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The Dark Crown

Page 5

by S C Gowland

  ‘Something like that.’ replied Kaoldan amused.

  ‘Count me in.’ nodded Dalon raising his tea to toast his friend, and with the clank of clay cups it was agreed.


  Preparing for an expedition was a laborious task that Kaoldan had never really enjoyed. Walkers did not have squires or extra help provided to knights of the land or even the King’s Army. They had hired help for the domestic arrangements needed to run a chapter house and relied on each other for everything else. What was extremely helpful was the fact that Pantheras could carry a lot of weight.

  The big lynx like cats originally came from the north of Essealar, particularly around the basin of the Midnight Sea. Its dense, deep forests perfect terrain for packs of Panthera. There was very little difference between males and females, they both grew to the same size and seemed content to share responsibility for leading their pack.

  Their size and tendency to stare had a rather unnerving effect on any admirers and was often enough to drive away any would be curiosity away. They had been the trusted companions of Walkers for hundreds of years and had significantly helped in developing the Walkers fearsome reputation.

  Pantheras were matched to their Walker at the age of nine and the bond that would develop between them was incredibly special. They could live to almost sixty and were still raised and trained at the main Walker academy in Vanguard and Tren had been no exception. Presented to Kaoldan on his 5th birthday as a rather fluffy grey ball. They had grown up together both in search of adventures and fun, looking after each other as they went.

  Each had been responsible for saving the other on more than one occasion; a large venomous snake being mistaken for a playmate by Tren and some rather deep water too much of an invitation to Kaoldan. They had survived, relatively unscathed, barring a significant cold that had stayed with Kaoldan for weeks. Pantheras were not easily unnerved and the use of Fajin seemed to be something they were acutely aware of and comfortable with. Many Walkers had suggested theories about why this was the case, but none had been proved definitively; it was just accepted as a matter of fact.

  A single panthera could carry the same amount of supplies and equipment as 2 or 3 horses, meaning that Walkers often had little need of extra panthera. They were self-sufficient and this would be an advantage over the next week or so - quickly out and back.

  The preparation of supplies and equipment passed quickly with Kaoldan very much in a world of his own as others hustled and bustled around him. After completing his own arrangements Kubrean then, with some delicacy, took time and reasoned consideration to help Yasmina prepare. She seemed intent on taking every items she owned with her, taking the matter very seriously.

  Perhaps Nova had been correct thought Kaoldan, she did seem very level-headed, if rather spirited. She cared about what she did, was desperate to be taken seriously and wanted to contribute and help in any way she could. She also had a lightness to her that Kaoldan liked. It was only upon presenting her fully loaded packs to Kubrean that he pointed out that perhaps having your Walkerblade at the bottom of your bag was not the most practical of arrangements. She had taken the suggestion well, shook with laughter and a sheepish nod.

  After a dinner of tender meats and buttered vegetables, lovingly prepared by Kubrean, they all retired to their beds earlier than normal. The sun had set, and an evening coolness settled on the chapter house. Kaoldan lay in darkness and silence, barring the loud snoring of Dref, his head swamped with the usual nerves he had always had before any expedition. Pre-travel nerves had affected him since he was a small boy, but now the nervous were less of excitement and anticipation of seeing the world and more of a practical nature - selection of a route, finding shelter from bad weather, food and water, etc.

  As he slowly drifted to sleep Kaoldan also recognised a feeling he had not felt for a long time - fear.

  Chapter 4 – Old Friends

  Kaoldan awoke with a jolt.

  Heaving in deep breaths and cloaked in cold sweat. Blinking rapidly, shaking slightly as he sat on the side of his bed. He then stopped and held his breath, fighting to compose himself as warm silent tears slowly crept down his face. Sensing his master’s distress Dref appeared and laid his head on Kaoldan’s lap, soft dark eyes searching upwards to reassure and comfort.

  This was not a regular occurrence and when it did happen Dref was both disturbed and concerned to see such raw emotion. Kaoldan slowly began to breathe again short shallow breaths as he regained himself. He had not slept well and what sleep he had been afforded had been punctuated with fractures of dreams and faceless images that dissolved as he stood up.

