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Lumberjack Weekend [Divine Creek Ranch 21] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 21

by Heather Rainier

  “Yes, and before I could say anything, these two here blurted out ‘which one?’ and ‘both, dummy!’ and I’m sitting here in shock. Delilah was all confused so I explained and then what she’d said registered. It’s a good thing my headache is gone because all the screaming and crying would’ve killed me.”

  “Okay, so, you know that’s illegal in the State of Texas, right? You can’t just up and marry two men,” Delilah said, her gaze darting around the office at all their unperturbed faces.

  Lucas snorted and said, “Wait for it…”

  Then Delilah gaped and slapped her forehead “That’s why I always see Grace Warner with Jack Warner and Ethan Grant and Adam Davis!”

  Someone in the room giggled and said, “She’s quick!”

  Delilah made a disgruntled sound and said, “I need to get out more.”

  “Okay, girls,” Lizzy said as she patted Tex’s head while he continued kneading Violet’s lap. “Why don’t we give these three some privacy.”

  Tex looked a little hung over and ready for the excitement to die down and finally flopped down to take a nap. Violet giggled as she rubbed Tex’s orange-furred belly while he purred like a motorboat.

  The other three women filed out after blowing kisses, and from the hallway, Lizzy said, “Too bad we don’t have any sangria. We could toast them.”

  Josh sat on the edge of her desk, and Lucas squatted in front of her once more and said, “Were you worried about us proposing so early because all we had together was this past weekend?”

  “No. And I no longer feel like all we’ve had was this weekend. It merely capped off the last several months of slowly falling in love with you.”

  Josh stroked a lock of her hair back behind her ear. “Was it because you’re concerned about public opinion?”

  “No. I like the way Grace does it. She’s not completely undercover in her ménage, but she doesn’t make a point of being overt about it either. She lets people draw their own conclusions. I can handle that.”

  Lucas remembered her history. “It was because you’d been hurt by that other ménage?”

  “Yes, although I know you’re as different from Bodie and Victor as night is from day. Oh, the look on poor Delilah’s face when she realized she’d spoiled such a huge surprise. I thought she was going to pass out, and then everyone started yelling all at once, and I couldn’t make heads or tails out of what any of them were saying, and then I heard Lizzy talking to you, and…oh boy. What a day.”

  Josh said, “I wanted to wait until we had your ring in hand and not just a picture for you to see,” he said, nodding at Lucas to show her the ring.

  Lucas chuckled as she squealed in happiness when she saw the picture of the ring design on his phone. “I’m not unhappy the secret is out. I couldn’t wait to ask you. Sorry the fantasy weekend ended so soon.”

  A slow, sweet smile spread across her lips, and her cheeks flushed pink. “I have you, and you have me. Who says it’s ended or that it ever has to end? Maybe some fantasies can exist in the real world after all.”



  “Baby girl, we’ll be back with the last pieces of furniture in a little while. You okay here?” Josh asked as he entered, giving her a quick kiss. “Not overdoing, I hope? We have something special planned for your first night in your new home.”

  “I’m fine, and I can handle whatever you can dish out.”

  Lucas nibbled on her shoulder where it was exposed by her tank top. “We’ll see about that. Josh pulled out his rope stash.”

  “Is that so?” she quipped, feeling breathless.

  Josh’s only response was a wink as he gestured for the two of them to go with a tilt of his head at Lucas. Tease.

  Tingling with a hint of arousal, Violet sighed as she hung the last of her clothing on one of the bars in her closet. Her men had seen the way she’d set up her living spaces in her much smaller home and had appreciated that she’d portioned it sensibly, using the smaller second bedroom as a combination closet and sitting room. When asked about it, she’d explained she already had an office at the Emporium and didn’t need another one at home, so she’d appropriated the extra room for a closet instead. Rolling racks had served for hanging bars, and she’d enjoyed more closet space than the tiny nook in her bedroom allowed for.

