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Mr. September: A Single Parent Romance (Calendar Boys Book 9)

Page 7

by Nicole S. Goodin

  If Morgan didn’t look so good wearing that dress she’s got on, I might not have had such a hard time keeping my hands off her, and we probably would have got here with time to spare.

  But no. She had to walk out looking like that, the black dress hugging her in all the right places, and her wavy blonde hair falling down her back. She looks like an angel. A sexy fucking angel.

  “Of course, I remember.” Olivia gives a look that says, ‘are you stupid or something?’, before turning her attention to Morgan. “You look hot.”

  I breathe in deeply through my nose. I was expecting inappropriate comments from Adam, not my sister. “Olivia.”

  Apparently, sisters never stop being a total pain in the ass.

  Morgan giggles. “Um, thanks… so do you.”

  Olivia pops a brow and glares at me. “Are you suggesting she doesn’t look hot?”

  I shake my head at her, a smile doing its best to lift my lips. “She looks hot as fuck, now stop being so awkward.”

  I glance at Morgan, and she’s chewing on her bottom lip again, her eyes meeting mine. It doesn’t help the situation in the least.

  I try not to groan.

  “I’m Adam,” Adam says as he gets to his feet. He holds his hand out and Morgan takes it, shaking it.

  “Morgan,” she replies.

  I pull out a chair and gesture for Morgan to sit down.

  Adam sits too, and I watch as his gaze darts from me to Morgan and then back again.

  Morgan didn’t come into the changing rooms with me and the boys last night, so this is the first time the two of them have met.

  “I met your son last night, right?” Adam questions.

  “Ethan, yeah.” She nods. “Thanks for being so good to him and his friend. I don’t think you know how pumped they are that you’re coming to a practice.”

  “I am kind of a big deal.” He smirks, his arrogance fake – this time at least.

  “Yeah, yeah, you’re a real superstar,” Oliva says sarcastically as she lifts her coffee to her mouth. “We’re all so fortunate to be in your presence.”

  Olivia and Adam have a love-hate relationship. They love nothing more than pissing the other off. It’s almost the same as mine and Olivia’s relationship… maybe my sister just likes to argue with people.

  I leave them bantering back and forth as I slide my arm around Morgan’s chair. “You want a coffee, Morgs?”

  “I’d kill for one,” she replies softly, glancing up at me.

  “I’m not sure where you normally get your caffeine fix, but I think you can just exchange them for money here. No murder necessary.”

  “Oh ha, ha,” she replies, rolling her eyes.

  It’s hard to think she’s older than me when she does that – it makes her seem so young.

  A waitress comes over and takes our order before disappearing out back.

  “So… Morgan…” Adam starts.

  I groan and grab Morgan’s hand on top of the table. “Prepare yourself for an interrogation,” I warn her.

  Adam scowls at me. Morgan giggles.

  “Morgan,” he starts again, “what do you do for work?”

  “I’m a real-estate agent.”

  “Cool.” He nods. “You live around here?”

  “The east side.”

  I see her scowl at me as she answers that one.

  He nods thoughtfully. “You got a thing for guys who can’t make a decent shot?”

  I chuckle and flip him off.

  He grins and leans back lazily in his seat.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Morgan replies, “he doesn’t seem to have any problems scoring when I’m around.”

  Adam’s eyes widen a fraction in surprise before he bursts out laughing. “Oh, I like you, Morgan. I’m going to have some fun with you.”

  I resist the urge to reach across the table and punch him. Morgan just grins, her eyes dancing with amusement.

  “I might have some fun with you too, hot shot.”

  Adam goes from looking smug, to looking a little concerned. I chuckle.

  If Morgan can make the ever-so-cocky Adam Burton look worried, then she’s just gone up another rung in my book.

  “Two points to the new girl,” Liv drawls.

  The girls exchange a grin, and it makes me smile too. I like the idea of them being friends – I’ve got the impression that Morgan hasn’t got a lot in the way of friends.

  “I’m just going to shoot to the bathroom,” Morgan says, rising from her seat. I stand with her, I’m not even sure why.

  “You know where it is?” I ask, stepping forward to show her.

  She smirks at me and presses her palm flat against my chest, pushing me gently. “I think I’ll manage to find it, slick.”

  “You sure you’ll be okay?” I ask again, this time teasing her.

  “I think I remember what to do.” She teases as she strolls away, leaving me standing there like an idiot, staring after the sway in her hips.

  I drop into my chair when she disappears from sight.

  “Oh man, you are so screwed.” Olivia laughs. “I knew it was bad the other night, but that look on your face assures me it’s ten times worse than I originally anticipated. You’ve got it so bad for her. I think you just met your future wife.”

  I don’t even get to answer her before Adam cuts in, putting his two cents’ worth in.

  “You know, I thought you were bullshitting me about her being a ten out of ten, but damn.” He whistles low. “She’s too pretty for a critter like you.”

  Oliva laughs as I throw a packet of sugar at my so-called best mate.

  He laughs. “But seriously though, she need glasses or something?”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Only if I get to take your girlfriend with me.”

  I flip him off. “I swear hanging out with you takes about five years off my maturity level.”

