schooling of, 135–42
sexual repression of, 158–59, 161, 210–12, 350, 362, 389, 571
varying stories told by, 143, 174–75, 442–43, 445, 593, 687
Lawrence, T. E., in British military:
and Aqaba, 90–92, 95–103, 518
Arabs shown respect by, 35, 56–57, 66, 94–95, 401, 403, 405
Arabs taught by, 35n, 322, 531
Blue Mist Rolls-Royce of, 360, 404, 431, 437
bodyguard of, 358–59, 360, 367, 370, 385, 417, 425, 427
in Cairo, 7, 252–55, 257–58, 261–63, 282–84, 291, 292, 297
career of, 48–50, 112–13, 255, 383, 440, 485–86
courage of, 96, 97, 99, 111, 295, 315, 390–91, 397, 402, 410, 695
gold dagger of, 300–301, 310, 587
in GSGS, 250–51, 252
and guerrilla warfare, 29–30, 35n, 57, 61, 75–80, 93–94, 111, 219, 309–11, 314–18, 322, 325–27, 329, 330–40, 338, 352, 355, 359, 364, 396, 406–11, 412–13, 530, 686
guilt felt by, 40–41, 91, 101, 119, 281, 400, 403, 435, 538, 610, 698
high-level communication of, 7, 44–46, 53, 111, 210, 382, 443–45, 447–51, 472, 618–19, 626, 628, 633, 642
honors and awards oÃered to, 40, 67, 112–13, 119, 286, 353, 373, 383, 384, 447–50, 457–58, 486, 516, 518, 688
influence of, 29–30, 49, 405, 514, 686–87
initial commission of, 251–52, 254
intelligence activities of, 7, 12, 49, 252–53, 255, 282–84, 297
leadership abilities of, 57, 227, 295, 311, 315, 401, 403, 405, 646
as mapmaker, 29, 83, 106, 232–39, 251, 254, 257, 258, 286, 291, 306–7, 533
marksmanship of, 191, 226, 231
men killed by, 55, 72–73, 74, 87, 393–94, 396–97, 421–22, 538, 610
military texts read by, 28
notes taken by, 36–38
personal vs. official army strategy, 81–82, 83–84, 89, 90, 91, 282, 356, 400, 414
in RAF, see Royal Air Force
reports by, 12, 43–44, 46, 220–21, 262–63, 283, 291, 320–22, 361–62, 369, 500, 527
reputation of, 227, 228, 286, 295, 355, 382, 404, 443, 452, 473
return to England, 443–51, 489–92, 533, 537–38
in Royal Tank Corps, 576–81, 589, 591, 594, 597, 602
strategic skills of, 7, 15, 27, 29, 36, 37, 41–42, 46, 60–61, 74–76, 81–82, 96, 102n, 307, 309–15, 370–73, 390–92, 396, 401–7, 518, 530–31, 580, 662, 696
unappreciated by officers, 9, 29, 44, 49, 64, 251, 258, 302, 427–28, 432
see also specific sites
Lawrence, T. E., writings of:
film rights to, 634, 668–69, 691–94
introduction to Doughty’s Arabia Deserta, 508
Lawrence’s embellishments in, 442–43, 593, 687
letters, 508–9, 619, 625–26, 627–28, 642, 656–57, 674, 687, 694–95; see also specific recipients
Minorities (poetry compilation), 653–54
’e Mint, 537, 541, 544, 547–54, 620, 625, 633, 656, 687
Odyssey translation, 102n, 151, 489, 605, 625, 633, 643, 655, 661–62
Revolt in the Desert, see Revolt in the Desert
Seven Pillars, see Seven Pillars of Wisdom
talent demonstrated in, 73, 78, 139, 319, 320–22, 344, 464, 495, 557, 615, 620, 653, 661, 662, 687, 696
translations from the French, 594
“Twenty-Seven Articles,” 56
“User’s Guide to RAF Seaplane Tender,” 409, 653
Lawrence, Thomas [Chapman] (father), 115–18
background of, 120–24
baronetcy of, 118
death of, 477, 502
and Edith [Chapman], 126, 127
estate of, 119–20
and financial matters, 128, 130–31, 138, 167, 502–3, 530
and his sons, 128–29, 131
name of, 126
and Richards, 157, 186, 189, 214
and Sarah, 116–17, 123–24, 126, 130, 133, 143, 389, 666
T.E.’s letters to, 113; see also Lawrence, Sarah
T.E.’s relationship with, 142–45, 146–47, 151, 537–38, 586
trips to Ireland by, 230, 502
Lawrence, Thomas (Sarah’s father), 124–25
Lawrence, William George (brother):
birth and childhood of, 127, 128, 131, 133
and Janet, 160, 490–91, 503
missing, declared dead, 117, 282, 490–91, 503
