Book Read Free

South of Heaven

Page 20

by Ali Spooner

  “Take your time. I can handle this.”

  “I know, but maybe you’re not the only one who loves power tools.”

  “I’ll save you one,” Lindsey said with a chuckle.

  Kendra entered the house, heard the gentle humming of the generator, and knew the power was still out. She began checking to make sure the refrigerator was still receiving power, and then moved through the house, checking for signs of any leaks and finding none. Upstairs, she began opening the shutters. She smiled when she saw Lindsey walk out of the garage wearing safety glasses and gloves, carrying the chainsaw. There was nothing about her that Kendra didn’t love.

  She dialed her dad as the roar of the chainsaw filled the air. She walked away from the window and farther into the house.

  “Hey, honey,” her dad answered. “Is that a chainsaw?”

  “Yes, Dad, we had a few limbs down, so Lindsey’s going to cut them into sections. We’ll carry them to the woodpile and the brush to the curb.”

  “No other damage though?”

  “Not even a lost shingle that I can see. I’m inside the house and everything looks good. So relax, things are fine here. How are you doing?”

  “I’m good and Henry is settling into therapy well, so I’m flying home tomorrow. Can you pick me up at three?”

  “No problem. Mobile or Pensacola?”

  “Mobile. The airport in Pensacola is still closed. They must have had some serious damage there.”

  “It’ll be good to have you home. I’ll be there to pick you up at three.”

  “I can’t wait. It’s great to visit, and I’m glad Henry is making progress, but there’s no place like home.”

  “I know exactly how you feel. See you soon. Love you.”

  “Love you too, sweetie. Tell Lindsey hello for me.”

  “Will do, Dad,”

  Kevin ended the call wearing a huge smile. It had been a long time since he had heard the happiness in his daughter’s voice that he had just heard. He knew something had happened to trigger the change, and he couldn’t wait to get home to find out what it was. He prayed that the spark he had witnessed between Kendra and Lindsey had finally ignited and they realized they had fallen in love.


  Lindsey was like a kid with a new toy. She cut the oak branches into two-foot sections after trimming the smaller branches. She had cut through all but one of the downed branches when she saw Kendra coming over to her. She flipped the switch to kill the engine on the chainsaw.

  “See, I saved you one as promised.” Lindsey motioned to the largest branch.

  “So I see. You looked like you were having fun.”

  “What’s not to like about a chainsaw?”

  “Go ahead and finish cutting. I’ll grab some gloves and the wheelbarrow, and start taking the sections around back.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Deal.” Lindsey pulled the cord to restart the saw.

  Kendra smiled and turned toward the garage.

  When they finished stacking the cut wood, they had a sizeable pile. “This will make some nice fires in the outdoor fireplace this winter,” Kendra said.

  “I can’t wait.”

  Kendra squealed with excitement. “Does that mean you’re staying?”

  “I’ve received an offer too good to pass up, and found me a woman I’m head over heels for, so yes, if you still want me, I’m yours.”

  Kendra grabbed her in a bear hug and kissed her passionately.

  “You make me a happy woman.”

  “I’m kinda pleased myself, ma’am.”

  “Are you up for a ride downtown? I’d like to stop and place an order with Hank, if he’s open, and maybe we can find some lunch. I’m starved.”

  “I could eat, too.”


  “Hey, ladies, I’m glad to see you weathered the storm well.” Hank was happy to see them enter the store.

  “We rode it out up in the bay. Did you have any damage?” Kendra asked.

  “A few broken windows at home and some water damage here, but nothing serious.”

  “That’s good to hear. Are you up for some business?”

  “I’d love something to keep me busy for the rest of the day. It’s been quiet. I did have some folks come in earlier for some plywood and a few bundles of roof shingles.”

  “The town seemed to fare well,” Kendra said.

  “Not bad, but the road east is washed out.”

  “What about west? I’ve got to pick Dad up in Mobile tomorrow?”

