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Miah (Lane Brothers #2)

Page 89

by Kristina Weaver

  Though Sasha knew he’d seen a thousand women in this state of undress, she still felt powerful as she shimmied out of her dress and flung it to the floor. Perhaps it was because he was so experienced, accomplished, and wealthy that she felt such a surge of confidence.

  Emboldened, she lay back—now in nothing but her panties—and spread her legs.

  With her newly found confidence, she narrowed her eyes and locked her gaze on him. “Why am I not screaming yet?” she purred.

  Still fully dressed in his suit, Thomas plunged forward, pulling the lace of her panties to the side. He pressed his beautiful lips against her labia, sucking and licking the sensitive skin. Sasha tipped her head back and let a moan escape from her throat.

  His wet tongue roved over her clit, and she gasped with pleasure. Thomas seemed to know just by the sounds she was making how fast or slow he needed to go to bring her closer to the point of no return.

  He moved away and pulled her towards him. She hitched her bare legs up either side of him and groaned as he pressed his erection against her. There was nothing but fabric keeping her from his dick, which she could now feel was, indeed, as large as his ego. He didn’t seem to care about her wetness staining his expensive suit.

  She pulled back and began fumbling with his belt. “Take them off,” she demanded, her voice slurred with desire. “I want to see your cock. I want to taste it.”

  He pushed her hands away, making her squeal with need. “Not until I’ve made you come.”

  He wedged himself again into the space between her thighs and slid his hand into her panties. She gasped and threw her head back.

  He pressed his lips against her neck, as his fingers explored inside of her. With his spare hand, he massaged her bare breast.

  Sasha clung to him, her hands squeezing the muscles of his arms. She could hardly breathe. She’d never felt anything this intense with Chris. In fact, in plenty of her sexual encounters with him, she hadn’t come anywhere close to orgasm. Yet, now, she felt she was barely seconds away. Just from his fingers. He wasn’t even naked yet.

  “Let me suck it,” she said again, desperate to feel his erection in her mouth.

  “No,” he said. “I want you to orgasm first. Tell me how to make you scream.”

  Sasha didn’t know the answer to his question, but some instinct inside her told her to turn around and lie face down against the mattress. She stretched her arms above her head. Some kind of reckless abandon came over her. She didn’t care how many women he’d been with in this very bed, whether it had been last night or even earlier that morning. She knew what she wanted and she was going to get it.

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  She heard the clinking sound of Thomas’s buckle being undone, followed by the zip of his fly. The noises made her heart race with anticipation. His hands rubbed up and down her back, then rested on her hips. He pulled her back and up. She wriggled onto her knees, posturing herself, welcoming him in.

  “What do you want me to do?” he said.

  “Fuck me,” she replied. The excitement she felt was so intense she could hardly contain it.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw his hands reach out to the bedside table drawer and pull out a condom. The sight of it made her even more aroused.

  “Please, Thomas, don’t make me wait,” she whispered.

  She saw the empty packet flutter to the floor and pictured the sight of him rolling the condom down his erect cock. Then, suddenly, his hands were on her breasts. She cried out as they roved over her wanton flesh.

  “What do you want me to do?” he said again.

  “Fuck me.”

  His fingers traced down the flesh of her stomach, then pressed into her clit.

  “You’re so wet,” he whispered into her ear.

  She bit her lip to stop from screaming out. Then she felt his tip against her entrance.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  She couldn’t hold it back any more. “Fuck me!” she screamed. “Fuck me now!”

  In a split second, she felt his cock slide into her. She was so ready, so open and inviting. “Fuck, yes,” she groaned.

  “Like that?” he moaned, as he slid deeper inside of her.

  She felt the full force of his manhood inside her, powerful, strong, and hard.

  “More,” she said.

  He pushed again, and the sensation was so intense she couldn’t help but cry out. She’d never lost control like this, never felt unable to hold back her own vocalizations. But now, with Thomas, she was completely at his mercy.

  From behind her, she heard Thomas let out a laugh of abandon.

