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South of Heaven

Page 6

by Ali Spooner

  “Yeah. If we have a few good days I’ll call it a week so we can get the new equipment installed and the boat ready for deeper waters. You and the boys can enjoy a long weekend and be well rested for next week.”

  “That sounds good. Everyone’s excited to start the red season.”

  “Me too, Harvey.”

  “I’ll give them a break for a few more minutes, and then we’ll set up the sorting bins. Do you want us to keep any fish or crab caught in the nets?”

  “Dad’s going to need some bait for all those crab traps he bought, so keep any trash fish we get for them. You and the boys can take home any decent food fish or crab we catch. We filled our freezer with some nice grouper this weekend.”

  “Kevin was bragging this morning that he caught a sixty pounder.”

  “He did and it took both of us to hold that rascal up to the scales.”

  “I would have loved to see that smile on his face.”

  Kendra grinned, pulled her phone out of the holster, and handed it to him. She had saved the photo Lindsey had taken to use as her background. Both she and her dad were sporting huge smiles.

  “That’s a good shot.” Harvey handed the phone back to her. “Definitely a keeper.”

  Kendra wondered if he was talking about the fish or the photograph as he turned and left the wheelhouse.

  Outside she saw the crew milling around the deck and heard Harvey holler, “Let’s get the sorting equipment ready to go,” before he disappeared into the galley. She also watched Lindsey crossing the deck carrying what looked like an empty coffee mug. Kendra watched her move with a confident stride as she disappeared inside the galley. Then Kendra returned her gaze across the open water.


  The groan of the winch promised full nets as Harvey began to bring them up from the floor of the Gulf.

  “That’s such a sweet sound.” Kendra spoke aloud in the wheelhouse, knowing their first run of the morning would be a good one.

  Kendra heard the cheers from the men as the nets broke the surface. That confirmed her thought. She watched them rush to place the bottom of the first full net into the mouth of a large cart and pull the tie releasing the bounty. The cart filled to its brink with healthy brown shrimp.

  The activity continued as Lindsey and Charlie began pushing the filled cart to the sorting table to dump the contents, while the men worked on preparing the empty net for another run. Charlie moved the now empty cart under the remaining net, and the release of the tie filled it once again to the brim. He pushed the cart to the sorting table where he and Lindsey began sorting the different sizes of shrimp while the rest of the crew prepared and lowered the doors and nets into the water for a second run.

  Kendra saw Harvey signal her that the nets were in position and moved the boat forward as the crew continued sorting the first run’s catch.

  A holler from the deck made her turn her head around in time to see Charlie picking up a large ray from the cart. He rushed to the side of the boat and hurled the angry creature back into the water. Happy to see that he completed the task without the barbed end of the ray’s tail stabbing him, she watched as Charlie hurried back to the sorting table.

  The first run had filled half of the containers with the large shrimp, and she knew if the next run was as good, their day would end earlier than normal. The shrimp gods are smiling down on us. She guided the boat forward as they started the next run. Let’s hope this lasts all summer.

  From the wheelhouse, Kendra watched her crew work with pride. Harvey and Lindsey had disappeared into the galley while the rest of the crew stored the full bins and placed the cart in position for the next haul. Charlie dumped two buckets of small shrimp off the back of the boat, so they could grow to a size large enough to harvest. She watched as the others stored several buckets of fish and crab in the cooler for the crew to take home.

  They were halfway into the next run when Lindsey emerged from the galley with a plate stacked with sandwiches and chips, and carrying a tall glass of sweet tea. She brought them to Kendra. “Here you go, Captain,” she said, placing the plate and glass down on a small workspace.

  “Thanks, Lindsey.”

  “You’re welcome. Give me a call in the galley if you need anything else,” she said before leaving the wheelhouse.

  Kendra picked up half a turkey sandwich and took a bite. Dessert would be nice. A wicked grin crossed her face. Damn I need to stop thinking like this. She’s only here for the summer, and when it ends, she’ll be gone, and I’ll be alone again.

