Arm Candy

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Arm Candy Page 7

by Carol Lynne

  “Your balance is really improving.”

  Asa pulled the thick sweater over his head before removing his T-shirt. “I’ve been practicing.”

  “You’re not overdoing it, are you?” Mario asked, pushing his jeans and underwear down.

  The sight of Mario’s body always left Asa breathless. What in the hell did such a gorgeous man see in him? Asa was so flustered he had a hard time stepping out of his jeans. He would have ended up ass over teakettle if it hadn’t been for Mario’s strong arms reaching out to catch him at the last moment.

  “Easy there, babe.” Mario pulled back the covers while keeping an arm around Asa’s waist.

  Once Asa was comfortably in bed, Mario bent down and kissed him again, the wicked tongue of his lover promising an eventful afternoon. Mario broke the kiss and stood. “I’m gonna grab a couple bottles of water and a towel. Be right back.”

  Asa’s gaze zeroed in on Mario’s ass as he walked from the room and down the hall. The dips on the sides of Mario’s muscled ass were begging for Asa’s touch. His body shivered as he thought of spending an entire day in bed.

  The room only had a few pictures, but Asa spotted an eight by ten of a woman that had to be Mario’s mother with an eleven or twelve year old boy in her arms. Asa fisted his hand at the overwhelming unhappiness in the boy’s eyes. Although they were the same big brown eyes he’d come to love, they looked totally different.

  Unable to handle the boy’s obvious distress any longer, Asa focused on the woman in the portrait. Mario had been right, his mom had been stunning. What surprised Asa the most was the woman’s colouring. With platinum blonde hair and bright green eyes, Mario’s mom looked nothing like her son.

  Mario came back into the room, a towel draped over his shoulder and two big bottles of water in hand. He must have noticed the direction of Asa’s attention because he stopped and turned towards the photo propped on the dresser.

  “Quite a contrast, huh?”

  Asa nodded and rolled to his side, lifting the blankets to welcome Mario. “What’s your mom’s name?”

  “Angela,” Mario answered, still studying the picture. He turned away and set the bottles on the table before sliding in beside Asa. “She doesn’t look like that anymore.”

  Asa moulded his body against Mario’s. “Because of her cirrhosis?”

  Mario shook his head. “Because of the booze.” He kissed Asa’s forehead. “She’s not always easy to be around. Are you sure you want to meet her?”

  Asa nodded. He needed to know what put that sadness into the boy’s eyes if he ever hoped to fully understand his lover. “I do.”

  Mario pulled back enough to stare into Asa’s eyes. “How handy are you with a hammer?”

  Surprised, Asa chuckled. “Why? You putting me to work?”

  “Maybe. There always seems to be something that needs repairing when I go back. It’s the reason I make myself visit once a year.”

  It was clear to Asa just talking about his mother was depressing Mario. He decided to do something to get that spark of lust back into his lover’s eyes instead of the sadness that seemed to be taking its place.

  Asa ran his hand down Mario’s body to land on his hip. He dipped his fingers into the hollowed area he’d ogled minutes before. “Are you ever going to fuck me?”

  Mario’s eyes rounded. “Hell, yes, but I’ve been waiting for your muscles to strengthen and limber up.”

  Asa carefully wrapped his leg around Mario’s. “See? No pain.”

  Even though the statement wasn’t exactly true, Asa knew they both needed the togetherness that only making love with someone could bring. The tightness of his muscles pulling at the new position was a small sacrifice.

  Mario licked at one of the bruises he’d made a few days earlier. “You’ll tell me if it starts to hurt, right? Because I don’t mind waiting.”

  Asa reached between them and took Mario’s erection in hand. “Of course you do, we both do, but I think my body’s finally healed enough to cooperate.”

  Blindly reaching back, Mario managed to open his bedside drawer and remove a bottle of lube. “Would I sound like an ass if I told you I was nervous?”

  “Why would you be nervous? You’ve fucked a lot more guys than I have.”

