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Hunted Love Box Set: Big Game, Bounty, Captured

Page 7

by Lowe, Aden

  She shook her head a little. "Jakob, you don't owe me any explanations."

  So why did he feel like he did? "Maybe not, but I don't want any misunderstandings here. I'm not playing with you, Kate." The truth of the words hit him like a brick wall. "I don't know what that means yet, but I do know I want something real with you."

  The confusion in her eyes drew him close, and when her lower lip quivered the slightest bit, he had to taste it. He ducked his head, gently cupping her face with both hands, and licked along her lip. She sucked in a harsh breath and moved closer, scorching him with the heat of her bare skin. Her entire body quaked against him, igniting his needs even further.

  A rough growl tore through him. "Kate, if you want me to stop, you'd better tell me now."

  She rose up on tiptoe, looping her arms around his shoulders. "I don't want you to stop, Jakob." Her tongue flicked across his lip.

  Loosening his control a bit, he dove on her mouth with absolute possession. The drive to brand her as his, only his, surprised him but he didn't fight it.

  Needy gasps filled the night and he slid her shirt down off her shoulders and left her mouth to devour her neck and mark her with relentless possession. She returned the favor, small teeth nipping at his skin like fire.

  Her bra followed the shirt, releasing her full breasts to fall in to his hands. Jakob wasted no time bending to lick delicate nipples. Driven by a consuming need to see her, he drew back.

  Kiss-swollen lips parted, she stared at him with the same needs reflected in the depths of her eyes. Strong square shoulders blended into slender arms. For the longest time, his gaze refused to leave the pale globes of her breasts. The contrast of his dark fingers splayed across them threatened to hold him fascinated forever. Lower, her ribcage narrowed into a tiny waist, which flared into perfect hips.

  Looking more would have to wait, because he would die if he didn't taste her again, right that very second. Another of those foreign-sounding growls ripped from his throat. God, she was going to think he was some kind of animal. The only problem was, where she was concerned, he very well could be. Never had a woman enflamed him to such a level with just a few kisses. He had to find some distance before he ended up tearing into her like a savage.

  A deep breath, dragging her scent into his lungs, didn't help matters at all. Sheer female flooded his senses, no fancy soaps or perfumes to cover the clean smell of her skin. The hint of sweat and horse mingled into the mix to push his primal instincts to a higher level. The way her lust-filled gaze swept over him while she stood there, hiding nothing from his hunger, combined with that slightly innocent surprise, threatened to take him places he'd never imagined.

  The truly terrifying part was that he didn't fucking care. Nothing mattered as long as he had her, as long as she submitted every iota of herself to his will.


  He was in big fucking trouble. Back the fuck off, you dumb bastard, before you scare her away. You'll never get enough of her anyway. Take your time and do it right. The thought of losing her gave him the perspective, the distance, he needed to slow down.

  "I believe I still owe you that spanking." His voice sounded strange, choked.

  She nodded, meeting his gaze. "You do." The certainty, the willingness to trust, of her words threatened his sanity all over again. "Tell me what to do."

  Breathing hard, Jakob lowered himself to sit on her blanket and drew her into his lap. The pink tip of her tongue swept across her lip, begging him to take her mouth again, and he couldn't refuse. Only when she squirmed and the thin cotton of her white panties slid across his cock did he manage to break the kiss.

  Practically panting with anticipation, he helped her turn and lay across his lap. His fingers spread across her ass and squeezed. God, she was fucking perfect. He slipped his fingers under the elastic at the top of those panties and worked them down, touching, teasing every inch of skin as it was revealed. His cock burned against her lower belly, tormented mercilessly by the faint tickle of silken curls against the head.

  "God, Kate, you are so fucking beautiful." And it was true. She should never wear clothing, never hide that glorious body. "Are you ready?"

  She nodded vigorously and sent her hair cascading over her arm where it pillowed her forehead against the blanket. The silky tangle snared his fingers when he reached to draw it back so he could see her face and the gentle tug drew a fevered moan from her. Rather than release it, he filled his hand with a knot of the heavy mass.