  Once more, the groan of the winch signaled a heavy load in the net as it slowly pulled the harvest from the floor of the gulf. A smile grew wide on Kendra’s face as she watched the crew, excited to see the bounty of shrimp hoisted on deck above the bins. Harvey, also wearing a huge grin, turned and gave her a thumbs up sign. This pass would fill their remaining bins and they could call it a day, and a good one at that.

  Tim and Charlie busied themselves untying the nets, releasing the shrimp from the nets, and then they pushed the mounded carts and dumped them onto the sorting table. Harvey and Lindsey began sorting the catch as the others emptied the remaining net.

  Harvey picked up a large shrimp that almost filled the span of his outstretched hand.

  “Those are huge,” Kendra said, over the loudspeaker.

  “A good day’s catch for sure,” he hollered back at her.

  The sun blazed down on them and the lack of a breeze on the Gulf had the crew dripping with sweat as they toiled. Kendra turned the boat for home and picked up speed, hoping to provide a cool breeze for the crew. Her eyes were drawn to the olive-green tank top Lindsey was wearing, and she saw the salt stains from her sweat covering the fabric with flower-shaped designs that stretched across her back. She watched as Lindsey wiped her brow with her forearm, the beads of sweat glistening on her golden skin.

  “Damn,” Kendra whispered, and tore her eyes from the handsome young woman to concentrate on guiding the boat home.


  Kendra saw Kevin perched on the pier when she pulled alongside and the crew rushed to secure the boat. He whistled at the mounded bins of shrimp stacked neatly on deck, ready to transfer over to the seafood truck waiting at the end of the pier. He stepped on deck just as she emerged from the wheelhouse.

  “You had a great haul today,” he stated as he walked toward her.

  She nodded. “Two good runs and we filled every bin we had, with shrimp left over.”

  “Should we cook up a batch for supper? We still have some slaw left over and I could fix some fries to go with.”

  “That sounds great, Dad. I’ll bring a batch home when we’re done here.”

  Harvey carried over a bucket filled with fish. “Captain Kendra told us you needed some bait for your crab traps. You want me to set this up on the pier for you?”

  “That would be great, Harvey, thanks.”

  “Did you have a good harvest this morning, Captain Drake?” Lindsey asked.

  Kendra watched her father beam with pride. “Four dozen of the prettiest blues I ever did see.”

  “Do we need to add some bait to your traps?” Kendra asked.

  “Nope, they’re good until tomorrow. I’ll just hang the bucket off the pier for today. They will be good and ripe by tomorrow.”

  “That they will,” Kendra agreed wrinkling her nose for effect.

  Kevin chuckled. “I’ll leave you to it then. See you back at the house.”

  Kendra saw her dad step onto the pier and pick up the bucket of fish, strolling slowly down the pier. Then she watched as the crew went into action. Harvey secured the nets while Lindsey slipped rubber boots over her shoes to begin rinsing off the equipment and deck. Tim and the others loaded the filled bins onto the waiting truck, returning with empty bins for tomorrow’s run.

  Kendra strolled back to the wheelhouse to record the day’s catch and tidy up the boat. Once the crew was done for the day and on their way home, she’d take the boat to get it
fueled and ready for tomorrow.

  Lindsey watched her captain walk to the wheelhouse. With a deep sigh, she tugged at the thick hose and turned on the water to rinse off the equipment. She had just finished rinsing the sorting table when Charlie dropped the empty bins in the holder.

  “You definitely win the wet T-shirt contest,” he teased with a chuckle.

  The cool water had splashed up from the table to soak the front of her shirt and she felt her nipples harden as he drew attention to them. She felt a devilish grin form on her face as she turned the hose on the unsuspecting young man with a laugh.

  “Hey,” he yelled, and ran out of reach of her hose.

  Harvey broke into a laugh. “You’re right, Charlie, Lindsey looks much better in a wet T-shirt than you.”

