Book Read Free

South of Heaven

Page 22

by Ali Spooner

  “You really have thought this out?” Kendra asked.

  “I had a lot of thinking time while I was in Arizona.”

  Kendra looked at Lindsey who wore a huge smile. Lindsey nodded. “I like it. I could go out with you for red season, so we’d be together.”

  “Start doing your homework on the license, equipment, and marketing then, Dad.”


  They retired early to be fresh for the morning ahead of them. Lindsey was snuggled in Kendra’s arms.

  “Everything seems to be happening so fast. Are you okay with everything Dad has planned for us?”

  “Ask me again when my head stops spinning,” Lindsey replied.

  “I’m serious. If we’re moving too fast, just say so.”

  “It’s just a lot to take in at once. I agree with his thinking completely, but there is one thing I’m very pleased about.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That I get to spend every night with you and wake up next to you every morning.”

  Kendra chuckled. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Captain Drake.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The week passed quickly. Kendra had worried the storm may have sent the reds to deeper water, but when they reached their grid, the nets filled with every run. They started for home early Friday morning fully loaded and it took all day to get there.

  With the deck cleaned and the equipment stored, the crew decided to play some cards on the ride into the harbor. Lindsey played with them for a while before going to the wheelhouse to visit with Kendra.

  “You’re stressing over your dad’s visit aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I guess I am, even though I’m trying to be calm.”

  “You didn’t rest well last night. You were tossing and turning in your sleep.”

  “I’m sorry if I kept you awake.”

  “You didn’t. I just wrapped my arms around you and we slept like that for a while.”

  “Is there anything I can do? I’m a bit stir crazy.”

  “Why don’t you take over here? I’ll go ahead and run the calculations to write out the week’s paychecks.”

  “That sounds good to me.”

  They swapped seats and Kendra began running the numbers for the week’s catch. Lindsey focused her attention on the water ahead, leaving her worries behind, at least for a short time.

  “This has been another good week,” Kendra announced as she tore out the first check and handed it to Lindsey.

  “Wow, you aren’t kidding,” Lindsey replied when her eyes landed on the check. “Thanks. I guess I need to ask your dad to set up a bank account for me so I can start depositing some of these.”

  “I’m sure he would do that for you. You’ll probably have to sign some papers, but he can get it set up for you.” Kendra continued writing out checks. “If you’re okay here, I’ll go pay the guys and make some lunch. Do you have any special requests?”

  “Yes, make us a batch of brownies. There’s ice cream in the freezer.”

  “That does sound good. I’ll be back soon.” Kendra kissed her and left the wheelhouse.


  After passing out paychecks to the appreciative crew, Kendra began mixing a batch of brownies while Harvey and Charlie made sandwiches.

  “It’s such a beautiful morning, why don’t we eat on deck?” Harvey suggested.

  “I won’t argue with that.” Charlie turned to the two other crewmembers. “Tim and Bobby, will you set up a table and chairs for us on deck?”

  “Sure thing,” Tim answered.


  Lindsey watched as the guys set up a table and chairs. Tim turned to smile at her and she smiled and waved back.

  When the sandwiches were ready, the crew carried them out to the table. Charlie and Tim brought out drinks for everyone. Kendra walked into the wheelhouse. “Let’s set the auto pilot so you can join us for lunch.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind eating in here.”

  Kendra chuckled. “Have you seen anything other than water in front of you lately?”

  “Only a few sea birds.”

  “I think we can trust the auto pilot to keep us on course long enough for us to eat.”

  “You’re the boss.” Lindsey followed her to the deck.

  “Is there anything else I can do while we’re heading in? I’m tired of cards,” Harvey asked.

  “Tired of losing you mean,” Charlie countered.

  “Yeah, that too.” Harvey smiled.

  “Why don’t you and the boys come up with a new menu for next week and make me a shopping list?” Kendra suggested.

  “We can do that, and I’ll drop it off to Hank for you on my way home tonight,” Harvey said.

  “We need to give thought to some other activities for you guys for the travel time. I agree there’s only so much poker a person can handle.”

  “I’ll pick up some new movies when I go out this weekend,” Tim volunteered.

  “If we add more baking supplies, I can make cookies or cakes for our desserts,” Charlie added.

  “It’s a good thing we burn a lot of calories,” Lindsey said.

  “I’ve got a ton of paperbacks I can bring in, if anyone else likes to read,” Bobby offered.

  “Starting a small library would be a great idea,” Kendra agreed. “I’ll buy a few tablets too, so we can download eBooks as well.”

  “You’ll probably have to teach us how to use that,” Charlie said.

  “That won’t take but just a few minutes,” Lindsey promised.

  “Sounds like we’ve got a plan. If anyone comes up with anything else, just let me know.” Kendra turned to Lindsey. “I’ll take over the wheelhouse if you want to catch a nap. I have a feeling our dads will keep us up talking tonight.”

  “That’s probably not a bad idea. I’ll help get cleaned up from lunch and then go crash for a bit.”

  “Go ahead, Lindsey, we can handle this,” Charlie said with a warm smile.

  “Captain, will you let us know when we’re close enough to home to start getting the shrimp ready to offload?” Harvey asked.