  At the same time, his other hand found the perfect angle on her delicious little ass. A gentle squeeze of warning, then he delivered a sharp smack and she tucked her ass a little in reflex. The movement brushed her mound against the head of his cock and made his hips roll involuntarily, seeking more of her heat.

  The next smack brought a repeat, taking him closer to the edge. He gave a sharp little tug on her hair. "Don't move, Kate." Another blow to the hot, reddened skin. And more. With each one he took the time to rub a little of the sting away. When both cheeks were suitably reddened, puffy and hot, he paused to caress the highly sensitive area, dragging another of those moans from her.

  Her eyes were heavy-lidded and her expression almost slack, intoxicated with the rush of endorphins. Seeming to possess of will of their own, his fingers slid into her cleft. She instinctively spread in gratifying reaction to his touch and allowed him greater access. Her outer lips were already wet and swollen with need. He parted her folds just enough to fit one finger along her slit.

  "Jakob…" The breathy sigh accompanied her lifting her hips, begging for more.

  Rising heat and tension delivered another jolt of adrenalin. His desperate thrust gave him more contact with her mound, but not enough. It could never be enough. Every instinct hammered at him to flip her over and drive his cock into her wet heat. He gritted his teeth on a ragged groan, resisting, enforcing his will over instinct.

  His finger slid further forward, encountering the swollen nub of her clit. She hissed frustration when he only circled it gently rather than give her the direct touch she craved. She thrust back against his hand, hard, needing more, and he adjusted his fingers to give. His index and ring fingers spread her to allow his middle finger open contact, while his thumb poised at her opening.

  She whimpered and writhed on his lap, trying to turn over, trying to push back.

  Fuck, she was close. "Listen to me, Kate. Do you hear me?"

  She nodded, frantic.

  "I want you to bring one hand to my cock. Stroke me." Just the thought of her little hand on his cock threatened to send him into orbit. He'd be lucky not to go off like a rank virgin the instant he touched her wet heat.

  She complied, fast, her hand shaking as her fingers circled the base of him and slid along his length. He rewarded her by letting his thumb delve into her slightly, pulling a ragged groan from her. Inner muscles clenched hard, trying to draw him deeper even as he withdrew.

  Taut muscles quivered, her entire body strung bow-tight. "Jakob, please…" Her words trailed off to whimpers. Slender fingers found the moisture at the tip of his cock and smoothed it over the head. He let his thumb sink deep and flicked his finger across her clit and reveled in the cry she gave.

  He'd had about all the torture he could stand if he hoped to last longer than eight seconds. "Come here, Kate. I need you." The way his hands fit around her waist as he lifted her fascinated him. He moved to his knees and helped her turn to sit astride his lap but stopped short of allowing his cock to have its way. Instead, he poised at her entrance, loving the way they looked together like that.

  And God, her breasts were so fucking perfect. He filled his hands as she wriggled in his lap, trying to shift her position to take him inside. He gave, just a little, and slid the head into her tight furnace. She cried out and arched against him, muscles clenching. He leaned forward, lowering her shoulders to the blanket and keeping her hips on the incline of his thighs.

  The passion and heat glazing her eyes
was fucking glorious, something he could never get enough of. She bucked her hips and writhed on him, seeking more.

  Helpless to continue denying both of them, he moved forward, every muscle trembling with the strain of holding back, and worked his way into her inch by slow torturous inch. He stopped to let her adjust to him as she half-sobbed with need. A single slow, careful stroke and he was fucking lost.

  She left him powerless to do more than thrust into her, hard and fast, with a nuclear blast about to go off at the base of his spine. He slid one hand between their bodies to stroke over her clit.

  Her body locked in a pulsing, quivering knot and she cried his name. Another stroke of her clit and her inner muscles clamped down tight, rhythmically pumping him until his orgasm hit like a freight train and he emptied into her. He barely managed enough presence of mind to collapse sideways and keep his weight off her.