  “May be a bit rough, but you should make it. Some spots are down to one lane.”

  “Anything open for food?”

  “The burger joint’s running on generator power, but still slinging burgers and fries.”

  Kendra looked at Lindsey, who shrugged. “Sounds good to me.”

  “Can we bring you anything, Hank?”

  “Thanks, but the wife packed me some sandwiches.”

  Kendra passed over her list. “Can we get a delivery in the morning?”

  He studied the list. “Will ten o’clock be soon enough?”

  “That will be perfect. Thanks, Hank, just send me a bill.”

  “I will, Kendra. Thanks for the business.”

  “Always a pleasure, Hank.”

  “Oh, and thanks for the shrimp. They were awesome.”

  “Ready for another batch?” she asked.

  “Anytime you have a few extras, I’ll gladly take them off your hands.”

  “I’ll see you next weekend then.” Kendra grinned and left the store with Lindsey.

  Kendra looked at Lindsey. “What do you think about grabbing a few bags of burgers and fries, and riding out to Charlie’s place to check on the boys? I’d also like to deliver these.” She handed Lindsey a check. “I was able to revise the totals from this week’s haul and I’m sure everyone could use the extra money to help with storm repairs.”

  “Fine with me.” Lindsey grinned.

  “What’s the grin for?”

  “Because you’re such a considerate boss,” she answered.

  “I have the best crew a captain could ask for and I plan to keep it that way,” Kendra answered honestly as they climbed into the Jeep.


  The crew was nearly finished when they reached Charlie’s, and Lindsey had the opportunity to sit back and watch how Kendra interacted with them. It was obvious they loved and respected her as she passed out the burgers and fries. She also handed each one of them a check to make up the difference in their pay. To the last man, they hugged her, some even kissing her on the cheek to show their affection for her.

  Harvey walked over to Lindsey.

  “Hey, Harvey, how you doing?”

  “I’m doing great thanks, and you? What happened with her cheek?”

  “She had a run in with a flying buckle during the storm. Scared the hell out of me, but otherwise, I couldn’t be better.” She smiled as she watched Kendra with her crew.

  Harvey took a bite of his burger. “You two finally figured it out?”

  Lindsey looked at him. “Figured what out? What are you talking about, Harvey?”

  “What the rest of us have known for a few weeks now.” He chuckled.

  “Known what?”

  “That the two of you were meant to be together. I’ve never seen Kendra so happy. There’s a connection between the two of you. It’s like a magnet, pulling you two together.”

  She looked at him and smiled.

  “Even now, you can’t keep your eyes off her.”

  Lindsey blushed. “Are you okay with us being together?”

  “We were all just wondering how long it was gonna take y’all to figure it out,” he teased. “Me and the boys are happy for both of you.”

  Tears filled her eyes as he hugged her. “Thanks, Harvey.”

  Kendra looked over to see Lindsey hugging Harvey. “I wonder what that’s all about.”

  “Harvey’s probably gi
ving her the talk,” Charlie answered.

  Kendra whipped her head around to look at him. “What are you talking about?”

  “You know, the talk,” he said making quotation marks in the air with his fingers. “The one where he warns her about breaking your heart, and finding herself fish bait if she does.”

  “What…” she stammered.

  “Someone has to tell you two, it’s okay with us if you’re in love.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Apparently to everyone except for the two of y’all. We’ve known for weeks now.”

  She shook her head and chuckled. “Thanks, Charlie. The acceptance of the crew means a lot to us.”

  “Well, both of you mean a lot to us. Personally, I’ve never worked for someone who treated me like family the way you do,” he said, choking back emotions.

  “You are my family, Charlie, always have been, always will be.”

  “We want y’all to feel comfortable around us and just be who you are.”

  It was Kendra’s turn to wipe tears back. She winced when she wiped her right cheek.

