Arm Candy

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Arm Candy Page 8

by Carol Lynne

  Mario felt bile start to rise in his throat. “First of all, I don’t send my mom any money. I pay her utilities directly to the companies. There’s a store down the street that calls me when she goes in, and I authorise the grocery bill, which I pay. I tried to buy her medication the same way, but I found out she was selling the drugs for cash as soon as she got them, so I stopped. Do I feel like shit for it? Yeah. But what else am I supposed to do?”

  Asa hugged him. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Now, I need to know what kind of deal you made with her. I assume it’s the reason she’s not wasted?”

  Asa nodded. “I told her I’d help her out if she stayed sober while we were here. I thought you deserved a holiday to remember with her.”

  “Oh, I’ll remember it, believe me.” Fuck. He couldn’t believe his mom had once again managed to shame him. “Get up. We’re gettin’ outta here.”

  Asa sat up. “Please, don’t be mad at me.”

  Mario cupped Asa’s cheek and kissed him. “I’m not mad at you. I should’ve known before I brought you that she’d find a way to exploit your tenderness.”

  He started to get off the bed, but Asa grabbed his arm. “Please, Mario. Let’s just make it through Thanksgiving dinner. You never know when it might be the last one with her.”

  How could he possibly make Asa understand what he was feeling? He’d taken care of his mother since he was old enough to earn a paycheque, and he was tired of it. He knew not liking his mother was expected after the way she’d treated him growing up, but in that moment, Mario realised he didn’t even love her.

  For years he’d done the exact thing he’d admonished Asa for, and it was time to put a stop to it. “I’m done here. There’s nothing left for me. Thanksgiving should be spent at home with the people you love. Please, can we just go?”

  Asa reached for his cell phone on the nightstand. “I told my pilot to head on home for the holiday. But if we call now, I’m sure we can find a commercial flight out and be in Cattle Valley in time for Thanksgiving dinner.”

  “Go ahead and make the call, but see if we can get a flight out in the morning instead.” Asa nodded and Mario stood and began getting dressed. He knew he’d have to come back and have a talk with his mom, but he wanted to get Asa out of the line of his wrath before that happened.

  * * * *

  “Okay. We’ll be there. Thanks.” Asa hung up the phone and glanced at the clock. Their flight was in less than two hours, and Mario still wasn’t back. Asa cursed himself for the hundredth time since waking up alone.

  He heard the keycard slide through the security lock, then the door opened. Asa stood and made his way to an exhausted-looking Mario. He didn’t ask his lover if he was okay, he knew he wasn’t. Instead, Asa wrapped his arms around Mario and held him.

  He knew Mario was the real deal. The one person he’d searched for his entire life. “I love you,” he whispered.

  Mario hugged Asa closer. “You have no idea how much I needed to hear that.”

  “I’ll tell you every hour of every day, for the rest of my life, if it’ll make you happy.”

  Mario pulled away far enough to look Asa in the eyes. “As much as I love hearing it, it’s you feeling it that makes me happy. I love you, too.”

  “I hate to cut this short, but if we don’t leave now, we’re going to miss our plane, and we have somewhere to be once we get home.”

  “Yeah? Where’re we going?” Mario asked, picking up Asa’s suitcase.

  “It’s a surprise.” Asa gave Mario a quick kiss before picking up his cane and heading towards the door. He could tell Mario didn’t feel like talking about his trip back to his mom’s, so Asa didn’t ask.

  * * * *

  “It’s official, I’m getting soft,” Mario muttered once they were on the plane.

  Asa reached over and rubbed Mario’s stomach. “Don’t feel soft to me.”

  Mario batted Asa’s hand away. “It’s not funny. A month ago I would’ve been pissed off that you bought first class tickets without asking, but all I’m feeling now is thankful. I never noticed how cramped I was back in coach.”

  Asa chuckled and took the glass of orange juice from the stewardess as Mario took his coffee and thanked the woman.

  “There are a couple of things you need to learn about me,” Asa began. “I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but I make more money than most folks…”

  “You make more money than most countries,” Mario butted in.

