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Kendall's Mates

Page 14

by Munro, Shelley

“I’ve eaten Turkish bread. That’s good.”

  “It is. We ate chicken with chocolate sauce in Mexico, and in New Zealand, we tried the pots of green-lipped mussels. Those were good. They do an excellent fish and fries, although they call them chips like you English do.”

  “I like New Zealand wine,” Kendall said. “It surprised me to find it in the supermarket here. Fiona and I drank a bottle while we solved her cover crisis.”

  The meals were delicious, and once they’d finished, Sax refilled their wine glasses and they relaxed on the bed. By this time, the music had changed to something with a Spanish frivolity, and Kendall chilled in the easy atmosphere between them. She’d come here tonight with the knowledge they’d sleep together. It could’ve been awkward, but it wasn’t at all. Now, Kendall looked forward to it. Tate had played her like an instrument, and she had every expectation that sex with Sax would be equally memorable.

  “Want to watch a movie?”

  “Not really,” Kendall said.

  “Good,” Sax gritted out. “Because if I don’t kiss you and get inside you soon, I might implode. Kissing you is fun, but I’ve been dying to explore your curves.”

  “Mother says I’m fat.” Kendall clapped her hand over her mouth, horror sweeping through her. “Sorry,” she spluttered. “I don’t know why I told you that.”

  “Didn’t either Tate or Ran mention spanking?” An evil grin curled across Sax’s face. “Luckily neither of them witnessed your fat talk.”

  “You won’t tell.”

  “Probably,” Sax said cheerfully. “Do you want more wine?”

  Kendall considered and decided she had a nice buzz on now. More wine might tip her over into drunk. Not what she intended when she wanted to remember every kiss, every touch. “No, thanks. Take off your shirt. Please?”

  “Only if you take off yours too.”

  The dare in his voice galvanized her to speed. She yanked her jersey over her head along with the thin pink T-shirt she wore underneath. That left her wearing one of her favorite lacy bras along with her jeans.

  “That’s a pretty pink,” Sax whispered, his grin hot and wicked and not at all what she’d expected from him. He tended to be quieter than his more boisterous younger brothers. Obviously, he had hidden depths. “Take it off.”

  Kendall’s brows rose. “No please?”

  “Please take it off,” he whispered. “I want to see your breasts.”

  They stared at each other, the air seeming to leach from the room, burned away by the building desire.

  Kendall continued to gaze at Sax and reached behind to unfasten her bra. Her breasts spilled free.

  “Let me.” Sax paused a beat, perhaps waiting for permission, but when she remained silent, he tugged the straps down her shoulder. He completed the task silently, and so slowly, she wanted to scream at him to hurry. The anticipation was killing her, yet the tension didn’t seem to bother him.

  “Why are you moving at the pace of a snail?”

  “Unwrapping you is an enjoyable task. Might as well take my time.” He reached out and brushed the back of his hand over the weighty globe of one breast. It was a delicate touch. Gentle. And the sensations traveled to the achy spot between her thighs. “Can I take off your jeans?”

  She swallowed and nodded.

  Sax took his time carrying out this task too. He unbuckled her belt and massaged her thighs. He worked down her legs and smoothed off her blue-and-white striped socks.

  “You have talented fingers.”

  “It’s you. You inspire me. I want you so much. I’ve never wanted a woman as much as I do you.”

  “Then take me.”

  Sax glanced at her, and for an instant, his blue eyes shone golden. She blinked and when she refocused his eyes were the usual lake-blue. It was peculiar, and she made a mental note to question Fiona.

  “The first time is special,” Sax said. “If you decide to reject me and my brothers, I’ll have a worthy memory.”

  “Oh.” Kendall’s heart beat even faster and her stomach hollowed out. Moisture built in her pussy, and she tingled all over, desperate to return his touch. She reached for him and he ducked away, wagging his finger at her.

  “My turn. You promised.”

  Kendall tried to relax but arousal wound through her, tightening her body like a coil. Tate had loved her with the same focus. He’d made sure of her pleasure first, and it appeared Sax intended to do the same.

