Always On My Mind: A Bad Boy Rancher Love Story (The Dawson Brothers Book 1)
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"Good." He kissed her and moved back as the drinks arrived. "So ballet, hm? You've always wanted to see this Nutcracker play?"
"I have." She picked up her drink and smiled. "It's insanely expensive. You shouldn't have spent money on something silly."
"I spent money on you and on the experience. I'm just glad it's something that you're interested in." He brushed her hair over her shoulder. "The open house at the bakery went really good, right? I think half the damn town showed up to taste your treats. I was getting a little jealous."
"Yeah, right." She laughed. "They just wanted some dessert. We all love something that tantalizes our taste buds."
"I can think of a few things." He wagged his eyebrows sensually.
The way he watched her left her feeling beautiful, like the center of his affection. A man like him belonged with someone far more glamorous than her, a model or movie star maybe, but there he sat, his attention solely on her.
"I meant to tell you." She swallowed her nervousness, which was completely out of place, and yet she couldn't seem to force it to fade fast enough. "Judy's mother, Debbie, came by during the open house. Did you see her?"
Drake stiffened. "No. I was too busy trying to keep the trays full for us. What did she want? Did she say anything nasty to you?"
"Debbie?" Sicily leaned back and let her hands drop into her lap. "Heck no. She's the sweetest little old lady I've ever met. She's been baking since she was little from what Kari told me, and all she wanted was a bakery. Judy opened it to make money, which was a shitty thing to do to her mother."
"And she named it Judy's? After herself?" Drake moved back over to his seat as the appetizer arrived. "That's messed up, unless you think Debbie wanted it named after her daughter."
"Doubtful." Sicily pulled her plate closer and leaned in. "These stuffed mushrooms look divine."
"Shrimp and cheese." He growled softly. "Get what you want, because I'm going to eat the rest."
Sicily laughed and put a couple on her plate. "So Debbie came by because she wants a job."
"What?" Drake turned to face her. "At the bakery? With you?"
"Yes." She cut a mushroom and lifted it toward her mouth, blowing it gently. Drake's eyes followed her every movement.
"And? What do you think about that?" He licked at his lips and turned back toward the table, pulling the rest of the plate in front of him.
"I'm not sure. I like the idea of her working for me because she makes really great baked goods, but I can't help but think that I'm being set up again."
"Exactly. Why would she want to come work for the only competition in town? Seems shady." He popped a mushroom in his mouth and mumbled 'hot' a few times as Sicily chuckled at him.
"Cut it and blow it." She reached over and cut the rest of them on his plate.
"You gonna feed me too?" He winked and swatted her hand away playfully. "So what's the verdict?"
"On these?" She lifted another bite toward her lips. "They're delicious. I want all of mine and yours."
"Done, but I was talking about Debbie. You hiring her?" He reached over and ran his hand up her thigh, squeezing softly.
"What do you think I should do?" She reached down and pressed her hand to his. It wouldn't take much to turn her on, and getting hot and bothered in the middle of a fancy restaurant was out. They'd miss the show and she would struggle to be disappointed about it. It was hard to feel bad about missing anything when the reason she did was the hot man next to her.
"I think you should follow your heart, baby. You're a good woman, a woman of second chances. Does Debbie deserve a second chance?" He squeezed her once more and pulled his hand back.
"She hasn't had a first chance in my book." She let her eyes move across the room, the decorations beautiful, the crowd having a great time. Christmas was in the air, and Sicily couldn't help but feel the joy that permeated the place.
"Then give her one." Drake reached over and snagged her last mushroom, popping it into his mouth and laughing as she pushed at his arm.
"Hey! I was going to eat that."
"You took too much time blowing on it. Something tells me that you enjoy blowing on things."
"You keep eating my food off my plate, and I can assure you that you, mister, won't get to witness me blowing anything firsthand."
"Waiter!" Drake lifted his hand. "More mushrooms, please."