  “Okay, yeah, you’re right. Just so you get my point. Anyway, I’ve worked damn hard for a lot of years to get where I am in life. I won’t apologise for spending it. Why the hell would I sit back in coach when I can ride up here?”

  Mario held up his hands. “Hey. Don’t shoot. I said I liked it up here.”

  Asa rolled his eyes and bumped his shoulder against Mario. “I know you did. Sorry. I guess I always need to apologise for having money when I’m around you.”

  Mario knew he was the one who made Asa feel that way. His past had taught him not to trust people with money, but he knew Asa was different. He reached over and threaded his fingers through Asa’s. “I’ll try not to make you feel that way anymore.”

  Asa half-turned in his seat to face Mario. “I don’t know how things went with your mom, but can I put an offer on the table?”

  Mario knew the word offer usually came with money. The argument with his mom hadn’t been pretty. By the time he’d returned to the house after getting Asa settled at the hotel, his mom was drunk. Why he’d been surprised he still didn’t know.

  One look at the dishevelled woman and all the old hurt rose to the surface. For the first time in his life, Mario told his mother exactly what he thought of her.

  “I’m not taking your money, Asa.”

  “I’m not offering you my money. I’m offering to pay for rehabilitation for your mom if you’re both in agreement.”

  Mario’s first instinct was to turn Asa down, but the thought of his mom as he’d left her earlier stopped him. He knew there was no way in the world he’d ever earn enough money to get his mom the help she needed. Putting down the bottle after over thirty years of putting it first, wouldn’t be easy. If she was even willing to go through a proper rehabilitation programme, it would be damn expensive.

  He squeezed the hand in his. He’d never accepted help in his life, but there was always a first time. “If she’s willing to take you up on your offer, so am I.”

  Asa leant his head against Mario’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

  “No, baby, thank you.”

  The plane taxied down the runway and took off. Mario watched his hometown from the air, knowing he’d probably never be back. “I told her I hated her.”

  “Huh?” Asa asked, leaning over closer to Mario.

  He turned to address the man he loved. “My mom. I told her I hated her. I accused her of having me just to get money from my father.”

  “What did she say?”

  Mario shrugged. “Nothing. Not a god damn thing.”

  Asa’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, so am I.”

  “Would you do me another favour?”

  Mario nodded.

  “Let me be the one to discuss rehab with your mom?”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because I think it would be easier for both of you if I did. And because I love you with all my heart, and I refuse to let that woman hurt you again.”

  The gesture meant more than money ever could. Mario realised that was the difference between Asa and the other rich men that had traipsed in and out of his life. Asa was a good man who happened to have money. He didn’t let his wealth define the kind of person he was.

  Mario gave Asa a simple nod before changing the subject. “Enough about depressing stuff, we’ve gotta figure out where the hell to buy a turkey when we get home.”

  “No we don’t. We’re going to Rio, Ryan and Nate’s for Thanksgiving.”

>   “What?”

  Asa grinned. “You told me Thanksgiving was about being around the people that you love, well, I called Rio earlier and asked him if he had room for two more. Since they’d already planned to have a houseful, he said they wouldn’t even notice us.”

  Mario laughed. “Yeah, that sounds just like something he’d say.” He leaned in and gave Asa a quick, discreet kiss. “Thanks.”

  Chapter Seven

  Mario listened to his messages as the plane came to a stop.

  “Hey, it’s Rio. We’ve had a slight change in plans as you can probably tell by looking out the window. Anyway, don’t worry, I’m sending someone to pick you guys up. We’ll wait on ya to get here before we dig in. See you in a bit.”

  “Rio’s sending someone to pick us up,” Mario informed Asa. He stuck his phone in his pocket and helped Asa to his feet. “Okay?”

  Asa nodded and reached in the overhead compartment for his cane. “Just a little stiff, but I’ll work it out.”

  Mario squeezed in behind his lover and rested his hands on Asa’s hips. He knew people tended to bump and rush others as they were departing and the last thing they needed was for Asa to get knocked down. He kept himself between Asa and the other passengers until they were safely in the terminal.

