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The Outbreak Series (Book 2): Purgatory

Page 7

by Baker, Thomas

  "Linda, these magazines aren't doing a thing for me. You got anything more exciting, something to get my blood pumping, like a Playboy?" said Gus.

  He opened his eyes and turned to them. They widened when he saw Hannah, they widened even more when he saw the Reverend.

  "Beg your pardon Reverend. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were there. I hope I didn't offend ya." Albright waved it away. "And looky here, it's my darlin Hannah. You didn't happen to bring me any donuts did you? Being at the doctor's or in a hospital always gave me a craving for donuts."

  "Hi Gus," Hannah said, a little choked up. Small tears leaked from her eyes. He looked so much better already, the best since they had left the cabin. She wanted to rush over and hug him, but was afraid it wasn't safe too. So she stood there, feeling a big, goofy smile spread across her face. "Still as ornery as ever I see. I feel a little sorry for Linda."

  "Sorry for Linda? I'm the one in pain and suffering and you feel sorry for Linda? Kids these days."

  "You hush now Gus," Linda said. "or you will be in real pain and suffering if I, oh, accidentally forgot to give you your next pain meds."

  Gus grunted at her. “See what I mean?”

  Linda shifted as she turned back to Hannah, taking on a more professional tone. "He had lost a lot of blood, and his wound was infected. I had to open it back up, treat it, and then stitch it up properly. I wish I could give him a blood infusion, but I don't have the equipment here to do that safely. Or the blood for that matter. He’ll have to rest and wait for his body to heal the old fashion way, with time."

  “From what my excellent nurse here has said, I won’t have made it this far if it wasn’t for you Hannah. I owe you so much.” Hannah felt her face heat up at the genuine compliment he was paying her. "Then I'm lucky you found this place. And Linda here even had this much of a setup darlin. Weren’t for you, I might have been a gone Gus."

  "Not lucky Gus, blessed. It was God's will that led you to us." Albright made the sign of the cross over Gus's bed.

  Gus was quiet for a moment, like he wasn't sure how to respond.

  "Gus, you have no idea how happy it makes me you are going to be okay. It really is a miracle."

  "Where are JT and Tyrone? How come they ain't with you?" Gus asked. Hannah was about to answer but Albright jumped in.

  "They’re fine. They have been, how can I put this delicately, a little more hostile towards me and my people than you or Hannah have been. So for now we have them in a separate area, for their own safety and the safety of my people. They’re being well taken care of by the Sheriff of our town. Until we can sort this all out. Get them acclimated with the church, so to speak."

  Again Gus took a few moments before responding. "Guess that sounds about right. JT is a little too hot headed, for his own good sometimes, and Tyrone has changed a lot since..." Hannah gave Gus a look and he caught himself. "Well since this all began."

  "We'll leave you to rest now Gus. Linda, I am sure Hannah will be back down many more times to visit. She has my blessing. May God speed you to a miraculous recovery."

  JT could hear the muffled voices of the Sheriff and someone else on the other side of the door separating the holding area and the office area. The voices were getting louder as they neared. It sounded like an argument. The door squeaked open and Sheriff Randall stepped through with Charlie in tow.

  "The Rev-" Sheriff Randall was cut off by Charlie.

  "Reverend Albright has sent me to escort JT," Charlie stood almost nose to nose with Randall. "That's all you need to know." Charlie turned to JT's cell. "You decide to try anything funny and I'll not be nearly as nice as Ol' Randall here."

  JT couldn't help but notice the glare Randall gave Charlie. Was it because he was cut off, Charlie’s rude comment, or both? He also noticed the sheriff tighten his grip on his baton.

  Tension? Animosity? Maybe this is something I can use later.

  JT had assumed his turn was coming after Tyrone. He had spent the time steeling himself. He had told himself he was going to go in there, say whatever it was they wanted to hear, do whatever tricks they wanted him to do. Sing Hallelujah at the top of his voice and say seven Hail Marys if he had to. Whatever he had to do to get in there and get close to Hannah, so he could get her out.

