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Two Hearts Unbroken

Page 6

by Tamara Ferguson

  “All I know Brand is you’re the only man I’ve allowed to hold me in over two years. I couldn’t even handle it when my dad or my brother tried to hug me these last few months, and I felt awful about it.”

  Suddenly, she was inhaling Brand’s scent, and the cool clean fragrance of cedar and spice. He felt warm, while at the same time hard and muscular, and she burrowed deeper into his arms.

  She heard him take in a deep breath. And, although she couldn’t understand why, his obvious awareness wasn’t a turnoff. In fact, it had quite the opposite effect.

  Especially considering the beauty of their surroundings, as a strange glittering light reflected from the lake and shone across Brand’s handsome chiseled face.


  He pulled back slightly, giving her a rather mysterious smile. “Yes, Sarah?”

  “Can I kiss you?”

  He blinked. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to kiss you?”

  She grimaced. “I…suspected.”

  “But you were engaged,” he said quietly.

  “Yeah.” She rolled her eyes. “I was engaged.”

  “But now you’re not. The guy was a jerk,” he stated.

  A smile lit up her face. “He was.” But that sense of insecurity came rushing back. “I just wish I would’ve seen it before I came home injured, when he couldn’t stand to look at me.”

  “I’ll kill him,” Brand said grimly.

  And she really believed he would, she realized as more of that day in Iraq suddenly came rushing back through her consciousness. Brand had already killed for her. He and Sarge had taken the men out, one, two…and three. The last one had been the worst, the man who’d mocked her for her supposed lack of femininity. But they’d all had weapons drawn, and would’ve killed Brand and Sarge for sure if they hadn’t taken the men out first.

  Wait a minute, she thought. What men? They’d been animals.

  As tall as she was, Brand was several inches taller than her, and the look in his jade green eyes held nothing but reassurance.

  Taking him by surprise and wrapping her arm around Brand’s neck tightly, she laid her lips against his.

  She could tell he was deliberately holding back, probably because he was afraid of what her reaction might be. Her emotions had already been up and down on a rollercoaster the entire day.

  “We’re gonna take this really, really slow,” he murmured against her lips, responding to the kiss. “I don’t want to scare you off.”

  He pulled away from her again. “You do want this Sarah?”

  “I do,” she answered softly. “I’m awfully damaged though.”

  “I can wait as long as you need me to.”

  And Brand crushed his mouth against hers, but not too firmly, probably so she could escape if she needed to.

  But that was the last thing she wanted, she realized. It felt so right being in his arms. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he’d saved her life, but she’d been developing genuine feelings for him even before that, while observing him in command when they’d been stationed in Iraq.

  Heat radiated from Brand, and she sighed as she wrapped her arms more tightly around his neck, and his touch was making her warm all over, despite the blast of frigid air blowing against her face.

  His strong arms caressed her back, then moved lower to firmly grasp her hips.

  The kiss was slow, and the kiss was deep, his tongue penetrating and rubbing against hers, and when she imitated the action, he growled low in his throat and deepened the kiss.

  She could have easily stepped back if she’d wanted to, but turning away from him was out of the question because Sarah was loving his kiss just that much.

  But when another rush of cold air blew in from across the lake, Brand pulled away, pressing his nose against hers.

  With definite reluctance, he said, “It’s starting to get dark. We should probably begin walking back to the inn.”

  When he reached out, Sarah sighed contentedly and took his hand in hers.

  For the next ten minutes, they concentrated on making their way down the dim pathway, crossing the snow-covered beach, finally reaching the road.

  Brand turned serious once they started making their way toward the inn. “I wasn’t sure if I was going to tell you this or not, Sarah. But I don’t want to begin our relationship by lying to you.”

  Sarah became concerned. “What is it Brand?”

  But she had to stop, suddenly feeling shooting pain ripping through her leg. Luckily, they were on the edge of the parking lot, and didn’t have far to go.

  Brand halted beside her. “Sarah? Are you alright?”

  “I kind of overdid it today, I think, between the shopping and walking on all the irregular surfaces.”

  “I should have thought about that myself,” Brand growled.

  Suddenly, Sarah found herself being lifted from her feet and into his arms. “What are you doing?”

  “Carrying you inside,” Brand answered gruffly.

  And for the first time in a long time, Sarah laughed.

  Chapter Nine

  A few hours later, Brand and Sarah were sitting in the restaurant again, this time eating dinner.

  Brand grinned, because Sarah was obviously appreciating her food immensely. They’d both been in the mood for seafood.

  She looked sheepish, noticing he was watching her eat. “Is it just me, or is this food as incredible as I think it is?” Dabbing her mouth with a napkin, she dropped it on the table and reached for her coffee.

  Brand grinned. “It’s not you. I told Danielle this afternoon that the prime rib I ate was the best meal I’d had in a long time, but this seafood tray is equally good.”

  Sarah frowned. “It took me a long time to get my appetite back.”

  “Yeah. I know a little about what you’re going through.” He hesitated. “I got shot after returning to Iraq on my last tour.”

  Sarah looked horrified.

