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Torn (Jay Gunner, #1)

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by Gerald Greene

  Brian said, “I do like it here,”

  I gave him my opinion, “But you’d be much safer in Iceland, Ecuador, perhaps New Zealand.”

  I wondered if I was hearing the entire story. There must be many nations that would pay for the information Brian says he has.

  Brian said, “You’re probably right, but I have confidence in Hong Kong’s rule of law. I realize extradition is a possibility. It would be after a long legal fight. The government wouldn’t want the close scrutiny a courtroom would bring. My greatest fear is of an assassination team.

  I said, “Surely you don’t think it would come to that?”

  “It could. But If I stay in the news, it’s unlikely I’ll disappear. I don’t think the government would welcome investigations. The administration wouldn’t like an independent special prosecutor asking questions.”

  I took a business card from my wallet and pushed it across the table. “For your sake, I hope you’re right. I’ve found what you have to say fascinating, but disturbing. I’d like to hear more details, but here is not the place. The ladies are becoming upset. Let’s not spoil the evening.”

  “I agree. I’ve been talking too long.”

  “Call me Monday afternoon and we’ll set up a meeting. That’s cool with you?”

  5 – Global Trading

  As chief foreign exchange trader for Global Trading Limited, I enjoyed more than an employee relationship. GT was a Chinese company run like a family office. My ability to speak Mandarin and trading ability endeared me to the company’s owners. I became family.

  I become what older senior Chinese business executives would call a tai-pan. It was a status I valued, and would strive to keep. My dreams had come true.

  The company’s chairman and principal owner was Yuan Shikai. He was a Chinese billionaire who made his fortune in the shipping industry. The company traded personal money provided by Yuan Shikai and various family members. Some funds came from a few wealthy close friends.

  Global Trading operated with a small staff divided into five groups. Operations include stocks, bonds, commercial loans, real estate, and foreign exchange. I supervised two assistant traders as well as Joy Wong my personal assistant and strategist.

  By Forex trading standards, Global was a small company, but due to my skill as a trader return on money invested averaged more than 35 percent per year. With that record of success, I enjoyed rock star status with my Chinese “family” and clients.

  On Tuesday morning, I turned to Joy as the Yen weakened against the US dollar. “Your analysis remains spot on. Dollar/Yen is trading up in lockstep with the pumped up Nikkei 225. It’s ironic. The stock market is rallying while the economy is collapsing. Even with the Japanese government printing more money than ever the economy remains mired in a deflationary environment.”

  Joy nodded her head yes and said. “Talk about unintended consequences. Prime Minister Abe must be wondering how much longer he’ll remain in office. His efforts to inflate the Japanese economy have been a disaster.”

  I said, “How far do you think Dollar/ Yen will go? Have any price targets”

  “Let’s just keep doing the hardest thing in foreign exchange trading. Let’s ride the winner and see where it takes us.” She burst into a wide gorgeous smile, while clapping her hands in glee.

  This was quite an outburst for Joy, who usually maintained a poker face around the trading desk. Having recommended buying Dollars and selling Yen, and building a position since it broke major residence, she had a right to be happy. Our profits and bonuses would be enormous.

  “I’ve scheduled a meeting with Brian Andrews for four Thursday afternoon. Like to sit in?”

  “Jay, thanks for asking, but I no longer feel comfortable around that man. After dating a few weeks, I’ve broken up with him. If he goes ahead with interviews, he’ll soon have the FBI, CIA, NSA, or who knows who on his tail. I’m not even an American and his story of NSA invasive spying on American citizens gives me the creeps.”

  “Joy, I like Brian. He’s an interesting guy. But I’m glad you’ve broken up with him. He’s a marked man. I’m meeting only to pick his brain.”

  “He is smart. For sure, you’ll learn something. At first I applauded his smarts and bravery, but after thinking it over I’m certain it’s dangerous to be near him. I like him, but I see no future. You know how I feel about wasting time.”