  “Lift your hips for me, sweetheart.”

  Kendall obeyed, and to her relief, Sax removed her underwear along with her jeans. The cool air hit her folds, and her clit throbbed. She stirred restlessly.

  “Part your legs for me.” Sax’s voice was deeper and husky, his eyes bright. “Pretty,” he said when she followed his instructions.

  She thought he’d touch her, stroke her, but he joined her on the bed, stretching his big body alongside hers.

  “Aren’t you taking off your jeans?”

  “Not yet.” He rolled, caging her upper body beneath his. “I’m not sure where to start.”

  “You could—”

  Sax stopped her words with his mouth while his fingers caressed then tugged on one nipple. A bungee of pleasure roared the length of her body. Oh, yes. This was more like it.

  Sax kissed and stroked and fingered her until she soared. His hands and lips seemed to be everywhere. Teasing her mouth. Teasing her breasts. Teasing every sensual spot on her body.

  “I crave a taste of you. Tate said you’re beautiful and gorgeous and the best he’s ever had.”

  “You gossiped about me?” She wasn’t sure she wanted the three brothers discussing her.

  “We spoke in general terms because both Ran and I wanted to discover everything for ourselves.”

  “Oh.” These men. Kendall was starting to understand Fiona’s relationship more, her loyalty to her lovers.

  “Kendall, sweetheart.” Sax lifted her head from her breasts and his talented fingers ceased the stroke of her pussy. “While we might chat about you, we don’t discuss personal details with others. Tate and Ran haven’t mentioned you to their mother, and you know we have discussed nothing with Fiona because she would’ve told you. My brothers and I have talked because we want to win your love. We don’t want to mess this up.”

  Sincerity shone in him. Kendall swallowed the lump that had grown in her throat. A second swallow allowed her to speak. “Please discuss things with me too. The more I get to know about you and your brothers, the more I think of the future. Our future.”

  “Good. That’s good.”

  “Now can we fuck?”

  Sax made a tsking sound, but his mouth curved into a grin. “That mouth. That impatience. That bossy demand. What are we going to do with you, Kendall Essex?”

  Love me. She didn’t voice the notion, but Sax, Tate, and Ran made her more positive. But she had to be certain…

  “Don’t frown,” Sax whispered as he touched her forehead.

  “I’m feeling vulnerable,” she confessed.

  “Know that my brothers and I will never willingly hurt you,” Sax said. “Okay?”

  “Yes.” Everything inside her told her to jump into the unknown, to trust and believe. So she did. She forced a smile until it settled more naturally and reached for Sax. Their lips brushed and clung.

  Sax broke their kiss, and she was certain his eyes flashed golden. So strange. Another genetic thing like the blue-eyed polar bears? He ran his fingers over her rib cage and sucked hard on one nipple, distracting her. Her eyes drifted shut and she let herself float on Pleasure Sea again. His callused fingers upped her enjoyment of the blissful strokes.

  Sax moved, but she remained still. Her pulse raced as she sensed he was upping his pace. She jolted at the warm air that hit her slit and moaned at the brush of a tongue. Unbidden, her hands reached down to hold his head, to direct.

  “Tate warned me of the way you tugged on ears.” Laughter shaded his words.

  “Please don’t tease me

  “I won’t. Much. I’m teasing myself.”

  “We can do this as many times as you want. Tantalize us both later.”

  “Wait until the three of us gang up on you. We’ll frustrate and excite you then, stoking your pleasure a little at a time until you’re begging.”

  “Sensual torture. Sounds like fun.”

  “Do you…” Sax seemed to hesitate.


  “Do you think you could take us all at once?”

  “I experimented during my days at culinary school. Experimented with more than recipes, I mean. I’ve tried anal.” Kendall frowned. “I didn’t enjoy it, but I’d be willing to try again.” She giggled. “Fiona gave me advice. She advised generous use of lube was the secret.”

  Sax laughed and a burst of warm air hit her folds. He tongued her seconds later and groaned, instantly repeating the flick of his tongue along her folds. He gave her swollen clit a cursory lick and backed off.