  Charlie produced his own set of handcuffs and approached the cell door. He didn't even look as he reached his hand back to Sheriff Randall for the keys to the door. JT didn't break Charlie's stare as he unlocked the door and tightened up the cuffs. Charlie was making them as tight as they could go. JT wouldn't even give him the satisfaction of flinching. Frustrated, Charlie grabbed the links between the cuffs and yanked JT close.

  "You try anything boy, and I mean anything, and you will be wearing your teeth as a necklace. Do you understand me?" Charlie blustered.

  "Yeah, yeah I hear you just fine." JT matched Charlie's intensity. "Speaking of teeth, have you ever brushed yours? I mean in your life? That smell is what I imagine a zombie woman's vagina would be like. You’ve been busy Charlie?"

  I will stomp your ass out like a drunken dickhead on a Saturday night. Just give me a chance.

  Charlie's mouth almost disappeared as his lips smashed against each other. JT was testing, seeing if Charlie could do anything to him without making the Rev mad. Charlie grabbed JT by the arm and shoved him forward, giving him a second hard nudge in the back. That answered JT’s question.

  "Charlie," Randall blocked Charlie's way, one hand still gripping his baton. “Let me cover a couple things right quick. These men are still in my custody which means I am responsible for their care and well being. Like Reverend Albright and I agreed upon. So if you could see to it this one doesn't come back busted up like the other one did, I would be much obliged."

  Charlie bumped Randall's shoulder as he passed, with a barely perceived nod of his head as an answer.

  Charlie roughly shoved JT into the back of a pick up. When they arrived at the church, JT was hustled inside by the prodding blows of Charlie's rifle into the small of his back. JT wanted nothing more than to snatch it away and smash it over Charlie's head.

  JT was shocked as he was escorted into the Reverend's office and found not only Albright but Hannah as well. She looked well. She must have freshly showered and had been given a new pair of jeans and a nice purple blouse that made her skin look nice. JT was relived she was being treated better than he was.

  They both sat, talking and laughing when he entered, looking as casual as could be. When she turned in his direction, she didn't look excited to see him. In fact, she looked pretty cozy with the so called Reverend.

  "JT. Hi. I missed you,” she said flatly, not even getting up. She seemed distracted. There was awkwardness between them he hadn’t felt since the first day they met. “How are you and Tyrone doing? Are you being treated okay?"

  JT shrugged, looking down on her. "Just peachy," He lied.

  "Okay. Albright told me you were. Nice to hear you are safe." Hannah replied, in a distracted sort of way. "I saw Gus yesterday. JT, he is recovering well! Isn't that great?" Talk of Gus at least seemed to perk her up.

  "Yeah, I knew that tough old bastard would pull through." JT tried to sound noncommittal but it was the first chink in his resolve that Albright was up to no good. Had they helped to heal Gus? JT took in a deep breath and blew it out.

  "It's a miracle JT." Hannah beamed.

  JT tried to hide his rolling eyes from Hannah. Medicine and the skill of whoever was helping Gus was to credit. He wasn’t going to get into that now though. He was however, going to have to recalculate how to save Hannah and a recovering Gus. Gus getting better was the first bit of good news he had heard since ending up at the church. Reverend Albright, who had been sitting and taking this all in, rose and came over to JT.

  "Good morning my son. I would shake hands JT but well..." He gestured to the handcuffs. "Safety these days is of utmost importance. I hope you are more cooperative than your friend Tyrone. He kept getting more agitated and b
elligerent as I asked him simple questions. Then tried to jump me and Charlie had to defend us. Stay calm and soon, if you are honest like Hannah, you could join us. Look what we have done for her and your friend Gus already."

  JT listened to his bullshit, reminding himself to stay calm, remember, and answer with whatever Albright wants to hear. He kept his cool at first, but his temper ramped up more and more as he watched Hannah soak up the attention of the Reverend like a dry sponge sucked up water. Each laugh shared between them, each touch got his blood boiling. He had long stop paying attention to whatever it was Albright was saying.

  "JT what do you think? JT, are you still with us?"

  Charlie gave JT a sharp poke in the back. "You are being talked to dummy."

  Finally JT had seen enough. "Are we going to keep pretending you aren't holding us captive? Quite frankly I have heard enough of your false pretense bullshit. Besides don't you have some altar boys to tend to somewhere in the back?"