  He wanted nothing half so bad as to stay hard inside her, driving them both to the stratosphere. Forever. God, he was in serious fucking trouble if she didn’t feel the same way. And he was likely the biggest fucking fool on the planet, as bad as a virgin falling in love with the first woman he fucked. He wasn't fool enough to say it yet, at least.

  Chapter Fourteen

  They lay in her bedroll long after first light, having made love again in the early dawn. God, he was something incredible. If only life could come to a standstill and they could stay there forever, in that perfect moment.

  Kate took a deep breath and gathered her courage. "What next?"

  "Mmmm, I can think of very interesting and very delicious things for next." The slight curve of Jakob's mouth drew her attention.

  How could a man be so…that? Whatever it was, the indefinable quality made him special. "I have no doubt. But that isn't what I meant."

  Jakob sighed. "I know. And I've been thinking about it. I have forty-eight days left before I have to make a final decision about re-enlisting. If it's okay, I'd like to spend at least part of that time here, getting to know you." He sat up and turned to face her, blatant in his maleness. "This seems incredibly stupid, even before I say it out loud, especially given that we just met. Regardless, I seem to have fallen for you and I'd like to see where that leads. If you're willing."

  She'd never considered the possibility and wasn't quite sure how she felt about that. She certainly didn't have anything to lose, though. "I'm willing."

  "In that case, I'm starving. Can we have breakfast?"

  She couldn't help smiling. "You check the animals, I'll cook."


  Getting dressed with Jakob turned out to be a losing battle. Each time she put a body part inside an article of clothing, he uncovered one she'd previously covered. Finally though, his stomach got the better of him and he generously allowed her to finish dressing.

  "What's on the agenda for today?"

  His mischievous grin brought up all sorts of possibilities. "Well, we can't really just stay out here forever, as much as I'd like to. I suggest we take the animals back to the ranch, and maybe we can take another little expedition? But first, there's something I'd like you to see."

  She finally agreed on a short ride with him while leaving all the animals at the camp site. Not even begging convinced him to tell her where they were going, only that it wouldn't take long.

  Mounted, they set off with Ajax leading the way with his animated running walk. Not even a mile later, they reached a broad meadow where her range horses often could be found grazing. None were there at the moment, however.

  At the edge of the meadow, he pulled up and dismounted. "Trust me?"

  "Um, I think so?" She swung down and waited to see what he had in mind.

  With annoying boldness, he opened his pants to reveal his erection. "Let Sunny graze a bit? And come up here with me?" He stroked his hard-on and gave her an even bolder grin. "Just leave your jeans here with Sunny. I'm pretty sure you'll like what I have in mind."

  She shrugged. What the hell? She might as well. Her boots and jeans came off in record time while Sunny eyed her with suspicion. God, she felt like an idiot, standing there naked from the waist down.

  Jakob offered her a hand up and a lascivious grin.

  "You're sure he won't dump me on my ass?"

  He laughed. "I'm sure. Nothing much bothers Ajax."

  She took his hand and let him help her up and get settled sidesaddle on his lap, that scorching erection pressing against her thigh. "I hope you know what you're doing."

  "I'm pretty sure I do." He made a kissing noise and Ajax moved off at a fast walk. Another kiss and he picked up speed. "I'm going to help you turn to face me, okay?"

  The operation was completed safely and Kate settled astride his hips. He moved slightly forward in the saddle and leaned back a little, thrusting his hips as he pulled her closer and impaled her.

  The incredible sensation of having him inside her made her squeal with delight. He made another sound and suddenly they were flying across the meadow with the slight jolt from Ajax's gait providing the perfect rise and fall.

  In a matter of minutes she came undone and Jakob followed, emptying himself into her. Once he caught his breath, he brushed the hair out of her eyes. "I feel like an idiot, Kate. All this, and still I can't believe you're real. I might be the biggest fool to ever walk the planet, but I really think I'm falling in love with you."

