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Breaking The Mold

Page 20

by Drew Sera

  “Try typing your fucking stories now!”

  I stopped only when something wet hit my face. I wiped my cheek, and it registered to me as blood.

  I looked down at her hands. They were a mixture of red and purple with skin torn away and there was a lot of blood. I picked her limp body up and carried her to our room. She wasn’t making any noise through the gag. Her eyes were empty.

  What have I done to this woman? I cleaned her hands up and wrapped them in gauze and guided her to lie down. I didn’t mean to take my hate for Everett out on her. I had lost control.

  “Amy, I love you.”

  I leaned over and kissed her forehead and watched her until she was asleep. When I was sure she was asleep, I removed the gag and pressed a damp cloth against her back.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  November 2013


  “Tonight, how about I bring home something for dinner?” he asked as I set his bowl of oatmeal in front of him.

  “Okay,” I agreed.

  “Princess, I’m sorry about last night. I pushed you too far, and I’m sorry.”

  I tried to open my hands, but the pain was unbearable. My hands ended up returning to the comfortable curled up position, and I started crying again.

  “Princess, it’s natural to cry after heavy scenes. And you and I most definitely had a heavy scene. You’re going to be fine, though. I promise.”

  He didn’t get it. He just treated last night as a scene.

  He ate his oatmeal quickly and then stood to leave. When he kissed me goodbye, I knew it would be the last time he ever kissed me. It’d be the last time I watched him leave for work. I knew it’d be the last time because when he returns at 5:30 today, I wouldn’t be here. I managed to keep the tears from falling as I hugged him, knowing that this was it.

  I watched his truck back out of the driveway, and I ran to the phone. I dialed Samantha, and when she picked up, I burst into tears.

  “Amy! Oh, my God, what’s wrong?” I heard her ask.

  I was hyperventilating and could barely talk.

  “Come…get…me…p-please. I c-can’t s-stay…here.”

  “Amy are you in danger?”

  I think that was a good self-assessment of the situation.

  “Amy! Where are you?”

  “Home. At J.P.’s—I mean, Paul’s.”

  “I’m calling Ryan, and we will be on our way within the half hour. Get your stuff together. Amy, are you listening?”


  “Amy, can you call a friend?”

  I started crying again.

  “I did. You’re my only friend.”

  “Oh, sweetie. There’s got to be someone who can sit with you until Ryan and I get there.”

  “I’m fine. He won’t be home until 5:30. Please hurry.”

  I got off the phone with her and thought about calling Blake. He had always been kind to me. But what would I say? What could I say? I had asked for J.P. to play as rough as he needed. I was the coward. I asked for it and now am leaving.

  While I waited for Samantha and Ryan, I wrote J.P. a note.

  My Romantic Sadist, J.P.,

  I don’t know where you went or if you ever existed at all. I loved you dearly and was willing to help you work past your issues with Anthony and Blake. I even turned the other cheek when you began to lie. But something was happening to me; something that Blake warned me not to allow; I lost myself in your needs.

  I wish you the best and will continue the prayers for your brother. I will forever love my romantic sadist.


  Your Filthy Princess

  I re-read the letter a hundred times over the course of the afternoon and cried. Every time I heard a car outside, I peeked out the window to see if it was Samantha and Ryan, and also to make sure it wasn’t J.P.

  Finally, around 2:00, Samantha and Ryan pulled up in their SUV. When I saw them get out of the car, I opened the front door and ran into Sam’s arms, bursting into tears.

  “My God, Amy! What happened to your hands? Why are they wrapped?”

  Samantha pulled my arms toward her so she could get a better look at my hands. I shook my head. I didn’t want to show her the marks from the cane. Not now, at least.

  “Amy, where is your stuff? I’ll start loading it so we can go,” Ryan asked gently.

  I led them inside and pointed to my bag. It contained a few articles of clothing, my laptop, and notebooks. It was all that I needed.

  I sat quietly in the backseat of their car and stared down at my hands that were wrapped in gauze. It’d be a while before I could type again. Just writing the note to J.P. made my hand cramp.

  Luckily, I still had some savings and would be able to buy a new place soon...and get a car. I was in the mode of picking up the pieces and I had to be strong about it. There were no other options.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  November 2013


  I crumpled the note from Amy and threw it as hard as I could across the room. She left me. I was sad about that, but the worst part was that Blake had been right. He warned me that I needed to meet her in the middle and not break her...otherwise I’d lose her.

  And he was fucking right. I lost the only person who truly loved me and wanted to be with me for me. She wasn’t some fucked up fantasy that I kept holding onto. She was real.

  But now I needed to focus.

  I went to my den and turned on my laptop. Through Tor, I accessed the special portal and went to the “people” option. Skimming through for the ID numbers, I found the ones that wanted the brown haired, blue eyed American girls under thirty because suddenly I might know of two girls that fit this mold.

  There were a handful of them. I sent each of the interested parties a message and attached Tammie’s pictures.

  Johnny was all I had to worry about at the moment. If I could deliver both of these girls, Johnny would be okay.

