Loving Enough (The Enough Series Book 2)

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Loving Enough (The Enough Series Book 2) Page 14

by Bloom, Nikole

  Dani pulls the big, black SUV into the circular drive and I walk out to meet them. Eric is right behind me and tugs a baseball cap over my head. Then I notice the cameras on the other side of the fence pointed in our direction. Luckily, the sheer size of the truck obscures their view. I guess they figured out where we are hiding. Faint shouts come from the gate. Thank God for the gate, is all I can think.

  Opening the passenger door, I am met with an outpouring of concern from green eyes that mirror my own. He reaches out with his one good arm and I practically fall into his lap. Just the sight of my still healing brother stirs the anger I feel toward Ryan for this entire situation.

  Jeremy holds me tight for a few minutes before Eric comes up and suggests we get everyone inside. Dani brings the wheelchair around and Eric helps J out of the truck and into the awaiting chair. I hang back, watching Eric roll his best friend into the house.

  Dani walks up beside me. She lays a gentle hand on my shoulder and gives me a tight smile.

  “Rylee, I don’t know you very well, but I want you to know that I am here if you need anything. Your brother was bordering on hysterical this morning after Austin called. I am glad you are OK; I don’t think I could pull Jeremy back from the ledge if you weren’t.”

  She gives my shoulder a squeeze and follows Eric and J into the house. Although I know this is a stressful situation for everyone, I also know she is falling for my brother. The look in her eyes when she speaks about him gives her away. She cares more about the man than her patient. I can’t help smiling - he always gets his way. Maybe something good will come from this mess after all.

  Stepping inside, I close the door and cross the room to sit next to J on the sofa. He pulls me in close and we just breathe for a minute. I think it's a feeling of relief for us both. We have never gone through a major life event without one another. We have met every major milestone, heartache, and event together.

  He breaks the silence. “Tell me you called Austin. I haven’t heard from him again, so I assume he is on his way.”

  I nod my head against his shoulder. “Yeah, I talked to him right after you. He should be here soon.”

  The room goes quiet. Unasked questions hang in the air. They want to know the details and I am trying to hide from them. Remarkably, I have held it together so far and haven’t let my emotions take flight.

  I look over to see Eric’s head bobbing back as he fights to stay awake. It is almost comical, and will hurt if he falls asleep that way.

  “Eric, why don’t you go get some rest? You’ve got to be exhausted.”

  He gives me a concerned half smile. “No, I want to stay here. I really don’t feel like facing the wrath of Jen just yet.”

  I can’t say I blame him there, but him leaving was not what I meant.

  “So don’t. There are plenty of bedrooms here and Austin won’t mind, I promise. Come on,” I say as I get up.

  I walk over to pull him up by the arm and force him to follow. I drag him down the hall to one of the bedrooms on the ground floor. There isn’t much besides a bed in the room, but it is dark and should be good for a few hours of sleep.

  After getting Eric settled in the room, I help Dani with their bags and settle them in two of the guest rooms across the hall from Eric. I sure hope Austin doesn’t mind having a house full of guests, because that is what he is getting.

  Dani decides to take a nap as well, leaving J and me alone. For a while we sit in silence, before he finally addresses the elephant in the room.

  “OK, Ry, can you tell me what happened?” His voice is laced with both concern and curiosity.

  I start from the top and go through every detail I can remember without breaking down once. I think that is a mini victory in and of itself. The biggest question J has is the same one I have: how did they get into the house? There were no signs of forced entry and they were able to sneak up on Ruzek. I hope the detectives can shed some light on that mystery this afternoon.

  I sit cross-legged on the couch, facing J as I watch him try to digest the entire story. His face twists in both shock and anger, the seemingly normal reaction to all of this. He grabs my hand and looks me straight in the eyes with an outpouring of compassion.

  “Rylee, I don’t know what to say or do for you at this point. I want you to know that I am damn proud of you. It took some serious courage to handle the situation the way you did. I will be here as long as you need me, so tell me what you need and I will make sure it’s taken care of.”