  Reaching out, Brand patted her hand. “It’s okay, it was just a scrape. And luckily, no major organs were damaged.”

  He cleared his throat. “But I made a decision afterwards, even though I could have returned to active duty.”

  She put down her coffee with an unsteady hand. “Was this what you meant to tell me earlier?”

  “In part,” Brand answered. “I’ve always had a hand in the investigative end of our missions, which is why I ended up heading up several.”

  Sarah became thoughtful. “Even though no one really said it out loud when we were over there, we all kind of figured that, Brand.”

  Brand nodded, sipping on his coffee. “After I was injured, it took a little while to get back on my feet. And by that time, we’d been having several devastating terrorist related attacks going on around the nation here at home.”

  Sarah grimaced. “Yeah. It’s been scary. It seems like something’s been happening every week.”

  “So, when I was approached and asked to join as an operative, it was a no brainer for me to accept.”

  Sarah looked puzzled. “Then why are you here in Crystal Rock? All we’re doing is planning a training program.”

  Sarah was owed nothing but the truth, Brand decided. Besides, he had no intention of letting his hidden agenda interfere with their relationship. It was going to be difficult enough moving forward anyway because of Sarah’s returning memories along with the PTSD. It was better to get her involved in the investigation, so she would recognize danger if she unexpectedly found herself in it.

  “Do you remember being questioned last year about what you might have seen or heard while you were being held captive?”

  Her mouth twisted into a bitter smile, and she rested her coffee carefully on the table as his gaze held hers. “I couldn’t remember much. It’s like my mind couldn’t handle what was happening to me, so it blanked out. I know that I wasn’t allowed to mention anything that’d transpired during my captivity in Iraq once I returned home, and I was furious after I thought about i
t for a while.”

  “I figured,” Brand muttered. “I didn’t know what was going on with you either once I returned home, so I did an online search, and I realized there wasn’t a word about you anywhere.”

  “I thought I was prepared for what could happen, but no one really is.” Sarah’s eyes clouded over. “That’s why it’s important for someone like me to speak out. A lot of people haven’t a clue about the evil that exists in this world. And with all the women enlisting these days.” She sighed. “The men aren’t treated any better when it comes to that, I guess.”

  Brand sighed heavily. “Well, I know it’s not going to help much hearing this now, because I don’t even know if I agree with the reasoning, but supposedly our team was being targeted.” His eyes met hers. “Sarge and I too. If we hadn’t been delayed…”

  Sarah’s eyes went wide in shock. “You mean…?”

  “Yeah. It’s bad enough we lost three men, but all of us would have been done for, for sure.”

  “Even after everything that’s happened, I am glad to be alive,” Sarah finally confessed. “I will admit, I was numb for a very long time though.”

  Nodding his agreement, Brand said, “That’s to be expected, you know.”

  Sarah’s look was considering. “So, if I have it right, you’re now in special investigations?”


  “Air Force Office of Special Investigations,” she recited out loud. “But what does that have to do with me?” she asked.

  “We think there’s a good chance you might know more than you think you do from your time in captivity.”

  He had to give her credit. She didn’t look flustered.

  “If you would’ve said this to me yesterday, I would’ve said no,” she finally said.

  “But today?” Brand asked.

  “I’m not so sure. I’ve already seen things in my flashbacks that I didn’t recall until today.”

  “Well, there’s another thing that we’re worried about.”


  “Your life.”

  She was definitely taken aback.

  “And Russ’s too, of course. But we’ll be handling it a little bit differently with him since he’s still enlisted and planning on using the situation to advance in his career.”

  “Really? You know, he was someone I never really got to know.”

  “Me neither. But he’s a damn good pilot and follows orders well. We’ve got someone keeping an eye on him. But I’m not as concerned about him, since he went back on tour and returned safely. He didn’t seem to suffer any memory loss or visible PTSD from his short time in captivity.”

  And then she looked glum. “That wasn’t the only reason you got close to me today? To see if I remembered anything important?”

  He suddenly grinned. “Come on, Sarah.”

  She grinned back.

  But then he suddenly became grim. “But I’m not planning on letting you out of my sight after tomorrow.”

  Sarah blinked. “How’s that going to happen?”

  An idea had sprung in to his mind earlier. “Oh. I’ve got a few ideas up my sleeve. Which reminds me,” he continued, checking the time on his watch. “We should get you back to Melinda’s. It’s been a long day, and you’re probably tired?” Brand stood up from his seat.

  Sarah grimaced. “I am.”

  “Is your leg feeling better?” he asked, as she stood up from the table while he assisted with her coat.

  “It is.”

  Brand smiled widely as they made their way through the restaurant. “Cat got your tongue?”

  Sarah grinned. “It does.”

  Brand barked out a laugh before stopping at the main desk in the lobby. “Hi. Danielle Loughlin was supposed to leave contact information for me—I’m Brand Reardon—and Sarah Benton should have something too.”

  “Sure,” the receptionist answered smiling. An antique bureau with hundreds of alcoves covered the wall behind her, and standing up, she reached into one of the cubbyholes, pulling out some envelopes and handing them over.