  The good-natured Charlie grinned at her. “I reckon I did deserve that soaking, but you better watch out when it’s my turn to rinse off the deck,” he warned.

  “What was that? You want more?” she teased back, and threatened him with the squelched hose.

  “Truce,” he cried out, and raised his hands in surrender.

  Kendra watched the exchange through the window of the wheelhouse and couldn’t help but smile at the playful fun her crew was having. She prayed they would keep those high spirits for the weeks to come.

  “All done for the day, Captain,” Harvey reported as he leaned on the doorframe to the wheelhouse. “Is there anything you need help with?”

  “You can toss me the lines as you take off. I’m going to fuel up before heading home.”

  “I’ll tag along and help if you don’t mind,” Lindsey said. She was standing next to Harvey.

  “That’s fine with me. You can secure the lines and we’ll get going.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain,” Lindsey replied with a grin, before turning to follow Harvey.

  When she saw the lines secured on deck, Kendra backed the boat from the slip and started toward the fueling dock.

  “Mind if I join you?” Lindsey asked as she poked her head into the wheelhouse.

  “Please do,” Kendra answered, nodding toward the empty seat.

  Lindsey slipped into the seat beside her. “We had a great day. didn’t we?”

  “Yeah we did,” Kendra answered without looking at her. “Three more of those and we’ll be set for the week.”

  “That sounds exciting. I bet you can’t wait until the boat is outfitted for reds.”

  “I’ve waited all my life for that.”

  “Must feel really good to be so close to your goal.”

  “I don’t think the entire impact has hit me, yet. It still feels like a dream.”

  “Soon to be a reality?”

  Kendra finally turned to look at Lindsey with the sparkle of excitement in her green eyes.

  “Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the experience,” Lindsey said.

  “You’ve more than earned your way on board. You’ve worked hard and are keeping the boys on their toes.”

  “I enjoy working with the guys.” Lindsey shrugged.

  “It’s great having you on board.” Kendra couldn’t believe she had admitted that out loud. Get a grip, you’re still the Captain, she thought. as she pulled into the fueling station, cut the engine and secured the lines.

  “Fill her up please, Ben,” she told the attendant.

  “You got it, Captain Drake. You want to wait inside where it’s cool?”

  “No way, this is such a beautiful day.”

  He smiled at the two women. “Made even more so by you two ladies.”

  “Lindsey, this is Ben. Beware of the sweet talkin’,” she warned.

  “Aye, aye, Captain.” Lindsey shot a wink to Ben.

  Ben went about preparing the boat for fueling as the two women walked over to the railing to gaze across the open Gulf.

  There was a flash of lightning many miles away. “I hope that brings us some rain,” Kendra remarked.

  “Has it been a drought season?”

  “No, we’ve had some rain, but a good thunderstorm this time of year helps to keep the water temps down in the Gulf. Cooler water means less of a chance for something tropical to develop.”

  “Ah, I see. Let’s hope for rain then.” Lindsey leaned into the railing next to Kendra. “I could get used to this view. The water is so gorgeous here.”

  “Not at all like you’re used to?”

  Lindsey smiled. “The Outer Banks have their own type of beauty, but the water here is unbelievable, so clean, and clear. The color reminds me of your eyes.”

  Kendra felt the heat rise from her neck into her cheeks. She noticed the cringe on Lindsey’s face.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. It was meant as a compliment.”

  “No problem.” Kendra walked away to check on the progress of the refueling.

  “You are a complete idiot,” she heard Lindsey growl to herself.

  Her heart was racing as she walked away from Lindsey. She needed to put some distance between them before she said something she would later regret. “How’s it coming, Ben?

  “Almost done here, Captain. Hey I heard you got your license to fish reds. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks, Ben, we head out Monday. I can’t wait to get out there.”

  “I bet. I know you’ll do well, but good luck.” He removed the nozzle and replaced the fuel cap. “Add it to your account?”

  “Yes, please. I’ll see you later this week to top off the tank and fill up the reserve tanks.”

