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Tempted (Tempted #1)

Page 8

by Heather Doltrice

  When we walked in the house, I noticed all the lights off.

  “Your parents must be sleeping.” I said as I dropped my luggage on the floor.

  “They’re not here . They took a mini vacation to Myrtle beach. They said something about cruising down the strip. I think they are going through a midlife crisis.”

  I laughed at her statement. She always could make me laugh when I was feeling my worst. It was a special talent of hers.

  We raided the kitchen and then made our way to her room. As Maddie looked for a movie to watch, I went to her book shelf and grabbed our yearbook. Flipping through the pages, I stopped on until I found his picture. And it brought me back to the night he snuck in my window.

  I couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow, he was going to be so happy to see me. Wouldn’t he?

  Chapter 17

  Last night I slept in the guest room because I didn’t want to be in Maddie’s way. Waking up, I looked around and for a minute I didn’t know where I was. Then all of the events from last night came flooding back.

  The smell of bacon and eggs has made it’s way upstairs and my stomach growled.

  Stumbling out of bed, I brushed my hair with my hands and walked down stairs. I could never do that at home, I always had to look my best. But I wasn’t feeling my best so I shouldn’t have to look my best.

  I made my way to the kitchen and sat down at the table.

  “Good Morning.” Maddie said as she put the food on the table.

  “Good Morning, this looks great.”

  “Let’s hope it tastes great, too. If you get food poisoning, it wasn’t from this lovely meal, okay?” She said a laugh.

  I bit into the crisp, juicy bacon and my stomach growled in approval. Maddie was the best cook I knew but her food had nothing on her desserts.

  “It’s so good, mads.”

  A knock on the door startled us both. Maddie got up from the table and went to answer the door. I saw it was West.

  “Hey Angel, can I ask you a favor? Have your parents already left?” he asked her with a frown.

  “Yeah, they left yesterday morning. Is there something wrong?” she asked.

  Why did he keep calling her angel. That was so strange. While I was lost in my thoughts, two other people appeared at the door. Ethan was trying to hold Roman up.

  I jumped up from the the table and went to run to him but West stopped me.

  “I needed to bring him somewhere. He’s wasted and I can’t let his mom see him like this. She doesn’t need this right now.” He said to me as he turned to face Maddie. “So, can we hang out here for a few hours. I didn’t know where else to bring him.”

  “Sure, Ethan go ahead and sit him on the couch. Come on in.” she said as she held the door open.

  I watched as they laid Roman on the couch. Why would he drink that much? If I would have been here for him would he have handled it better?

  We all took seats in the living room. Everyone was silent. Roman was passed out on the sofa and I guess no one really knew what to say.

  “Hey, I made breakfast if you guys want some.” Maddie said trying to make things less awkward.

  “Yeah, that would be great. Thanks Mad-dog.” Ethan told her.

  She glared at him and he gave her his best try at a smile. He really didn’t have a lot to smile about right now.

  “Yeah, I’m starving. I just hope it’s fully cooked. You’re no Master Chef.” West said to her.

  “Shut up! It’s pretty good actually. And guess what you don’t have to eat it. Starve if you want too, wouldn’t bother me at all.” She told him as she stormed into the kitchen.

  “I better go after her.” I told them getting up.

  “No, let me.” West said as he made his way to the kitchen.

  I sat there in complete silcence with Ethan and a passed out Roman. Feeling uncomfortable, I pulled the hem of my sleep shirt down as long as it would go.

  “How are you?” I asked Ethan.

  “As good as I can be, I guess. Better than him.” He said tilting his head towards his brother.

  “I’m so sorry about your dad. I can’t believe I wasn’t here for him.”

  “Ems, it’s probably best that you weren’t here to see him. He’s pushing everybody away.”

  Maddie and West made their way back into the living room. She handed Ethan his plate and cup of orange juice.