The ballet had been amazing, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder through the entire thing. If only her mom had been alive to go with her. Sadness played at the edge of her emotions, but Drake was doing a great job keeping her in conversation or reminding her just how loved she was.
"So what's the story behind your brother getting involved in a motorcycle gang? Usually it's because someone had a hard childhood and they turned to the gang or the club for support and such. That Johnny's story?" Drake held the door to the hotel for Sicily as they walked back in from their long night.
Sicily slid her arm into his as they walked to the elevator, the hotel elaborate and fancy, but the whole night had been about extravagance. She couldn't wait to tell Lisa and Kari all about Drake taking her out like she was queen of the town and spending way too much money on her. It was flattering, humbling.
"He had a great childhood, other than losing Daddy when we were young. Him and Mom were close, always giving each other hell and teasing one another." She shrugged and tucked herself against his side as they got in the elevator. "He met this girl his junior year of high school, and her brothers were in a motorcycle club. He just got mixed up with them to impress her, and the rest is history. I think it fits his persona, and where he is now, there's really no getting out of it. He's worked his way to the top of his club."
"What club is he part of?" Drake moved in front of her and ran his hands down her sides, over her hips, pressing himself against her.
"It's called Lost Breed. There are five of them that run the show and plenty of others that ride with them and belong to the club." She pressed her hands against his thick chest. "Have you ever made love in an elevator?"
Drake chuckled. "No, but there is a first time for everything." He turned and slammed his palm against the red 'stop' button. "No panties, right?"
Sicily took a shaky breath. "No panties."
He crashed into her, kissing her with a passion she had trouble understanding. It was as if all his anger and worry morphed into lust, and he needed an outlet. They'd spent the entire ballet teasing one another with soft touches, and the whisper of something naughty for later that night. She knew it wouldn't take much to ignite his aggression.
"You taste so fucking good." He kissed her again and moved down to his knees, pulled her skirt up and disappeared under it.
She hit her head against the wall behind her and gripped the bars pressing against her lower back.
Drake's tongue brushed down her sex, lapping at her as he forced her to lift one leg and wrap it around his neck.
She cried out and tried to keep her balance as her leg wobbled precariously. The strong pull of his mouth against her clit had her panting loudly and nearing orgasm much too fast. She wanted it to last, but between his intensity and the fear of getting caught, she couldn't hold on too long.
He mumbled something against her skin, and she rolled her hips, letting herself go as she sagged against the wall. White-hot lust burned through her, and Drake grunted loudly as he worked her over the edge not once, but twice.
Chapter 13
The night was filled with him and Sicily taking turns to explore each other. By the end of it, he was weak, exhausted and completely infatuated with the beautiful woman tucked against him. Not ever being able to sleep well, he was shocked when he woke the next morning to the smell of bacon and the sound of Sicily talking.
He jolted up in the bed, worried that he had missed something. "Baby?"
"Right here." She opened the various trays sitting on the counter by the TV. "I ordered room servi
ce because I didn't want to get dressed yet. Besides, it's snowing like crazy out there."
He dropped back down and ran his hand over his chest, watching her as she moved around in a large fluffy white robe. She looked adorable. Sexy.
"Mine," he grumbled and pulled the covers up. "You know that? You're mine."
"I know, you gorilla. You made that more than obvious last night." She nibbled on a piece of bacon and walked over to sit down on the edge of the bed. "You want some?"
"Of course I do." He reached up and tried to take it from her, but she waved him off and extended it to him, wanting to feed him.
"Stop trying to be in charge." She smiled, enjoying herself a little too much.
"I'm always in charge, lover." He gripped her wrist and pulled her down, eating the bacon and rolling them over to pin her to the bed. He ran his free hand down her side and tugged at the bottom of the robe until his fingers touched her warm flesh. "What are we doing today? Making love until we can't walk?"
"We already did that, but I'd be up for it again tonight. It could be my Christmas present."
