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The Thief of Dunmire and the Tear of Astra (The League of Sinister Means Book 1)

Page 9

by H. K. MacTavish

  “Do…do you and your husband need money?” I ask.

  “Oh. Well, being peasants we could always use more money, but stealing what isn’t mine? No. I’ll earn honest money,” Jennifer says.

  And that is why you will always be a poor, peasant Jennifer.

  “I understand completely. It’s why I’m here,” I say.

  “And, no husband?”

  Gah! Men! Ick!

  “I haven’t met the right one yet,” I say.

  And I never will.

  “You will. You are young and pretty,” Jennifer says.

  “I have time. I like seeing the world. Getting married and raising kids…I have to sit still for that.”

  “Yes,” Jennifer says, as if she came to some realization. “You would, wouldn’t you? I do sometimes wish I was like you, able to wander through the world, one job at a time. It’s dangerous out there.”

  “It’s dangerous everywhere,” I say. “You could be robbed here in the keep, stabbed out in the streets, burned in your home if it catches fire. Anyone here could die soon, through no one’s fault.”

  “Getting stabbed would be someone’s fault.”

  “Well, yes, but you would still be dead,” I say.

  “True,” Jennifer says.

  She doesn’t talk like the other peasant women. Was she raised in a castle? Her mom was a lady in waiting at one time or her father worked in the stables for a lord I bet.

  “Do you think Melinda will be here tomorrow?”

  “I’m sure of it,” Jennifer says. “Then we’ll see the ceremony. Are you staying for the ceremony?”

  “I would like to see it,” I say.

  “But…you may leave early?”

  Tug on those heart strings Mary!

  “Well…as much as I do like going around the countryside and seeing what’s out there, my mother needs me,” I say.


  “That’s why I’m here. I’ve already got a wagon in the stables outside of town,” I say. This doesn’t seem to be new information to her. Did I mention this earlier?

  “So you are going to load up the wagon with…goods?”

  “Goods to sell in Riverdale. And give to my mom. My father died a while ago so she’s all alone.”

  “I see,” Jennifer says. “Well, I do hope you can manage to stay long enough to see the ceremony. There are always corners and doorways you can sneak a peek in through.”

  “You’ll have to show me,” I say.

  We continue to talk for a bit until we get tired and then we both retire for the evening.

  Checking for Traps

  I am awake before Veronica can wake me up. It gives me time to prepare myself for the day ahead of me. I sneak down to grab a bite to eat and sneak back up before Veronica has finished applying her makeup. Not more than five minutes pass and I hear the clacking of Veronica’s heels.

  “So, you are an early riser,” she says. How long does it take to plaster her face with all that makeup and perfume? I can smell her from ten feet away. It’s a pleasant smell, but, wow, is it powerful.

  “I don’t like wasting my life away sleeping,” I say.

  “Good. Neither do I,” Veronica says. “Now, come with me.”

  “Yes my lady,” I say.

  “You can have breakfast in a little bit. First, a bit of work,” Veronica says.

  And that’s why I already ate.

  I am curious as to where we are going. She takes me up to the fourth floor. It is just the two of us and I can’t help but feel that there should be someone else with us like servants or another hero perhaps. The guards just nod to her and give me an eye filled with accusations and warnings. I feel as if I am walking to the gallows. I feel I should blame Bernice in some way.

  No. I haven’t done anything. Even if Bernice betrayed me, which I expect was his reason for being in the keep last night, the heroes won’t do anything to me until I’ve committed a crime. Working as a servant is not a crime. And, as heroes, they won’t torture me to get a confession. They can glare all they want.

  “There have been rumors of thieves coming to break into this keep,” Veronica says.

  Is she sharing this with me to accuse me or because she trusts me?

  “With so much wealth, is that odd?” I ask.

  “Not at all,” Veronica says. “On the contrary, it is the source that is reliable.”


  “What source?”