  Dref looked up at Kaoldan with a puzzled expression before settling back down although keeping one eye on his master, big black eyebrows animated by such a start to the day.

  Kaoldan took a deep breath, held it and let it explode outwards. He walked over to the window and surveyed the view, partly to steady himself and partly to see what challenges were to be thrown in his direction by the weather of the day.

  Brightly coloured clouds pierced by shards of light that had broken through, bathing the terracotta coloured roofs of Thura and tall trees trying their best to grow here and there, in light as far as the eye could see. Flocks of seagulls swooped and swayed in the distance, screeching at each other. A small sad smile appeared on Kaoldan’s face, another day.

  He washed in cold water, the shock helping to jolt his system awake to the present and away from his dreams. He dressed, somewhat reluctantly, in part of his Walker uniform. Grey undershirt, dark grey leggings and his favourite fur lined black boots before heading downstairs to break his fast.

  The chapter house had a noticeable buzz of activity that greeted him as he descended the stairs. Muffled voices and laughter could be heard from within the kitchen, he entered through a large plain wooden doors with hefty metal hinges, they screamed slightly in protest as he opened the door. The occupants of the room were deep in conversation as he walked in, the familiar smell of bacon, bread and cheese a soft accompaniment.

  A familiar hand reassuringly grasped his shoulder.

  ‘Awake?’ asked Kubrean looking intensely at his friend.

  Kaoldan nodded.

  ‘Given how I know you can be before any expedition I thought you could use a little extra rest.’ Kubrean explained.

  He gestured towards a seat at the table, Kaoldan smiled and took his place.

  ‘Nice of you to join us.’ said Zalen in jest, although his eyes were filled with concern. ‘Looking forward to our little adventure? Lovely weather for it and we have the delightful pleasure of some new company.’

  He gestured towards Yasmina who laughed stood and mockingly bowed towards the group around the table before taking her seat again, slightly embarrassed at herself.

  Kaoldan smiled. Never underestimate the ability of others to change an atmosphere.

  ‘It will be good to get out of here and see the world again.’ announced a deep voice from behind Kaoldan. The owner of the voice was a dreadlocked, shaggy haired black man. Slightly bearded with an angular face and an inability to hold any sort of eye contact for too long, almost too embarrassed to look at people.

  ‘I’ve grown tired of these surroundings.’ he declared twirling his hand around. ‘And I get the feeling that you might well need some help.’ he raised an eyebrow.

  Kaoldan smiled and moved forwards to the man who closed the door behind him, and they roughly embraced each other.

  Some good news at last.

  ‘Damn it’s good to see you.’ Kaoldan said.

  They’re faces both wide with smiles, Kaoldan led the shaggy man towards the table, his arm still around his shoulder.

  ‘Let me introduce you all to Kryst.’ he announced. The slightly embarrassed man nodded towards Kubrean.

  ‘Master’ he acknowledged and then to the rest of the table.

  ‘Hello’ he said simply with a smile.

  He was slightly smaller than Kaoldan and a few
years younger. Dressed in the black and grey Walker uniform, he was broad chested and fidgeted at the attention from the room. He paused when he saw Yasmina and appeared to blush slightly coughing nervously, she hid a small laugh and smile in return but didn’t remove her gaze from him.

  ‘Where did you come from?’ asked Yasmina without breaking her trance.

  ‘I arrived from Bay Forest about a week ago and I returned from a small errand with Tokel late last night.’ he replied, composing himself to meet her stare and turned towards Kubrean.

  ‘Your messenger was lucky to reach us in time, another day or so and my chapter would have left for Weeping Cove. Thank you for the invitation.’

  ‘And how are things at Bay Forest?’ asked Kubrean pouring some tea into two wooden cups from a large blackened copper kettle hanging over the fire before taking a seat and gesturing to Kryst and Kaoldan who both sat down.