"Oh yeah? You asking Santa for a dick in a box?" He chuckled, unable to help himself.
She kissed him quickly and got up. "You're aging yourself with that comment."
"I've always heard that you're as old as the woman you're sleeping with. I'm feeling pretty damn good today." He rolled over and sat up as his phone buzzed.
"Oh yeah. Your phone rang earlier, but I didn't get to it in time. It was an unregistered number." She sat down by the food. "Come grab a plate when you get done. I want to shower and go walk Times Square if you feel up to it. I love seeing all the decorations and stuff this time of year."
"It's going to be insane. You know that, right? Christmas Eve in New York City?"
She smiled. "I like crazy. I'm with you, right?"
"Cheeky bitch." He winked at her and walked across the room to grab a piece of toast. She pinched his ass and reached up to stroke his dick as he stood over the food, eating a few things and a few more. His stomach was on fire for something hearty.
Good thing she ordered half the menu.
"You're so damn fine." She stroked him again, tugging on the head of his cock and looking up at him with desire in her eyes.
"Keep petting the monster and you're going to have to deal with him when he wakes up." He grabbed another piece of bacon and leaned down to kiss her roughly. "You'd like that though, wouldn't you?"
"Mhmm..." She kissed him back and popped his ass hard as he walked across the room in search of his phone.
"Keep it down just for a second. I'm not sure who this is, but I rarely get a call from anyone but the girls at the gym." He pulled out his phone and walked over to sit on the edge of the bed. Demetri. It had to be D.
He texted back to see who it was and the only response he got was, 'blue phone'.
"All right. It's D. I shouldn't be too long." Drake finished his bacon and pulled his slacks over his hips, buttoning them and walking out toward the patio.
"No way. It's freezing out there. Get a blanket and put on some shoes. You're going to get sick." Sicily had her hand on her hip, her dark hair a wild mess.
He gave her a look as his body betrayed him, reacting violently to her like it always did. "Whose mother are you?"
"I'm the mother of your future children. Get some shoes and a blanket or stay in here. I don't want you getting frostbite on anything." She turned and let her robe drop, giving him a beautiful view of her pert ass. "I'm going to take a shower. Just stay in here."
"Maybe I'll join you." He adjusted himself and watched her go, the soft laugh she left behind causing the room to seem brighter.
He opened the balcony door and moved back, shivering. "Son of a bitch."
"Told you it was cold," she called from the bathroom.
"Hey! You got eyes in here?" He laughed and closed the door, locking it and walking to sit down by the food.
"I know you well enough to know you had to prove it to yourself that it was freezing."
"Love you too, baby." He shoved a forkful of eggs into his mouth and leaned over, pulling the blue phone from his bag. He called D, who answered on the first ring.
"Hey, man. Two times in a matter of weeks. This is getting personal, right?" His brother chuckled, but the sound wasn't joyous.
"You need me?" Drake cut to the chase and picked up another piece of toast, taking it out in a few bites.
"No. I just need to get Izzy out of here for a little while. We had some shit go down in New Orleans and some of my guys had to go down there to take care of things. It's the first year without her mother, and she's just not herself. I'm going to bring her to the city. She needs a diversion, and Joe's doing well enough to keep an eye on things overnight."
"What does all that have to do with New Orleans? You're not making much sense."
"I know. Shit. I'm just tired. It's been a long couple of months. New Orleans is where a couple of my new guys are from. They had some shit go down back home and had to go take care of it. I closed down the narcotics ops for the weekend, which was the best thing I've done in awhile. That's all I meant. The biggest part of the syndicate is silent for a few days. I'm going to try and get Izzy to come with me to New York."
"That's great news." Drake stood as excitement pumped through him. "Sicily and I are here now. Can we maybe meet up with you guys? Even in a big crowd or something. I'd love to see you."
"Yeah. I was hoping you would. It would be great to see a friendly face. Shit's getting crazy around here. I honestly don't know who to trust anymore."