  “Wow,” Mario exclaimed, getting his first look out of the big airport windows. Snow had covered the ground when they’d left the previous day, but evidently an unexpected storm had blown in.

  “We’re lucky they were able to clear the runway so fast.”

  “I just hope whoever’s coming to get us makes it okay.” Mario rested a hand on the small of Asa’s back as they neared the baggage claim area.

  Turning the corner, Mario stopped dead in his tracks. “Holy shit. Would you look at what the cat dragged in.”

  Quade Madison waved and made his way over. “Hey, strangers.”

  Mario greeted his old friend with a bear hug. He stepped back and shook his head. “You look damn good. Evidently the sun and surf are agreeing with you.”

  Quade smiled. “I’m a man in love. What else can I say?”

  Mario reached out and wrapped an arm around Asa. “I know the feeling.”

  Asa reached out and shook Quade’s hand. “Nice to see you again, Mayor.”

  “You, too, but it’s just Quade now. I think Nate’s earned the right to that title.”

  “That he has,” Asa agreed.

  The baggage conveyor started to roll, getting Mario’s attention. “Come on, old man, you can help me with the luggage.”

  As they waited for their bags, Mario couldn’t get over Quade’s appearance. “So what’re you doing here? I thought Kai’s season ran through mid-December or something like that.”

  “It does, but he pulled a muscle in the last tournament. He was hoping it’d be healed by now, but it looks like he may be out for the rest of the season.”

  “So you decided to trade the sun in for snow?” Asa questioned.

  “Actually, it was Kai’s idea. We were in Australia when the collapse happened. Guess he knew how upset I was that I wasn’t here with my people. So yesterday, out of the blue, he surprised me with tickets to Wyoming. Evidently he’s been working with Erico on the surprise for a couple weeks.”

  “Erico? That bastard didn’t say a word to me about it. No wonder he didn’t go home for Thanksgiving. Had I known, I sure as hell wouldn’t have gone to Atlantic City.” Mario felt Asa’s hand on his back, his lover offering silent support.

  “Well, we’re planning to stay for a while, so I would’ve seen you when you got back anyway.”

  “How long’re you staying?” Mario asked, spotting Asa’s bag.

  “Through the holidays. Guy’s giving me a special rate on a suite at the lodge.”

  Mario lifted Asa’s suitcase and set it on the floor, before reaching back and retrieving his own. “Okay, that’s it.”

  Without being asked, Quade picked up Asa’s suitcase as they headed out of the building. “My rental’s over there.”

  Mario turned towards Asa. “It still looks pretty icy. Why don’t you stay here and we’ll pull up front.”

  Asa seemed to study the pavement for several moments before eventually nodding. “Do you want to leave the suitcases with me?”

  Mario gave Asa a quick kiss. “That’s okay. Why don’t you wait inside out of the cold?”

  Asa rolled his eyes but turned and went back inside.

  Mario grinned at Quade. “I’ll probably hear about that later.”

  Quade chuckled. “Tell me about it. Kai’s always yelling at me for mothering him.”

  “So…what’s the real reason you’re in town?” Mario knew how much Quade loved Cattle Valley, but a simple visit didn’t usually last for six weeks.

  “We thought it was important to show our support for our friends.”


  Quade shook his head and sighed. “And Nate asked if I could help him learn more of the business side of being mayor. I haven’t told him the truth yet.”

  “Which is?” Mario prompted as they reached the SUV and put the luggage in the back.

  “That the people I put in place while in office do most of the work. The important thing he needs to learn is not to micromanage the different departments.”

  Mario laughed. He knew how stressed Nate had been over running the city. Nate had told him on more than one occasion that Quade made the job look easy. Now Mario knew why.

  Quade started the vehicle and glanced at Mario. “Is this thing with Montgomery serious?”

  “As a heart attack,” Mario responded. “He’s everything I could’ve asked for in a partner. Why? Do you know something I don’t?”

  “No. Just checking.”