  Damn it. I did it again.

  The comments got him dragged by the handcuffs out the door, metal digging into his wrists. Albright stood there, smirking, his hands in his pockets. As the door closed he could see Hannah didn't even look that shocked or concerned. The thought she was being drugged passed through JT's head. As a bonus insult Charlie gave him a few punches in the gut once they were outside the church and next to the truck.

  JT fumed, wondering how he had fucked up again. His stomach hurt with ever breath as the truck took him on his back on way to Cell Block Six. He kept telling himself after the incident where he killed the little girl he would keep his temper in check, yet it was still like some mad dog who sometimes broke off its leash and attacked. He also couldn’t stop thinking about how Hannah didn’t seem like herself. He wondered what was going on with her. He had a bad feeling it was going to be much harder than he thought to get away from the religious wackjobs.

  The truck stopped and before JT could even stand, Charlie jumped over the side of the bed and pushed JT off the tailgate. JT moaned as he impacted with the concrete, unable to put his hands out to break his fall. Charlie peeled out as soon as he was done. Little pebbles sprayed in JT’s face. He had been able to keep his head up as he fell but that meant his left shoulder and arm took the brunt of the fall. Charlie better hope it’s not broken because payback will be hell.

  JT lay there, not enjoying his view, when a pair of scuffed up brown cowboy boots filled his vision. “You and your friend make a habit of getting on people’s bad sides? Not that it’s that hard to do with Charlie.”

  Sheriff Randall got him up gently, giving JT all the support he needed. JT was genuinely shocked to be treated so nicely by him. “That boy is two beers short of a six pack but he has a mean streak like a junkyard dog. Let’s get back inside and I’ll make sure none of your tender bits are broken. JT was walked into the cell block. He was surprised at the sound of Tyrone singing. He did it so little these days.

  "Stuck inside these four walls. Sent inside forever. Never seeing no one nice again, like you, mama. You, mama...You..."

  He could see Tyrone lying on his cot, staring up at the ceiling. The Sheriff had given in and left one of the lanterns in the hallway, so at least they wouldn't have to sit in darkness all the time. It cast harsh shadows on the far wall. Tyrone kept singing like they weren’t there as JT was checked out and then left in his new home away from home.

  "Hey fearless leader," Tyrone said, after Sheriff Randall had left. "How was your girlfriend? Ya know, I half expected not to see you again."

  "What the hell is that suppose to mean?" JT was beyond in a sour mood now.

  "If you had gotten Hannah, I thought you two would be out of here. Guess that didn't happen though huh?"

  "I wouldn't have left with you and Gus. Somehow, I would have found a way to get you out. We're a team, hell we're family."

  "Are we now?" Tyrone had taken on a sarcastic tone. "It doesn't look to me like you came back with a black eye or a bloody lip. You look fine to me. What did you do, get on your knees and start praising Jesus?"

  "What is your problem? I don't like this attitude man. I'm back here, so no I didn't play nice either okay? I don't know why they beat you up, but they will pay for it. I promise you. We will get out of here. Our new buddy Charlie, he will pay. You might not see it on my face but he wasn’t exactly a cuddly bear to me."

  "Yeah, right," Tyrone sounded even more sarcastic. "I was laying here thinking about my real family, my Mama. About how after I got to know all of you, I talked to you about her. Once we got someplace safe, I wanted you guys to help me. We would all go back and try to find her. Gus assured me we would. All we have done though is go further and further in the opposite direction. There has been no place safe."

  Tyrone let out a huge sigh. "I know something now. I need to give up on that thought. Not much chance she is still alive anyway. You know what I mean? I think I would rather not go back and find her all zombified. Anyway, I think if we do get out of here, I’m splits with you guys. Management here blows."

  JT was done. First Hannah and now this. He was about ready to blow his top and tell Tyrone off, when the door to the cell room banged open again. Sheriff Randall was pushing a handcuffed long haired man in front of him. He shoved him into the cell directly across from JT and slammed the door.

