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Playboy's Virgin

Page 4

by Tia Wylder

  There was no question about it, he was entirely and irrevocably in lust with her. That didn’t explain why he had been able to stop himself, in fact, it should have been just the obvious. His desire was so strong that he wouldn’t have second guessed himself in any other situation. It would do little good to overthink it, however, as Claire seemed to be doing enough overthinking already. As he pulled into the parking lot, he cut the ignition and turned to face her. She hesitated, reaching out to take him by the hand.

  “I’m sorry for getting carried away. You probably think I’m just another bimbo at this point,” she muttered derisively. Before he could argue, she turned fierce eyes upon him. “We have many people to convince, though. I guess if I can convince myself…,” she trailed off, her fierceness fading slightly. “Anyway, thanks for talking some sense into me, before I lost myself altogether. You’re a true friend, Matthew,” she murmured before stepping out of the car. She waved before stepping towards the apartment building, and Matthew watched her go before heaving a sigh and allowing his head to drop against the steering wheel.

  He wasn’t sure what this feeling was. The only thing he was sure of was that he didn’t like it.

  Chapter 6

  Claire had never expected to get so swept up in the entire charade. She had never expected to wind up developing a crush on the man, be it on a physical level or otherwise. She had certainly never expected to find herself cupping the bulge in his pants, barely able to restrain herself from ripping his sharply pressed slacks off him. However, she had done just that the night previous. She had berated herself for some time once she got a moment to herself, cursing her wild libido, cursing Matthew himself for being so… so irresistible. She resolved to enjoy a drink at the Half Pint Bar and Grill that night, to bring some level of normalcy back to her life. She knew it would be nearly impossible to wipe the man’s flustered expression from her mind. She could still feel the tingles between her thighs at the mere thought.

  It did little good to entertain those thoughts, however. No matter how she may have felt about Matthew, women were only good for one thing in his eyes. In spite of their obvious chemistry, she wasn’t going to become the hit-it-and-quit-it type. Breathing a sigh, she packed a change of clothes in her gym bag, as well as a bottle of water. She tucked a few dollar bills in her pocket, resolving that perhaps she would give that power green smoothie another shot. She was briefly concerned that she might run into the very man she was attempting to avoid, but she was so smitten that she had long since memorized his gym schedule. Not to appear stalkerish, but… okay, perhaps it was a bit on the stalker level. She had berated herself enough for the day, dammit! She planned to work out her excess frustrations on the weight bench, maybe walk the treadmill for a while. Anything to take her mind off Matthew’s long, throbbing… augh. She zipped her bag with gusto, throwing the strap over her shoulder and marching out of her apartment.

  The trip to the gym was a short one, as always. Furiously cursing herself in the car. Cursing herself was not the norm, but she would make an exception. As she pulled into the parking lot of the gym, she paled upon recognizing a familiar sports car in the lot as well. What on Earth was Matthew doing at the gym that early in the day? Since their first joint venture to the gym, they had returned to their usual schedules. She internally debated pulling back out of the lot, reasoning that returning later would be the smart decision. However, she couldn’t let this entire situation get to her. She would have to face Matthew again eventually, that was the point of this charade. She couldn’t avoid him until the wedding, and though she was sure he would want nothing to do with her after the fact, she could only hope that they could remain friends; at the very least remain cordial.

  Steeling herself, she slipped out of her car, taking a short moment to examine her reflection in the rearview mirror. She drew her lip between her teeth, straightening her back and marching into the gym with as much dignity as she could muster. However, it felt as if the air was punched out of her gut as her eyes landed upon the increasingly familiar form of her pretend lover across the gym. His eyes met hers, and he quirked a cheeky grin. It was all Claire could do to swallow the nervousness bubbling up in her throat, and she managed a smile as she crossed the gym to meet him. If he was thinking of the night previous, he gave no real indication. His smile simply widened as she sank down on the weight bench opposite him.

  “Imagine seeing you here,” he said with a crooked grin. She chuckled nervously, fidgeting with her gym bag.

  “Imagine that. I didn’t think you usually came to the gym around this time,” she managed, and he quirked a brow almost knowingly.

