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Loving Enough (The Enough Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Bloom, Nikole

  I laugh. “I know, and here I thought it was supposed to be you protecting me.”

  He smiles and motions me over to the bed before turning serious. “Are you OK, Rylee? I am so sorry for tonight. I don’t know what happened. I don’t remember anything before waking up and seeing you and then the shots. Then the next thing I know, I woke up here.”

  I wish I didn’t remember tonight.

  Sitting down on the edge of his bed, I look into his eyes and try to quell my emotions. “I’m doing fine. I’m probably still in shock from the entire mess, but a lot better now that I know you will live. You scared the shit out of me, buddy.”

  The exchange with Ruzek feels weird. We were forced together by circumstances out of our control. We found a way to be friends despite the situation, but it’s not the same type of friendship that I have with Bode or Eric. Maybe it’s the aftereffects of living through a traumatic event.

  A half smile crosses his lips before he speaks again. “I owe you my life, Rylee. If you hadn’t pulled that trigger, he might have killed us both. I don’t think I will ever be able to repay you.”

  “Ruzek, I did what I had to do. There was no way I would’ve let him kill either of us. You don’t owe me a thing. You have stood by all of us for weeks now. Hell, you are family at this point, and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to protect my family.”

  Tears form in his eyes, so I grab his hand trying to soothe him despite the raging emotions surging through my body. It is obvious that he feels like he failed, but I don’t see it that way and I want him to know that. What happened tonight was not our fault. We survived and I won’t have him feeling guilty about the way it happened.

  The dark cloud hanging over us is unfair. We need to be thankful that we came out of this with only a few minor injuries. Not wanting to allow a pity party for either of us, I steer the conversation away from the hideous night.

  “I tell you what, Ruzek, since you are now officially family I think it is about time you tell me what your first name is. You tell me that and we can call it even. What do you say?”

  I have been dying to know what his name is, and this seems like the perfect opportunity to find out. He gives me a look that says, really? Then he smiles a true smile, bringing my friend back.

  “My name is Alex, short for Alexander.”

  I shake the hand I am already holding.

  “Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Alex. Welcome to my crazy family.”

  He smiles and shakes his head in disbelief. “I am glad to be a part of it. Although I have a feeling your brother may boot me right out when he finds out about tonight.”

  I give him a wink. “Don’t worry about J. He will be fine as long as I am. Not to mention he is laid up, so he can’t hurt a fly at the moment.”

  I can tell that does not soothe Alex’s fears, but it is true nonetheless.

  He shrugs his shoulders. “I guess we will see.”

  I have no doubt that J will be upset about many things surrounding tonight. He will be upset with Ruzek - probably with Eric and me too – but, in the end, all he will care about is whether I am all right. And I am doing OK right now. I’m not great, but I am alive and so is the rest of my family. That is all that matters.

  “Well, Officer Alex Ruzek, I would say it’s time for you to get some rest. I will come by and check on you tomorrow.”

  I lean in and give him a hug before heading for the door.

  “Hey, Rylee,” he says quietly.


  “Do you know if Ryan made it?” He asks with trepidation.

  I turn back towards him. “I don’t know. Last I heard, he was in surgery. Get some sleep. I will see you tomorrow.”

  Chapter 30


  I woke up with a jolt this morning and can’t get the feeling of doom out of my system. It’s unsurprising really; I am supposed to meet my lawyers later today to get the results of the paternity test. Amanda claims the child isn’t mine, but his age and uncanny resemblance to me make that hard to believe.

  Unable to get out of my head, I grab a cup of coffee and settle in my mother’s den to watch last night’s highlights. Maybe they can distract me from the possible ramifications of today’s results. Turning the television on, I switch over to ESPN.

  The old, faux leather couch is uncomfortable and I long to be in the comfort of my home with Rylee. After today, she may not want to have anything to do with me. I don’t think she will walk away, but I also don’t know if she is ready for a family. She can be skittish and this might be just the thing to push her away.