  Now, I’d wait and see if I get a response from any of them.

  I decided to disconnect from the laptop for the night and nurse my broken heart. I opened a new bottle of whiskey and sat on the couch with my box full of Anthony pictures.

  “You have no idea what you’re missing, you little rich fuck.”

  After I jacked off to several of the pictures and drank glass after glass, I got the brilliant idea to send off some texts and emails from my phone. The first text I sent was to Blake.

  Paul: I hope you’re fucking happy with yourself. She left me.

  While I was attempting to send an email, I received a text back from him.

  Blake: Amy’s gone?

  Fucking asshole.

  Paul: Can’t you read? Yes, she’s gone. Hope you’re happy with yourself.

  Blake: Do you think that you might be the reason she’s gone?

  Who the fuck does he think he is?

  Paul: Fuck you! You took HIM away from me, and now you’re happy SHE is gone.

  Blake: You alienated yourself from Amy. And I tried telling you, Anthony was never yours to lose.

  “Fuck you!” I screamed until my throat burned.

  I shut my phone off and carried my pictures to my room. I placed them on the bed in the spot where Amy would sleep and then I crawled into bed.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  November 2013


  I closed my jaw tightly as I read the text from Paul. Amy left him today. I sighed and set my phone down after receiving a string of texts from Paul looking to shift the blame to anyone but himself.

  And of course, he found some way to weave Anthony into the mix.

  “Darling, I’m going to go sit on the patio for a bit,” I said to Cathy before heading outside.

  That relationship was doomed. He wasn’t willing to bend. I truly believed that he cared for Amy and I knew she loved him. But sadly, she was a place holder. Paul would have left her in a heartbeat if Anthony ever showed him the time of day.

  Which, Anthony never woul

  I’d have to keep tabs on Paul. Let’s see how he handles a broken heart. Now more than ever, I needed to keep a good eye on him. His play with Amy in the dungeon the other night concerned me greatly after my talk with the Dungeon Monitor.

  And I’d be damned if he puts anyone in my club at risk.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  November 2013


  In the past few days, I’ve received a number of responses for my little American girl. I’ve tossed some questions back regarding the process for money. It seemed pretty customary for half to be paid up front and then the other half after delivery. When I was asked about the delivery time frame, I really had to sit back and think.

  It wasn’t a matter of doing it, that was a no-brainer.

  The issue was timing. How do I ensure delivery? I had a feeling these were people that it would be wise for me not to fuck with. So whatever date I gave them, I needed to be confident with it.

  Before I replied to that message, I needed to really think. I decided to go to Irons tonight and have a few beers and maybe gaze at that little docile Sydney. Yes, Sydney was my guaranteed ticket to the money. Tammie would be the back-up. Her mouth worried me though.

  Turns out that I had the best seat in the house tonight; it was little Sydney’s first scene in Irons. There was no way that I was going to pass this up and what made it even better was that Everett knew I was watching. I smiled at his arrogant face and raised my beer bottle at him. This should be good.

  Her first scene was going to be with Evan. I’m surprised Everett let her scene at all with Evan. I suppose he was a decent enough guy, but he wasn’t the most observant. He’s an attorney too and probably not a very good one if he struggled with fine details.

  But whatever. If Everett’s best judgment was Evan, fine by me.

  While the negotiating shit was going on, I flagged down a Dungeon Monitor and asked to see Sydney’s play card. Wow, this girl has some seriously bizarre hard limits and triggers. I glanced at her and then back down at the card. Hands on the back of her head, food deprivation, loss of sight, sandpaper, belts, cleaning chemicals.

  “Chemicals,” I said under my breath.

  It sounded like she had triggers of someone coming back from being captive in Desert Storm. Hmm…I wonder…how would she react to being abducted? Would she be combative or crumble like a leaf?

  I looked up from her card when some commotion broke out. Aw, poor little thing was scared of Evan. She was on the ground and clearly shaken.

  Jesus, she might even be easier than Tammie, and without the mouth.

  Graves was right there, swooping in, looking for a place to park his dick. I’ll admit, I got hard watching Graves participate in the scene. Anytime I could watch Graves go at it, I’d take advantage of it all day long.

  A small laugh escaped when Evan came on Sydney’s face. Oh, holy shit! I thought Graves was going to murder the guy right there. Eventually, Evan came over to the bar and sat there with Will and soon, Colin and Sydney came over.

  This was fucking perfect timing! I could dig at Everett a little bit. I needed to secure a play date with this little doe.

  “Sign up sheet, Everett.”

  “There isn’t one, Paul. Please understand that.”

  I was losing my patience with Everett. He didn’t have any more right to her than I did.

  “Evan played and so did Graves. And I’m sure you’ve been dipping into that too. I want a chance to negotiate a scene,” I explained.

  “She’s not a masochist, Paul!”

  He turned his back to me and walked away from me…again. Soon, he’s going to learn what it’s like to be told “no,” or to lose something. Then we’ll see who was upset and embarrassed.

