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Unchartered Territory

Page 6

by Ann Cory

  "Well, what do we have here, boys? If it ain't a pretty little maiden all alone."

  Charlotte tried to scream, but the captor's hand held firm against her mouth. She worried his grip would crush her bones.

  "Fowler, what do you want me to do with her? Say the word and I'll kill her slow."

  A burly man stepped forward, his face gruff with whiskers. His eyes, those of a demon shark, pierced through her soul. He stroked his chin, with claws for nails, embedded with what looked like blood. “You'll have to kill her later. For now, she'll be of use to us. Women make good bargaining chips."

  An odd-looking man with hungry eyes grabbed at her hair and sniffed it. His face was long and drawn, as if he hadn't eaten in months. “I get dibs on her hair. Smells like heaven.” Several more men surrounded her, all calling out which part of her they wanted. Their putrid breath made her stomach clench.

  A large man with a bulbous nose stepped forward and wiped away a string of saliva from his mouth. “She smells of fresh sex. I watched her fucking Captain Parr. Seems she knows a thing or two about how to satisfy a man."

  To know she'd been seen naked by the likes of him made her want to retch.

  A shorter man with yellowish eyes gripped her chin and squeezed her lips into a pucker.

  "Bet you've never had eight men at once. What do you say to a pirate orgy?"

  Bile crept up her throat. Moments ago, she'd been happy and carefree. Literally on cloud nine with her body sated beyond all belief. Now her fate rested in the hands of all things ... bloodthirsty pirates.

  Fowler stepped forward, his voice brusque in its command. “Enough, as if she'd have the likes of you rotting maggots. She will be the one to show us where the treasure is, so you'll keep your hands off."

  Charlotte tried to twist herself out from the man's grip, but he held steadfast. Where was Phineas when she needed him? How did she find herself in one bad situation after another? She would seriously need to reconsider her judgment, especially when it came to men, they were becoming hazardous to her health.

  Fowler handed a rope to several of the men. They bound her hands tight behind her back. The vile monster put his face up close to hers, his breath stale and fishy. “Now, wench, you show us where the treasure is and we'll consider keeping Parr's head connected to his body after we've killed him."

  Charlotte bit her lip and hoped Phineas would forgive her for giving up the location of the treasure chest. She was no match for these dangerous men. If she showed them where the treasure was, she might be able to win their trust, and save Phineas at the same time. It seemed like a long shot, but it was the only chance she had.

  With a deep sigh, she nodded her head in the direction from where she'd come. “It's back that way.” The men tugged on the rope and half pulled, half dragged her along.

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  Chapter 7

  Phineas couldn't believe the one time he let his guard down, who showed up unannounced. After giving orders to his crew, he'd led Fowler's men on a wild goose chase. When he thought he'd lost them, he quickly backtracked to where he'd left Charlotte all pink and trembling from their secret rendezvous. At least he knew she'd be safe.

  His fingers still burned from her touch. He never knew a woman could be so responsive. Her soft whimpers continued to reverberate in his ears. She hooked him whether she meant to or not. In many ways he was glad no one had yet come to rescue her. It would give him more time to be with her. He'd ravish her each night until she begged him to stop.

  Phineas realized he was getting ahead of himself. First, they needed to get the treasure safely onboard and then they could set sail before Fowler caught up to them.

  He hurried his pace, not wanting to be away from her another moment. When he arrived at the treasure site, his heart skipped a beat.


  Phineas called out and looked around but didn't see any sign of her. An eerie feeling washed over him. The same feeling he had when he'd found his mother dead. What a fool he'd been! He should never have left her alone. She meant more to him than the treasure. Then he noticed the hole covered up, partway. Why would she conceal the treasure chest?

  "What have you done, lass?” he whispered aloud. The question hung in the air like a bitter chill. He worried she hadn't left by her own accord. His stomach turned into knots as he imagined all sorts of horrible things that could befall a woman captured by the likes of Fowler's men.