and religion, 133
T.E.’s correspondence with, 150
visit to Cairo by, 258, 263
visit to Carchemish by, 225, 228–30
and World War I, 243, 254, 282
Lawrence of Arabia (film), 385, 495n, 690–94
Lean, David, 385, 495n, 690–91, 693, 694, 696
British control of, 459
French administration of, 507, 697
French ambitions for, 38, 40, 81, 183, 256, 262, 275, 436, 442, 454, 458, 461–62, 486, 505
impoverishment of, 698
Maronite Christians of, 256, 269
and military strategy, 100, 263
Le Carré, John, 183
Leeds, E. T., 182, 185, 209, 215, 218, 225, 282, 320
Legge, Lady, 238
Leigh, Vivien, 690n
Lenin, V. I., 280
Leopold, king of Belgium, 654
Leopold, Prince, 136
Lewis, British gun instructor, 311, 313, 317
Lewis, C. S., 155n
Library of Congress, U.S., 501, 683
Libyan Desert, 358
Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, 509, 665
on British victories, 412
Colonel Lawrence, 74, 321, 442, 515, 657, 662, 665–66, 689, 696
early years of, 663
Lawrence’s correspondence with, 152, 656–57, 664
on Lawrence’s expeditions, 82, 96, 174–75, 365, 373, 406
on Lawrence’s military abilities, 28, 60, 61, 102n, 104, 359, 377
on Lawrence’s outsider status, 404
personal traits of, 664
Lincoln, Abraham, 327
Lippmann, Walter, 454n
Lloyd, George, 506
at Aqaba, 327, 328, 329, 331
and Arab Bureau, 284
in Cairo, 252, 253, 255, 284
Lloyd George, David, 271, 467, 477
and Balfour Declaration, 399n
and Churchill, 509–11
and Clemenceau, 460–62, 507
and Doughty, 557
and French territorial claims, 486
and Lawrence’s assignments, 527–28n, 689
and military strategy, 70–71, 105, 297, 378
and negotiated peace, 304, 305
and Paris Peace Conference, 210, 460–61, 473
as prime minister, 13, 59–60, 210, 443, 450, 509
and Sykes-Picot agreement, 461, 507
and Thomas’s film, 481–82
and World War I, 381
London Gazette, 113
Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), 309, 358, 686
Lucas, Joseph, 613
Lyttleton, Major, 107
M 31 (Royal Navy), 59
Arab victory at, 99–101
as military goal, 379, 390, 394
telegraph line cut to, 98
Turks bottled up in, 359
Mac Andrew, H. J. M., 414
MacDonald, Ramsay, 674
Macdonogh, Sir George, 444, 445
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 457
Mack, John E., 188, 582n
A Prince of Our Disorder, 513, 695
Mackenzie, Compton, 617
Madeba, as military goal, 359
Mahdi (Muhammad Ahmad), Dervish army of, 47
Malleson, Miles, 691
Malory, Sir Thomas, Le Morte d’Arthur, 179, 243, 401, 402, 630
Mandela, Nelson, 449
Manning, A. J., 671, 672
Manning, Frederic, 265, 672
Tse-tung, 29, 309, 686
Aqaba-Maan Zone, 97
Arabia, 3
Battle of Tafileh, 369
Hejaz railway, 308
Northern Theater, 324
Ottoman Empire (by Lawrence), 532–33
Turkey’s lifeline, 75
Mardrus, J. C., Mille et Une Nuits (’e Arabian Nights), 594
Marlborough, Duke of, 60, 669
Marsh, Edward, 452, 508, 511, 618, 625, 641, 656
Marson, T. B., 575, 627, 674
Mason, A. E. W., ’e Four Feathers, 319
Maxton, James, 639
Maxwell, Sir John Grenfell, 110, 254, 255, 257, 273, 282, 284–85, 322
McBey, James, 440
McCarthy era (Hollywood), 692
McMahon, Sir Henry, 45, 47
and Cox, 286
as Egypt high commissioner, 7, 12, 246, 257, 266, 273
Hussein’s correspondence with, 267–70, 272, 281, 399, 452, 453, 525
and Sykes-Picot agreement, 280
closed to infidels, 10
defense of, 37, 41, 47, 53
“great Hajj road” to, 190
holy city of, 10, 524
Hussein as sharif of, 11, 19, 70, 88, 404
isolation of, 260
pilgrims to, 24, 190, 292
sharia law in, 56
Turkish surrender of, 292
Turkish threats to, 59