  Mario popped the top on the bottle and squirted some lube onto his fingers. Before answering Asa’s question, Mario ran his slicked middle finger down the crease of Asa’s ass. “Fucked being the operative word. I told you when we first got together I’d never made love. Hurting you is in no way an option when we’re together.”

  As he talked, Mario pressed the pad of his finger against Asa’s hole until it pushed inside. “A good hard fuck has always been my way in the past, but I think it was because the only emotion involved was lust.”

  “Did I say I didn’t enjoy it hard?” Asa asked, moving his hips in hopes of getting another finger inside of him.

  Mario leant in and kissed Asa as he added another blissful digit. Evidently, Mario had done enough talking for the moment. Their kiss became a sloppy feast of tongue, teeth and grunts.

  When Asa knew he was sufficiently stretched, he reached for the bottle of lube and applied a good amount to the cock still in his hand.

  Mario broke the kiss and grinned. “Are you trying to tell me something?”

  “Yeah. Fuck me already.”

  Mario removed his fingers and sat up. He reached for the four fluffy pillows on the king sized bed and stacked them beside Asa. “I think it’ll be easiest on your legs if we try to keep them straight.”

  Asa agreed and rolled over, the pile of pillows nestled under his cock. “You’d better put that towel between my dick and your bedding or it’s going to get soaked.”

  Mario spread Asa’s legs and manoeuvred himself between them. “Soak away. I can’t think of a better smell to bury my face in at night than your cum.”

  God. He loved the way Mario talked. Asa glanced over his shoulder at Mario. The man had his cock in his hand, spreading the lube just the way he wanted it. “Now,” Asa urged.

  He felt the kiss of Mario’s cockhead against his hole moments before the big monster began to slowly push its way inside. Asa was suddenly thankful they’d continued to play with the dildo. He made a mental note to increase the size of his toy to better fit the size of his lover’s cock.

  Mario rocked back and forth until his dick was completely seated. Asa could feel Mario’s heavy sac brush against him and groaned. With one arm wrapped around Asa’s waist to help hold him up, Mario began to saw in and out of his ass.

  “You feel so good,” Mario moaned.

  Asa was so full of cock he could barely manage a nod. Mario was such a tight fit that Asa could swear he felt each vein as it slid against his inner walls. More. Oh fuck he wanted more.

  As Mario’s speed increased, Asa could only imagine what it would feel like for his lover to go all out on him. Never had he been fucked with such intensity. The difference between Mario and Asa’s other lovers was obvious within the first few seconds. Asa tried to push the thoughts of his past lovers using him to get what they wanted. It was clear to him that he’d never really been fucked at all, just toyed with until he came.

  The arm holding him up moved to press against Asa’s erection as Mario nailed his prostate. “Oh, shit.”

  Without warning, Asa came, shooting his seed onto Mario’s arm and the pillow underneath. His eyes rolled back in his head at the intensity of the orgasm. He felt his muscles tighten as the climax worked its way through his body.

  Mario began to grunt loudly with each thrust, still keeping a tight arm around Asa. “Gonna come.”

  Asa was speared twice more before the long shaft was buried to the hilt.

  “Fuuuckk,” Mario howled as he came. Without putting pressure on Asa’s legs, Mario draped his torso over Asa’s back.

  Asa shivered as drops of Mario’s sweat, ran down his side to the mattress below. His legs were starting to protest the position, but Mario felt
too good inside of him to say a word. However, after a few minutes more, Asa’s left calf seized.

  “Oh! Shit! Cramp!” he yelled.

  Mario was immediately off Asa’s back. “Where, baby?”

  “Left calf,” Asa panted.

  Mario’s skilful hands began massaging the spasming muscle until the Charlie horse disappeared. “Thanks.”

  Mario continued to rub the sore muscle for several moments before reaching over the side of the bed for the towel. He began to clean Asa before taking care of himself. “You should’ve told me your muscles were feeling tight before you got that.”

  “I know, but you felt so good.”

  Mario tossed the towel to the floor and gently pulled the pillows out from under Asa. Once they were lying in each other’s arms again, Mario kissed him. “It felt good to me, too, but it wasn’t worth hurting you. It’s important to me that we’re totally honest with each other.”