  “I didn’t think you kept up with my schedule, darling. How sweet,” he drawled, offering her a sly wink. He was working an even heavier weight set than the first she had seen him with, and she could only wonder if he was trying to impress her. His muscles rippled beneath his skin, veins sticking out in a way that made her want to run her tongue across his sweat covered skin. She swallowed a thick lump forming in her throat, gesturing vaguely to the women’s locker room.

  “I need to get changed,” she muttered, all too aware of the glint in his eye as he watched her. There was a hungriness in his gaze that she knew she should put a stop to before it got out of hand. However, a familiar ache between her thighs made her realize that she had no desire to stop him. “Want to… ah, walk me?” She inquired casually, a bright red blush alight on her cheeks. He tilted his head curiously, seeming to consider the proposition.

  “Wouldn’t want anyone to get any ideas, would you?” He murmured with a slight grin. There was trepidation in his gaze, but it was obvious to anyone who saw the two that sparks were about to fly.

  “I honestly couldn’t care less what anyone thinks, Matthew,” she said bluntly. She leaned in, pressing her lips to the shell of his ear. “No games. No faking. This is your out, if you want to take it, but…,” she trailed off, straightening up and taking a step back. “I’m going to get changed,” she announced brightly, warmth blooming in her cheeks as she winked at him. She turned her back on him, hoping she hadn’t blown everything they had worked so hard for… for this fake relationship. As she walked, however, she heard the telling creak of him shifting off the weight bench and trailing behind her. Her mouth grew dry, but she kept a steady and even pace as he fell into step beside her.

  “Claire…,” he began, but she shot him a look that quieted him immediately. She opened the door to the women’s locker room, briefly peeking inside before pulling him in behind her. As soon as they were alone, their lips met in a hungry kiss. Claire moaned against the muscular man as he dipped his head to kiss along her neck. He rumbled with desire, and she sank her nails into the flesh of his shoulders to steady herself as he lifted her to wrap her legs around his waist. Their kisses grew more fervent, and any doubts she had dropped away as he rested his palms on her plump rear. “Are you sure you want to do this,” Matthew murmured, and she smiled faintly, drawing away just enough to pull her shirt off over her head. His eyes widened, and she pressed her bra-covered chest against his own, lowering her head to lick a line from his pulse point up. His breathing hitched for a moment, and she could feel the swell of his erection pressing between them.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” she whispered, moving her hips jerkily against him. He groaned gutturally, not noticing her slight hesitation as she reached around herself to unclasp her bra. She had never been surer of anything, certainly, but she had never exactly set herself up for this sort of encounter before. She knew if she admitted the truth to Matthew, he would put a stop to things in no short order. For all her talk, she had never been with anyone in that manner before. She could only hope she could feign some measure of experience with the man who had likely had the best their town could offer. She drew away after unsnapping her bra, allowing it to fall away from her chest. His eyes widened, and her rosy nipples hardened almost immediately in the cool air of the locker room. She s
hifted beneath his gaze, trying to soothe the pounding of her heart.

  “Christ,” he grunted out, sandwiching the woman between himself and the door of the locker room. She shivered, chills going through her body as he drew back just enough to get a better look at her heaving breasts. She bit her lip, watching as the handsome Adonis of a man lowered his head to her chest. A soft gasp spilled past her lips as he took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking forcefully. She arched into his touch, clenching her legs around him as he raised a hand to stimulate her other breast. He flicked her nipple with his index finger, causing the slightest of stinging sensations. However, he was swift to soothe the ache away, gently stroking the perky nub. Claire’s body quaked from the sensations, and her hips began rolling as if on their own accord. She could get the slightest of friction with her jeans on, feeling his erection throbbing beneath his gym shorts. It wasn’t enough, however, nowhere near enough.