Drake's stomach turned. "What are you talking about? The syndicate is under yours and Joe's control, D. Trust them."
"No, man. We had a rat. The fucker pulled us into the middle of crossfire with another syndicate in California."
"Cooper’s property?" Drake swallowed down his concern. D was a dangerous, mean mother fucker. There was nothing to be too concerned about. If nothing else, D was capable of handling almost anything. But should he have to, and even more so, should he have to do it alone? Guilt washed through Drake, weakening him.
He was choosing his happiness over D's sanity. It was fucked up, and yet he wasn't sure what to do about it. He was in a posh hotel in New York eating four platters of breakfast with two torn tickets from the ballet and his brother was cleaning up blood and trying to hold together a family - the largest crime family in the U.S.
"Yeah. All right, man. Meet me at eleven tonight at Kadia. It's a huge-"
"I know what Kadia is, man. I don't live under a rock. Michael Carrington's brother runs the place, right?"
"Owns it, but yes, Fredrick runs it too. He doesn't trust anyone." D snorted. "We'll see you on the second floor later."
"Not the third? You're not up for a bit of wild fun?" Drake tried to lighten the mood of the conversation. D never ran from his position or his post. It would seem he was doing that now, if even for a night.
"No way. Fuck that third floor. That's for addicts and whores. We're neither, not yet at least. Later, bro."
"Later." Drake hung up and dropped the phone into his bag. Kadia was the hottest night club in all of New York. Getting in was going to be a bitch, unless you were a DeMarco or a Castaletta.
Good thing Drake was both.
Chapter 14
"You sure you don't want to come with me?" Sicily forced a pout on her face. She knew without a doubt that Drake would do anything she wanted him to, but shopping was too much. Having some time with her brother and sister for the afternoon would be fun for her, but most likely a drag of sorts. Especially seeing that the brother going was Johnny.
"I’m sure, beautiful girl." He pulled up to her mother's house. "I'll catch up with you this afternoon."
"Will you take me out to see my momma’s grave before we have to get ready for dinner and church?" She leaned over and touched the side of his handsome face. Butterflies danced in her stomach, which seemed silly, but
she hoped that he would always have such a strong pull on her.
"Of course I will." He leaned in and kissed her softly before deepening it a little. She opened herself up, letting him in as he rolled his tongue past her, dominating the kiss in a way that made her blood boil.
"Behave." She pulled back and smiled.
"You're the only person I don't have to behave around. No way I'm acting like a good guy here." He winked as she opened the door.
"Okay, but don't let anyone else in on the secret." She got out of the truck and turned back, feeling unsure of herself. Being away from him seemed like time wasted.
"Go. I'll see you soon, baby. Have fun."
"Okay. I love you. Be careful."
"You too."
She closed the door and moved back, waiting for him to drive off. He didn't. He rolled down the window instead, which caused her to laugh at how ridiculous they were being.
"What?" She put her hand on her hip.
"Go into the house. I'm not leaving until I know you're safe inside." He smirked, his wickedly sexy grin hitting her hormones hard.
"I grew up on the street. People here know not to mess with me." She looked around the snow-covered street. "I'm a Moretti. We run this road."
"Oh brother. Get in there before Johnny has another reason to be pissy with me."
"All right, but only for you." She turned and walked up to the house, slipping on the stairs.
"Sicily!" Drake yelled from the truck.
She grabbed the handrail and let out a nervous laugh. "I'm okay. Get outta here. How embarrassing."
"Get in the house," he barked, his humor running out. He was scared because she almost got hurt, and when the big guy got scared, he got rowdy quick.
"Hush," she mumbled and opened the door, walking into the warmth and laughter.
"There you are. Jeez. I figured your hottie boyfriend had you tied up in a room somewhere." Maria got up from the couch and walked toward her as Johnny grumbled something ugly.
"Tied up?" Sicily shook her head. "You guys are weird."