failure of attack on, 18, 19, 21, 35, 36, 53, 293
holy city of, 10, 524
“Pilgrim Road” from, 24
railway to, 21, 24, 49, 51, 70, 75–76, 75, 79, 260, 293, 298, 307, 359, 379, 390, 395
strategic thinking about, 37, 62, 70–71, 74–76, 81, 111
Turkish control of, 59, 293
Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, 282, 285
Mehmed Jemal Kuchuk Pasha “Jemal the Lesser,” 339
Mehmet Talat Pasha, 398
Meinertzhagen, Richard, 323, 325, 469–71, 512–13, 520, 583–84
Merneptah stele, 204
British control in, 40, 257, 444, 454, 458, 460, 474, 477, 505
independent, as goal, 259
Indian ambitions in, 256–57, 261
intelligence gathering in, 286–87
local uprisings in, 505, 506
oil reserves in, 253, 257, 268, 279, 454
Middle East:
ancient hatreds within, 274
and Balfour Declaration, see Balfour Declaration
British history of failure in, 290–91
British interests in, 506, 510
brutality in, 34–35, 96, 290, 349
Churchill as head of Colonial Office on, 510–21
deteriorating events in, 504–7, 698
European ambitions for, 38–40, 67, 81–82, 83, 112, 253, 266, 270, 275, 454, 468, 504–5, 697
Lawrence as adviser to Churchill in, 510–13, 515–16, 520, 521, 524–30, 533, 539, 540, 625, 626, 671, 684, 689
Lawrence’s achievements in, 530–33, 684, 686, 696–99
Lawrence’s developing interest in, 163, 164, 166
Lawrence’s first travel to, 166–76
Lawrence’s incisive views on, 443–44, 451–52, 474, 505–7, 509, 527, 532–33, 625–26, 629–30
oil in, 40, 253, 257, 268, 276, 279, 454, 461, 483, 484, 510, 517, 531, 698
and Paris Peace Conference, 100, 460–61, 470, 473, 474, 476, 510
San Remo conference on, 504
and Sykes-Picot Agreement, 276–80, 361, 458, 486
voices of women in, 389–90
Weizmann-Feisal agreement on, 465–68
see also Ottoman Empire; specific nations and tribes
Mijbil (guide), 341–42, 347, 348
Mills, John, 694
Mirren, Helen, 694
Mitchell, Reginald J., 642–43
Mitford, Nancy, 416n, 482
Mitla Pass, 106
Mohammed (Auda’s son), 80
Mohammed Said el Kader, emir, 333, 400, 430, 433
Molière, Le Bourgeois gentilhomme, 663
Montgomery, Bernard Law, 28, 483
Morgenthau, Henry J., 475n
Morocco, as French colonial possession, 48, 442
Morris, William, 156–57, 159, 205–6, 212, 598
Moses, 2, 63, 233, 237, 245
Mosley, Lady Cynthia, 446
Mosley, Sir Oswald, 667, 676
British control of, 398, 460, 461, 517
French ambitions for, 454
Motalga tribe, 367, 368, 370–72
Mountbatten, Lady Louis, 670
Mount Edgcumbe, Lord and Lady, 651
Mudawara, raids on, 311–14, 319–20, 322, 344, 357, 375, 395, 403
Muhammad (Prophet):
descendents of, 259
successors to, 256
Muhammad Sharif al-Faruqi, 268, 283
Murray, Sir Archibald:
and Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 4, 45, 285
at Gaza, 4, 70–71, 91, 104–5
and Lawrence’s reports, 291
and Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, 282
and military strategy, 5, 29, 285
replacement by Allenby, 105, 108, 110, 297, 322
Murray, Thomas, 140n
Muslims, spiritual leadership of, 261
Nablus, British conquest of, 412
Nakhl Mubarak, Arab army at, 54, 56, 57
Napoleon Bonaparte, 235, 275
Lawrence compared to, 28, 60, 61, 149, 515
Lawrence’s studies of, 28, 29
military strategies of, 366, 370, 411
Naqib of Baghdad, 523
Nasir, sharif of Medina, 399
and attack on Aqaba, 99, 238
journey to Aqaba, 82, 83, 89, 90, 95
journey to Damascus, 428, 429
journey to Wejh, 65
at Sheikh Saad, 417, 424
and tribal rivalries, 92
on Turkish threat to Aqaba, 301
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 234
Nazareth, British conquest of, 411–12
Nefudh dunes, 86