  Mario narrowed his eyes. He could tell there was something else Quade wanted to say. “I’ve known you for years, Quade. And I know there’s something on your mind, so out with it.”

  Quade backed out of the parking spot. “I’m worried about Erico.”

  “Erico? It’s been over between us for a long time. I doubt you have reason to worry.”

  Quade shook his head. “It’s not that. He doesn’t look right. I think something’s going on with him.”

  “Oh. Yeah, the collapse really shook him up, I think. He’ll be okay in time.”

  “Maybe that’s all it is, but I’m afraid it’s something more serious.”

  Quade pulled up in front of the terminal, and Mario jumped out to help Asa. His lover gave him a stare, daring him to try and lift him into the four-wheel drive SUV. Mario knew better than to embarrass Asa, so he put a steadying hand on his back as the man climbed in.

  Once he was comfortably seated, Asa smiled. “Thanks,” he whispered.

  Mario leaned in and gave Asa a quick kiss. “Anything for you, babe.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  “I know you will.” Mario shut the door and got back in the front passenger seat. “Let’s go home.”

  * * * *

  After Quade dropped them off at Asa’s private landing strip to retrieve Mario’s truck, they decided to stop by Mario’s house to freshen up.

  Asa opened his suitcase and stared at the clothes inside. “So do you think since dinner’s at The Canoe instead of Rio’s we should dress up?”

  Mario paused in the process of stepping out of his khaki pants. “It’s Thanksgiving. You should wear what makes you feel good.”

  Asa’s attention was focused on the rising cock trapped behind a tight pair of black boxer briefs. Before his injuries, Asa would’ve sunk to his knees in front of Mario and worshipped the erection with fervour, but things had changed. He settled on the mattress between the two suitcases. “Come here.”

  Mario kicked off his pants and walked over to stand between Asa’s spread legs. “See something that interests you?”

  “You know I do.” Asa ran a hand over the front of Mario’s underwear before pulling them down far enough to get to the hidden package. He ran his tong
ue up the heavily veined length while maintaining eye contact with the man he loved.

  Mario moaned when Asa captured the weeping head in his mouth, taking the length as far down his throat as he could. “Fuck, baby.”

  Asa backed off enough to suckle at the ruddy-coloured crown of his lover’s cock. Since dating Mario, Asa had become much better at giving head and his efforts hadn’t gone unnoticed.

  Mario reached down and began unzipping Asa’s dress pants. Asa managed to lift his hips enough for Mario to push his clothes out of the way without releasing the cock in his mouth.

  Without words, he signalled for Mario to put his foot up on the bed. The new position allowed Asa to run a finger between the cheeks of Mario’s ass. Although Mario was strictly a top, Asa had discovered his lover did enjoy anal play at times. The arrangement was perfect for Asa, who preferred to bottom but liked giving Mario pleasure.

  Mario grasped Asa’s hand and brought it to his mouth. Two fingers were sucked into Mario’s mouth before being returned to his ass. “Do it,” Mario begged.

  As Asa pushed his middle finger through the ring of muscle, Mario placed a hand on the back of Asa’s head and began to thrust in and out of his mouth.

  “Yeah. So good, baby.”

  Asa opened his throat and allowed Mario to fuck his mouth as he added the second finger. He sawed in and out of Mario’s ass as copious amounts of pre-cum ran down his throat. He brushed the smooth walnut-sized gland, causing Mario’s rhythm to falter.

  “Shit!” Mario howled as he erupted down Asa’s throat.

  Asa pulled back, tasting the thick cum as it shot from Mario’s cock. He’d sworn on more than one occasion he could die a happy man with the taste of Mario’s seed.

  Mario’s hand returned to jack Asa’s erection seconds before he stepped back and knelt between Asa’s legs. It didn’t take long once Mario’s mouth enveloped Asa’s dick for him to slip over the edge.

  Asa buried his fingers in Mario’s hair as he emptied his balls. By the time the last string of cum left his cock, Asa was ready for a nap. He fell back onto the bed and closed his eyes.


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