  A bevy of voices broke out and he nearly choked on his spit when he saw Fowler himself approach with Charlotte, dragged like some kind of rat by his crew. He'd always feared the day when he came face to face with his sworn enemy, but now that fear was quickly replaced with rage. How dare Fowler mistreat the woman he cared for?

  "What have you done to her? Let her go this instant,” he demanded, spit flying from his lips.

  Fowler sneered and showed his blackened teeth. “Relax, she's unharmed, for now."

  His fists clenched. “I said, let her go."

  Fowler turned to his crew and they laughed in unison. “Hand over the treasure, Parr, and she's yours. We don't have to shed innocent blood this time. Haven't you seen enough death, when you were a boy?"

  Phineas couldn't stand to see the look of horror on Charlotte's face. She didn't deserve any of this. Everyone dear to him had come to an untimely death, over treasure no less. He couldn't risk her life too. No treasure was worth the pain.

  "Aye. We both know I'm the one you're after. The one who got away with your treasure map. You've dreamed of killing me; admit it. You can't stand the fact you were outwitted by a child."

  Fury reflected from his enemy's eyes. “I can't deny I'd love to know how it would feel to slice your throat with a slick blade.” He made a slitting motion across his neck with his long fingernail.

  "And maybe you'll get that chance, but first I'd like to make a proposition to you."

  Fowler grunted. “I suppose I can humor you. I'm listening."

  Phineas had to think fast. “We split the treasure thirty-seventy. You of course, get seventy. You have my word. What do you say?"

  He could practically see the mind of his foe reeling, trying to figure out the catch.

  "You disappoint me. Your father would never negotiate those terms."

  "I'm not my father."

  "No, you're a worthless and cowardly version of him. Enlighten me, why should I take your word?"

  "Because you've taken everything away from me that means something, but I refuse to hand over all of the booty. It's mine; I was here first."

  Fowler crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. “You still hold a grudge for ridding you of a neglectful father and the stupid woman he abandoned for the sea? Have you learned nothing over time?"

  Phineas had learned to bottle up his emotions and stuff it away for years. His blood swirled at the way his enemy spoke of his parents. For all their faults, they had been good people who didn't deserve the death they were served. “You know nothing of the heartache you caused. You left me a bloody orphan."

  "Then there's nothing else I can hurt you with."

  He shook his head. “No. You've taken care of everything."

  Fowler strode close to Charlotte and tugged hard on the rope. “What about this woman? My men saw you two together. Are you going to tell me you feel nothing for her? That her life is worthless?"

  Phineas swallowed hard. He hoped Charlotte trusted him enough with what he was about to say. “Women bring nothing but bad luck onboard, and you know it. I admit my manly urges got the better of me. She's such a ripe-looking beauty, but no, I don't feel anything for her."

  A gasp laced with pain escaped Charlotte's lips and it felt like a dagger to his heart. “You bastard,” she hissed. “That's all I am to you, a conquest? Another notch on your belt?"

  He didn't dare look at her. If only he had the chance to tell her the truth. The truth that he had fallen in love with her. Hard. But he had to keep up the charade. It was the only way he
knew to save them both. In time, he hoped she would forgive him. If not, he would suffer the consequences.

  Fowler released the rope and inched closer to the captain. “How touching, but I don't buy it. The treasure you claim as yours, is mine. You stole my map out from under me, the very map your father stole from me. I am its rightful owner. As for the woman, she'll make a nice gift for the crew until they tire of her. If you turn around and get back on your father's ship, I'll consider sparing your life."

  It would be the last thing he did. Phineas would die first before allowing them to take Charlotte away. He frowned and shook his head. “I'm not giving up all the booty without a fight. I was being generous, giving you the better end of the deal. Why don't you take it?"

  "There be a black spot on your soul, Parr, and I'll be damned if I let it affect me too."