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 483
Nelson, Flight Lieutenant, 546
Nelson, Horatio Viscount Nelson, 112, 567, 686, 690
Nesib el Bekri, 82, 89
New, E. H., 167
Newcombe, Stewart F.:
as British military adviser to Feisal, 63, 65
and Carchemish site, 240
and Lawrence’s funeral, 679
military skills of, 235
mutual respect of Lawrence and, 64, 65, 90
and Palestine map survey, 235, 236–38
in Paris, 472
and raids on railway to Medina, 70, 82
and World War I, 250, 252, 254, 257
Newspaper Proprietors Association, 673
New York Times, The, 636, 638
Nicholas, Grand Duke, 289
Nicholas I, Czar, 13
Nicolson, Sir Arthur, 274–75
Nicolson, Sir Harold, 274n, 475, 583, 656
Nightingale, Florence, 449
Northern Theater, map, 324
Nuri as-Said, 364–65
Arab regulars commanded by, 417
cutting railway lines, 364, 410
deportation to India, 259
as former Turkish officer, 19
as future prime minister of Iraq, 259
at Tafas, 419, 424
at Tafileh, 360, 365
travel with Feisal to Europe, 457
at Um el Surab, 415
Nuri Shallan, Emir, 415, 417
as Arab ruler, 88–89, 92, 403
attacks on Turkish lines, 416, 428
at Damascus, 429
physical traits of, 91
and tribal rivalries, 88
Turkish connections of, 88, 89, 95
Obeid el Raashid, 18, 23, 26–27, 29, 30
Observer, The (London), 505
bsp; Odyssey (Homer), Lawrence’s translation of, 102n, 151, 489, 605, 625, 633, 643, 655, 661–62
Official Secrets Act, 678
Offit, Avodah, 140n
O’Flaherty, Liam, 612
Olivier, Sir Laurence, 690n, 692
Oman, Charles, 165, 166
On the Waterfront (film), 692
Orwell, George, Down and Out in Paris and London, 579
Osler, Sir William, 219
O’Toole, Peter, 693, 694, 695
Ottoman Empire:
archaeological sites in, 141, 184–85, 190, 199, 233, 239
and British foreign policy, 12–13, 183, 260
and British intelligence, 283
and British Turcophiles, 12–13
European ambitions for, 81–82, 270, 469, 697–98
gun-running in, 218–19, 221
as isolated and primitive for travelers, 168–69
Lawrence’s first trip to, 168–76
map by Lawrence, 532–33
Sykes-Picot agreement on, 38, 40, 81, 276, 278–79, 504
war rumors in, 202–3, 215
war strategies against, 2, 253, 291, 531
weaknesses of, 222, 224–25
and World War I, 252
Owen, Wilfred, 265
Ashmolean Museum, 136, 141, 155, 165, 182, 222, 223, 225, 675
City of Oxford High School, 136–40, 144
Lawrence family in, 128, 132, 497
Oxford Times, 539
Oxford University:
All Souls College, 119, 143, 185n, 484–85, 489–90, 491–92, 497, 503, 533, 557, 579, 587n, 681
Bodleian Library, 618
Jesus College, 153, 155–56, 162–65, 173–74, 176–77, 178, 182, 185–86, 202, 217
Lawrence’s entrance into, 148, 151–52, 153
Lawrence’s thesis in, 150, 163, 165, 176–77, 186, 202
Magdalen College at, 185
student life in, 154–55
vanished world of, 491–92, 662
Oxford University Officers’ Training Corps, 156, 158, 243
Oxford University Press, 598
borders of, 519–20, 524
British control of, 412, 444, 451, 459, 460, 466, 474, 477, 505, 507, 509, 520, 697
creation as separate entity, 697
diverse populations of, 521–22
flag of, 272
holy sites in, 39, 466
Jewish settlements in, 277, 306, 329, 451, 463, 466, 467, 468, 476, 509, 512, 520, 522, 531–32, 695
Lawrence’s travels in, 171–72
map survey of, 63, 83, 232–39
as military goal, 100, 267
military strategy between wars, 29
national home for Jewish people in, 39, 399–400, 511, 520, 531–32, 697
partition of, 39, 276, 329, 466
political control of, 39, 280, 444, 458
and Sykes-Picot agreement, 39, 276, 280, 451, 467
Weizmann-Feisal agreement on, 465–68
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