  J’s heartfelt statement brings tears to my eyes and I wonder why he would be proud. I only did what I had to do to survive. I am certainly not proud of the fact that I may have killed a man, but I guess in a way I am proud I could ensure that Ruzek and I walked out of there alive. I ponder his words for a few more seconds, trying to decide what I need. I don’t know.

  “Thanks, J. I have no idea where to go from here, but I will let you know when I do. I’m glad you’re here.”

  I have no idea how I will eventually cope with everything, but the one thing I do know is that I’m not alone. That knowledge will get me through for now.

  Chapter 33


  It is two o’clock, an hour before I need to be at the police station. I have been up for the most part of forty-eight hours. Exhaustion has taken over, and I am overwhelmed at the thought of giving my statement. Ruzek left the hospital and promised he would be there with me the entire time. I am praying Austin will make it so I don’t have to go alone. Eric is still asleep and making J go through the hassles of travel doesn’t seem worth it.

  Knowing I cannot go out in public in Austin’s sweatpants and a tank top, I am now sorting through the few clothes I have over here in hopes I can put something decent together. Given my lack of choices, I settle on a pair of jeans and a black top with lace edges. With my black boots and jacket, I call it an outfit.

  The only makeup I have is the mascara and powder I keep in my purse, so that goes on quickly. My hair is a mess, but without another wash and full dry there isn’t much I can do. I throw it up in a high ponytail and hope for the best.

  As I make my way back downstairs, the front door bursts open and the best thing I have seen in days comes barreling in. Austin looks frazzled and travel weary, but undeniably beautiful. I want to run and jump into his arms. Instead, I stand here admiring the view. His bags land in a pile by the door before he looks up and our eyes meet.

  There are so many things said in the look between us and, without thought, my feet start towards him. He meets me halfway up the stairs and hauls me into the biggest hug of my life. If I weren’t standing a step above him, my feet would be off the floor.

  He holds me so tight that it is hard to breathe and I can feel his body shudder. With my arms wrapped around his neck, I bury my face and find myself feeling grounded for the first time in what seems like days.

  When he loosens his grip, I pull my head back to meet his beautiful blue eyes. Tears form in the corners as he studies me and my heart twists. It isn’t fair that Ryan had the power to hurt each of us. My arms come up and I place my hands on his face to stroke the tears away.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” I say with a soft smile.

  “Hi yourself, beautiful.”

  He seems cautious and I cannot figure out why until he says, “Ry, I really want to kiss you right now. Is it OK if I kiss you?”

  The confusion must show on my face. “Of course you can, Aus. Why would you ask that?”

  Instead of giving an answer, he pulls me into a kiss. Emotion pours from him. I fall into him, longing to lose myself in him for days, before he pulls away.

  With his forehead against mine, he answers my earlier question. “I don’t know what happened to you, Ry, and I want to make sure you are OK. I don’t know what he did and I don’t want to hurt you. I just… I just…”

  His words trail off as he takes a deep breath and pulls me tight against him. He kisses my neck.

  “I just… fuck, Ry, I just want you
to be OK. Are you OK?”

  For the first time today, I feel a real smile come to my face so I force him to look at me.

  “Yeah, Aus, I’m OK. Physically I am perfect and mentally I am coping. More than anything, though, I’m happy you’re here. I missed you, baby.”

  “I missed you too, Ry. I love you.”

  I hadn’t realized how much I missed him until this moment. In the past I always relied on J when things went awry. While it helped to settle me when J got here, Austin’s presence makes me feel like I can handle all of this. He makes me stronger. With Austin by my side, I know I will make it through this afternoon and that I’ll find the strength to handle anything else that comes our way.

  From the room below, J clears his throat. “All right you two, every time I’m with you I find you making out. Can't I get a break here? Shit, I’m still injured you know,” he deadpans before we all break out in laughter.

