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Tempted (Tempted #1)

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by Heather Doltrice

  “Has anyone ever told you how beautiful that you are?”

  I turned the other way so he wouldn’t see my face that no doubt was as red as a tomato.

  “No, I think you’re the first.”

  “You don’t have to be shy around me, Emma.”

  “I’m not shy around you. I’m just shy. It’s a character trait. Don’t flatter yourself.”

  I stared at his lips, trying to convince myself that I didn’t want to kiss him. I didn’t want those lips on mine. I didn’t want those hands at my hips. I didn’t want any of that, and it certainly wasn’t all I could think about.

  He’s a player. You don’t want that.

  …yes, you do.

  He must have read my mind because he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

  “I want to kiss you, but you deserve so much more than me.”

  “Why’s that?” I asked, my neck tightening so much that I was surprised the words came out at all.

  “I’m not the one you end up with,” he answered, his eyes burning into me.

  “Do I look like the kind of girl who would fall for that line?” I scoffed.

  “Yeah,” he answered, his breath falling against my cheek. “You do.”

  We stayed like that for a few more minutes. I remembered Maddie, who by now was probably freaking out. My iPhone buzzed and I looked down, breaking the moment.

  6 missed calls and 5 text messages from my very worried friend.

  “Maddie is freaking out. I need to get back.” I removed his shirt and held it out for him to take.

  “Keep it. I’ll walk you back.” He reached for my hand and I let him take it.

  “I can’t come home with a strange guy’s shirt around my shoulders. Did you forget who I am?”

  “Did you?” He asked. “Or have you ever really known in the first place?”

  ‘”F-Fine,” I stammered. “I’ll keep the shirt, but don’t read too much into it.”

  “I know better,” he answered, holding his hand out for me.

  We walked back to the party and every eye was on us in that moment. I shuffled. No one had ever looked at me like this, like they wanted to be me.

  I looked up at Roman to see how he was reacting, but he didn’t seem to even notice. Like it was the kind of thing that happened every day.

  “Ems, where have you been? I’ve been so worried. It’s nearly 11. We have to get you home. Your dad is probably a strong breeze away from popping a blood vessel.” Maddie said as she came running up to me.

  I just nodded. I turned to Roman but he was already walking toward his friends. I hadn’t even felt his hand leave mine but, now that I knew it was, I ached for him to return it.

  “See you around.” I called to him.

  He turned, but didn’t answer.

  All I could do was wave. What did I think he was going to do? Kiss me goodbye? Walk me to Maddie’s car? Declare his undying love for me? I was just some stupid girl; one of the dozens at this party. Now that I was leaving, he was on to the next. Simple as that.

  I had never felt so stupid because yes, that’s exactly what I thought he was going to do.

  “Whatever you’re thinking, forget about it. He’s not for you. He’s a dead end.”

  “I’m not thinking anything, Mads. Can we just drop it?”

  “Yea, but you need perfume. You smell like an AA meeting,” she said, holding her nose.

  Oh no! I had totally forgot about my dress being doused in alcohol!

  “Ah, what am I going to do?”

  As we climbed into the car, she reached in her bag and threw a bottle of her favorite perfume at me. Spraying it all over myself, I grimaced. I had never been the type of girl who was big into perfume. And even if I had been, Dad wouldn’t go for it.

  But something told me he’d prefer this to the stench of beer.

  Great. Now I smelled like a garden. A garden down the street from a bar, but a garden nonetheless.

  “This doesn’t look suspicious at all. I’m so dead. I’m going to be grounded forever.”

  “You’re an adult!” Maddie yelled. “You’re two months out of Brown, for Christ’s sake. Your dad can’t touch you.” Her eyes got wide. “Is that some dude’s shirt?! Oh my God! Take it off. What do you want to do give your father a heart attack?”

  So much for my new found mature freedom.

  “What am I going to do with it?”