  "You have been warned before. Albright has been patient with you, but I wouldn't count on that lasting too much longer. You’re lucky he sent you to me and didn’t let Charlie have his way with you. You’ll be sleeping it off in here, while Albright confiscates and burns everything he finds in your room. Contemplate that man."

  Sheriff Randall slammed the cell door and stalked out. JT stood and went to the bars, looking over. Between certain friends of his and his years as a bouncer, JT could tell their new roommate was high as a kite. The man gazed around the room like he wasn't sure where he was. He plopped down on the cot. He looked up and noticed JT and Tyrone for the first time.

  "Whoa, Sheriff gots some noobs. Where did you guys come from? What did you do to piss Randall off and get thrown in here? Was it the same thing he keeps busting me for?"

  "I doubt it. We are not from around here," JT said, calming down as he realized here was someone he could get information from. This guy might know what was going on here. "Are you?"

  "Lived here all my life, man. In this boring backwards town. If I didn't have the internet growing up, I hate to think what would have happened to me. What's your guyses names? You can call me Jelly."

  "Jelly?" Tyrone asked his voice full of doubt.

  "Yeah Jelly."

  "Like on your birth certificate, it says you legal first name is Jelly?"

  "Sure, man."

  "What, your Dad a big fan of jelly doughnuts?"

  "No, but he did love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches," Jelly laughed like it was the best joke he ever heard. "Really my name is Jay, but everyone calls me Jelly."

  "Jelly, are you high?" JT asked, after a pause.

  "Oh yeah man," Jelly giggled. "Been hitting it a little more than normal. Can you blame me?"

  "No man, no I can't. I'm JT and my friend here is Tyrone. We were just passing through when some people jumped us and brought us in here. He and Albright won't let us get on our way."

  "Bummer dude," Jelly sounded genuinely concerned. "Sheriff can be a real buzzkill. Anyway, I'll be out of here again soon. There is no way Sheriff stick in the ass or Revered Killjoy are finding my stash either. He hasn't the other three times I have been in here. Dudes, maybe we will all get out together!"

  "I don't know Jelly," Tyrone said. "The way it looks to me, Sheriff takes his orders from Reverend Albright. What's his deal anyway?"

  "Oh the Rev? I don't really know him man," Jelly said, words slurring slightly. "He didn't show up here till about the same time we started having that zombie shit. He gathered up everyone who didn't leave town, get turned or become zombie chow. Led them up to the church. Been there ever since. Everyone is sup
pose to stay up at the church, except Randall. Most of the time I sneak out and stay at my apartment. I’m no conformist. Fuck Albright. Guy acts like he is the Kim Jong of Gateway City. Says smoking weed is a sin and the devil has tempted me on a path of damnation or some such stupid shit. If there is a God, then he’s busy right now shaking the Etch a Sketch of Earth. Why the fuck would he be concerned about me and my plant habits?"

  "What about the Sheriff then? Is he not from around here too?" JT asked.

  "Oh no, Sheriff Randall is a born and raised GCer. He's the only one who stays down here in town that the Rev is cool with. I think he and the Rev have one of those mutual respect things going on. Randall keeps the town clear. He can be a hardass but he does love his town and the people in it with a serious hard on."

  "What about the dead people hanging from the tree? Sheriff thinks that’s okay?" Tyrone said. "I find it pretty offensive, you know what I mean?"

  "I don't know about that," Jelly said, stretching out onto his cot and putting his hands behind his head. "I really don't pay much attention to what goes on up there in the church. I am a loner man, I do my own thing. I am what you call independent. I am not into all the community kumbaya bullshit, I fake it enough to be left alone. Normally they don't even notice me. Except when the Rev or the Sheriff feels like busting my hump, I guess to make an example of me. I think the Rev and Sheriff Randall have some kind of a ‘this is mine that is yours’ type situation with the town and the church."

  JT was disappointed in what he was hearing. He thought this guy would give him something useful. Nothing Jelly told him would help their situation.

  "None of this sounds good. What the hell are we going to do now JT?" Tyrone growled. "Another fine mess you got us into."

  "Huh?" JT asked, irritated. "How you going to pin this on me? How the hell was I supposed to know I was going to get jumped by church nuts. You think you can do better, go right ahead."


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