  They’d especially liked the fancy bench she’d placed in the center of the closet. Heavy and ornate, it served beautifully as a place to sit while putting on hosiery or footwear, but her kinky men had immediately complimented its potential as a “pervertable.” They’d explained that the heavy leather padding, and the size and structure of the bench, had other, sexier uses. Ever since, her mind had been flickering with all kinds of kinky images.

  She lost herself in the organization process, letting her inner neat freak have free rein. A pleased sigh left her lips as she finally stopped to survey the results. Josh and Lucas had volunteered the spare bedroom off of the master bedroom for her use, and they’d recently cut out and finished a new doorway for her so she could access her closet without leaving the bedroom.

  Men’s voices echoed from the front yard, and she smiled when Josh and Lucas walked in with the bench between them. They picked up the boxes and bags she’d emptied, and Josh gave her a sideways grin.

  “That was the last of it. How would you like a soak in our tub?”

  She giggle-snorted and said, “Twist my arm, why don’t you?”

  Sipping a big glass of iced tea while luxuriating in a tepid bath did a lot to help her recover from the August heat. She floated in their big tub while listening as they rearranged their house, making room for her few pieces of furniture and her household goods, smirking when she heard Lucas say, “Don’t worry about it because she’s probably gonna have us move it all around anyway.”

  Yup, they knew her well, and she was getting to know more about them, too, Important things, like that Josh was a morning-sex kind of guy while Lucas liked to cuddle with her in his lap in the evening. They’d declared her possibly un-American when she’d told them she hated football but loved rugby. Then they’d discovered why. Damned Delilah.

  Her future sister-in-law had come over to help her pack a couple of weekends before and had thanked Violet for telling her about the New Zealand All Blacks pre-game haka, a Maori war dance they usually performed before their games.

  Delilah had told her she’d been sucked into YouTube, binge-watching the rugby team perform the haka and understood now why Violet loved rugby so much, besides the more revealing uniforms. She was regaling Violet with rugby ménage fantasies when she suddenly stopped in mid-sentence. Violet had no idea Delilah could turn that particular shade of red until she looked up and saw her big brothers standing in the doorway growling.

  Never mind that she loved the sport, and New Zealand’s winningest team. Now her men teased her for being an All Blacks groupie—and for corrupting their sister. She splashed the water as she giggled. Jerks.

  The water was positively cold by the time she emerged from the bath, which had provided relief from the summer heat after moving and unpacking all day. With the night finally cooling off, she felt wonderfully refreshed when they enticed her, dressed only in her bathrobe, out onto their screened porch, where they’d set three places complete with candles and soft music.

  “You’ve been busy while I was in the tub.”

  Lucas winked suggestively as he pulled her chair out for her and said, “It’s a special night.”

  Sitting out in the twilight, they enjoyed their meal as they listened to the crickets chirp. Violet felt decadent, sitting with her feet propped in Josh’s lap. The wine was smooth on her tongue and loosened her inhibitions as he rubbed her feet, lulling her into a peaceful place between arousal and lassitude.

  “I love you both,” she whispered after sipping from her glass again. She closed her eyes and felt the soft pulse of desire shimmering through her body and centering in her pussy. A chair shifted, and she smiled when Luc
as’s hands gathered her hair into a bundle and his warm breath puffed on her shoulders as he drew her robe open. With the landscaping shielding a portion of the screened porch, it was unlikely any of their neighbors could see in, and Violet didn’t worry. She trusted them.

  “So beautiful in the candlelight, baby,” Lucas murmured before kissing the little hollow above her collarbone. She let her head fall back to rest in his palm and opened for him when he laid his lips on hers, relaxed and letting him have control.

  Not even the slight tugging at the sash of her robe motivated her to raise her head. She moaned into Lucas’s warm mouth when Josh’s lips and tongue latched onto one of her nipples as he pushed the robe from her shoulders, revealing all of her to them, and kneeling between her legs. Her cunt grew wet and hot, swelling with the yearning to be filled and fucked by them both. If she’d ever wondered how she’d keep up with two sexy men, she wondered no more. She wanted them both, no question about it.

  Josh’s breathing grew quick and raspy as his mouth and tongue switched to the other breast and drew from her until she wrapped her legs around his shoulders and moaned, hoping he’d either head south fast or fuck her right then and there.