  “I’m surprised, but understand. At dinner Saturday you seemed so supportive. Your support made me nervous. It could be dangerous to be close to him. Amanda feels the same way. I still have something in mind. If it works out, it would give us a powerful trading edge. I’d only have to see him a few times.”

  “Jay you must be crazy. We’re doing well as it is. Why risk dealing with this man? Even having lunch with him might get you on a CIA or FBI surveillance list. Hell, we don’t know how he left the NSA. We might already be on that list. I don’t want to mess around with the US government. I’m happy and love my life in Hong Kong. I don’t want to risk being harassed about Brian.”

  “Don’t worry. If I see his story in The South China Post, I won’t go near the man. I won’t involve the company in any way. I only asked you because I thought you were his girlfriend. I’m relieved you broke up.”

  “So am I. I don’t know why I fell for him. Guess I was getting lonely and my cat wasn’t enough company.”

  I said, “He seems to be a good guy with noble intentions, but is on his way to disaster. The record of whistleblowers against the US government is not good. Whistleblowers usually end up in the scrap heap of history, and our government rolls on like they never existed.”

  Joy asked, “Why risk meeting with Brian?”

  “The less you know the better off you are. If things go wrong as Brian’s former girlfriend you might face interrogation. Even if the relationship was for a short time”

  “I’ve learned my lesson about talking to strangers. Especially speaking to lonely men at Starbucks. I’m only 24. I have plenty of time to find a mate. Being single isn’t terrible, especially when thanks to you I’m making big money. I’m not going to risk my sweet ass over some American computer geek.”

  “You should play it smart. With your income and looks you should hang out at expensive places where you’ll meet wealthy men. In your position it would be foolish to settle for some average guy. Hell girl, if you crave occasional excitement you can afford a high class gigolo.”

  “Jay you’re insane. If I ever want action I don’t have to pay for it. There’re plenty interesting, good-looking high income, expatriate men in Hong Kong. And many high class wealthy Chinese businessmen. After working 12 to 15 hours a day, who has time to play? On weekends, I just want to do a little shopping and catch up on my sleep. And I mean sleep alone.”

  Raising an eyebrow I said, “I assumed you made time for Brian.”

  “I only dated Brian a few weeks. We enjoyed seeing a few movies together, but didn’t reach the steamy romance stage. He’s not the romantic type.”

  “Come on Joy. He seemed interested in you.”

  “He’d rather mess around with computers. Besides, I stay so busy with work. Thanks to you and Global Trading my social life is a big zero. I don’t have time for romance. I’m not complaining. I love what I do.”

  “I’m glad. We make a formidable team. After a few years we can retire young and enjoy traveling about the world. We can write books or whatever we choose to do. Screw the idea of working until you’re a tired, dried up old person, and ready to drop.”

  “Boss man, you’ve got it figured out. Now don’t mess everything up by getting involved with Brian Andrews. Meeting with him is a bad idea. Once he goes public, all hell will break loose.”

  6 – Jay’s Plan

  I loved the Lobby Bar at the Intercontinental Hong Kong Hotel. Located at 18 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui East Tsim Sha Tsui the hotel was close to my Kowloon home. From the bar the view across the harbor of the Hong Kong skyline was spectacular. I set up
a meeting with Brian.

  I arrived at 4:00 PM on Tuesday and saw Brian sitting at a table near the plate glass windows. He appeared to be in deep thought as he stared at the harbor view.

  I scanned the expansive lobby before approaching the table. At two tables elderly couples focused on passing ships and looked like tourists. I thought Brain was alone.

  “Hi Brian, been waiting long?”

  “Hello Jay. I just arrived. Love the view. It’s exciting to watch the ships churn by.”

  “So it is. But let’s get right to it. We have a measure of privacy now. Soon tourists will return from sightseeing and the lobby will fill.”

  “Sure, what’s on your mind?”

  “That depends. When’s your interview?”