  “Ems, throw it out the window or something. I don’t know, but you can’t keep it.”

  “What if I want to keep it? It’s my only memory of the one normal high school night I’ve ever had.”

  “Okay, I think I have a bag of yours that you left in here yesterday. You can put it in there.”

  We pulled down my street. My house was in clear view. Maddie pulled into my drive way and popped her trunk. Stuffing Roman’s shirt into my bag, I slipped my cardigan on. I swung the bag over my shoulder and smoothed my hair.

  “How do I look?” I asked, trying not to seem too guilty. I had a penchant for giving away my secrets with just a look. At least where my father was concerned.

  “You look fine.”

  “You don’t sound very convincing.”

  “You look super fine!” She chimed.

  “How do I smell?”

  “You have smelled better but you’re good. You got this.”

  “Spray me with some more perfume.”

  She laughed “If I spray you with any more perfume your parents will need gas masks. You’re fine. Go. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight Mads.”

  I ran up the steps and pushed the door open.

  “Hey honey, how was the movie?” Mom’s voice boomed from the kitchen.

  I had to hide my smile as I walked into the kitchen. “It was okay, I guess. But the book was better.”

  “Always is. Your father is already in bed. He has to get up early. Why don’t you shower and get some sleep?”

  “A shower sounds really good right about now,” I said, trying not to smell myself.

  She trotted out from the kitchen, gave me a hug, and said goodnight.

  “You smell great, Emma.” She said, seeming surprised. “Just, you know, don’t let your father know.” She winked at me.

  “Yeah,” I shuffled. “It’s Maddie’s. I just wanted to try it out.”

  I waved at her and walked up the stairs toward my room.

  I closed my door and went to my bathroom. Running a bath, I threw in my favorite bath bomb. I took off my alcohol covered clothes and tossed them in the hamper. Climbing in the bathtub, I closed my eyes. What was I going to do if my parents heard about tonight? I couldn’t think about that.

  After I took my bath, I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my favorite sleep shirt, the one with the stars I got from my 12th grade trip to the planetarium.

  God, I really was a dork.

  I brushed my teeth and threw my hair up in a messy bun, because who can stand to sleep with their hair down? Staring at my refection in the mirror, I couldn’t help but smile.

  I took Roman’s shirt out of my bag, holding it close like I was afraid someone would find it and take it from me, even though I was the only one in the room. Blinking, I put it in the back of my closet for safe keeping.

  Climbing into bed, I stared at the celling. I started to drift into sleep but my phone dinged, alerting me that I had a text message. I walked over to check it, thinking it was Maddie asking if my parents had found out, and if they were going to ground me forever or just send me to a Vietnamese labor camp or something. But it wasn’t from her. It was from a number I didn’t recognize.

  Unknown number: Hey. Did u get home ok?

  Me: Yes, I did. Thanks for asking. Who is this?

  Unknown number: Are u joking? It’s Roman. Why don’t u have my number?

  Me: I must have missed the blast. How did u get mine?

  Roman: doesn’t matter. What are u doing?

  Me: I thought gi
rls like me never end up with guys like u. Isn’t that what you said? Why are you texting me?

  Roman: good question. And that is what I said but the thing about girls like you is that they usually don’t listen to what guys like me have to say. Besides, I never said I was going to stay away from you.

  Me: are u flirting with me?

  Roman: if u have to ask, then I must not be doing a very good job.

  Me: Guess not. Listen, I have to go but maybe I’ll see you around this summer.

  Roman: Turning into a pumpkin already? 2 bad. I was just getting started.

  Me: 2 bad for who?

  Roman: I guess we’ll never know, Pumpkin Girl. Sleep well. Try not 2 dream about me 2 much.

  Me: I’ll try 2 control myself.

  I stared at the phone in disbelief. Did that really happen or was I going to wake up and find out it was actually all a dream? With all this happening, I had forgotten to tell Maddie about Brown. How in the hell was I going to do that? Maybe that could wait a few days, first I had to figure out what to do about Roman Charles. Never thought he would have been a problem for me.