  “Not a problem,” Kendra answered before returning to the wheelhouse.

  Lindsey followed her and stopped for a quick kiss. “Don’t let me sleep the afternoon away.”

  “I’ll wake you in a couple of hours if for nothing else than to get another kiss.”

  “You can have all of those you want.” Lindsey grinned and kissed her again.


  Kevin heard the approach of the boat and turned to Paul. “That will be our girls returning to port. Would you like to walk down to greet them?”

  “That would be great.”

  They walked to the pier just as the crew was tying off the mooring lines. They stood back and watched the crew while they unloaded the shrimp.

  “Damn, that’s a lot of shrimp,” Paul remarked as bin after bin was loaded onto the delivery truck.

  “They’ve had great luck on the reds so far this season,” Kevin replied proudly. “Even with this week being a short week for them, it looks like they’ve managed their quota again.”

  No one apparently noticed that they were there, so Paul watched as Lindsey worked with the rest of the crew. He saw the smile on her face and she appeared happy to be working with the men. When the wheelhouse opened and a taller woman walked out to join them, he saw firsthand the change in his daughter’s expression. Her smile changed to a look of complete adoration as she watched the captain approach. Kevin is right. They really do love one another. I’ve never seen that look of contentment on Lindsey’s face. “That must be Kendra.”

  “Yes, it is, and I couldn’t be more proud of anyone. She’s grown into a remarkable captain.”

  “I’m sure you taught her well.”

  “Yes, but there’s some things you cannot teach. She’s got such a great relationship with the crew that they’d run through walls for her if needed.”


Lindsey looked up to see her dad and Kendra’s father standing at the end of the pier. Both men were smiling. Hopefully that’s a good sign. She motioned with her head to Kendra, who turned to see them as well.

  “Go ahead. I’ll finish up here and join you in a minute,” Kendra said.

  Lindsey stepped onto the dock and strode confidently down the pier toward her dad. Her insides were quivering like Jell-O, but she smiled and hugged her dad when she reached them.

  “Hey, Dad,” she said and kissed him on the cheek before releasing him. “It’s good to see you.”

  “You’re looking really well. You seem to be enjoying yourself here, too.”

  “I am, very much.”

  “It looks like you had another good run,” Kevin said.

  “We did. Kendra got us on the shrimp right away, and our nets were stuffed with shrimp on every run.”

  “She’s got good instincts.”

  “Yes, sir, she does. How long have you been here, Dad?”

  “Since about midmorning yesterday. Kevin and I’ve been doing a lot of catching up while we waited on y’all to arrive.”

  Lindsey watched and saw his eyes fix on Kendra, who was signing the receipt for the driver.

  “I hope you have something good planned for dinner. I’m starved,” Lindsey said.

  “I’ve got steaks ready to grill, a salad in the fridge, and potatoes baking in the oven,” Kevin told her.

  “You sure know how to welcome us home. I can taste that steak already.” Lindsey grinned at Kevin.

  “We can all relax and have a few beers while the steaks cook. Y’all must be tired from the hard week.”

  “A good cold beer sounds good right now.”

  “Why don’t you and your dad head on up to the house and I’ll wait on Kendra. We won’t be too far behind you.”

  “Yes, sir.” Lindsey took her dad’s arm and walked with him down the pier.

  “You look very happy here,” Paul commented as they walked together.

  “I am, Dad. The fishing has been great, and Captain Drake and Kendra have been wonderful to me.”

  He could see the sparkle in her clear blue eyes as they passed a street lamp. “Kevin and I had a long talk about the two of you this afternoon. I have to admit, while I don’t understand the nature of your relationship, you’re still my daughter and I just want to see you happy.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Kendra appears to make you very happy.”

  “She’s an incredible woman, Dad. I’ve never felt this way with anyone before.”

  “I just don’t want to see you get your heart broken.”

  “Dad, I’d run that risk if I were with a man or a woman,” she gently reminded him.

  “I know, I know, but I’m still your dad, so it’s my right to worry.”

  Lindsey chuckled. “Yes, it is, but I feel at home in her arms.”

  He stopped walking and turned to look at her. Even in the growing darkness, he knew she could see the tears shining in his eyes. “I said the same thing about your mother. I loved her with all my heart and miss her every day. All I could ask for is that you find someone who makes you feel that way.”

  “I have, Dad.” Lindsey wrapped her arm around his waist as they continued to walk to the house.


  Kendra looked up to find her dad watching Lindsey and Paul walk to the house. When he turned back to her, he was still smiling. She walked over to him and hugged him tightly. “I love you, Dad.”

  “I love you, too, and I’m glad you’re home safe. It looks like you’ve had another great haul.”

  She chuckled. “The shrimp couldn’t wait to jump into our nets.”

  “Let’s hope that lasts for a long, long time.”

  “How do you think the visit is going to go?” She motioned to the couple walking toward the house. “Lindsey has really been stressing over his being here.”

  “Better than any of us could hope for. He doesn’t understand the attraction between you two, but I think the more he sees the two of you together, he’ll realize how much you’re in love.”

  “You know what?”

  “What’s that?”