  “M-Matt,” she mewled out, and he drew away for a moment. “I… I want,” she began, and his eyes grew wild as he realized what she was suggesting. He gently sat her on the bench that stretched in front of the lockers, hands tightening into fists at his sides as she curled her fingers in the waistband of his shorts, as well as his underwear. She slipped the garments down, mouth parting in silent awe as his manhood sprung free. It was so big, flushed red near the tip. It was all she could do not to rip her pants off and take him inside of her right then, but she hesitated for the briefest of moments. She wrapped her hand around his length, feeling him experimentally for a moment. It wasn’t the first cock she’d seen, but certainly the first she had got to experience on such an intimate level. Matthew obviously struggled not to thrust into her fist, his hips jerking slightly and uncontrollably.

  “I don’t have a condom,” he managed weakly, and it was nearly enough to stop Claire in her tracks. She was too far gone, however, too delirious to care.

  “I’m on birth control,” she gasped out, relief lacing her tone. She had nearly forgotten, not having needed the pills for their intended purpose, but… no matter. She fumbled with the button of her own jeans. He helped her with remarkably steady hands, and she was more than vaguely embarrassed by the wet patch on the front of her panties. He seemed thrilled by her arousal however, pulling her pants and panties down just enough for her to spread her legs sufficiently. There was nothing romantic about the situation, and though it was nothing like Claire had dreamed of for her first time, she couldn’t think of any other way she would want it. She spread her thighs wide, reaching between her legs to spread her vulva. Matthew nearly salivated at the sight, pressing the tip of his manhood between her folds. He rubbed up and down, covering himself in her slick as well as sending thrums of pleasure through her body. Her breath hitched as he pushed the first inch into her, and he gasped out her name.

  “God, you’re so tight,” he breathed. She inhaled shakily, pressing her face against his shoulder and bracing herself for what was to come. She knew there would be pain, she had read that much about losing her virginity at least. She simply hoped she could mask her tears as he plunged into her. He began to inch further inside of her, his breaths shuddering as he thrust in the final bit. Claire could feel something within her tear, and she choked back a sob as he hilted inside of her. He seemed oblivious to her pain, too overjoyed of her greedy cunt gripping him like a vice.

  “M-more,” she managed, wiping a tear away from her eye. He rumbled his agreement, pulling halfway out of her before bottoming out inside of her again. She cried out, a mix of pleasure and pain as he pressed against all the right spots. He gripped her hips, thrusting clumsily for a moment before seeming to find a rhythm that was just right. The pain began to ease off, and she pressed her lips to his as he continued to pump inside of her, swallowing a strangled cry of pleasure.

  “Say my name,” he ordered gruffly, and she all but squealed as he slammed into her. Her body shook from the intensity of the sensations, and she found herself all but sobbing for another reason entirely.

  “Matthew,” she howled, reaching up to massage her own breasts as he continued to pound into her. Electric shocks felt as if they were jolting her entire body, and she could tell that the man was nearing the edge as his thrusts became less rhythmic and more desperate. “Matthew!” She screamed again, her voice hitching as their hips met. He was hunched over her, and she gripped him tightly as the force of his thrusts send her sliding along the bench. He growled, like some wild animal, and hilted himself inside of her before crying out.

  “Claire!” He cried out, his voice remarkably strangled. She moaned as he spilled his seed inside of her, shooting string after string of sticky cum deep into her womb. She clenched around him, milking him for every drop he was worth as she abruptly hit her peak as well. He continued to thrust until he was bled dry, hips falling still as he all but collapsed on top of her. He pulled out of her, eyes widening as a mixture of her blood and his seed spilled between them. “C-Claire… you’re bleeding,” he gasped out. She sagged against the bench, exhaling a shuddering breath.

  “It’s okay, Matthew,” she began, her breath catching. “I’m fine. It’s… to be expected,” she breathed, giggling faintly. He narrowed his eyes critically upon her, eyes widening as he realized just what had taken place.

  “Y-you. You’re a virgin?” He blurted, seeming shaken with disbelief.

  “I… was a virgin,” she said with a faint smile. He took a hesitant step back, shifting his shorts back into place. “Matt, are you okay?” She inquired uncertainly. He shook his head once, twice.