  I closed my eyes and by some sort of miracle, I got some sleep.

  I was awakened by the sunlight that creeped in through my white and lavender floral curtains. I stretched and made myself get out of bed. Showering, I tried to keep my mind clear. As I walked over to my closet my phone dinged.

  I rushed over to my closet and grabbed a navy lace romper and slipped it on. I grabbed my rust colored fringe booties and slipped my feet in. Before I could walk in the bathroom to throw my wavy blonde hair up in a bun, my phone dinged again. I quickly put my hair on top and walked over to my phone.

  When I checked the lock screen, it showed two new messages: one from Maddie and one from Roman.

  I checked Roman’s first.

  Not that there was any particular reason for that.

  It was just-you know- that was the one I saw first…

  Roman: Good Morning, Pumpkin Girl.

  Me: Good Morning, Stalker.

  Why did he keep texting me? Maybe he’s bored, yeah that had to be it. He told me last night he would never end up with me. Maybe this wasn’t about ‘ending up’ though. For guys like him, it almost never was. I had to keep that in mind.

  I almost forgot about Maddie’s text. I checked it next.

  Mads: You are literally front page news. Everybody is talking about you and Roman. Have your parents said anything?

  Me: No! Please tell me you’re joking.

  Mads: Nope, sadly it’s as real as rain. Also, it’s raining.

  Me: walking downstairs now. I will let you know if they say anything.

  Mads: If they don’t lock you away in one of those Rapunzel towers, see if you can go out to breakfast and the mall. We need to talk about lover boy.

  Me: Ha-ha! Very funny. I’ll let you know.

  Roman never replied to my reply to his good morning, maybe he was already over his weird fascination with me. I mustered up the courage to face my parents before making my way downstairs. I really hoped they hadn’t heard about Roman.

  I smelled coffee and waffles. Just like every morning, I was greeted by my father who was reading his paper at the breakfast island in the kitchen.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  Okay, so far so good. I took my seat next to my dad and said “Good morning” to my mother.

  “So, how was your night?” Dad asked me, one hand on the Bible and the other stretched out at me accusingly.

  You have got to be kidding me. I couldn’t even get away with one little lie.

  Chapter 4

  “It was fun. The movie was good,” I said uncomfortably.

  I hoped he couldn’t see right through me. He seemed like his normal self, Bible bearing and unflinching. It didn’t seem like anything had gotten back to them.

  “Eat some breakfast, honey,” my mother said and pushed a plate that was filled with a waffle and a fruit salad toward me.

  “Maddie called me and asked if I could go to breakfast and the mall with her, kind of like a girl’s day. Would that be okay? I still need to tell her about Brown. I think face to face would be better than over the phone.” My stomach crumpled into knots.

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea. You can go, but just don’t forget about dinner tonight. The Carpenters will be here.” My mother chirped, and shot me a little wink.

  “I won’t” I answered and had to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

  I picked up my phone and texted Maddie, telling her I could go. She replied that she would be there in five.

  Five-actually it was closer to seven- minutes later, I heard Maddie blow the horn. I kissed my parents goodbye and I practically jumped out the door. Hopping in the car, we drove out of the driveway.

  “You have to tell me what happened last night; people already have you two in a relationship.”

  I covered my face with my hands. Should I tell her that he knew more about me than my parents? Do I tell her about the texts? How could I explain anything when I wasn’t even really sure what was going on myself?

  “Nothing happened. He accidently spilled his drink on my dress and he gave me his shirt. And we talked. That’s all that happened. Let’s drop it, okay?”

  I left out the almost kiss. I wasn’t sure what she would think about that.

  “Fine, whatever you say.”

  We pulled into Sue’s Diner, one of the only restaurants located in the lovely town of Lakeview, Ga. I walked through the door and my stomach growled at the first hint of the French toast.