  In an effort to further irritate my big brother, I pull Austin into one more deep kiss before walking the rest of the way down the stairs with him in tow. J just shakes his head and smirks at me. He knows exactly what I was doing.

  After the silent exchange with J, I turn to Austin.

  “So I have to head down to the police station to give my formal statement. Ruzek is meeting me there.”

  “OK. I want to go with you, if that’s all right?” he asks.

  Then Jeremy pipes up. “I’m coming too.”

  I look at my big brother, who can’t walk yet, and consider my options. I know he feels like he needs to be there, but with the media circus surrounding us I think it would be easier to get in and out quickly if he stayed put.

  “J, you don’t need to go. I will take Austin with me and Ruzek will be there. You stay here and take it easy,” I say, hoping he will understand.

  “Are you sure, Ry? I told you I am here for whatever you need.”

  I can tell by the look on his face that he knows why I am asking him to stay. Ordinarily he would fight me and win. However, in this particular situation he knows there isn’t much he can do.

  “I’m sure, J. We should be in and out of there fairly quickly from what Ruzek said. He also said there is a growing media presence because the police update is scheduled for late this afternoon.”

  Austin then chimes in. “I think she is right, J. The quicker we can get her in and out, the better. I had several microphones shoved in my face as I came through my front gate. The vultures are thick out there.”

  J nods his head in understanding. “All right, but call me if you need anything and let me know how it goes.”

  I walk over and hug my big brother. “I will, and we will be back before you know it.”

  Chapter 34


  I text Ruzek to let him know we are on our way. He calls back to tell me we should park in the back and to let him know when we get there so he can have us escorted in. Apparently there is quite the frenzy of activity going on outside the station now that Ryan’s family has released a statement.

  After hanging up with Ruzek, I do a quick Google search to find the statement.

  “Holy shit, the nerve of those fucking people.”

  I don’t realize I’d spoken out loud until Austin asks me what I am reading.

  “Well, I am reading the biggest load of horseshit ever printed. Also known as the statement Ryan’s family just released.”

  Austin spares me a quick glance as we drive down the highway. “So what does it say?”

  I begin to read aloud. “Our son, Ryan, was brutally attacked last night by a woman who broke his heart years ago. Ryan always hoped that one day he and Rylee would reconcile their differences. Now he is left to fight for his life, all because he fell in love with the wrong girl. We will cooperate fully with law enforcement and hope to see our son’s attacker punished to the fullest extent of the law. Please pray for him in this his hour of need. We love you, Ryan, and we will be fighting right beside you.”

  My hands are shaking and my confidence is waning. “How can they get away with releasing this? None of it is true.”

  Austin’s knuckles go white around the steering wheel and anger masks his gorgeous features. I can see the tick in his jaw and the vein pulsing in his neck, but he answers me calmly.

  “Ry, we are just going to have to ignore it. The truth will come out. Once the police release the facts, they will look like fools. No matter what, Ry, I am with you. We will get through this, I promise.”

  I take a deep breath, hoping to calm the storm brewing within me. I knew the aftermath would be ugly, but I certainly did not see this coming. I cannot believe they could fabricate a story like that. These are people I once considered family.

  “You’re right, Austin, but it’s hard. It’s not like I wanted any of this to happen.”

  Without a word, he reaches over and takes my hand. Anger is still pulsing through him, but his gentle touch calms my nerves somewhat.

  As we make our way around the police station to the back, it becomes clear that Ruzek was not exaggerating. There is a horde of reporters jockeying for position near the podium where the detectives will speak.

  Ruzek and two other officers meet us at the car. I slowly step out and walk straight up to Ruzek.

  “How ya doing, Alex?” I ask jokingly before enveloping him in a hug.

  “I am doing pretty well. How are you holding up? You look tired,” he says as he timidly hugs me back. No doubt he’s concerned about Austin’s reaction.

  As I release the embrace, Austin comes to take my hand and we hurry toward the back entrance of the station.