  “Next week. Wednesday afternoon I’ll meet with one of the financial editors at The South China Post. I expect he’ll call in one or two of his top reporters.”

  “Your story will make big news. It’ll get attention from media outlets worldwide. You’ll be famous.”

  “Yeah or infamous. But I hope you’re right. Being in the news in a major way will give me some protection.”

  “Brian, I’ll be frank with you. Once you’ve gone public I won’t want any direct contact. If we agree to work together, I’ll want secret arrangements.”

  “OK and understandable. Anyone in close contact faces investigation. What do you propose?”

  “Can you hack into US Federal Reserve Bank and Department of Labor websites?”

  “Wow! You’re my kind of guy. Striking at the heart of Big Brother.” Brian looked amused, and then turned poker faced and asked. “Are you serious? If I can get in, how would you benefit?”

  “You’re a smart guy. You know for financial markets the US Unemployment Report is the most awaited report of the month. That’s released by the Department of Labor at exactly 8:30 AM on the first Friday of every month. Having access to the details of that report a few minutes early would give me a tremendous trading edge.”

  “I see. And having access to Federal Reserve Bank data would ice that cake. Got it.”

  “Yeah, having early access to FOMC minutes would be helpful. The FOMC or Federal Open Market Committee conducts eight regular meetings every calendar year.”

  “Hacking into the Department of Labor website is doable. The Federal Reserve Bank website would be much tougher. The government worries skilled hackers drool over the challenge of stealing a few trillion dollars. Heck, if hackers could transfer only a few billion that would make them happy. By today’s standards, a few billion would amount to only a rounding error.”

  Brian was smiling, but the gleam in his eyes told me he would do it. “I expect security at the FED website is robust. That doesn’t mean I couldn’t get in, but it’s likely much more difficult and would take more time.”

  “OK, let’s start with the Department of Labor unemployment report and see how it goes. I’ll pay $78,000 HK dollars per report if the information comes at least five minutes before release time. That’s more than $10,000 US dollars.”

  “Let’s make it an even $10,000 dollars. I may not stay in Hong Kong much longer. But don’t worry. For that kind of money I’ll stay motivated.”

  “Agreed. How should we proceed?”

  “Since you want to avoid direct contact, I’ll set up a secure method of providing you with data. Assuming I can access your requested information. Let’s assume I can.”

  “OK, you have the data. How can you pass it to me?”

  “I need to buy a new high end laptop. About 20,000 HK dollars should do it.”

  “No problem. I’ll give it to you now.”

  “Damn man. You’re a wealthy bastard. You carry that much money around with you?”

  “At times. When I think I might need it. Like today.”

  “I like your style. Give me a couple of days to buy the computer and set it up. I’ll need to install military grade encryption software, as well as software that will hide your IP address. I’ll use a series of proxy servers that will make you appear to be operating from the moon.

  “On second thought, just for fun, I’ll make it look like you’re accessing the Internet from Moscow. The Kremlin is a good Moscow Internet address.” Brian chuckled as he visualized the confusion of anyone trying to trace the computer’s location.

  “I’ll have to build a special website for you. What interests you? A porn site, an adventure travel site, a news site? One offering SEO advice?”

  I made a quick decision. “I’ll go with adventure travel. Always thought that would be great fun. Will that take a lot of time to set up?”

  “It’s easy. Once I install software you’ll be able to access the website without revealing your true IP address. You’ll be able to surf undetected anywhere on the Internet. You can visit your favorite porn sites, and no one will ever know. Using the encryption software you’ll log into your adventure travel site. I’ll have it bookmarked.”

  I said, “Remember, I’m not a computer geek. I worked with a hell of a programmer to develop my trading program. I’m not so great on my own.”

  “If you can point and click you’ll do fine. Don’t worry. Once logged in, you’ll see your data. That’s it. Simple, assuming I can hack into the Department of Labor website and steal the unemployment report numbers. Now what domain name do you want?”