  “Intern...,” he murmured.

  He pushed into her, then pulled out of her. In…out…in…he was seemingly able to read her mind, to know intuitively how far to push, how fast to thrust.

  “Christ,” he groaned. “God that’s so good. You feel so good.”

  Hearing his words made Sasha race towards climax. She was so close. So close to what was surely going to be the best orgasm of her life. “You’re so hard.”

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  She could tell he was speaking between his teeth. He was as close as she was. But there was no holding back. The orgasm was coming fast. She squeezed her eyes shut and held her breath. It felt like every part of her was clenching, like every part of her was standing at a precipice ready to jump.

  “There!” she screamed. “There! There! There!”

  A thousand stars burst into her vision as a guttural sound like nothing she’d ever made before ripped itself from her throat. Her climax was hard, powerful, and all-consuming.

  “Fuck,” he said. “I can feel you coming.”

  She couldn’t speak. Her body moved on instinct, pressing into him, maneuvering him inside of her in a way that would intensify her pleasure.

  Finally, the pulsing began to slow. She flopped forward onto the bed.

  Thomas fell into the space beside her.

  “That was…wow,” she said, panting hard.

  “Told you the orgasm should come first,” Thomas murmured in reply.

  Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

  “Shit,” Thomas said.

  “What is it?” Sasha gasped.

  Thomas pulled himself up from the bed. “The next journalist.”

  “It can’t be,” Sasha replied. “I had an hour slot.”

  “I must have miscalculated.”

  “But I haven’t made you come yet!” Sasha gasped.

  “I’ll live,” Thomas replied. “More importantly, you haven’t got your interview yet.”

  “Shit,” Sasha gasped. She’d completely forgotten she was there to work.

  There was another knock at the door.

  Sasha fumbled with the hook of her bra. “Now what?”

  “Now you give me your number. And at precisely ten o’clock tonight I’ll pick you up for dinner. Then you’ll get your interview.”

  Sasha shimmied out of the silky bedsheets and back into her dress. “But I’m meant to be working on it this afternoon. What am I supposed to tell Kelly?” Panic began to race through her. How had she let herself go so astray?

  Thomas fastened his pants. “Tell Kelly it’s going to take you longer than you thought.” He smoothed down his hair and sidled up to her. “You’re good at getting what you want now, remember?”

  He kissed her, his mouth warm. Sasha let her trepidation melt away as the memory of their encounter echoed in her mind and groin.

  “You’re really going to call me? I’m really going to get the interview?”

  Hadn’t this just been sex? A one-off fling? Hadn’t she just joined the ranks of a hundred other gullible journalists who’d fallen for the charms of Thomas Lloyd?

  “Let’s not go through that whole rig-ma-roll again,” Thomas said lazily. “You deserve to take what you want.” He slapped his hands against his chest. “You want me. So take me.”

  “How can I trust you?”
  “Why would I let a kinky thing like you get away?”

  “Me?” she said. “Kinky?”

  “Didn’t you realize?”

  Sex with Chris had always been nice. Nice but…standard. Predictable. Nothing out of the ordinary. They’d both enjoyed orgasms, but Sasha had never really felt that sex with him reached the frenzied heights portrayed in the media. Maybe she was kinky but had never had a chance to explore it.

  Sasha slipped her heels back on and scooped up her notebook, feeling the blush in her cheeks. “Well, okay then.” She quickly scrawled her phone number on a piece of paper and sidled up to Thomas. “Here.” She slipped it into the pocket of his trousers, making sure her fingers collided with his penis.

  He let out a gasp. “Intern…”

  Sasha whisked away and hauled open the door. A blonde woman was standing in the hallway. She regarded Sasha suspiciously.

  Sasha pointed to her name tag. “Sasha Jones,” she said brazenly. “Atomic Magazine.”

  The woman smirked. Her eyes tipped over Sasha’s shoulder and rested on the disheveled bed. “Sure, honey,” she whispered. She pointed at her own breast and the complete lack of name tag. “Crystal Carpenter. Escort. I think it’s my turn now.”