  I don’t even know how I feel about this whole mess. On the one hand, I will be beyond pissed if I find out I have mourned a child for the past ten years who is still alive. On the other, I’m not sure I’m ready to be a father, especially to a kid who has been without one for so long. And who knows what Amanda and her family told the boy about his absentee father?

  This has been my life for the past few days. I constantly worry about the results and how they will affect me, how they will affect Rylee. I miss her like crazy and hate that she is stuck going through her mess alone. She made friends with Ruzek, which I will admit irritates me a little. It only bothers me because I know he must want more from her. I mean, what red-blooded American male wouldn’t? She is perfection.

  Trying to ignore the crazy loop in my head, I focus on the television and the breaking news scrolling past on the bottom line catches my attention:

  Breaking: Houston QB Ryan David shot at ex-fiancée’s home in Boston. Police have not yet released statement.

  Holy shit. Holy shit.

  I jump up and run to my old room to grab my phone. I have got to check on Rylee. Jesus, I hope she was not hurt. She must be freaking out and none of us are there for her. Great, just great.

  I hit her speed dial number, and it goes straight to voicemail. Her other number also goes to voicemail. Fuck. Think, Austin, think.

  Ruzek. He would have most likely been with her. If not, he probably is now. The same automated message greets me at the end of his line. This cannot be good. There is no way he would turn off his phone. She wouldn’t either. Not both of them. Something is wrong, I can feel it.

  Now panic is setting in, so I call my travel agent. She barely answers before I start barking orders.

  “Lucy, I need a flight to Boston now. I don’t care what the cost is, or if you have to rent a fleet of planes. Get me a flight. I want to be in the air as soon as possible. I'll be at the airport in twenty.”

  She takes a second to confirm my location and then tells me that she will get me the details as soon as she has them. I throw on a pair of pants and haphazardly pack my things before calling a cab.

  Waiting on my mother's front lawn, I dial Jeremy. He eventually picks up. It seems I have woken him up. He doesn’t have time to say more than hello before I start in with my interrogation.

  “Where is your sister? I can’t get a hold of her.” Panic laces my words.

  “Austin, what’s going on? Why are you freaking out? She left here yesterday with Ruzek, so she should be at home.”

  He says it so calmly that I can tell he doesn’t know what is going on. Shit, now I will be the one to tell him. If J doesn’t know, something is wrong. There is no way in hell Ry wouldn’t have called J.

  “I take it you haven’t spoken to her or seen the news this morning?”

  “No, why? What the fuck is going on, Austin?”

  I explain the situation and hear his television come on in the background. The line goes silent as I hear the newsperson relay the details of Ryan’s shooting.

  “Holy shit, Austin. What the fuck happened up there?”

  “I don’t know, that’s why I called you. I tried calling her and Ruzek. I couldn’t get through to either of them.”

  He yells for Dani before answering me. “All right, man, I’ll call Eric and have him go find her. He is close enough to get to her. Then I am getting my ass on the first
flight I can find. Call me if you hear from her.”

  “OK, I will. I’m heading to the airport. If you see her or talk to her, tell her I love her and I am on my way. Fuck, J, she has to be OK.”

  “I know. I will, man. Be safe, see you soon.”

  We hang up as I hop in the waiting yellow cab and head for home. I have to get to her. She has to be OK. This is going to be the longest day of my life.

  Chapter 31


  On the drive back to my house, Eric and I realize we can't stay there. I don't want to go to his place with Jen there, so we end up at Austin’s. Thankfully, that is also where we find Boss. He was lying by the front door when we walked up. I feel like a complete heel that I forgot to check up on my big animal last night. I got caught up in everything and forgot he was missing.

  The drive past my house was surreal. There were still a few cops there, the front door had crime scene tape across it, and there were even a few news trucks parked out front. Luckily, we made it by unnoticed. The last thing we need now is to have the press hounding us. Another plus to staying at Austin’s is the gated perimeter.