  “We’ll never demand more than you want to give us,” Sax said, and it sounded like a promise. He laughed again. “I bet Ran has a plentiful supply. He did some online shopping last night. I heard him discussing sex toys with Tate.”

  “Let’s talk about your brothers later. This is time for us.”

  “I agree,” Sax whispered, and this time when he licked, he sealed his mouth around her clit and sucked. He slid a finger inside her channel, testing her readiness. Kendall hissed and lifted into his mouth, his stroking fingers. The darts of pleasure knitted together until every part of her focused on her clit and Sax’s mouth and fingers. She climbed toward a pinnacle, propelled forward by his expertise, his knowledge of the female body. It was clear he’d done this many times before. On the heels of this worry came the silent promise, the silent claim, the silent ownership.

  Tate. Sax. Ran.

  She wanted to keep the Hallsten brothers for her own.

  One final lick pushed her over. Kendall swore she saw stars behind her closed lids as ecstasy claimed her and pleasure streaked from her clit, darting down her legs to her toes and sweeping upward over her breasts and tickling her mind. As the spasms slowed, she sighed and opened her eyes.

  Sax lifted his head, and she met his eyes.

  “It’s time we both experienced pleasure,” she whispered.

  Sax never broke their gaze as he stood to unbuckle his belt. His zipper rasped downward, and he tugged away black boxer-briefs with his jeans. He grabbed a condom from his jeans pocket and continued to watch her while he sheathed himself. Sometimes condoms killed the mood, but her body sizzled with expectation, a fraction ahead of her pleasure-dazed mind.

  “I want to watch your face and see your breasts bouncing,” he announced.

  Okay, that killed her buzz a little. Memories of a past lover and his scoffing derision of her curves.

  “I intend to memorize your sexy curves because I won’t have you in my bed tomorrow night.”

  Kendall’s objections melted, and she turned and pushed to her knees. Might as well flash the generous padding on her behind at the same time.

  His callused hands gripped her hips to stay her. He fondled her backside and issued a happy sigh. “That is next on my to-do list,” he said in a hot whisper. “I want to take you from behind and appreciate your gorgeous ass.”

  “I like you, Saxby Hallsten.”

  “Good thing.” His smile was wicked and did things to her breathing. He planted himself in the middle of the mattress and stroked his erection.

  She wished the condom didn’t hide his cock from her and made a mental note to ask Fiona about seeing a doctor. That thought—more than any of her previous ones—told her she trusted each of the Hallsten brothers to keep her safe. It convinced her this was an easy decision.

  “What are you waiting for?”

  Kendall climbed over Sax and guided him into position. She slid down an increment at a time, savoring the stretch and the smooth, pleasurable guide to full impalement.

  “That’s perfect,” Sax said. “Now move. Show me what you like.”

  “Right now—hard and fast. We’ve done slow. I like to mix it up.”

  Sax’s chuckle faded as she set a rapid rhythm. She watched the tightening of his face, the strain of him holding back, and slid her fingers over her clit. Unbelievably, she came almost straight away. Sax grabbed her hips and guided her movements, his breaths emerging in rapid pants. He groaned and lifted her, rolling her under him and thrusting in two deep strokes. On the second stroke, he remained embedded balls deep, his face a tight mask.

  Gradually, his expression slackened, and he claimed her mouth in a possessive kiss.

  “Aw, Kendall,” he whispered. “I hope you can get by with a few hours of sleep because I really want to do that again.”

  * * * * *

  “You look tired,” Emily said the next morning.

  Kendall yawned and glanced at the clock. Not long after six. “I haven’t had coffee yet, and I have a lot of things on my mind. Is your uncle coming into the café today?”

  “I have no idea. He’s spending most of his day at the bar drinking. I’m leaving my mother to deal with him. She fretted about the café until I told her that since you arrived, takings are up. I’ve been doing the banking, and I showed her the deposits.”

  “What of the orders?” Kendall asked. “We’re going to run out of meat and vegetables.”