  “By the way, what happened to your face? Did Lindsey have to smack you to finally get you to notice her?”


  “That’s one heck of a shiner you’re sporting.”

  “No, smart ass, a buckle came free during the storm and sliced open my cheek.”

  “Uh huh, likely story,” he teased.

  Kendra shook her head, but chuckled.

  “Are we heading back out in the morning?”

  “Nope, we’re going to wait until Tuesday. We thought everyone might need another day at home. I’ve got supplies being delivered tomorrow, so we’ll be ready to head out early the next day.”

  “We’ll be there, Captain. Do you need help tomorrow?”

  “Thanks, but no. It’ll give me something to do before I go collect Dad at the airport.”

  “If you change your mind, just give me a call.”

  “I will, Charlie, thanks.”

  She caught Lindsey’s eyes and smiled. “I think it’s time for us to head back into town.”

  Charlie chuckled. “I reckon so.”


  “I think it’s time for our bath,” Kendra announced when they pulled into the drive.

  Lindsey smiled at her. “That sounds good to me.”

  They climbed the stairs and Kendra started the water in her tub. “Do you mind some bubbles?”

  “Not at all,” Lindsey called from her bedroom.

  Kendra chuckled. “Did you get the same third degree from Harvey that I did from Charlie, about us taking so long to realize we were in love?”

  “Yeah. Harvey said they were beginning to wonder what they needed to do to bring it to our attention. You know, I think it’s so cool that the guys are so accepting of our relationship. I’m not so sure that would happen on Dad’s boat.”

  “We have the best crew ever,” Kendra reminded her.

  “That we do.”

  Kendra stepped into the tub and looked at Lindsey. “Do you want front or back?”

  “I’ll take the front.” Lindsey climbed into the tub and settled into the warm water and laid her head back on Kendra’s shoulder. “This was a great idea. The water is heavenly.”

  “I can’t imagine heaven would be any better than this.”

  “I’ll take this spot just south of heaven any day then,” Lindsey purred as Kendra’s arms wrapped around her body.

  Kendra chuckled. “Just south of heaven. That sounds like a good name for a boat.”

  “Always thinking like a captain.” Lindsey turned her head to look up at Kendra.

  “Not always.” Kendra smiled, and leaned down to kiss her softly.


  The fire that ignited from their kisses spilled over to the bedroom. They took advantage of the luxury of time to explore one another’s bodies as they made love into the night.

  Lindsey rested her chin atop her hands spread across Kendra’s chest. “Will it always be this special between us?”

  “I think we can only grow closer. We have a great start to build on.” Kendra smiled. “For the first time in a long time, I regret making a decision to jump right back into the routine of work.” She locked eyes with Lindsey. “I would love a few weeks alone with you.”

  Lindsey felt a tear slide down her cheek. “We will have our time, but for now we’ve got a season to finish. It’s important for the entire crew and our futures to do well on our first season.”

  Kendra wiped away the tear with her thumb. “I promise at the end of red season we will have that time together.”

  “I’m gonna hold you to that, Captain.”

  “I’m thinking some time spent in the mountains out west could be fun.”

  “That sounds wonderful to me. I’ve never taken a true vacation.”

  “We’ll have to make that happen.” Kendra pulled Lindsey into her arms.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The morning dawned beautifully. Kendra woke to find Lindsey watching her closely. “Have you been awake long?”

  “No, not really, just a few minutes. I love waking up next to you.”

  Kendra took Lindsey in her arms. “Do you think you could handle this for the next fifty years or so?”

  Lindsey snuggled into her warmth. “Ask me again in ten years.”

  Kendra grinned. “I can’t imagine waking up to anyone else now.” Her fingers played in Lindsey’s short hair. In the quiet, she could hear their breathing, each breath in unison as they lay together. She smiled to herself thinking how perfectly matched they had turned out to be. Everything seemed to be falling into place, and man, did she feel good about life.