  "You were born with a black spot on your flesh,” he retorted.

  Fowler pulled out his sword and lunged. Phineas dodged, but not without feeling the tip of the blade cut into his arm. He withdrew his sword and took aim. A powerful surge rocketed through his body, and for a moment, he swore his father's spirit was guiding him. He stepped forward, but only swiped air. Fowler was known as a master swordsman, and hadn't lost any agility or speed over the years.

  "Give up, Parr,” his enemy growled. “It's not about the treasure anymore. It's about finishing what I started. The only thing I want is to see your head flying in a different direction than your body. I didn't spend all these years tracking you to watch you walk away with my loot."

  Phineas turned his wrist and brought his sword down hard against Fowler's, and the clang of metal rose to a deafening pitch. He adjusted his stance as they crossed their blades, parrying with the very demon he had nightmares about. “If you don't want to watch me walk away, then I suggest you close your eyes.” Phineas circled his blade, countered the swift parry, and caught Fowler's sword at the hilt in the process, sending it over his head.

  Before it registered that his adversary stood before him unarmed, Phineas lunged forward and sank his sword into flesh. Blood bubbled out of Fowler's mouth and his eyes rolled up into his head. With a thud, the entity he'd both feared and hated fell to the ground.

  In a frenetic swarm, Fowler's crew dropped their weapons and the rope they'd bound Charlotte with, running off before they too were killed.

  He stood silent a moment, watching the blood run down his arm and drip onto the sand. Over too quickly, but he wasn't sorry in the least. The bogeyman had finally been slain.

  Charlotte rushed to his side, and wrapped her arms around his waist, tears streaked across her cheeks. “Oh my God, you're hurt."

  "It's blood well spilled. I'll be fine.” He stroked her hair with his other hand. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

  "I'll be okay."

  His body shook. He'd been so close to losing her, and he didn't want to go through that again. “I hope you know what I said back there, about not caring..."

  She silenced his words with her fingers against his lips. “I know. I didn't believe you for a second. I was acting too. Now let me get the crew to help carry the treasure onboard. I don't want you lifting it with your injury."

  Phineas did his best to look serious, but couldn't make his tone follow. “What makes you think I'll listen to anything you say?"

  Charlotte set her hands on her hips and pursed her luscious lips. “You aren't the only one around here capable of giving orders. Now do as I say and don't move."

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  Chapter 8

  "Mm, your cook sure knows how to make a celebratory feast. The food was simply delicious.” Charlotte patted her belly as she sipped the last of her wine.

  Phineas set down his goblet and pushed himself away from the table. “Fancy a walk around the ship? It should be a full moon."

  A walk sounded like the perfect thing to help her stomach settle. And a good excuse to be alone with him. “I'd love to.” She slipped her hand into his and followed him outside. “By the way, how's your arm?"

  "It be fine, lassie. Bart will make sure of that."

  "He's not the only one capable of taking good care of you."

  Charlotte recounted the events of the day as they walked along the prow. The crew had helped carry the treasure chest filled with gold coins and jewels to the ship and prepared to set sail. Bart tended to Phineas’ wound, and told her she was good luck for the captain. Then they enjoyed a hearty meal in celebration of Fowler's death and finding the loot. This after a morning of making love, finding buried treasure, and being kidnapped. She didn't realize how exciting life as a pirate could be.

  Looking out to sea, she took a deep breath and let go of her last bit of tension. The waves were gentle and sparkled like diamonds beneath the bright glow of the moon. She felt more content than ever. A ship didn't sound like an ideal home before, but she could certainly see it as one now. It would take some getting used to, but if Phineas would have her, she'd stay for as long as he wanted.

  "You're much too quiet.” He slipped his arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head. “What thoughts be going ‘round in your head, lass?"

  "I thought of when we first met. I told you I wasn't a spy and you didn't believe me. You were so damn paranoid."