  She shoved her way into the room, elbowing Sasha as she went, and slammed the door in her face. Sasha stood there breathless, feeling ice creep into her cheeks. Escort? Surely not. Thomas couldn’t have invited a hooker to his room. Could he?

  Sasha felt her stomach sink. As she rushed down the corridor, she pulled out her cell phone and dialed a cab. After hanging up, she noticed a message on her phone. It was from Kelly. It read simply: Warning. Whatever you do, don’t sleep with him.

  Chapter Two

  “Wow,” Kelly said, as she finished off the last sentence of Sasha’s interview. “You literally hate this guy. Are you sure you want me to print this?”

  An image of Crystal’s platinum hair flashed through Sasha’ mind. “Yes,” she said, boldly. “I’m not afraid of a backlash. Bring it on.” She realized her hands were in tight fists.

  She’d spent the taxi journey back to the Atomic office in something of a daze. Her body had been heightened with sensations, amazing sensations, but her mind was a blur of emotion. How could she have let herself get used like that? How had she let herself forget that Thomas Lloyd was an actor, that he made his living—and millions of dollars—from making people believe that what he was saying was genuine? If he just wanted sex from her, why bother insinuating that there was more going on? What kind of pointless mind game was he playing?

  As she mulled the experience over in her mind, she flitted from anger at him to confusion over her own behavior. It wasn’t strictly true that Thomas had manipulated her. She’d known what she was getting herself into. Hell, she’d even known that had she not been there, the exact same thing would have happened with Alicia. But she’d still chosen to go down the same path. She’d wanted it just as much as he did. So what was it about the encounter that bothered her so much?

  She could only come to one conclusion: Crystal. To have casual sex with a man was one thing. To have casual sex with a man who paid for it was another. To have casual sex with a man who paid for it and had the next woman lined up already was the kicker. He’d made Sasha feel like a prostitute. He’d placed her in a queue, a conveyor belt of women. Maybe he had a fetish for being interrupted by his next lay. Maybe he got his sordid, little kicks out of moving from one to the next to the next, all day long.

  The whole encounter felt suddenly dirty. Not empowering at all. Just part of a spoiled, sick man’s needs.

  Once back at her Atomic desk, Sasha had gotten to work immediately. The piece had practically written itself, her fingers flying across the keyboards. She’d been so absorbed in getting the story down that she hadn’t even noticed the sky darken and her colleagues start clearing off for the night.

  It was seven by the time she was done and satisfied with the piece. Thomas had told her to portray him as he was. So she did. Her piece was entitled: Hollywood’s Most Eligible Bachelor’s Sex Addiction Hell.

  From across the boardroom table, Kelly stubbed out her cigarette and immediately lit up another. “How did you get him to open up about this stuff?”

  Sasha shrugged. “He liked the fact I didn’t have any preconceptions about him. He said he wanted an honest portrayal, so…”

  Kelly waved the hand holding the cigarette, making trails of smoke waft across Sasha’s face. “I get that, but you come across as angry. What was it about his sex addiction that pissed you off so much?”

  Sasha slunk down in her seat, embarrassed that her own feelings were so evident in her writing. She gritted her teeth. “Nothing. I just…the man’s a jerk.”

  Kelly narrowed her eyes. Then a flicker of understanding flashed in them. Her mouth dropped open and her cigarette fell onto the shiny boardroom table top. “You fucked him.”

  “What?” Sasha said, feigning insult.

  “You did!” Kelly leapt up. “I know that face. It’s the face Alicia always had after she interviewed him. You slept with Thomas Lloyd.” She sat back down in her seat, gob-smacked. “I thought you were too smart for that.”

  “Thanks. He was…”—Sasha ran her hands through her hair—“…persuasive.”

  Kelly looked suddenly concerned. “He didn’t…?”

  “No, no,” Sasha clarified. “It was all consensual. Perhaps a little too consensual,” she added under her breath.