  “I’m… I’m so sorry, Claire. I can’t… I didn’t…,” he sputtered. Then, without another word, he turned his back upon her and bolted out of the locker room. She wanted to shout at him, but knew she was in no position to be discovered now. Tears pooled in her eyes as she realized she would likely never see him again after that moment. She adjusted her clothes, pulling them into place and beginning to clean the locker room.

  What more could she do?

  Chapter 7

  There were dozens of ways Matthew could have reacted to finding out Claire had given up her virginity to him. Any number of them would have been a better choice than simply fleeing the scene. He knew it was wrong, there was no question there. Where the question lie was in the fact that he held any remorse at all. He’d popped his share of cherries in his lifetime, though none of those encounters had been quite as enthralling as he had felt, wrapped in Claire’s arms. He should have said no when she offered to meet him in the locker room. He should have refused, but God, how could he have known? If he had known… and there it was again, the fact that if he had known, he wouldn’t have had sex with Claire. Why, though? That was the one thing he couldn’t reason out, aside from the fact that he was friends with Claire. He had never been friends with a woman before, he had no respect for women. Claire was different, though. Starkly different than any other woman he had ever met. Though she had obviously wanted him, the guilt of claiming her maidenhood washed over him like so many dark clouds. He slumped in the driver’s seat of his car, resting his forehead against the steering wheel. It had always been so simple before. Just taking what he wanted from women, and moving on with his life. He could have very well done that, there. He had laid the foundation of covering his tracks, he could avoid her quite easily. A gym membership down the drain and having to find a new bar to frequent were the least of a wealthy playboy’s worries. There was one thing, out of everything, that he could not replace; the very woman he had left alone in the women’s locker room. He knew she couldn’t have called out to him. He knew she would be helpless to stop him.

  He raised his head from the steering wheel, watching the entrance of the gym with some trepidation. He wanted to scream, he wanted to go back in and beg for forgiveness, he wanted to… well. It wasn’t about what he wanted. It was about what he didn’t want, and he certainly didn’t want to lose Claire. It would certainly be the opposite of charming and debonair to bur
st back into the gym, stinking of sex. He had received his share of stares, stalking out of the building. None of the eyes upon him were surprised however, no one held scorn that he may have taken advantage of some poor girl. It was Claire alone that would have to make the walk of shame out of the locker room.

  Clenching his hands on the steering wheel, he cursed his indecision. More than that, he cursed the fact that he found himself holding something more than sexual attraction for a woman. He had little choice to come to terms that he respected Claire, at least, to some degree. Guilt gnawed at his insides, and swallowing his pride, he threw open the door to his car. Before he could make his way back to the gym, however, a dingy car flew out of the parking lot. He watched the car leave, knowing without a doubt who sat behind the steering wheel. Claire must have snuck out the back exit, not that he could blame her. The only person he could blame was himself, for not having the nerve to apologize. He had thought himself a brave person, but when it came to his feelings, he was nothing short of cowardly. He mused that if he knew what he was feeling, if he had ever felt this way before, perhaps he would know the proper way to respond. He felt helpless with this feeling he couldn’t put a name to; dare not put a name to.

  He tried to assure himself that this entire situation would blow over. He knew without a shadow of a doubt, however, that Claire respected herself too much to come crawling back to some man who only thought with his dick. She had put herself on the line when she’d opened herself up to him, and he was certain she could only regret it.

  He slipped back into his car, turning the ignition and driving home. As he stepped into his mansion, he could only muse on how empty the place suddenly felt. The one time it had felt truly warm was when Claire was there, clutched in his arms. It had been a mistake. It was a mistake to get enthusiastic in the woman, in her plot to… to trap him! He could tell people that she had tried to trap him, dragging him into a fake relationship only to catch him between the thighs. He knew better than that, though. The fact was that Claire had opened up to him, and he had blown it. He cared, because… because… well, he cared because it was Claire. If it had been any other woman in the world, it would have mattered a hell of a lot less. There was a reason Claire had acted the way she had, and it wasn’t what he may have thought even a few days prior. If he wasn’t so enamored with her, he could have convinced himself that she was trying to trap him. That was the answer, though, wasn’t it?


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