  “I’m going to go shower and get dressed. I’ll be back down in a few. Maybe Roman will be up by then.” I told them as I walked toward the stairs.

  Making my way to the guest room, I quickly undressed. I jumped in the shower and let the hot water run against my skin. Turning off the water, I grabbed a towel. I dried off and ran to my luggage. Searching through it, I found black leggings and an oversize shirt. I pulled it on and grabbed my uggs. Slipping them on, I hopped over to the door.

  I had to be there when he woke up. He had to know I was here for him. Running down the stairs, I saw Roman sitting up and talking. Running to him, I took the seat by him and kissed his cheek.

  “I’ve missed you so much. I came as soon as I heard.” I told him.

  He peeled my hands off of him and moved over to the couch.

  “I didn’t want you here. And please don’t kiss me again.” He said as he stared a whole through me.

  I looked in his eyes but I didn’t reconigze the person staring back at me. I had never met him before.

  “What? Why would you say something like that to me?”

  “Because you mean nothing. You never did, you were like all the rest.”

  I fought back my tears. I couldn’t cry in front of him.

  “That’s a lie! Everyone in this room knows that! Even you know that!” I shouted at him.

  “It wasn’t serious, Emma. I got what I wanted from you. End of story.”

  “You’re a coward. And that’s not the end of story. This isn’t over.”

  “I think it’s over, sweetheart. Didn’t l leave you?”

  “I know about the college applications to Bryant University. You left them at the hotel, they called me.” I told him.

  “What’s it going to take to get through to you that I don’t want you and I don’t want you here?” he shouted.

  “Make me believe it because right now I can tell you’re lying. I love you, Roman.”

  “Join the club. Come on, guys. We have a race to get ready for.” He said to West and Ethan as he walked out the door, slamming it behind him.

  Ethan followed him out but Maddie grabbed West’s arm before he could leave.

  “Race? West, please tell me you’re not going to a race? And there’s no way in hell Roman is in the right state of mind to race. He’ll get himself killed.” Maddie said.

  “Angel, he needs me and this is what he wants to do. Em is your sister and Roman is my brother. You know you would do the same for her. Don’t worry.” He said as he kissed her cheek.

  She stood there, looking at the floor. West turned away from her and looked at me.

  “Listen, I know he said some pretty hurtful things but don’t listen to him. He’s going through a really hard time right now. Fight for him. He’ll come back to you. Everybody has a weakness and you’re his. See you girls at the funeral.” He said as he hugged me.

  “Thank you, West.” I told him as he shut the door.

  I stood as still as a statue, thinking about what had just happened. I felt Maddie put her arms around me and pull me into a huge hug.

  “West is right, you know. He’s not as dumb as he looks. Roman will come back to you. Love like that never really goes away, trust me, I know.”

  I didn’t say anything else, I just sobbed on my best friends shoulder. I don’t know how long we sat there but eventually everything went black.

  Chapter 18

  I woke up on the couch in Maddie’s living room. Looking around I saw her asleep on the chair. Getting up , I walked over to the mirror in the hallway. My face was swollen and red. And my hair was stuck to
my face. I looked hung over. No, wait I take that back. I looked heartbroken. How fitting.

  “Hey.” I heard Maddie say behind me.


  “What time is it?” she asked.

  I looked at the large clock on the wall.

  “11:00” I told her.

  She jumped up from the chair.

  “Ems, we have one hour to get ready for the funeral.”

  “I’m not going.”

  “You are so going. He needs you there, he may not act like it. But he does.”

  “I hope your right.”

  We made our way upstairs to get ready. And 30 minutes later we left the house.

  We drove to the grave yard in silence. Not even music was playing. And Maddie always had music playing. It was her favorite thing in the world.

  Pulling up, we got out of the jeep and made our way where the family and friends were gathered. West gave us a sad smile. I saw Roman but he never looked at me. He had his arms around his mother and little sister. Ethan was on the other side of his mother.