  “I checked with Mom. She told me to do the orders, and she’d tell my uncle when she collects him from the bar. I called through the same order as we had the day before. Can you let me know what else you need, and we’ll go from there?”

  “That’s a lot of extra work for you,” Kendall said.

  “Before you arrived, my uncle would only let me waitress, and I hated it. Now that you’re teaching me to cook a few things, and I’m taking on more responsibility, the job is more interesting. It’s better without my uncle around. He likes to micromanage, which is why we were short-staffed. I talked to my friends, and one volunteered to do the dishes. Mom suggested we should hire another part-timer, so you can show me more.”

  Kendall checked the clock again and wiped her floury hands on her apron. “We have time to go through the pantry to check on dry goods now, but first, I’m desperate for a cup of coffee.”

  Fueled by caffeine, she and Emily powered through the unofficial stocktaking. Kendall suggested that since they were so busy, Emily should set up a standing order for each day to save time.

  “What happens if we run out of stuff?”

  “We should get a better sense for what we need with practice, but ask the supplier if we can up the order or do an additional one the day before.”

  “That would save time,” Emily said.

  “Once we get in a routine, ordering will be easy and we’ll be able to forecast what we need. Although, if you ask the supplier to let you know of any specials or seasonal goods, we can do something different on the menu for a day. Experimenting is good, and it means the customers won’t get bored with our offerings.”

  “My uncle says customers like the same choices every day.”

  “Some people do,” Kendall said. “Others like to have a change. It’s our job to strike a happy balance and show our customers what they want to eat before they even know. Or at least get them to trust us enough to try the special.”

  Opening time came, and Emily returned to her waitressing until the part-timer arrived. Kendall kept up on the breakfast orders while preparing sandwiches and baking a batch of blueberry muffins. Going with her theme of change, she measured the ingredients for a chocolate cake.

  Emily bustled into the kitchen with a handful of orders. “A table of customers want to compliment you. It’s the same group as the other day.”

  “All right. Tell them I’ll be a few minutes because I’m putting a cake in the oven.”

  “What sort?”


  Emily moaned. “My favorite. Tell me you will make it again and s
how me your method.”

  “This is one of those experiments. We’ll see how it sells and go from there. We can serve it as a dessert with ice cream and chocolate sauce. If that goes well, we’ll make another tomorrow and display it in the cabinet.”

  Kendall finished combining the ingredients, poured the mixture in a tin and popped it in the oven. She put on the timer before removing her chef’s hat and running her hand over her head. As she suspected, her hair stood up in frizzy ends. Too bad. A steamy kitchen didn’t help in the hair department.

  She strode out to the customer area, taking a moment to scan the cabinet. More sandwiches and filled rolls required. More muffins. More cakes.

  While she pondered how many of each, given it was not long until the lunch hour, a beefy hand curled around her waist.

  Kendall jumped and whirled around in the same move. She glared at Jamie Anders. “What are you doing?”

  Jamie grinned broadly, his teeth a flash of white. He grasped her hand and tugged her over to a table of four blond men. Three resembled Jamie, and she recognized one as the driver of the vehicle when Jamie had tried to pick her up the other morning.

  She wrenched her hand free. “You don’t have to tow me around like a parcel. What do you want? I’m busy.”

  “Kendall, my love,” Jamie said. “We wanted to compliment you on the fine meals you cooked for us this morning. And I wanted to ask you out.”

  “No. Thank you. I…” Kendall trailed off on seeing the anger flash across his face.

  “It wasn’t a suggestion,” one of Jamie’s brothers snarled.

  “You’d fuck the half-breed when you could have Jamie?” another snapped.

  Half-breed? What did they mean?

  “Kendall, I have orders,” Emily called.

  “Of course.” Kendal squared her shoulders and retreated with Emily following on her heels.

  Kendall’s pulse raced, and she shot a glance at the brothers before she entered the kitchen. Their smarmy expressions shoved a shiver down her spine.

  She didn’t trust Jamie Anders, and she intended to keep far, far away from him in the future.

  14 Mother! Mother!

  “Hey, babe,” Ran said.


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