  Kate's heart pounded at the cautious hope in Jakob's eyes. "In that case, I must be tied for biggest fool, since I seem to be falling in love with you."

  He groaned and claimed her mouth in a hard kiss as Ajax swung a broad circle that carried them back to Sunny.

  Chapter Fifteen:

  Kate couldn't decide whether to be relieved or sad as she rode Sunny into the open area before the main barn. Jakob and Ajax had already pulled to a halt and the hounds and other horses were closing the distance and stopping as well. It was good to be home, good to have the cougar problem taken care of.

  But now she had to see how things would go with Jakob. Would he just load up and head out, satisfied with a job well and truly done? Or would he be a man of his word and actually stick around to see if there was anything real between them? The former would almost be easier. Then no one would have to know how big a fool she'd made of herself, at least.

  Sunny reached the rail where the other horses were being tied and Kate swung down. Right into Jakob's arms wrapping around her waist and drawing her back against him. So much for no one knowing how foolish she'd been. The whole damn county would know within thirty seconds. When his lips nibbled along the nape of her neck, she couldn't care less what the whole county knew or thought.

  Jakob turned her in his arms. "How long before I can have you in that pretty bed of yours?" The soft words sent a thrill up her spine and the way his mouth curved said he knew it very well.

  "I have to see the animals taken care of."

  He lowered his head to tease at her lips. "The hands will see to them."

  "I have to let Ray know we found the cougar." Seeing the simplest of thoughts through to the end was incredibly difficult with his tongue making such wicked suggestions.

  "He knows we wouldn't be back so soon otherwise." One big hand came up to curve around the back of her neck.

  "I need to—"

  Further objections were futile under his possession of her mouth. "You have five minutes. Consider yourself lucky to get that."

  Ray's disapproving scowl was easy to find and Kate dreaded facing him. And of course Jakob made himself scarce. She approached Ray where he waited just inside the barn.

  "Miss Kate." The old man refused to meet her eye and spit on the ground.

  She took a deep breath past the anger that suddenly threatened to clog her throat. "The cougar is taken care of."

  He nodded. "Good. That all?"

  "No, it isn't." Another deep breath. "Ray, I appreciate you looking out for me, I truly do. I might be a fool, and I might regret my choices. But right now I'm happy. For the firs
t time in my life, truly happy. Please don't deny me that?"

  Faded blue eyes met hers, startled. "Miss Kate, I only want the best for you. I couldn't think more of you if you were my own kid. I've worried over you since you were born. And I thought I knew you well." He shrugged a little. "I never knew you wasn't happy."

  Kate reached for his calloused hand and took it between both of hers. "I got pretty good at hiding things, Ray. I had to."

  "I guess you did." He gave a sad smile. "You go be happy, Miss Kate. But if that boy hurts you, I'll kill him."

  Kate gave the old man a quick hug. "Thank you, Ray."

  "Get out of here."

  She nodded and turned away before the tears that pricked at her eyelids could actually gain traction.

  Jakob stood with one shoulder against the barn, talking with Alan and Brady. When she started toward him, he straightened and said something to the other two men, then started toward her.

  A tempting curve shaped his mouth as he held a CD case up for her to see. "I'm ready to collect my winnings."

  A laugh bubbled up from somewhere she'd forgotten even existed. "You're seriously holding me to that bet? I hate to disappoint you, but there's nearly nothing in the house to cook."

  "Yes, I'm seriously holding you to it." One long arm draped itself across her shoulders and he started them toward the house. "I have a very strong interest in seeing my woman well-fed and relaxed."

  His? Her heart pounded but she couldn't bring herself to call him on it, couldn't risk him taking the words back. "And what sort of interest is that?"

  He paused long enough to bend down and nibble at her lips. "Once my woman has had a hot shower and a hot meal, I'm going to spend the rest of the night making love to her."


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