  “I couldn’t have asked for a better dad. You’ve never questioned my sexual orientation and you’ve always accepted the women in my life.”

  He chuckled and draped an arm around her shoulder as they turned to walk home. “That’s true, but this one, I think, is a keeper.”

  “Me too, Dad. Me too.” She placed an arm around his waist and they walked home.


  Kevin grilled some link sausage for them to munch on while they drank a few beers.

  Paul took the opportunity to watch Lindsey and Kendra interact, and the more he watched, the more comfortable he felt about their love for one another.

  “If I eat another bite, I swear I’m going to explode,” Kendra groaned and pushed back from her plate. “That was the perfect meal to come home to. Thanks.”

  “My pleasure and I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “You can cook for me anytime, old friend,” Paul told him.

  “I was thinking we could boil up a batch of crabs tomorrow.”

  “We’ve barely finished supper and you’re already planning tomorrow night’s meal. I love that about you, Dad.”

  “I’ve had a good week, too, and with some of those reds you’ve been bringing home, I’d say we could cook up a feast.”

  “I’ll make some slaw and Lindsey can cook us some of her famous hush puppies,” Kendra added.

  In the silence that followed, Kevin’s stomach growled loudly. They all broke out laughing.

  “See, my stomach approves of the plan,” he joked.

  After another round of beer, Kendra stretched and tried to stifle a yawn. “I hope y’all don’t mind, but it’s been a long week. I’m going to shower and hit the sack.”

  “No problem, honey. I’ve got Paul set up in Lindsey’s old room.”

  She chuckled at his comment. “I’ll see you all in the morning.”

  “I was thinking French toast and bacon in the morning,” Kevin announced as she stood.

  “I can hardly wait,” Kendra grinned and bent down to kiss his cheek. “Goodnight everyone.”

  Paul watched how Lindsey’s eyes followed Kendra’s every move and smiled. “Kevin and I were talking about a little friendly fishing competition tomorrow,” he told Lindsey.

  “Are you going to give us the opportunity to win our money back from last time?” Lindsey asked.

  “Sure am, unless you want to sweeten the pot.”

  “Not the way you catch fish. You should have seen the size of that grouper, Dad. it was huge.”

  “So he wasn’t telling me a fish tale?”

  “No. Remind me to show you the picture tomorrow. That was the biggest grouper I’ve ever seen.” She looked up at Kevin. “Would you mind if Charlie went with us? He’s been a bit down, and I’m sure he’d appreciate any fish we could send home with him.”

  Kevin smiled. “That’s fine with me. The more the merrier. I bet with five of us fishing we can send him home with plenty to eat.”

  “Good, I’ll go call him. What time do you want to leave?”

  “Nine should give us plenty of time to get ready.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right back.”

  Kevin watched her leave and smiled. “You raised a good one with her.”

  “I think we both did right by our daughters. They’re strong, independent women.”

  “That they are. Can you do one more round?”

  “I do believe I can,” Paul answered and handed him an empty bottle.

  “Charlie was tickled to be invited and will meet us at nine,” Lindsey told them when she returned.

  “Good. Your dad and I are going to have another round before we call it a night. Do you want to join us?”

  “Thanks, but I think I’m going to call it a night. I need to rest up if I’m going to out fish you tomorrow.”

t, baby girl,” Paul told her. “I love you.”

  “Love you too, Dad. See y’all in the morning.”


  Kendra stood wrapped in a towel and brushing her teeth when Lindsey entered the bathroom.

  “Darn, I was hoping to catch you still in the shower.”

  “Sorry, baby, it sure felt good though.”

  “We need to rest up. We’re going fishing tomorrow at nine. I hope you don’t mind, but I invited Charlie. Our freezer’s still full, so I was hoping we could fill his up with a nice catch tomorrow.”

  “That’s very sweet of you. I appreciate your asking him. We’ll have a great time.”

  “I think so too. I’ll hit the shower and see you soon.”

  “I’ll keep the bed warm.”

  Lindsey rushed through her shower, but when she entered the bedroom, Kendra was already asleep. She watched her beautiful lover sleep for several seconds, then turned off the lamp and crawled into bed.

  Kendra stirred long enough to cuddle into Lindsey’s body. “You smell good,” she whispered, and then immediately started purring in her sleep.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Charlie was already on board when they arrived at the boat. “Good morning,” he called out, looking up from the table where he was cutting bait. “I remembered we had a few bait fish in the wet well, so I thought I’d go ahead and cut it.”

  “Thanks, Charlie,” Kendra replied and introduced him to Paul. “Do you want to take us out to your honey spot, Dad?” she asked, holding up the keys to the wheelhouse.

  “Sure thing. You want to come with me?” he asked Paul.

  “I’m right behind you, Captain Drake.”

  “Let’s get a few chairs set out while Charlie finishes up the bait. We can load the bait buckets, and then set out rags and rods when he’s done.”

  “I went ahead and put a case of beer in the freezer, too,” Charlie grinned.

  By the end of the afternoon, Charlie had two coolers of grouper filets to take home with him. He also had the pot of eighty bucks for catching the largest fish, and he tried to give it to Lindsey.


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