  Fingers roughened by hard work slid down her torso, creating eddies of shivers and shudders, until they reached their destination and parted her lips, dipping into her slick, hot juices and setting her trembling as her arousal grew to an even greater pitch. Clenching on the teasing fingers didn’t help, and the trembling grew harder as they stroked her clit. She swallowed against a parched throat and realized she was panting and her hands were clenching on Lucas’s shirt and in Josh’s hair.

  “Oh, fuck me,” she said with a whimper. “Please, please, please.”

  “Not yet, baby girl,” Josh whispered as he laid a trail of wet kisses on her abdomen. “Let’s see how quietly you can come, hmm?”

  Violet moaned and clenched her hands. “I can’t. You’ve got me too hot. Take me inside. I need you to fuck me.”

  “And we will,” Lucas said with a hint of amusement before kissing her again.

  Josh’s palms on her inner thighs, parting her for their pleasure, nearly did her in, exposing all of her to him in the flickering candlelight.

  “Damn, you are so gorgeous,” he murmured as he stroked her outer lips, making her arch her back as if she no longer had control of her own body.

  She could only imagine how hot they must look, rivaling what she pictured while reading romance novels, only this time she was the apex of their little world. Her heart throbbed at feeling so cherished and desired.

  Josh wrapped his big, callused hands around her thighs, holding her open, and his hot breath made her muscles contract a second before his hot lips and tongue made contact with her pussy and he latched onto her clit, luxuriating as he licked and sucked at her sensitive flesh.

  Her eyes flashed open, and her breathing stopped. She held tightly to Lucas as he swallowed her cry of ecstasy and the waves of pleasure seized her and wrung her anew with each spasm and every suck of his mouth on her clit. Gooseflesh was followed by a wave of heat spreading over her skin as the pulses of her orgasm faded, leaving her a panting, trembling wreck, not merely sated but hungry for more. Much more.

  With a lopsided, satisfied grin, Lucas bent to pick her up while Josh blew out the candles and held open the back door for them.

  Lucas nuzzled her as she tried to catch her breath and said, “Such a good girl. You were nice and quiet. I think you need a reward.”

  “A nice big one?” she gasped before giggling.

  “Two big ones,” Lucas quipped. “Huge.”

  “Oh, mama.”

  “But first we have a little party planned.”

  “Party? What party?”

  “For three,” Josh growled as Lucas followed him into the closet.

  “Why are we in my closet?”

  Josh chuckled and said, “We put in locks on both doors so this room can be locked from the inside. This is not only your closet and sitting room. It’s also your playroom, if you want it to be. Kneel on the bench, baby girl, and let’s get this party started.”

  On wobbling legs, she went to it, throbbing with a mix of anxiety, excitement, and sharp lust, wondering what they would do. She climbed onto the thickly padded surface lengthwise. He and Lucas shed their clothing and then Josh opened the drawer of a tall dresser they’d moved into the room. She’d presumed it contained someone’s clothing, but she gasped when she saw the lengths of bright blue rope in Josh’s hands as he turned to her.

  Lucas placed his hand on her back. “Turn, baby, so you’re facing me.”

  “I’ll lose my balance.” The bench was sufficiently wide, but she knew if they wanted her on hands and knees she’d never be able to maintain her balance if things got wild.

  “You won’t. We’ll keep you safe,” Josh said as he moved behind her and stroked her ass and then smacked it. “Spread your legs and show me your beautiful pussy.” He made a sound of approval as she arched her back, happy to do as he asked. “Blindfold her, Lucas.”

  She drew breath to ask why but moaned instead when Josh applied his palm soundly to her other ass cheek. Whatever she’d been about to say was replaced by a long moan. “Fuuuuuck meeee.”

  She was so grateful Josh and Lucas understood what she needed and were more than willing to spank her to her heart’s, and other body parts’, contentment.

  “We intend to,” Lucas said with a chuckle as he put the blindfold in place and tied the satin bindings at the back of her head, careful not to pull her hair. Soft instrumental music began to play in the background, a haunting, sensual arrangement played on stringed instruments and piano that complimented the mood perfectly.