  “None of your business,” Veronica says as we pass the room Blaise was in earlier. We turn to the right and there, in front of us, is the door to the vault. The guards salute her and Veronica asks for a key.

  The door is a beauty. All steel, I can tell that now that I am so close. It has a single lock for a single key. The guards each have a copy. This door is trapped with something. I can see the ports along the side of the door and…yup, there are some more above the door as well. Total coverage. And above me now? More little port holes. If you try and pick it, it sprays something out. It could be acid but I bet it is something else in there. I bet it is Thief Tar. Nasty stuff. You can’t move because it solidifies quickly over you turning you into a sticky statue. Anyone that touches you is stuck to you so you can catch a couple of thieves easily when one tries to help the other. I’ve never gotten caught in Thief Tar. And I don’t intend starting.

  Looking about I don’t see any magical runes on the outside. They’re relying on the trap to catch the thieves. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some runes on the inside.

  Veronica turns the key and the door opens!

  “Come in,” she says to me.

  It’s a dream. This is all a dream. Pinch me! Someone!

  I float in, wide eyed as I look around an empty room.

  I knew it was empty but I still felt it could have had something in it; just a little something, like a crown, or necklace maybe? Ah well.

  “Here is where the crown jewels will be stored,” Veronica says, pointing to a large stone pedestal about waist height. Veronica places a hand on the counter, her fingers brushing past a rune.

  And she doesn’t set it off? That is interesting. Must be an alarm rune.

  “Where are they now?” I ask. Sometimes it pays to ask stupid questions. Don’t want everyone to think you’re bright and competent.

  “With King Stavros,” Veronica says. She walks about the room and I follow her. No runes on the floor.

  The room is small enough, a few wooden shelves and stone counters along the walls to hold a variety of items. Currently it is empty but I can tell from the dust that there were items here not too long ago. The king isn’t moving all of the crown jewels, is he? He should just be bringing what is needed for the ceremony where his son and Princess Melinda are engaged. Which, I shouldn’t have to say, is way more wealth than most people will see in their lives.

  “Why show me the room?” I ask.

  Veronica turns an eye towards me.

  “The wealth that will reside in here is unimaginable. I want you to sweep this place up. It is dusty, and unfitting for the royal jewels that will be residing here,” Veronica says.

  “Are…are there any traps I will set off?” I ask.

  Veronica smiles.

  “You are a quick one, aren’t you? Yes. There are a few traps in here but they aren’t any that you should have to worry about,” Veronica says.

  “So, no acid or fire or anything like that?” I ask.

  “No. We are not villains here,” Veronica says walking up to me. “The guards outside know your face,” Damn it! “and will let you come and go to clean. Get supplies from downstairs and return. And do not dawdle. The king is set to arrive by noon.”

  “Yes my lady,” I say with a bow.

  “And, I will know if you dawdle,” she says.

  Yup, alarm traps. Damn. They must send her….something. Something glows or hums…her earrings. I bet they hum into her ear whenever someone touches one of the runes. It doesn’t mean she cast the runes, but it i
s likely. So, Veronica Hornsbach is a runecarver, is she? That would make stealing from her, difficult.

  “Good. You had better get going,” Veronica says.

  “Yes my lady,” I say, bowing once more. She gives me a smile that demonstrates how superior she is to me, arrogant woman that she is, and walks on past, her heels clicking loudly against the floor with every step.

  “I will hold onto this,” Veronica says to a soldier at the entrance to the vault.

  “Yes my lady,” the guard says.

  This seems pre-arranged. Oh well. I can’t refuse an order from one of the heroes if I want to keep my job here.

  “She is to sweep up the room,” Veronica says.

  “Yes my lady,” the guard says once more.

  Veronica turns to me as I wait behind her.

  “Well. Go on!” she says.

  “Yes my lady,” I say, hurrying past her. I slow down once I am around the corner but still walking at a good pace.