  “I’m not good with names.”

  “No worries. I’ll pick out a snazzy domain name for you and camouflage ownership.”

  “Great. I like turnkey service. How long will this take?”

  “Your computer and website will be ready in a couple of days. I don’t know how long it’ll take to hack the Department of Labor website. I’ll give it a go and let you know. Let’s meet again next Monday at the same time and place. I’ll give you your computer and report on my progress. Is that okay? One more thing. Payment.”

  “I didn’t think you’d forget that small matter.”

  “It may be small to you, but remember I’m recently unemployed. I could sell my information to willing governments for a fortune, but I don’t want to do that. So here’s the deal. When you log in you’ll find a link to an invoice page. Follow the instructions on that page. You’ll wire the money to my consulting company for services rendered. Whenever possible, I like to keep things simple.”

  “Perfect. Let’s have one more drink. I promised Amanda I won’t be late tonight. This morning she told me not to work late. She has something special to show me.”

  7 – Amanda Lee

  I grew up in Hong Kong. I guess I’m what some call a material girl. My parents relocated from Shanghai, China when I was three to seek a life offering more opportunity. They opened a modest seafood restaurant. Through years of hard work and sacrifice their business grew to become a small chain of seafood restaurants.

  As an only child, I benefited as my parents overcame humble beginnings. After a few years they became well to do upper middle class Hong Kong citizens.

  I received love and affection, while taught to work hard and always do my best. Like most hard-working Chinese parents, they placed a high value on education. I was encouraged to excel in school. I wished to please my parents and was an excellent student. Mom and dad rewarded good grades with nice presents. I became a little princess.

  Education in Hong Kong was rigorous and modeled on that of the English system. English was the international language of business along with Cantonese and Mandarin. I became fluent in all three languages and while attending college added Japanese.

  “Amanda, this is what you want? You’re sure? With your grades any college would be glad to have you.”

  “Daddy, I’m sure. A degree from The School of Hotel and Tourism Management will open a lot of doors. I enjoy working with people, have good social skills, and in Hong Kong the tourism industry is big business.”

  That discussion took place seven years ago. A few weeks before graduating, with a degree in hotel management, I answered an ad placed by Cathay
Pacific Airlines. The thought of traveling to great cities across the globe appealed to me.

  Like many women born in Shanghai, to families with deep roots in that northern Chinese city, I was tall, fashionably slim, and cut an elegant figure. My good looks, charm, poise, language ability, and friendly nature impressed the interview team.

  I was on the short list of qualified applicants. After waiting a nervous six weeks I received a letter from Cathay Pacific. I had to prove my degree and pass an intensive physical examination. Once done, I became a flight attendant trainee.

  After three years of hard work in economy and business class I began work in the First Class cabin. On a trip from Hong Kong to Tokyo, I met Jay at Haneda Airport Starbucks. My flight attendant girlfriend and I were returning to duty after a shopping excursion in the Ginza District. A Starbucks latte became a must have item. Jay was sitting alone drinking a latte.

  This handsome young man kept looking at me. After a few minutes he approached our table. He had eyes only for me. “Excuse me, Miss. Weren’t you working this morning as a flight attendant on the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong to Tokyo flight?”

  “Yes Sir, I was. Were you on the flight?”

  “I was. I believe you served me breakfast.”

  “Sorry Sir. I don’t remember. We’re pretty rushed on that flight.”

  “I’m sure it was you. It’s quite a coincidence meeting you here.”

  “Yes, Sir it was. Nice talking to you, but my girlfriend and I must be going. We’re working the 8:10 PM flight to Hong Kong and have to report for duty.”

  “I can’t believe it. I’ll be on that flight. Perhaps you’ll serve me dinner.” Jay took another long look at me and introduced himself. I felt heat from his intense gaze.

  “My name’s Jay Gunner. I’m glad to see you again.”

  “I’m Amanda Lee. See you on the flight.”


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