  A sheepish grin streaked his face. “Aye. I figured something as beautiful as you couldn't be real."

  She scrunched up her nose. “But to think I'd have anything to do with a monster like Fowler?"

  "It was stupid, I know, but it was only a matter of time before he caught up to me. The fear of facing him messed with my good judgment. I apologize if I came on too strong."

  Charlotte smoothed her hand along his arm. “No need. That chapter of your life can finally be put to rest."

  He sighed. “It has been a long time coming."

  "I think you're very noble and brave. A lesser man would have crumbled. You stood your ground and honored your parents at the same time."

  "I knew if Fowler took my life, he'd hurt you, and eventually discover the real treasure I have hidden in me ship."

  She cocked her head to the side. “What do you mean the real treasure?"

  "Here, come with me."

  Phineas led her into the guest quarters. He went to the corner and brought out the decorated box she'd seen him open when he was sleepwalking.

  "This here holds a special treasure to me."

  She watched him use the gold coin from around his neck to open it. He slowly opened the lid and removed the red sash. “These are the wedding rings of me mother and father."

  Charlotte could only stare at the two timeless pieces sitting atop a velvet cushion.

  "You see, lass. My father asked me to watch over my mother, but I didn't listen. It's my fault she's dead."


  "Let me finish. I could have saved her, but instead I stowed away on my father's ship—leaving her to fend for herself. All I have left to remember either of them by are the tokens they gave one another. I didn't want to be a pirate in the beginning, but it's how I preserve my father's name and my mother's memory. This ship, The Fortune, was named in honor of my mother. My father once told me in confidence that she was the greatest treasure of his life. He said that while gold and jewels were a nice find, it never amounted to the fortune she'd brought to his heart."

  Her chest tightened. “That's beautiful. You're going to make me cry."

  "He was a passionate man, my father. There were times when my mother's love was the only thing that kept him going. I cherished the stories he told when he did come home. They were always about love, and rarely about his adventures."

  "The way you talked about him earlier, I thought he felt marrying your mother had been a mistake, but now I see he felt the opposite."

  Phineas nodded. “He acted tough, around his crew. When you've got men looking up to ya, putting all their faith in yer every word, it changes how you are. I didn't always understand what love meant, but now I do.
In our short time together, I've come to care about you, and I can't imagine a future without you. I guess I'm saying ... I've fallen for you, lass."

  She smiled. “I've fallen for you too."

  "I can breathe easier now. The things that matter most to me are safe. But things aren't as meaningful if you can't share them."

  Phineas removed the gold ring with a large ruby stone, and held it in front of her. “Will you honor me by wearing my mother's ring?"

  Charlotte stared at the dainty jewel with its brilliant red hue. The gesture warmed her heart. “I don't know what to say.” She lifted her head and met his gaze.

  "I know it doesn't take the place of your stolen necklace, but perhaps in time it will become special to you as well."

  Her eyes brimmed with tears. “It's special to me now.” She slipped it on and delighted in the perfect fit. “Thank you. I'll treasure it always."

  He reached up and scratched his forehead. It almost seemed he was nervous. “There be another matter in need of discussing, lass."

  "Oh?” She worried he would tell her she couldn't stay with him.

  "Aye.” His hands rested on either side of her face, his thumbs stroking her skin. “I wondered if you'd be willing to give up your land legs and sail around the world with me."

  Charlotte gasped. She couldn't take all these surprises at once. “You want me to accompany you on your journeys?"

  "Not accompany so much, as be by my side. There is uncharted territory I'd like to scout out. Islands yet to discover. Treasure to dig up. We make a good team, and I could always use a good map-reader on the crew."

  Charlotte laughed. “Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you say women weren't to be trusted onboard? Something about them being bad luck."

  She watched his face turn several shades of red. “Well, you see lass, you aren't a woman."

  What the hell? Had she heard him right? She thrust her hands to her hips and raised a brow. “Excuse me?"


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