  Kelly sucked air between her teeth and shook her head. “I bet.” She picked her cigarette back up and re-lit it. She took a couple of puffs, her eyes fixed on Sasha, then spoke through her exhalation. “Having sex with the guy doesn’t make him a sex addict. You know that right?”

  Sasha took a deep breath. “Having sex with him doesn’t. But having a prostitute turn up sort of implies it…”

  “No!” Kelly cried. Her ruby red lips formed a perfect ‘O’ of surprise. It was a gratuitous sort of surprise though.

  Kelly flashed Sasha her tell-me-more expression.

  Sasha felt incredibly uncomfortable, but she needed to get it off her chest, and there wasn’t exactly anyone else she could talk to. None of her friends back home would understand. If they couldn’t come to terms with why she broke up with gentle, charming Chris for a career of all things, they’d certainly never understand how she’d ended up face down in the Honeymoon suit of the Hilton whilst a man she’d met barely ten minutes earlier was thrusting inside of her.

  Sasha’s pelvic floor clenched at the memory. It really had been fantastic sex. The highest high she’d ever experienced. Followed so quickly with the lowest low.

  She gulped. “He had four interviews booked that day. If he was expecting Alicia, then that was at least one shag he was certain to get. Yet, he still booked a fuck with his escort. It was as though he couldn’t go even ten minutes between slots without…”

  “Sticking it in a slot,” Kelly replied, crudely, a little smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Sorry,” she added. “I couldn’t resist.”

  Sasha sighed and shrugged. “Don’t apologize, you’re right.”

  Kelly implored her to go on with raised eyebrows and a nod.

  Sasha took another deep breath, feeling weirdly like she was in some kind of therapy session. “Okay, so this woman turned up while we were…you know…right in the middle of it. And he practically shoved me out the door.”

  “My God.”

  Kelly shook her perfectly coiffed hair. Although she was saying the right things, her expression was telling a completely different story. She was reveling in it, in the scandal, in the drama. In some ways, Sasha wasn’t sure why she’d expected anything different from the editor of a magazine like Atomic.

  “She was so cheap looking,” Sasha added. “Hair peroxided to within an inch of its life. Breasts out here.” She cupped her arms in front of her chest to iterate the point.

  “Let’s not bitch about the hooker,
” Kelly said, coolly, while raising an eyebrow. “Your issue is with Thomas, not the woman he has to pay to fuck him.”

  “You’re right,” Sasha said. “I’m just lashing out.” She began twiddling her thumbs. “The thing is, Kelly, I’ve only ever slept with one other man.”

  Kelly laughed hard. “Are you joking? Oh, Sasha, this would be hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic.”

  “I’m glad my pain entertains you.”

  Kelly pointed to the printout of the article that sat between them on the table. “Look, you really need to think about this before it goes to print. The press will look into it. They’ll probably interview this other woman. You’re putting yourself at risk with this piece.” She paused, and a wry smile spread across her face. “That said, you’ve written a kick ass bit of journalism here.”

  Despite the day she’d had, Sasha felt a little surge of relief. A fragment of the confidence she’d felt before Thomas had crushed her spirit seemed to return.

  Kelly consulted her watch. “It’s late. We should go.” She stood, pushing back the cream-colored leather chair. “Sleep on it and let me know in the morning.” She pulled on her jacket. Fur, of course. “Any plans for the evening?”

  Sasha thought about her empty flat. She’d been so focused on her studies during college that she’d never really made any great friends. Then she’d headed off for Chicago alone. It hadn’t bothered her before, but now something had changed. Her liaison with Thomas had shown her a whole world she’d been missing out on—one of companionship and intimacy. For the first time in a long time she felt incredibly lonely.

  Well, she could do something about that, couldn’t she? Because if there was any positive to be taken from the whole sordid affair, being with Thomas had taught her something important about herself—she could have casual sexual encounters, she could have one-night stands, and she could get what she wanted. And right now, she wanted to fill the void that Thomas’s betrayal had opened inside of her.

  “I’m going out,” she said with resolve. “Dancing.”


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