  “Kneel up, baby girl, and lean your forehead against Lucas. Brother, help her keep her balance,” Josh whispered. After she complied he said, “Arms behind your back. Grasp your forearms.” She did as he asked and waited, breathing in deeply and slowly as he wove the rope around her forearms then created a harness for her upper arms and worked around to the front. In her head at first, she struggled against the binding, unable to relax into the snugness of the rope work, made almost anxious by the immobility. A deep breath or two would help her to ease into the constraint and then she’d try to flex her arms and feel the tug and the finality of her predicament. She was under their control.

  “Doing okay?” Lucas murmured occasionally as Josh continued working, creating a knot-work around her torso that squeezed her flesh, made her pulse with excitement, and encapsulated her in their control.

  “Mmm-hmm,” she murmured, breathing in Lucas’s unique scent, musky from the days hard work and so sexy, as she leaned her cheek against his chest, staying centered. She caught her lip between her teeth when his fingertips strayed to her nipples and caught them between his long, callused fingers, tweaking them as he cupped the lower swells.

  “Such luscious nipples, baby,” Lucas said, and she smiled at the admiration she heard in his voice, shivering as his breath wafted the fine hairs on her skin.

  Being blindfolded had heightened her other senses but, somehow, had also calmed her, seemed to slow the passage of time. She listened to the music, their breath sounds, and the soft weft and weave of the rope as Josh worked the design down to her hips, finally relaxing within the knotted confinement, giving control over, trusting them to keep her from falling. She caught her breath when the ropes were also wound between her legs, and she groaned when Josh fitted each piece carefully so it would hold her pussy lips open.

  She heard the tension vibrating in his voice as he said, “You’re very wet for us, aren’t you?”


  As he worked the tail end into the intricate rope work, she realized she had no idea how much time had elapsed. Enough that Lucas had broken into a light sheen of sweat, which she tasted with the tip of her tongue, drawing a gasp from him and then a chuckle.

  “Will you fuck me? Please? I need you,” she whispered, her body vi
brating, her nipples pulsing so hard and hot that she might come if they played with them a bit more.

  Lucas’s hands supported her as he knelt in front of her and kissed her. “We’re going to fuck you hard now, baby. If you get a cramp, or you need to stop, just say so. We’re not role-playing tonight. Stop means stop and no means no.”

  “Okay,” she said with a nod, barely able to concentrate on what he’d been saying because Josh had been playing with her clit the whole time. Evil man.

  Lucas stood and tipped her chin down. “Open, baby. I want to feel your hot little mouth on me.”

  She opened, and a loud squeak erupted from her as Josh gasped her hips and, without preamble, thrust his cock deep. “Fuck!”

  Lucas chuckled and stuffed her mouth with his cock. She latched on, and her giggle turned into a moan as Josh withdrew a bit and began a slow in-and-out motion that had her grasping him with her pussy muscles and arching her back, enticing him to fuck her a little faster. She wanted to come in the worst way.

  He released her hips and held on to the rope work around her hips and began pumping a little faster, and she moaned in approval as she sucked Lucas’s cock, which grew even harder and thicker.

  Her intonation drew a moan from Lucas as he reacted to the vibrations. “I love your hot little mouth, dimples, love every inch of you.”

  She purred against his cock in agreement, sucking him harder as he began pumping faster. She tasted his pre-cum on her tongue, earthy and wild, and hummed with pleasure, urging him to find his.

  Josh shifted his hands, and she suddenly realized why as the ropes between her legs tightened infinitesimally and her clit pulsed so hard she began begging nonverbally, crying out for him to touch her there just once and she’d shatter.

  “Like that, do you?” Josh asked as his cock shuttled in and out, pumping her, keeping her on the sharp edge of rapture. “Give it to me, baby girl,” he growled as he reached down, laid his rough fingers on her clit, and rubbed her until her world sharpened into extreme pleasure. She continued sucking but moaned harshly as the waves of agonizing pleasure pulsed through her hard enough to make her wonder if she wouldn’t blow apart.


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