  After they laid Tom Charles to rest everyone went to their house for food. Pulling in the drive way, I saw Roman house. It’s wasn’t extravagant like the houses on the other side of town. Sure, it was run down but it was his home. Where he grew up and did his homework. Where he ate dinner with his family and played with his brother. It was part of him and I thought it was just like him, perfect.

  Slamming our doors shut, Maddie and I walked up to Roman’s house. When we got to the door someone opened it before we could. It was Ethan.

  “Hey, come on in.” he told gesturing inside.

  “Thank you.” We said in unison. We took turns giving him hugs.

  We walked through the door way into living room. Looking around the room, I noticed the walls were covered with family photos. You could tell family was all that mattered in this house. It was cozy and warm, it felt like a home should. Not a museum, like mine.

  “I’ll see you guys in a few.” Ethan told us as he walked away.

  He was different from Roman, he wasn’t cocky. He was a much softer soul. Even down to his brown hair was different.

  “Hi.” A small voice said behind us.

  I turned around and saw Roman’s little sister.

  “Hi, sweetie.” I told her.

  “Hey, kiddo.” Maddie told her.

  “Hey, Maddie,” she greeted Maddie before turning her attention to me, “What’s your name?”

  Had Maddie been around her before? That was odd.

  “I’m Emma. I know your brothers.” I told the little girl.

  “Are you Roman’s Emma? I’m Lucy.” She said.

  “Yea, Honey. I guess I am.”

  Roman’s Emma. I really liked the sound of that. But I wasn’t so sure he did anymore. I had to remember what West told me. I had to fight.

  “Lucy, where are you?” A woman shouted from the next room. Roman’s mother made her way into the living room.

  “Oh, hello. I didn’t know you girls were here.” Mrs. Charles said.

  “We just got here, Mrs. Charles.”

  “Call me Ava.” She said as she hugged me.

  “I’m very sorry for your loss.”

  Holding her hand, I gave it a squeeze. My attention focused on her beautiful wedding ring. I absolutely loved it. It wasn’t over the top like so many of the wedding rings here in town.

  “Thank you, honey. Hello, Maddie. It’s good to see you again. West and Roman are out in the garage. Why don’t you head out there.” She told us as she picked Lucy up.

  “Maddie, have you been here before?”

  “Yeah, a few times with West. I’ll explain a different time, I promise. Follow me.”


  We walked hand and hand to the garage out back. I bet this is where Roman fell in love with cars. Maddie pushed the door open and walked in like she was right at home. I followed behind her feeling less comfortable here.

  “Hey guys.”Maddie told them as she played with her necklace.

  “Hey, Angel.” West said to her. He was sitting on a table as Roman worked on an old car.

  “Hey, Maddie.” Roman said from under the hood of his car.

  West’s eye landed on me and he kicked Roman in the knee. Roman caught his self on the car.

  “What the hell? Why did you kick me?” Roman yelled at him.

  He looked at West and followed his eyes until they landed on me.

  “What are you doing here? Did you feel like slumming it?” he asked as he wiped his hands with a rag.

  Maddie started to walk towards Roman and I could see the rage in her eyes. But before she could get to him, West hopped off the table and put her over his shoulder.

  “Easy tiger.” He said as he sat her on the table next to him. She glared at him.

  I loved her for wanting to fight my battles for me but I needed to do this on my own. I walked toward him.

  “What do you want to do? You want to make me hate you? Is that what you want?” I said as I pushed him. He stood there not moving. So I pushed harder.

  He remained silent just staring at me.

  “Well, guess what? You couldn’t make me hate you no matter what do. You wanna know why? Because you made me love you!” I screamed at him.

  I stopped pushing on him and fell to the ground. Sobbing, I felt arms pick me up and sit me on a chair. I thought it was West but looking up I was shocked to find out it was Roman. He was kneeling beside me.