  Chapter Thirty

  November 2013


  While sitting at the high-top table at the bar area in Irons, I saw Golden Boy Graves appear with that sweet little brown-haired, blue-eyed doe. I glanced around waiting to see fucking Everett, but he never appeared.

  I found this very interesting.

  Usually, Everett and Graves were joined at the hip. Was Graves stepping out of Everett’s shadow? Was he actually trying to start a relationship with this little doe? My God, he’d be so unfulfilled. Sydney doesn’t look like she can withstand much. I wonder if Everett knew Graves was here with her.

  The Golden Boy was soon surrounded by Will, Evan, and Blake. All of them were annoying fucks, except for the little doe. Surprisingly, Blake asked Graves something that was very exciting to me.

  “How long is Colin in Macau?” Blake asked.

  “Few days for business. He’ll be back for Thanksgiving,” Graves said.

  A few days? Fuck, the opportunity for me was right here. I just needed to decide quickly which opportunity I wanted to act on: getting the girl or getting the boy?

  As I sat there debating, I half-assed listened to their conversations. Getting the girl required more planning, so it doesn’t get fucked up. I couldn’t afford for anything to go wrong in obtaining or delivering her.

  I had my account set up in the Caymans and had set aside some of the money for a rental cabin just outside the city and a chartered flight. Destination unknown at this time, but it should be worked out soon. The money I set aside are funds from the account for Johnny, but since there are two girls, I’d make it all back.

  Tonight, if I played my cards right, I should be able to secure a scene with Sydney and Graves.

  The group left the bar to head to the dungeon to watch one of Matt’s scenes. I found two male house subs and told them I’d give them the scene of their lives if they were to help me out tonight. All I wanted them to do was be on the lookout for any Dungeon Monitors when I approached Graves. Blake was wise, and I knew he would have eyes on his Golden Boy.

  Just as I suspected, Blake was right beside Graves in the dungeon as Matt’s scene carried on. Does he really think Graves is literally in danger without him or Colin by his side? The thought made me laugh. Graves wasn’t an angel. He had the fire of Hell simmering in his eyes. And Blake was so blind to it.

  I decided to send off a text to Colin just to fuck with him.

  Paul: Don’t worry, Everett. I’ll make sure Graves has a co-top partner for tonight.

  That should do the trick and make Everett’s skin crawl. I hung back in the entrance to another cell stall while the crowd dispersed after Matt’s scene. I slowly followed them upstairs to the main room and lingered by the bar while Graves went outside with his phone in his hands. And wouldn’t you know it…Blake babysat the girl.

  Eventually, Graves came back in and headed down to the dungeon again. I waited a few minutes and then caught the attention of the two house subs, letting them know that I was heading to the dungeon. Hopefully, they’d hold up their end of the stick.

  From the entrance to one of the dungeon stalls closest to the stairs, I could see Anthony and Sydney kissing on a bench toward the opposite end of the hallway. His hands were all over her as she sat on his lap. I quickly stepped into one of the empty dungeon stalls and grabbed a baby bull whip. Every few moments, I’d inch a little closer. My heart began pounding wildly. A scene with Anthony Graves was so close; I could taste it.

  Anthony stilled suddenly, and then those gray eyes met mine. The girl seemed really nervous. Was it me she was scared of? Her face was buried in Anthony’s neck as he looked at me. It was time for me to move in and get a scene started.

  “Graves how is your evening? I couldn’t help but overhear Master Blake and Matthew upstairs say that Everett is away. Macau, it seems; for business.”

  Anthony seemed wary now, and I could tell his brain was moving as the two male house subs walked down the hall.

  “Paul, what can I do for you? Are these gentlemen here to play with you?”

  Fucking son of a bitch. This fucking guy’s mouth was something. He just made it so easy for me to want to be hard on him. Maybe dislocate a shoulder and hear him yelp

  “I’ve always admired your cocky mouth, Graves. I’ve wondered for years what it would feel like wrapped around my cock and a fistful of your hair in my hand. Now, show some manners. Everett would hate to hear that his favorite guy didn’t show respect to his elders. I came down here to see if I could offer my assistance. Without Everett, that makes you shy one person for your threesome needs. Thought I’d lend a hand. I know how you hate to play alone. Or maybe, you can’t play alone. I’d hate to think that this young thing had a hole that wasn’t tended to. If you’re particular on positioning, I don’t mind and will take either hole. I know you get off on watching Everett top a submissive, so if you’re into that tonight, my friends and I can make certain each of Sydney’s holes are tended to properly. You can watch.”

  Come on, Graves, accept!

  “Thank you for the offer, but I think Sydney and I are doing just fine. You might be better suited to play with these gentlemen alone though.”

  No. I took a slow deep breath. He said “no.” I blinked a few times. He wasn’t going to reject me. He needed me so he could play. He doesn’t like playing alone…why was he rejecting me?

  “Fuck you, Graves!”

  I let go of the tail to the whip and threw it in the direction of his head. The look on his face as he discovered that I almost hit him with the whip was worth a million dollars. He was so shocked, and it excited me. As he gathered Sydney and moved away from me with her, I could see his pants were unzipped. Now he was just prey to me.


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