  “I am tired, but sleep seems to be my enemy,” I confide in Ruzek. “I cannot stop the images from flooding me, so I avoid it.”

  One officer holds the door open as we make our way inside. Austin garners plenty of attention, but thankfully everyone leaves us alone. That could be due to the deadly serious look on Ruzek’s face.

  He leads us through the main office area and down a narrow hallway before settling us in an interrogation room. They really look like the ones on television. There is a metal table bolted to the floor and a couple of chairs. Other than that, the walls are a dingy white and completely unremarkable. If they added the single lightbulb hanging over the table, it would be exactly like it is on television. I never thought I would find myself in this situation.

  Austin and I take a seat on one side of the table and Ruzek sits at one end before explaining what is to take place.

  “I cannot be the one to question you because I was involved. I am only here as a friend, but Detective Wilde and Detective Kim are two of the best and I trust them completely. Remember, Rylee, you have nothing to hide. Tell them exactly what happened and we will be out of here in no time.”

  I don’t know why, but I am incredibly nervous. My palms are sweating and I cannot stop my leg from bouncing up and down beneath the table. Austin takes notice of my nervous state and runs a hand up and down my back before leaning in to whisper in my ear.

  “I love you, Rylee. Let’s just get this over with so we can get on with the rest of our lives. At least we know that cannot be taken from us. We are free to be us now. Hold on to that. You have already proven how tough you are, so this should be a piece of cake. You’re my world, Ry.”

  His sweet words calm my nerves and melt my heart. He is right: we are free to be us. It may not be easy for a little while, but the threats are gone.

  “Thank you, Aus. I love you too. Now let’s get this over with and get on with life.”

  Chapter 35


  Rylee is a fidgeting mess as we sit here in the stark confines of the interrogation room. I wish I had the chance to hear her story before she is forced to lay it all out in front of the detectives. The looks passing between her and Ruzek upset my confidence. I am aware he knows the details of the night in question. Something about the fact that he was there with her unsettles me. I should have been with her, not him.

  I am st
roking her back, trying to instill every bit of confidence I can give her. I am going into this blind. The extent of my knowledge is that she shot Ryan to save Ruzek. To make matters worse, I can feel my cell phone vibrating incessantly in my pocket. I know the calls, texts, and messages are regarding the meeting I skipped to be with Ry today. Nothing in the world could drag me away from her right now.

  I am a man split in two. The results waiting for me on the buzzing device will not be a surprise. The child is mine. He has my eyes, my smile, and, from the looks of him, my height. I informed my lawyer that I would have to miss the hearing. He protested, but I was unwilling to listen. Rylee needs me and there is no way I could've stayed and been able to live with myself. Although I have a feeling she will be pissed when she finds out. Family is everything to her and I have just run from my own flesh and blood.

  The door opens, revealing a tall, slender detective in plain clothes. She introduces herself as Detective Wilde. She is a pretty woman in that plain, neighborly way. She takes notice of me, as most women do, and smiles a little brighter when she shakes my hand. It pisses me off.

  A few moments later, a short stubby man comes through the open door. He slumps down into a chair before announcing, “I am Detective Kim. Let’s get this over with, shall we?”

  His nonchalant attitude pushes every button I have. I want to tell the man to sit up straight and take the plight of my girlfriend seriously. He opens a folder and peruses his notes before addressing Ruzek, not once making eye contact with Rylee or myself. I don’t like him.

  “Are you sure you should be a part of this, detective? It looks to me like you would be considered an interested party.”

  Anger flashes across Ruzek’s face and his hands tighten into fists, much the way mine did when this guy walked into the room.

  “I am only here for Rylee. If it is a problem, I can leave.”

  Ruzek leans over towards Rylee and she meets him at the corner of the table. He is whispering something to her and she eventually rights herself in her chair, albeit with tears in her eyes. What the hell would he say to her to make her cry? And why would he make her cry at a time like this? What the fuck is wrong with these people? Am I the only one who gives a shit about her?


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