  We are now sitting here in a state of shock and disbelief as we watch the ongoing news coverage. They get a few facts right, but the rest are complete fabrications or ridiculous conjecture. It is strange to have the news relay a blow by blow account of your life. It’s like a train wreck; I know I should look away, but I can’t help watching and waiting to see if the next thing they say will be true or false.

  The news reminds me that I need to call J and Austin before they see any of this, but I don’t have the energy. It is still early and they shouldn’t be awake for at least another hour, so I head for the shower.

  “Hey, Eric? I’m going to take a quick shower and then call the boys. Make yourself at home – Austin won’t mind.”

  Standing under the hot spray, my mind replays the events of last night.

  Ryan’s face flashes in my mind over and over again as the gun goes off. I see the brutal man who tried to attack me, then the man who tried to kill me, and then the face of the man I once loved. I know I did what had to be done, but it doesn’t make it any easier to swallow. Ryan and I share a history and that makes it so much harder to comprehend why he did those things.

  My emotions get the best of me and I slide down the wall of the shower in a fit of tears. He may not live to see another day. How could Ryan do all of this?

  I don’t know if I will ever be able to walk into my house again without seeing the destruction. How do we move past this? If he lives, what will happen? If he doesn’t, what will happen? The unknowns, plus the destruction he has caused, convulse through my exhausted body and leave my mind a muddled mess.

  I am grateful Eric showed up, but I feel completely alone. I wanted all this to be over, but I never wanted it to end this way.

  I have no clue how to move forward. I still have to give my statement to the police and wait to see if they will press charges. I don’t understand how falling in love with Austin led me here. Was it falling in love that caused this to happen? Or was this destined to happen either way? I don’t know what to believe.

  The water runs cold, so I stand up on shaky legs to turn it off and get myself under control. Grabbing a towel, I wrap my hair up and reach for another when Austin's smell assaults my senses. I hold the towel to my face, breathing in his scent. This brings on a new bout of tears. I really wish he was here. I can’t believe any of this was brought on by loving him.

  Naked and alone, I fold myself into his towel and beg the higher powers to bring me relief from my broken mind.

  I take my time getting dressed. I have to borrow another pair of his sweatpants, but find one of my tank tops. It makes me laugh, as I remember this is how I ended up dressed the morning after we got together. He would be so proud of my clothing choices. I giggle to myself.

  Eric's voice rises as I walk down the stairs towards the living room. Pausing at the bottom of the staircase, I listen to his side of the conversation.

  “No, man. I don’t know. She is holding up better than I would be. She called me about three a.m. and I have been with her since. I swear to God, J - if that fucker lives, I will kill him for putting her through this.”

  I take the remaining few steps into the room before Eric notices my presence. He looks at me like he has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I don’t have a clue why he feels guilty, but who knows what else he has told my big brother?

  I walk over to him and he wraps an arm around me.

  “Hold on a sec, she is right here.”

  He pulls the phone away and looks at me.

  “Talk to your brother.” His no-nonsense tone tells me that he didn’t have an easy conversation with J.

  I pull a face and take the phone. “Hey, J.”

  “Jesus, Rylee, are you OK?”

  I take a deep breath. “Yeah, I’m hanging on. It was a rough night.”

  “I’m at the airport now, so I’ll be there soon. Why didn’t you call me, Rylee?”

  “I don’t know, J. Everything was such a mess, and I needed somebody right then, so I called Eric. It’s all so fucked up,” I squeak out the last part before the tears return.

  “All right, baby girl, it’s going to be all right. I will be there soon and Austin is on his way. I found out from him, by the way, and he is in a state of panic. Call the poor guy, please.”

  I am still sobbing into the phone when Eric comes over and puts his arm around me. I lean into his shoulder, thankful for the comfort, before answering J.