  Lindsey could feel the beating of Kendra’s heart as her head rested on her chest. Lindsey’s hand reached to cover a breast and she felt Kendra’s heart begin to race. She tossed a leg over Kendra’s and propped her head on her hand as she looked into Kendra’s sparkling green eyes.

  “I get so lost looking into your eyes.”

  “You’re right here with me, baby.” Kendra’s fingertips traced down Lindsey’s strong jaw, “Right where you’re meant to be.”

  Lindsey let her hand drift slowly down Kendra’s body until she reached her center. Wetness coated her curls, betraying Kendra’s excitement as she moaned softly in anticipation. Lindsey’s fingertips gently parted the velvety folds, drawing the wetness upward as her thumb circled Kendra’s swollen clit. She planted a tender kiss on Kendra’s lips, which deepened into a fevered kiss as Kendra’s lips parted, inviting her inside. Lindsey’s other hand gently cupped a breast as her mouth left a molten trail of kisses down Kendra’s neck until her tongue lavished the hardened nipple. Lindsey’s fingers glided easily through her wetness. Kendra’s muscles welcomed her fingers, closing tightly around them as they worked deeper inside.

  Kendra’s hips moved in rhythm with Lindsey’s fingers as her arousal soared. The heat of Lindsey’s breath on her skin left her body feverish with desire. She could feel a swarm of butterflies taking flight deep in her stomach as her muscles began to quiver with the approach of her climax. Her hand roamed across Lindsey’s back and down her hip to rest over her heated mound.

  Lindsey moaned deeply as fingers penetrated her, matching the rhythm of their lovemaking. Lindsey felt her arousal cresting and lifted her mouth from Kendra’s breast. “Come with me, Kendra,” she groaned.

  “I’m right there with you, baby,” Kendra answered and with a final thrust she cried out in pleasure. “Oh God, yes, Lindsey.”

  The sound of Kendra’s desire was all Lindsey needed to topple over the edge of desire and she filled her hand with warm juices as she released.

  “Damn, that felt good,” she purred as she locked eyes with Kendra.

  Lindsey kissed her sweetly and propped her head on her hand as she smiled down at Kendra. “I know it’s impossible, but I’d love to start every morning like this.”

  “We’ll make as many o
f them happen as we can,” Kendra promised. She ran her fingers through Lindsey’s hair. The alarm rang, shattering their tender moment. Kendra chuckled and reached over to smack it.

  “Duty calls,” she growled, then pulled Lindsey down for another kiss. “Will you shower with me?”

  “I’d love to. Will we have time for lunch before you leave to pick up your dad?”

  “I think so, but I have a different idea. Let’s shower and walk down to the boat. You can make us some of your monster omelets while I work on deck.”

  “That does sound good to me.”

  Kendra noticed the stillness of the house when they came downstairs. The generator, which had softly hummed as it powered the house, was silent. Realizing that the power had returned, she reached over and flipped the light switch. “Let there be light.” She grinned.

  “Does that mean the power has been restored to the rest of town?”

  “Probably so,” Kendra answered. “We bounce back pretty quickly in these parts.”

  “Good to know. Come on, I’m starving.”

  “I’m right behind you.” Kendra slipped her cell phone in its holster and followed Lindsey out the door.


  “Can we share a peaceful cup of coffee before we get busy?” Lindsey asked.

  “I think we’ve got time for that.” Kendra slipped into a chair in the galley.

  Lindsey brought them cups and sat across from Kendra. “You’re sure wearing a beautiful smile today.”

  Kendra reached across the table and held her hand. “That’s because you make me a very happy woman.”

  “I second that. My heart has never felt this full before.” Lindsey took a sip of her coffee. “Do you plan to tell your dad about us today?”

  “He already knows something is happening between us, so it may be more confirmation for him. He really likes you, too.”

  Lindsey sighed. “I wish my dad was as willing to accept my sexuality.”


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