  Asa nuzzled his face against Mario’s neck. “I promise.”

  Chapter Six

  Mario hated to admit it, but he’d enjoyed travelling in Asa’s private plane. Besides being able to fuck his lover while flying across the country, Mario enjoyed not having to wait for his bags once they arrived in Atlantic City.

  As promised, there was a rental car waiting for them and they were soon off towards his mom’s house. Mario hoped like hell his mom hadn’t dipped into the vodka yet. He knew he was taking a huge chance by bringing Asa to Atlantic City. Despite the fact his mom was his mom, she wasn’t nearly as important to him than the man sitting next to him.

  Mario pulled the rented Jaguar into the driveway of the home he’d grown up in. Although the neighbourhood was still in good shape, the houses were starting to show their age. He noticed one of the shutters on the front of his mom’s house had come loose and was now propped against the white, vinyl siding he’d had installed a few years earlier.

  He gripped the steering wheel and once again prayed his mom would behave herself. When he’d phoned to let her know he was bringing Asa, Angela Benta had asked all sorts of questions.

  Evidently the thought of her son sleeping with another man under her roof hadn’t sat well. That was, until she found out exactly who the man was. Although Asa Montgomery wasn’t exactly a household name, most people had read at least enough about him in the papers and magazines to know who he was. Mario’s mom was no different. Suddenly she promised to welcome Mario’s lover with open arms.

  He released the wheel and leant over to kiss Asa. “Don’t forget. You promised to let me know if you become uncomfortable. We can always go to a hotel…”

  “I’ll be fine,” Asa said, cutting Mario off. “You worry too much. I grew up in a house almost exactly like this.”

  Mario shook his head. “I guarantee you didn’t grow up in a house anything like this one.”

  He started to open the trunk to retrieve their luggage, but stopped himself. Better to get the initial introductions out of the way before taking the suitcases in. If his mom was drunk, no way was Mario subjecting Asa to it.

  Mario heard the passenger door open and watched as Asa climbed out of the car. Although Asa had been getting around with a cane, Mario was afraid the flight combined with the wild sex they’d had on the plane might have tired his lover. “Do you want the walker?”

  Asa shook his head and held up the expensive mahogany and brass cane. “No thanks. I’m good.”

  Mario grinned and walked around the car to give Asa another quick kiss. “You certainly are.”

  Asa blushed, the red tingeing not only his cheeks but the top of his ears. “Make sure you don’t say stuff like that in front of your mom.”

  “I’ll be a good boy. I promise.”

  * * * *

  Asa took the offered glass of iced tea from Angela. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Angela sat in a well-worn chair next to his and crossed her hands in her lap. Although he could tell that she had, in fact, been drinking, she wasn’t drunk like he knew Mario had feared. Asa was still trying to get over the shock of his first look at the fifty-eight year old woman. Mario had been right. Angela Benta looked nothing like the photo on Mario’s dresser. It was obvious the years of living inside a bottle had not been kind to her.

  Not only did the woman probably weigh less than a hundred pounds, Asa would’ve guessed she was closer to seventy than sixty.

  “So, my son seems quite smitten with you.”

  Asa nodded. “I hope so.”

  Even though he’d assured Mario he’d be fine while Mario ran to the hardware store, Asa was beginning to wonder. There was something in Angela’s bloodshot eyes that unsettled him.

  “He’s never brought a boyfriend home before. Do you think he’s ashamed of me?”

  Asa bit the inside of his cheek. He knew better than to answer Angela’s question. Deciding to change the subject, he searched his mind for something else to say. “Mario tells me you used to work in some of the biggest casinos in Atlantic City. That must’ve been an exciting life. I bet you met all kinds of people.”

  Angela’s wrinkled face brightened. “Oh yes. I was quite the looker in my day. Even though I was just a waitress, it seemed the wealthiest men loved to come on to me. Some of them married, some of them not. It didn’t matter to me though because I always knew they’d be gone when their vacation ended.” She shrugged her bony shoulders. “Such is life in Atlantic City. You learn quickly to take advantage of a situation like that.”