  “I can’t talk about this today but tomorrow we will go somewhere and talk. I promise you.” He said barely above a whisper.

  He got up from his knees and walked back over to the car. I watched him until he disappeared under the hood.

  I got up from the chair and exited the garage.

  Running around the house I made my way to Maddie’s jeep. I decided I would stand there and wait for her. I couldn’t stay in there around him long enough for him to change his mind about us talking tomorrow.

  A few minutes later, Maddie rounded the corner.

  “He told me to tell you that he’s sorry. You ran out too quickly.”

  “It got intense, he just buried his dad. I shouldn’t have went in there today.”

  “Ems, it’s fine. Let’s go home and watch chick flicks. You’ve got a big day ahead of you tomorrow.”


  We drove for what seemed like forever. Pulling up into Maddie’s driveway, we hopped out and made our way inside out of the crisp air. Slipping off my jacket and boots, I sat down on the sofa. Maddie mimicked me.

  “Maddie?” I asked her.

  “Yeah, Ems?”

  “Do you think everything will work out?”

  “I know it will.”

  I laid on my best friends shoulder as we watched movies and pigged out. My nerves was going an hundred miles an hour. Tomorrow couldn’t get here quick enough.

  Chapter 19

  I got up early and got dressed so I decided to try to cook breakfast. Keyword being trying. After ten minutes, I gave up and made two bowls of cereal.

  Maddie walked down the stairs.

  “Are you going somewhere?” I asked her.

  “Yeah, I was coming to tell you. West and Roman want us to meet them for breakfast.”

  “I made cereal for us.” I told her laughing.

  “Yeah, let’s just go get some real food.”

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  I grabbed my coat as we walked out the door. By the time I walked out, Maddie already had the jeep ready to go.

  Opening the door, I hopped inside the jeep. She had the music playing softly in the background.

  “I’m so nervous.” I told her.

  “Don’t be, everything is going to be fine. We can leave at any time.”

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  After a few minute drive, we pulled up at Sue’s diner. I missed this place. Maddie parked and when I got out I realized she had parked us next to Roman’s mustang. I love
d that car.

  Walking up to the diner, we opened the door and walked in.

  “Over here!” West yelled from the both in the back of the diner.

  Walking over, I stopped in front of the table. West slid in and let Maddie sit on the bench with him. I started to pull a chair up but much to my surprise he slid over for me to get in.

  “We ordered for you guys. Hope you don’t mind.” Roman said.

  “No, not at all.” I told him.

  “Hey, Angel. Do you want to move to a different table? Give them some privacy?”

  “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” She got out of the booth and west followed her.

  “Don’t have sex on the table. Be safe kids.” West said with a wink.

  Roman threw a straw at his head.

  “Do you want me to move to the other side?”

  “No, stay beside me.”

  “When are you going back to Brown?”

  “I took the whole semester off. I’m here for a while.”

  I couldn’t hide my smile.

  “First, I want to apologize for everything I have said to you. I do want to be with you but I can’t give you the life you deserve.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “With my dad gone, I have to take over the the shop. I’m the one who has to provide for my mother and sister. Hell even my brother. How can you be with some one that might not be able to take care of you in the future?”

  “We can make it work. I’ll leave brown and get a job here. Please give us a try. I promise you we can do this.”

  “You can’t quit Brown, that was your dream.”

  “It was my dream but none of it matters without you, Roman.”

  “What about your parents? They’ll never accept it.”

  “I don’t care what they think. I moved out. They wanted me to make a choice and I chose you.”

  “You’re not used to how I live. I don’t know if I can do that to you. Put you in the middle of this. I can’t give you the life Preston can give you.”

  “But I don’t want him. I don’t want that life, I want you. And our life together. I won’t leave when things get rough. We will stick it out.”

  “Pumpkin, I want you to know that I don’t deserve you and that I will spend every day trying to make your life perfect but I can’t let you leave Brown.”


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