  Getting into the vault was easier than I thought. Too easy. This has to be a trap. Veronica saw me sleeping near her room and now she has a key. Is it so I can see that my way to get back into the vault is so close? She is tempting me. It’s so obvious. Well, the windows are still my best way to get in. And I’ll have to be careful about those alarms in the room. Or…I have an idea. You’re little plan will backfire in your stuck up face Veronica.

  Giving a servant access to the vault? I mean, on one hand it makes sense. Who would clean up the vault they have on the fourth floor? Someone has to and it certainly isn’t going to be a hero in there with a rag and bucket. Guards aren’t going to belittle themselves either. So why not pick a servant that you suspect as being the Thief of Dunmire. But, are her suspicions due to Bernice’s description or the fact that I am not from around Hammerheim? If she just wanted a servant to clean the room one of her servants or a squire to Prince Blaise would have been a safer option. Princes have squires, right?

  Well, I should make the most of it. There was a smaller closet on the second floor where I should be able to find some rags, a bucket, and a broom. Where should fill the bucket with water? I bet there is access to water in the basement. Keeps are built to withstand a siege so most are built with access to water.

  I open the little closest while being pushed by some servants on their way to clean the beds and chamber pots. Some nobles and heroes are up and walking about but most are sleeping in. I see Prince Blaise coming out of his sister’s room. I hope he didn’t spend the night there. Bridget is a grown woman.

  Well, it’s not my concern what heroes do in their spare time. I am here for wealth. I take a broom, a bucket, a couple of rags, and I make my way to the basement to…oh no!

  A young woman approaches from down the hall. I see her looking at Bridget and Bridget is looking at her. They both have fuck me eyes for one another. Damn it! I clear my throat and stand out in the open to get the young woman’s attention. She doesn’t even see me.

  “Hi,” she says to Bridget.

  “Hi,” Bridget says back.

  They are visually screwing one another right now. This has to stop.

  “How did you sleep?” she asks as I walk up to her.

  “Not well. I was feeling off all night. I think I need a delicate touch to figure out what’s wrong,” Bridget says stepping closer to the young woman.


  “I was the same last night. Perhaps we could probe one another to dig into what’s wrong.”

  Gah! I’m going to be sick. Is that how you really talk to someone you’re interested in? Really?

  “There you are,” I say loudly.

  “You must be mistaking me for someone else,” she says to me. I can see she’s upset to see me. Well, be prepared to really hate me when I tit block you!

  “I just saw Lady Winters down the hall and didn’t want you to get into trouble. Don’t you have to be cleaning sheets…” I say, louder than I should.

  “I have sheets that need to be cleaned,” Bridget says.

  “I bet you do,” the young woman says to Bridget.

  Absolutely not! We have work to do damn it.

  “Be careful or Lady Winters will find you!” I say loudly. Lady Winters just hears her name, finally. I see her turning around and I walk away.

  “You there!” Lady Winters says to the young woman.

  “Me?” she says. She is great at playing the innocent victim.

  “Lady Winters she…” Bridget begins to say.

  “I’m sorry Princess Bridget. We’ll have someone come by to clean your sheets,” Lady Winters says.

  “But I…” the young woman says.

  “Go over and help her with the bedding,” Lady Winters orders, pointing to another servant.

  “She can clean my sheets,” Bridget says.

  No way is she cleaning your sheets or…or anything else!

  “Don’t worry. By the time you finish eating your bedding will be all clean,” Lady Winters says. The young woman just stares at me. Oh, she is pissed at me. She would hit me if she thought she could get away with it. Yeah, call me a bitch if you want. It’s for your own good.

  “Bridget,” Blaise says.

  “Yes?” Bridget asks turning to Blaise.

  “Come on. You’ll feel better with some breakfast in you,” Blaise says. Bridget looks to the young woman walking away and then to Blaise. Yeah, she had something else on the menu but that young woman is off limits to you, hero. Go on. Go with your brother.

  She starts walking, slowly. Blaise probably thinks it is because she is sick and not annoyed and sullen. That’s it hero. Go on to your breakfast.

