe word if you need it.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  The belt came down and collided with her tender flesh. I made sure to make contact with some of the areas where she was already bruised or tender. As she counted, the thirteenth point was where I heard her voice break. Not bad. Sh
e can withstand about a dozen before breaking. The remaining seven were so erotic to me and turned me on quickly. I was as hard as stone when I abandoned my belt and pulled my cock out. I pushed myself into her waiting mouth, took hold of the sides of her head and began to thrust.

  I was so proud of how far she’d come since moving in with me. Amy knew the difference between being face fucked and giving a blow job. She would do all the work with a blow job, but with a face fucking, that was all for me to carry out. I just needed her to be still for it.

  Amy gagged and squirmed on the spanking bench as I fucked her mouth. Though I wasn’t a brutal bastard, I wasn’t very gentle either. When Amy’s hands came off the spanking bench and pushed against my thighs, I knew my orgasm was within reach. My cock was deep in her throat when I released my load, coating her hot mouth. I held the back of her head in place gently when I noticed she was starting to panic.

  “Relax, my filthy princess. Breathe through your nose slowly and relax. Now, be a good little slut and swallow.”

  I could tell she was relaxing because her hands stopped pressing against my legs. I praised her as she swallowed my cum and released my hands from her head. Her hands shook when I took hold of them to help her sit up, and her face looked beautiful; swollen lips from being face fucked and watery, red eyes with smeared mascara.

  “You look beautiful, princess.”

  I lifted her off the bench and kissed her forehead before setting her down on her own feet. I was surprised that she was shaking still. I looked at my watch; we had less than ten minutes. I picked her clothes up off the floor and handed them to her. While she dressed, I noticed Blake standing in the hallway, watching. I moved closer to Amy and helped her with her top. Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell that Blake was still right there.

  “Ready for the class, princess?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied.

  I took hold of her hand, and as we walked past Blake, he smiled sympathetically. Why the fuck is he doing that?


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