  “No argument on the ‘girlfriend’ label… interesting,” Olivia cuts in.

  I breathe in deeply. I’m getting it from all angles today.

  “Nope. Her son bet you to that one,” I reply.

  “Step-daddy Brody got the son on board.” Adam grins. “High-five.”

  “Blow me.”

  “I’ve told you, only if you ask nicely.”

  “I’m having a hard time remembering why we’re friends,” I drawl.

  He shrugs. “Beats me.”

  “All jokes aside, you look really happy when she’s around, I like seeing you happy,” Olivia says.

  I glance at her before staring at the table, maybe I do prefer the teasing after all.

  “Thanks,” I mumble.

  “Me too.” Adam raps his knuckles against the top of the table. “It’s about time you found yourself a woman.”

  I smirk at him. “That’s rich coming from you.”

  He takes a sip of his coffee and grins. “Don’t sweat it, I’ll just marry your sister one day when I’m done having my fun.”

  Olivia glares at him and I laugh loudly.

  “What’s so funny?” Morgan asks as she slides back into her chair.

  I open my mouth to tell her, but a hand landing on her shoulder stops me in my tracks.

  She twists around to see who’s touching her and all the colour drains from her face.

  “Chad?” she asks, shock colouring her tone, “what are you doing here?”

  Chad… Chad… I can’t think why I know that name, but it’s in there somewhere.

  He reaches for her and she stands in a rush. He kisses her cheek and I hate it. I really fucking hate it.

  “I was in town. I just saw you walk across the room and I couldn’t leave without saying hello.”

  He’s tall, blonde and broad-shouldered. If I was into guys, I’d call him handsome. He looks just like… Ethan. Shit. This is Ethan’s dad.

  Morgan falls back into her chair, and I can see her leg bouncing nervously.

  “Holy shit, you’re Chad Jenson, aren’t you?” Adam blurts out, g
etting to his feet with his hand already outstretched.

  I swallow deeply. Chad Jenson. Football superstar.

  This is Morgan’s loser ex?

  No wonder he doesn’t have any problem paying child support. The guy was virtually plucked straight out of high school and put on the path to become a professional athlete.

  Chad turns towards Adam and shakes his hand firmly. “You play for the Tigers, right? My son’s a big fan.”

  His eyes dart to my face as he says the words ‘my son’.

  I don’t like the possessive tone he uses. It sounds like a warning. I know in that moment that he knows who I am – suspects at least that I’m with Morgan – he must have been here watching us for longer than he’s letting on.

  “That’s me,” Adam replies.

  I hear Olivia introduce herself, but I’m barely paying attention to them, I’m more concerned about Morgan.

  “Oh my god,” I hear her whisper and my hand finds hers instinctively.

  Chad turns back towards Morgan and me, but unlike Adam, I don’t stand to meet him.

  He looks expectantly at Morgan. “Are you going to introduce me to your friend?”

  “Ah… sure… um…” Morgan stutters. I don’t know who the fuck this guy thinks he is, but I already hate him, not only for how he’s abandoned Morgan and Ethan, but for the way he’s stripped Morgan of her confidence instantly.

  It doesn’t sit well with me.

  This man intimidates her; that much is obvious. It makes my throat feel thick and my fists twitch with the need to connect with something.

  “I’m Brody Owens,” I answer for her. “Morgan’s boyfriend.”

  His brows rise, just ever so slightly as I speak.

  “Ah, the famous Coach Owens,” he replies, extending his hand to me, and it all makes sense to me then… why he’s here – he’s been talking to Ethan.

  “The one and only,” I drawl.

  I’m being rude as fuck, staring at his hand but not taking it, but frankly, I want to make him sweat.

  He glances at my hand and frowns.

  “You must be Morgan’s ex,” I add on, finally reaching for his hand.

  He chuckles arrogantly. “I’m not sure I’m reduced to being just her ex…”

  I’m pretty sure he is, but I don’t reply. I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me get angry.

  He drops my hand, and I drape my arm around Morgan’s shoulders, tugging her closer to me for comfort.

  “So, where is my boy?”

  “Ethan is at his friend’s place,” Morgan replies, her voice taking on more confidence now.

  Chad nods. “I guess I’ll catch him later.”

  “You’re not just passing through?” Morgan asks warily.

  He shakes his head and grins. It looks creepy and sly to me, but I doubt I’m being a great judge of character right now – I hate the guy already and I don’t even know him. “I’ll be around a while. Thought I should spend some time with my son.”

  Morgan huffs out a breath and mutters, “No fucking shit,” under her breath.

  I smirk.

  “Well you’ve got his cell number,” she replies.

  “I certainly do.” His eyes wander from her to me again and then he glances across the room like he’s looking for someone. “I should go, I’ll call you later?”

  “I think Ethan’s old enough to make his own plans now, Chad.”

  He shrugs, and the look of arrogance on his face makes me want to leap to my feet and remove it for him. “Maybe I’ll call you anyway.” He winks and I see red.

  Morgan squeezes my hand and I blink, relaxing a fraction.

  He begins to stroll away, but stops, glancing at the woman pressed against my side once again. “You look good, princess. I’ve missed you,” he says before turning away and striding across the room.