  As soon as Kryst took his seat Dref charged over and plonked his head on his lap. Kryst responded by ruffling his ears, this seemed to be satisfactory judging by the grin on the dog’s face.

  ‘Bay Forest is as Bay Forest always is, full of trees and traders.’ said Kryst looking over at Kubrean while still paying attention to Dref.

  ‘The people change, but the place still stays the same. Traders from all over Essealar coming to seek their fortune or to hide. It’s taken me 3 days to get used to being back in the sun. Those trees don’t half darken things. So why am I here Master?’ he asked.

  ‘I thought that you might be able to help with some things that need our attention.’ replied Kubrean cryptically. ‘I’ll explain as we go. The main thing is we are all here.’ he said with a crocodile smile.

  ‘Excellent.’ he added with a nod of satisfaction. He crossed his arms and settled back into his chair surveying the group around the table. ‘The six of us will be going to Grihr; myself, Kaoldan Yasmina, Kryst, Dalon and Zalen. The trip will take about two weeks and I want everything to run smoothly and without a hitch. Quickly and quietly, in and out. No fuss or detours. All Duke Lomann wants are answers, and that is exactly what we are going to get him.’

  He looked around the table at the mixture of excitement, nonchalance and fear.

  ‘Any questions?’ He asked, taking a sip of his tea, the smell of honey slowly wafting across the table.

  All around the table heads were shaking.

  He smiled broadly. ‘No less than I expected, we leave in an hour.’ He stood, chair screeching on the stone floor as he did so and made his way toward the door. ‘Excellent’ he muttered to himself as the door closed behind him.

  Yasmina slowly stood, as if slightly unsure what to do.

  ‘I’d better go and give everything a final check.’ she said. ‘May has been prowling around since the early hours, it’s her first time outside of Thura for months and I think she’s a little nervous. I’d better go and see that she is ok.’ she nodded coolly.

  Zalen and Dalon both exchanged a look. Zalen then rose from his seat stretching his arms theatrically.

  ‘I’ll join you.’ he declared. ‘ Salah is often the same before we go anywhere. Who knew Pantheras could get nervous?’ he mused with a shrug draining the last of his drink, before clattering the cup down onto the wooden table.

  ‘Come on Dalon, worth a check on Dys’n as well.’ Zalen added.

  Dalon grunted, nodded his shaggy head and stood, tearing off a piece of brown bread which he messily covered in butter and honey with a knife.

  ‘Come along then, let’s get to it.’ he said offering the way to Yasmina taking a hefty bite out of this breakfast.

  She stood firm, ‘After you.’ she offered with a wry smile.

  Dalon paused, ‘You have nothing to worry about from me.’ he said. ‘Him on the other hand.’ he nodded towards Zalen, taking another bite.

  Zalen exploded with laughter and shook his head. ‘I’m old enough to be her father.’ he protested.

  ‘After you.’ Yasmina repeated her eyes fixed on Dalon.

  He looked to the heavens with a mouthful of bread, muttered something inaudible and strode off towards the door followed by Yasmina and Zalen. The clatter of the door signalled their exit, the room silent apart from the crackle of the fire.

  Kaoldan leaned forward his seat creaking and rested his elbows on the table.

  ‘So, how are you?’ he asked Kryst intently before taking a drink of sweet tea.

  ‘Oh, you know.’ replied the big man shrugging his shoulders, ‘Good days and bad.’

  ‘Come on’ encouraged Kaoldan. ‘Really, how are you?’ his voice softened as he looked at his friend.

  They had known each other for over 25 years, first meeting at the Walker training house in Vanguard, before being stationed together at Vers when Zalen had been posted to Slywind further up the coast.

  Kaoldan had taken an immediate liking to the shaggy giant, they shared a similar background - mothers both Walkers - and both only children. The chilly surroundings overlooking the Grey Sea; snow and ice as far as the eye could see and the long, bitter winters had held little in the way of entertainment and their friendship had blossomed.