  “See you then, Captain.” He grinned and stepped back onto the boardwalk.

  She glanced back to find Lindsey still staring across the water as she slipped inside the wheelhouse and drove for home.

  Lindsey tossed the lines onto the boardwalk when they reached the slip, and stepped from the boat to begin securing the lines.

  She killed the engine, and locked the wheelhouse before picking up the bucket of shrimp to join Lindsey on the boardwalk.

  Lindsey reached for the bucket, avoiding eye contact with Kendra. “I’ll take care of these,” she replied, and rushed ahead of Kendra.

  “Hey,” Kendra called out, and Lindsey stopped in her tracks.

  “Thanks for the compliment. You can relax, okay, no harm, no foul.”

  A smile of relief crossed her face. “I’m going to clean these for dinner.”

  “Do you need help?”

  “No, I’ve got this. You can check on your Dad, and I’ll bring them in once I’ve finished cleaning.”

  “Okay, you know where everything’s stored in the outbuilding. I’ll check on Dad and get a shower in. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome,” Lindsey replied, and slowed her pace to walk beside her in a comfortable silence.


  “Welcome home, honey,” Kevin told her when she entered through the back door. He was at the kitchen sink, peeling the potatoes to cut into fries.

  “Hey, Dad, you need some help?”

  “Naw, honey, I’m good. Where’s Lindsey?”

  “Cleaning the shrimp for dinner. She didn’t need help either, so I’m going to take a long hot shower before dinner.”

  “Take your time. I’ve got everything under control here. We’ll eat at six if that’s good for you.”

  “Sounds perfect, Dad. Holler if you need me,” she replied, and left the kitchen.


  Lindsey peeled and deveined the shrimp, then cleaned up the workspace before carrying a large bowl of shrimp to the house. She entered the kitchen where Kevin was placing the sliced potatoes in the refrigerator to chill before cooking.

  “Those look great,” he said when she handed him the bowl. “Why don’t you shower and relax until dinner’s ready at six?”

  “You sure you don’t need some help?”

  “No ma’am, I’ve got this.”

  “Okay then, I’ll see you at six.”

  Kevin continued to toil in the kitchen preparing their dinner. He heard the shower running upstairs,
a grin plastered on his face. He was pleased at how well the two women were getting along. Even though she wouldn’t outright admit it, Kendra was enjoying the company of another woman in the house.

  He always thought he’d make a great grandfather, and held out hopes that Kendra would someday be a mother. When she finally admitted to him that she was attracted to women, he took her in his arms and reassured her that, as long as she was happy, it didn’t matter that she loved another woman. He would always support her decisions and hoped that she would find someone to share her life.

  His grin widened as he heard the water stop running upstairs. Lindsey would make a good partner. Too bad, she plans to return home at the end of the summer, but maybe they could at least become friends. Who am I kidding? I’m far too old to be playing matchmaker for my strong-willed daughter. He couldn’t stifle a chuckle as he placed a batch of fries in to cook.


  The hot water worked wonders on her body, and Kendra found herself totally relaxed when she dried off and slipped into clean clothes. A glance at her clock let her know it was still early, so she did something uncharacteristic—she stretched out on the bed for an afternoon nap.

  Her thoughts drifted back to the comment Lindsey had made about her eyes. It was just a friendly flirtation, and she had reacted badly to her remark. Maybe she was overreacting, or had Lindsey gotten under her skin more than she had expected?


  Lindsey dressed and stepped into the hallway. She walked quietly past Kendra’s closed door in case she was trying to nap. The shower had left her too wired to take a nap. She decided she would check to see if Kevin needed her help. She strolled into the kitchen as he was placing a batch of potatoes on to fry.

  Kevin looked up and shot her a grin. “Feel better?”

  “I most certainly smell better,” she laughed. “Is there anything I can help with?”

  “I’ve already set the table, but you can work on the fries if you’re looking for something to do. The oil for the shrimp should be ready if you’ll hand me the bowl from the fridge.”


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