  I watch him until he leaves, anger radiating from me. Olivia has her mouth hanging open, and Adam is eating something I didn’t even see get delivered to our table, totally oblivious to any tension.

  “Are you okay?” I ask Morgan through clenched teeth.

  She glances up at me, eyes wide. “I’m not sure.”

  “Chad Jenson is your ex-boyfriend?” Olivia demands.

  Morgan groans. “Yeah, but when we were teenagers, he was just Chad – not some football legend.”

  “That is so cool.” Olivia swoons.

  “The guy is a total jerk, Liv, there’s nothing cool about him,” I growl. “I don’t think it’s particularly cool to never spend time with your son, or to turn up unannounced and intimidate his mother.”

  Olivia rolls her eyes. “He was just saying hello, you’re such a jealous little brat. Why don’t you just pee on her? That ought to mark your territory.”

  “Can you do it after I’m finished eating? I don’t want to get kicked out mid-meal,” Adam asks.

  I chuckle. I can’t help it. Some more of the tension leaves my body.

  I kiss Morgan’s forehead. “You want to talk about it later?”

  She nods, her mouth smiling, but her eyes still swimming with confusion.

  I don’t like any of this – she looks torn, and I don’t know what it is that’s got her feeling so conflicted.



  I wait until Brody has gone to the bathroom to pull out my phone and text Ethan. I’m fairly confident he’s been talking to his dad, but I need to know exactly what he’s said.

  This isn’t the first time Chad has shown up and tried – and usually succeeded – to scare off a boyfriend of mine. There was even one time that I was grateful for the intrusion – it saved me the hassle of an awkward break up, but I don’t think I want him anywhere near Brody, no matter how unbelievably good-looking he might be, because there’s no point in denying it – Chad has grown into a gorgeous man.

  It’s just a shame that he hasn’t got the heart to match.

  I tap out a quick message.

  To: Ethan

  From: Mum

  Did you know your dad was in town?

  He must have his phone glued to his hand because he replies so fast I almost miss it.

  To: Mum

  From: Ethan

  Yeah… sorry, Mum, I was going to tell you this morning, then Brody came in and I didn’t know if you wanted to talk about Dad in front of him.

  I glance in the direction of the bathroom, but there is still no sign of Brody.

  To: Ethan

  From: Mum

  Did you tell him about Brody?

  To: Mum

  From: Ethan

  I told him you had a new boyfriend.

  To: Ethan

  From: Mum

  Ethan! Why on earth would you tell him I was seeing someone?

  To: Mum

  From: Ethan

  I wanted him to get jealous and feel like crap.

  To: Ethan

  From: Mum

  Your father isn’t going to be jealous that I’m dating.

  To: Mum

  From: Ethan

  Really? Because he sure sounded pissed.

  I refrain from groaning.

  To: Mum

  From: Ethan

  I’m sorry, Mum, I was just mad at him for never showing up… do you think he’s going to mess everything up?

  That question saddens me so much – I wish my son didn’t have to think of his father that way, I wish he could rely on him… that he could feel secure in the knowledge that he wants what’s best for him. But that’s just not the reality of our situation.

  To: Ethan

  From: Mum

  Not this time, bud. I won’t let him. And don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault. I’ll see you later.

  “Everything okay?” Brody’s velvet voice asks.

  I glance up and feel calmer at just the sight of him. As much as I hate that he had to shake hands with Chad, and as worried as I was about him finding out the public status of Ethan’s dad – I’m glad he was here next to
me. I’m not sure what would have happened if he wasn’t.

  “I’ve told you; you have to stop asking if I’m okay,” I tease, trying to lighten the mood.

  “No deal today, Morgs,” he replies simply, his voice tight, but his eyes soft. “You ready to get out of here?” he asks.

  I nod.

  I’ve never been more ready; I’ve felt on edge ever since Chad left – part of me thinks he’s still lurking around somewhere waiting to get me alone.

  He turns to his friend and sister. “Well, it’s been… an experience… we’re out – see you guys later.”

  Adam waves, his mouth somehow still full. Olivia scowls at her brother and gives me a smile. “See you soon, Morgan.”

  “Sure will,” I reply.

  I like Olivia. She’s cool. I haven’t got many friends, but I wouldn’t mind having a friend like Olivia. She says what she thinks, and it doesn’t seem like she plays games – other than trying to make Adam mad.

  Brody’s arm comes around me and lands on my shoulders. He’s tall enough that I’m the perfect height for him to rest there comfortably.

  I love the way he can rest his chin on the top of my head.

  Chad used to be able to do that when we were young.

  I really have always had a thing for tall guys. He’s not as tall as Brody, not even close, but he’s tall enough.

  Brody walks me out of the café and glances around, looking to see that Chad isn’t out here somewhere I assume.

  He swings open the passenger door and helps me into my seat. He lingers for a moment, his eyes trained on mine before he presses a soft kiss to my lips and steps back, closing the door.

  My heart races, the same way it did when Chad kissed my cheek – but for entirely different reasons.

  Chad makes me anxious; Brody makes me excited.


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