  “Does Danielle have something to do with whatever your plan is for not letting me out of your sight?” Sarah asked, as they moved outside through the automatic doors and into the parking lot.

  Brand waggled his brows, answering mysteriously, “She might.”

  * * *

  Mel had left the outside light turned on, so there was a clear view from the road as they made their way down the driveway in Brand’s rental truck.

  “I can’t see the lake view right now since its dark, but it looks like a nice place,” Brand said as they parked near the cabin.

  “The employees at the wounded warrior home have the option of renting these cabins if they’re available. Before the facility was built, this was once a campground, I guess.”

  Brand stepped out from the truck and walked around to the passenger side, opening her door so she could easily get out.

  He nodded at the other truck parked in the driveway. “I’ll bet that’s yours?”

  “It is,” she answered, unlocking the back door for the cabin.

  “I don’t have to come inside. I know we’ve got an early day tomorrow, and I have a feeling, now that I’ve warned you to keep an eye out, you’ll be ready for trouble.”

  She gave him a rueful smile. “As it just so happens…”

  Brand rolled his eyes and grinned. “You’re probably better prepared with weapons than I am?”

  She answered, “Probably.”

  “In your bag?”

  Nodding yes, she frowned. “No loaded weapons anymore, although I might be eligible to carry again. But I always have a switchblade in my pocket.”

  “I remember how calm and cool you always were in the face of fire.” He grimaced. “Knowing how dangerous you are, I’m sure the switchblade will be enough.”

  “I’m sure it will,” she answered grimly.

  Brand started laughing. “Gee, I love it when you’re fierce, Legs.”

  She suddenly grinned. “I’m kind of loving it myself. It’s been a while.”

  Reaching for her hand, he walked her into the cabin.

  “You sure I can’t get you something to drink?” she asked.

  “Nah.” Brand reached out and gently ran his fingers under her eyes. “You need to rest up. We have a lot going on these next few weeks.”

  “Alright,” she answered with a rueful smile. “Then why did you walk me inside?”

  “Besides the fact that I was getting cold?” He rolled his eyes. “You know why. Can I kiss you Sarah?”

  “I’d like that,” she answered, sounding slightly breathless.

  His hand was still wrapped around hers, and he gently pulled her toward him, laying his lips over hers.

  Brand slid his hand through her hair as he held her, and the feel of him felt so right in her arms. His mouth moved on hers in an urgency that left her hungry inside.

  When they finished, Brand kept his arms around her for a very long time, and it was the most beautiful feeling in the world. There was a sense of peace and contentment that she’d never experienced before, and she’d never, ever felt that way when she’d been with Jim.

  Not even when they’d been making love.

  And then she was suddenly thinking about what it would be like to make love with Brand, and it surprised her, because she never thought she’d feel ready again.

  Brand sighed. “I don’t really want to leave, you know.”

  Sarah smiled. “I know.”

  Brand smiled wryly, pulling away gently. “Goodnight, Sarah.”

  “Goodnight, Brand.”

  He turned to the door.

  “See you in the morning,” she added, watching as he walked outside through the doorway and over to his truck.

  Once his truck reached the turn leading to the main road, she sighed deeply, locking the door behind him.

  Heading toward her bedroom, she shook her head dazedly. What a day. But for the first time in a long time, she
was excited about the future.

  Chapter Ten

  It was early the next morning, and Brand was making his way from the inn for the meeting at the wounded warrior home, scheduled in half an hour.

  He’d just gotten off the phone with Danielle. Somehow, she’d managed to get a hold of a realtor that had been willing to hand over the key to open the lockboxes for several available homes located near the lake. Danielle would be emailing the addresses to Brand later today.

  But Danielle had told him about a place that sounded perfect, so they’d save that one for last, he decided. Owned by the local game warden, it was presently for rent, but Dylan Nash could probably be convinced to sell to the right buyer. He was being selective because he lived next door.

  There was a lot of property attached, as well as some interesting features, so it might be costlier than Sarah had planned on though.

  But, then again, it wouldn’t be if Brand and Sarah purchased the home together.

  Of course, he wasn’t going to tell her that until after they found the right place.

  The GPS led him right to the Crystal Rock Wounded Warrior Home twenty minutes later, and it was an impressive facility, Brand thought right away, even before strolling inside through the front entrance.

  Plus he was reassured by the fact that many of the employees walking through the lobby seemed relaxed, and had smiles on their faces.

  “Hi. I’m Brand Reardon,” Brand said, stopping at the front desk.

  The receptionist held up her hand motioning for him to wait while she picked up the phone. “He’s here,” she announced to someone on the other end of the line.

  Before he could ask who he was waiting for, a nurse came walking through the hallway and into the lobby.

  She smiled. “Hello, Lieutenant.”

  Brand smiled. “Hi, there, Nina.”

  “I’m excited to say, I’m going to be part of this project, too.” She motioned with her hand at another hallway opposite from the front desk. “The conference rooms are right that way.”

  Brand walked beside Nina through the hallway and into a conference room at the very end. The first person he looked for Sarah, who was sitting near the end of the large table centered in the room.


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