  We walked up to one of the vacant booths and slid in. I loved this place. It had this 1950’s feel. The booths were all red leather but they had seen better days. The jukebox was playing some old love song in the background.

  “What can I get you girls?” Ms. Sue asked us.

  “I’ll have the usual, ma’am. Thank you.” I told her and reached her my menu.

  “Sure thing, Emma. French toast with warm praline sauce and an iced coffee with sugar and cream.”

  “I’ll have the same except with hot coffee. Thank you.” Maddie said as she placed her order.

  “Now Maddie, You’ve ordered the same thing for years. I know what you want, Sugar.”

  We laughed as she walked away. It was true we always ordered the same thing.

  I needed to tell her about Brown. I couldn’t keep this from her anymore. I was not supposed to have this conversation. She was supposed to be there with me.


  “I know what you’re going to say.”

  “Oh yeah? What was I going to say then?”

  “You got into Brown.”

  “Wait how did you know that?”

  “Because if anybody was getting in, it was going to be you.”

  “I might apply somewhere else with you.”

  “Don’t you dare? This is your dream.” She grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

  “It was your dream too.” I reminded her.

  “But it’s your reality.”

  I couldn’t look at her. She should have gotten in. This wasn’t fair.

  “I wonder where your boyfriend is. Have you talked to him?”

  She tried to nonchalantly change the subject. And I let her. I looked up at Maddie and gave her my best version of the stink eye. She laughed, and my heart began to hurt.

  I’m going to miss this.

  “I’m just messing with you, but you do realize you are going to see him, right? We live in Lakeview not New York. You’re going to run into him at some point this summer.”

  I knew she was right, but I chose to pretend like she wasn’t. What was I going to say to him when I see him again? Thankfully, Ms. Sue arrived with our food and coffee and that kept Maddie’s big mouth shut for the reminder of our meal.

  We paid our check and walked to the car. Maddie cranked it up and she put the air on full blast. She turned up the radio as loud as it could go. We sang along to some Luminee
rs song the whole way to the mall. Picking a parking space, I listened to her hum along. As I got out of the car, I scanned the lot and that is when I saw it. Roman’s black mustang.

  “Really? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Maddie scrunched up her eyebrows at me in confusion. I pointed at the car. And she busted out laughing.

  “It will be fine. We we’ll do our best to steer clear of him.”

  “Let’s just go shop.” We linked arms and made our way inside.

  I looked over at my best friend and, in that moment, I realized just how lucky I was to have her. She was my only real friend. When we reached high school, most of my middle school friends became popular and forgot about me but not Maddie. She was popular, outgoing, and so beautiful. But her caramel colored hair and chocolate brown eyes had nothing on how beautiful she was on the inside. She was a cheerleader and prom queen. Together we made quite the unusual pairing but unlike the rest of my friends, she never left me.

  We walked through the automatic doors. I looked around and not to any surprise saw that it was packed. The mall was sort of the hangout for everyone because there was never much to do in our one horse town. It was typical small town America.

  “Hey, Maddie!” A few girls from our class yelled to my friend. And like always, I was invisible or so I thought.

  “Ems, Roman is walking over here.” She nudged me.

  “Wait. What? Why? What do I do? What do I do?”

  “Just be cool. You got this. Remember he’s bad news. Don’t make him think he has a chance.”

  I stood there and watched as Roman Charles passed every girl in town and walked over to me. I was still confused as to why he found me interesting. His black hair was messy but you could tell he styled it like this. He knew what he was doing. It wasn’t fair to look like that in a pair of jeans and white t-shirt. God help me. So much for steering clear of him.

  “Hey Pumpkin girl.”

  “Hey.” I said nervously.

  He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.

  “Charles, get away from her.”

  Preston stood in front of me like I was his property.

  “I was only talking to her, Carpenter. What’s your problem?”


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