  My hands are too full. I should have left the broom for later but, well, too late now. Being awkward allows me to pick a few pockets. I need the practice and some of these people look like they have entirely too much in their pockets. I put what I gather in the bucket since most people wouldn’t look there and I can always feign ignorance later. What? There was coin in the bucket. Flutter my eyes and pout my lips. I didn’t know. Honest!


  No one is at the well in the basement. Some of the kitchen staff are already working hard on breakfast and even lunch. All so that the heroes so they can shove their faces with the best that the world has to offer. I look over at the tables and see some cream pies, cherry pies, sausages, buns, melons, some jars of milk and bowls of cream, some cookies packed with fudge and nuts, fresh peaches, stuffing…all this is making me hungry. I would love to gobble up some sausages right about now.

  Don’t get ahead of yourself Corvina. Get the water and get up to that vault; a vault securing dust bunnies and nothing else at the moment. Veronica expects you to be polishing her shelves soon.

  I quickly fill my bucket and turn and start to head back upstairs, nicking a couple pieces of cheese and chunks of meat that are being set aside for breakfast.

  I climb the steps and at the second floor I bump into Lady Winters.

  “Oh! My lady,” I say, trying to flatter her as I step aside.

  “Oh, I beg your pardon. Wait,” she says as I hurry up to the third floor.


  “Where are you going?”

  “To the fourth floor,” I say.

  “No, no, no. There is work to be done here,” Lady Winters says.

  “But, Lady Veronica…”

  “Oh. You’re the one that Lady Veronica chose?” Winters asked.

  That doesn’t sound accusatory at all.

  “Yes,” I say. She looks around and then back to me.

  “Well. Go on! Shoo! Don’t keep Lady Hornsbach waiting!”

  “Yes my lady,” I say. As I turn the corner, running up the steps I could have sworn I saw old Lady Winters check her pockets for something.

  I reach the fourth floor and I have eyes on me. I smile but the guards are not cordial to me in return.

  I’m not an idiot. I know this has to be a trap now. But what if it isn’t? I mean, it probably is, but if it’s not am I go
ing to lose all that wealth that will be residing inside the vault? No, no I am not. So I am not going to get caught now.

  But if it is a trap and I try something now, I am screwed. A dungeon for the rest of my life. Until I break out. So, more like staying in the dungeon for a couple of days.

  I just have to be careful. They are expecting me to steal, something. But there isn’t anything in the vault to….

  Oh my! Where did you come from?

  There is a golden crown with a ruby set in the center. It is a pretty little thing. I would love to get my fingers all over you.

  I set down the bucket and begin to sweep. Please, are heroes this stupid? Like I am going to just take that crown. It is nice, but it isn’t something the king would wear. It has to be something that was just lying around. Maybe one of the heroes brought it in.

  As I sweep near the door I can see the guards looking at me. When I turn my back to sweep away from the door I can hear the metal of his armor shift as he bends his head in to look and see if the crown is still there.

  It is. You can stop looking.

  I wipe down the counters next. First with a dry rag then I wash the counters down. As I drag the rag across the counters I can see the glow of the little runes. They are so small they would fit on my fingernails. But they glow a little bit and are obvious if you know what you’re looking for.

  Nothing is triggering on me as I wipe down all the surfaces over and over. If the runes did anything, aggressive, I would be covered in whatever they would have spewed forth. But I am just covered in dust and sweat.

  God, I hate working.

  I won’t have to work for much longer. The easy life is coming for me; money, happiness, and the comeuppance of these heroes. I just have to keep that image in my head to keep me going at times like this. To have the Tear of Astra and the crown jewels swiped from their careful grip, it would be humiliating. And all while setting a trap for me that I won’t spring.

  Before I move on to the rest of the room I make sure I keep cleaning the same spot with the rune on it over and over. I bet your ears are ringing now Veronica!

  Of course, if I am watched, I will have to be even more careful. Unless they are fishing. Then this little test will be passed and they will start to suspect someone else.


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