  Asa couldn’t believe the pride in the woman’s voice about what she’d done. He decided to probe a bit into Mario’s childhood to see if his instincts about the sad boy in the portrait were accurate. “Did you usually work days or evenings when Mario was growing up?”

  “Days, definitely. It left my evenings free.”

  Asa smiled. Maybe Angela wasn’t as bad a mother as he’d thought. He sipped at his tea and half-watched the programme running on TV.

  “You know I used to tell Mario that when I got old, he’d have to take care of me. He’s done a pretty good job. If only he had the extra money to help me buy my medicine he would be the perfect son. Still, I guess it’s enough that he pays for my utilities and food. I just wish there was enough left over for my meds.”

  Asa knew Mario sent his mother everything he could. When his lover had mentioned it, Asa found it commendable, but he hadn’t realised at the time Mario was paying for so much of his mother’s living expenses.

  “I know he sends what he can.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure he does. Although with a rich boyfriend, he should have more money to spare before long. I just hope my health continues to stay the way it is until I can get my medicine.”

  The hair on the back of Asa’s neck prickled. He knew exactly what Angela was doing, but he also knew how Mario would react if he found out. “How much do you need?”

  “Oh, not much, really. My medicine comes to almost three hundred a month, but I’m hoping he’ll be able to send me closer to five hundred. I sacrificed so much for him in the past. I would hope I’d be worth at least that much to him.”

  Asa inwardly sighed. He knew Angela would spend the extra money on nothing but liquor. Think. Think. “I could probably help you out on two conditions.”

  “And they are?” Angela asked with a completely innocent expression on her aging face.

  “You never mention a word of this to Mario, and you remain sober until after we leave.” Although he worried he was making the wrong decision, he thought Mario deserved at least one holiday with his mother that wasn’t mired in alcohol.

  Angela’s big smile quickly turned down. “Exactly how long are you staying?”

  “Here?” Asa glanced at his watch. He knew they’d need to stay through the Thanksgiving dinner or Mario would get suspicious. “For about another twenty-two hours, but we’ll be in Atlantic City until Monday.”

  Angela seemed to think about life without a bottle for the next twenty-two hours. She eve
ntually nodded. “You’ve got a deal.”

  * * * *

  Mario stared at the ceiling of his boyhood bedroom. It was still unbelievable to him that his mom had remained sober. He thought Asa had got along well with her, but his lover had just suggested they check into one of the casinos for the remainder of their holiday weekend.

  “Did she say something to you?” Mario knew there had to be an incident behind Asa’s sudden change in attitude.

  Asa rolled onto his back, away from Mario. “I think she’s trying very hard not to drink with us here. I just thought we shouldn’t push our luck beyond Thanksgiving dinner. Why? Don’t you want to do a bit of gambling while we’re here?”

  Mario knew most people would let the explanation go. He agreed that his mom was trying hard not to drink, but Mario couldn’t help thinking there was more to it. “Promise me she didn’t say anything to you?”

  Asa sighed and propped his head up on his hand. “She told me some stuff about her younger days.”

  “The days when she’d fuck any man with an extra dollar to spend on her?” Mario added.

  “Yeah, something like that. Although I was surprised to hear she worked days so she had her nights free for you.”

  Mario couldn’t help but laugh. “She worked days so she could troll the casinos at night. Men tend to be loose with their money when they’re horny and drunk.”

  Asa stiffened. “What about you?”

  “What about me? I spent the majority of my nights locked in the car in one parking lot or another. She was nice enough to provide me a flashlight, though, so I could get my homework done.”

  Asa said nothing for several moments. He eventually snuggled against Mario’s side. “I have a confession to make.”

  Mario had a feeling there was more going on than what Asa had led him to believe. “Spill.”

  “Well, your mom was hinting that she was going to start hitting you up for more money because you didn’t send her enough to pay for her medication. I knew you already sent her as much as you could, so I made a deal with her.”


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