  “Sure, I’ll call him. I’m sorry I didn’t call you sooner. I was going to as soon as I got out of the shower. I just needed a minute to get my head around it all. I am glad you’re coming, but are you sure you need to be traveling?”

  “Rylee Ash, you are out of your damn mind if you think I could stay here and let you go through this by yourself. Now go try to get some sleep after calling that boyfriend of yours and I will see you in a few hours. I love you, baby girl.”

  “I love you too, J. See you soon. Be safe.”

  After hanging up with J, Eric guides me over to the couch and hands me my phone.

  “Why don’t you call Austin while I see what I can find us to eat? Is there anything you want?”

  “No. Eric, thank you for everything.”

  I hold my phone, looking at the happy picture of Austin and me. Will we ever be that happy again? The events of last night have shaken me to my core. With unsteady hands, I hit the phone icon and call Austin. He answers immediately.

  “Ry? Is that you, baby?” I can hear the fear in his voice.

  “Yeah, Aus, it’s me. I hear you are on your way home.”

  As I say the words aloud, I realize how relieved I am that he is coming. I cannot wait to fall into his arms, the one place I know I will feel safe.

  “How are you doing, Ry? Where are you? What happened?”

  My heart melts at the sincerity behind his rapid-fire questions. I can only imagine the things that have been going through his head since he saw the news report.

  “I’m OK, Aus. Eric is here with me. We’re at your house. I couldn’t go home because the place is still a crime scene. As for what happened, can we cover all of that when you get here?”

  I don’t want to go through the entire story again right now.

  “Sure, Ry, we can do whatever you want. I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear your voice. I have been scared shitless since I saw the news. I love you so much, Ry, and I am so sorry I wasn’t there.”

  “I love you too, Austin. I’m glad you weren’t here. He nearly killed Ruzek. If I hadn’t pulled the trigger, he may have killed us both.” I try desperately to contain the tears fighting to escape. I don’t want to fall apart on the phone. He doesn’t need that before his long flight home. “Ruzek has a concussion and a few stitches. It could have been much worse, Austin.”

  I can hear him take a deep breath as he considers my words. “J
esus, Rylee, I am so glad you’re OK. Listen, I’m getting on the plane now so I should be there in a few hours. I love you so much, Ry, and I can’t wait to get my arms around you.”

  “I love you too, Austin. Be safe. I cannot wait to see you.”

  Chapter 32


  For the next few hours, Eric and I sit in Austin’s living room. We are relatively quiet, absorbing the ever-changing news stories. Every channel from CNN to ESPN has picked up the story. Ryan made it through surgery, but is on life support. In an update about an hour ago, the doctors said Ryan’s prognosis is not good.

  I can’t decide how I feel about Ryan’s fate. On one hand, I am glad it is him in that hospital bed and not me or Ruzek. On the other hand, he is someone I loved once and I don’t want him to die. I am all too familiar with the pain his family is feeling; I have just lived it as I waited for Jeremy to wake up.

  The pain Ryan caused is immeasurable and will play out for some time to come, but does that mean he deserves to leave this earth? I am still searching for that answer. I don’t want his death on my conscience, but I also do not want to live through a repeat of the past few months.

  Ruzek called a few minutes ago and said, except for a headache, he is doing fine. We decided that I shouldn’t go visit him today due to the media circus outside the hospital. Instead, we agreed to meet at the police station later this afternoon when I give my formal statement.

  The thought of giving a statement terrifies me. Ruzek told me that I have nothing to worry about. He said he has already given his and Micah has as well and that Micah came clean about everything that transpired over the past few months. Even though giving my statement is merely a formality, I am not looking forward to reliving every grueling detail.

  The intercom buzzes and I wander over to the keypad to see who it is. To my relief, I hear my big brother’s voice asking me to open the gate. Once the car pulls through the iron gate, I close it and step out onto the porch to wait. J brought Dani with him, thankfully. It is still a challenge for him to get around.


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