  They had both trained hard, showing natural skills in the ways of Fajin, with the Walkerblade and excelled academically. Although Kryst had shown more interest and patience and therefore gathered greater knowledge in academic and Fajin matters.

  It was while they were both in the final year at Vers that Kryst had met a female Walker named Leise.

  Straight talking, clever and not the kind of person to take nonsense from anyone. An exotic, small powerhouse of a woman from the small desert town of Byant at the edges of the Freth Expanse.

  Her long-braided honey hair and dark skin, making her stand out amidst the snowy surroundings of Vers and its predominantly blonde inhabitants. She had immediately fallen for Kryst, although it had taken him a while to realise this for himself.

  Kaoldan was happy to let things develop naturally, after all who was he to interfere in the course of true love? Although the prospect of having to answer to Leise had helped him to form his stance on the matter. Leise and Kryst had eventually got together; after much deliberation and late-night conversations between Kryst and Kaoldan regarding the consequences of it not working and creating a difficult last year for them both. Kryst had not wanted to create any potential problems in final year for any of them. However, his reluctance had slowly been whittled away by Leise’s persistent and highly effective campaign of persuasion. She knew what she wanted, and it was Kryst, whatever the cost.

  Kaoldan had admired from a safe distance the way his friend had been completely powerless to her advances and the way she had worked her way through Kryst’s most admirable attempts to deflect or defend himself.

  Ultimately, he had no chance, and she got her man. Their friendship had been the basis of their relationship and at the end of their final year, they had both been posted to Emn, a large trade city deep in the endless deserts of the Infinite Steps, while Kaoldan had been posted back with Zalen to Prava.

  Time passed and some years later Leise and Kryst formed The Link and became partners for life. They had chosen not to have children; the reason never really made clear nor something that Kaoldan had felt comfortable or proper raising with his friend.

  It was a decision that Kryst would go on to regret thought Kaoldan.

  Their posting throughout Essealar meant that considerable time passed between them meeting up. However, the natural friendship: Kaoldan, Kryst and Leise that had developed meant that things never felt like an effort whenever they did meet. Each was happy with their life, comfortable with the choices that they had made.

  Everything had changed forever eight years ago, when travelling between Emn and Rok as members of a party of a dozen or so Walkers they had paused on their journey and chosen to stay the night in a small tavern off the main trade route.

  An argument had grown and developed over nothing, a trade of pigs between two landowners. Unable to help hersel
f Leise had sort to resolve the matter and return the tavern to peace. She had waved away Kryst’s offer of help with a smile, she had seen everything that she needed to see to calm the situation; except the knife in the hand of the young son of one of the landowners.

  A mix of drink, arrogance and fear had given him more bravery than he should rightly have had. The son had been aiming for somebody else and Leise had simply got in the way as a small brawl had broken out. The knife had sunk deeply into her back, piercing her heart just as Kryst had been making his way over to lend a hand.

  She had died, senselessly and silently in his arms - a blue ghostly figure rising from her body to become an orb which rose upwards through the ceiling of the tavern disappearing towards the Abyss. Kryst and the lifeless Leise statues of silent pain, as the tavern had erupted into chaos.

  It had shattered Kryst and destroyed his world beyond all comprehension. The son had protested his innocence, claiming it to be an accident, but this had fallen on deaf ears and he had hung for his crime the next day. Leise had been buried in a small simple grave beneath a large tree outside the city of Emn. Kryst arguing that this was the most fitting location, nobody had sort to persuade him otherwise.

  Leise’s death had affected Kryst in ways that Kaoldan hadn’t been able to comprehend, gone was his fun and philosophical friend, and in his place was a man exposed, a man without reason and devoid of emotion.

  Duty had been the one thing to save him.

  He had been moved from posting to posting. Kubrean had helped to ensure that Kryst was kept busy and time had started to play its part in the healing process.

  Kryst had become hardened and on occasion had been near to breaking; one particularly dark occasion, albeit drink induced, had almost ended in another death as Kryst had seen no way out of his pain. Duty the one thing keeping his head in a safe space, that and the counsel of others deep into the small hours.


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