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Princess to Pleasure Slave 24: Fallen Valkyrie Edition

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by Amanda Clover

  Princess to Pleasure Slave

  Fallen Valkyrie Edition

  By Amanda Clover


  This book and all its contents are copyright 2017 by Amanda Clover. All rights are reserved and no portions may be reproduced unless for the use of brief quotations for review purposes.

  All characters appearing in this story are over the age of 18. This is a work of parody and any resemblance to real people or situations is coincidental.

  The Immortals Fall

  The green hills of Valheim thundered with battle. Weapons clanged and warcries tore through the shouting of individual combat. King Jotun stood at the head of his giant warriors and the kobolds that served them. This horde faced the noble Noden, god of war, and his host of Valkyries. These winged warrior women, ageless and blessed with immortality, were the guardians of the paradise of Valheim. Each Valkyrie was also Noden’s daughter, birthed from the dreams of a mortal mother.

  Among the Valkyries, proudest and most renowned, was Sigrid. The braided tail of her golden hair swung from beneath her helmet as she spun and took the head off a kobold with her rune-marked broadsword. Her skirt whirled above her muscular thighs on her return swing and her blade slashed open the blubbery chest of one of the giants. The great, gray-skinned brute fell back, howling in pain and clutching at the wound. She brought up her shield to deflect a kobold spear and hacked the sword arm from another of the rust-scaled kobold warriors.

  In the heat of battle, Sigrid was in her element. Her mighty war whoops steeled the resolve of her sisters and struck terror into the kobolds. Jotun was pushing his frenzied horde hard, but she could see the ranks beginning to break.

  “Victory draws near!” The mighty Valkyrie cried out. “Drive them back! Send them to Jotunheim!”

  The Valkyries rallied all around Sigrid and drove deep into the lines of kobolds and giants. Some warrior women fell beneath the spears and clubs of their enemies, but so long as they fought in Valheim, they were immortal. In hours they would rise from even the most grievous of wounds.

  Within the wedge of Sigrid’s attack, desperately fighting just to stay alive, was Sigrid’s youngest sister, Leila. Born from the dream coupling of Noden and a mortal woman only a few days prior, the slender, pale-blonde Valkyrie understood little of the conflict with Jotun. She had received only the barest training with her sisters and knew nothing of the limits of her power. But she knew she had to prove herself to Sigrid and to her father.

  “Die!” She screamed, swinging her short sword two-handed. The kobold she was battling caught her strike on his spear and turned it aside. The diminutive creature bared its sharp teeth and thrust his spear. Leila barely deflected his blow with her shield. He struck again and again, driving her back and creating an opening the line of Valkyries. Leila cried out for help and two of her sisters fell as their flanks were exposed.

  The kobolds savagely exploited the opening, rushing in and striking with spears, daggers, crude swords, and even their snapping jaws. One kobold struck Leila in her breastplate and knocked her to the ground. She cringed as he stood over her, raising his jagged sword to strike a blow that she thought might kill her.

  “No!” She cried out, shielding her face.

  With a whistle, a blade took off the kobold’s head. Sigrid kicked the headless corpse aside and lifted Leila to her feet.

  “Sister! Take heart! We have nearly fought our way to Jotun!”

  The attacking Valkyrie’s had suffered heavily, but even Leila could see that Sigrid was right; their attack had driven into the heart of Jotun’s horde and the massive, purple-flesh giant had taken notice. He roared with fury and turned to the Valkyries.

  “Sigrid! I will make you one of my brides when I rule over Valheim!” He spit a wad of phlegm so large it bowled over the kobold that it struck.

  “You won’t touch me with a single finger!” Shouted Sigrid, raising her sword in challenge. “Valkyries, to me! Let us end this!”

  Sigrid’s heroic charge into Jotun’s giant bodyguards drew Leila along with her. The new Valkyrie swung her short sword desperately, slashing at the kobolds that drew closer and the fingers of giants that reached for her. Sigrid seemed to glow with her fury, hacking through giants as easily as she had the kobolds. Jotun smiled and waited for her to reach him.

  “Sigrid,” cried Leila, fending off an attack from a kobold. “Sigrid!”

  “What is it, little one?” Sigrid shouted and glanced over her shoulder even as she stabbed into the heart of a giant.

  “Jotun seems too confident, Sigrid! His front line is collapsing and we have fought our way to him. Why is he so cocky?”

  “Because he is a fool!” Sigrid laughed. “Take heart, sister, and help me end this!” She took Leila’s hand and dove with her into the final rank of Jotun’s bodyguards. Leila struggled just to hold onto Sigrid’s hand and her sword. Sigrid laughed triumphantly, glowing even brighter as she leaded dozens of feet into the air, dragging Leila’s with her as she leapt from giant to giant, beheading each one with a single stroke.

  Still Jotun stood and smirked at Sigrid.

  “You die now, Jotun!” Sigrid cried out.

  Leila saw a human figure standing beside the giant king, no taller than Jotun’s shins. It was a buxom, pale-skinned woman with dark hair clad in a flowing cape and long dress. She held a staff in her hand. A staff that glowed with malevolent violet magic.

  “Sigrid, look out!” Leila shouted.

  Sigrid beheaded the last bodyguard between her and Jotun and flew through the spray of black giant blood as the brute fell slowly to his side. Leila shrieked and spit at the bitter blood that covered her gleaming silver breastplate and darkened the pure white feathers of her wings. She called out another warning to Sigrid, but the Valkyrie was not listening. She saw only Jotun’s muscular neck as she plunged towards him through the air.

  A bolt of violet energy shot from the crystal atop the human woman’s staff and struck both Sigrid and Leila. They froze in midair, shocked with pain as violet energy crackled across their bodies.

  “Valkyrie no more!” Bellowed Jotun. “You are cursed to fall, mighty Sigrid. Valheim may be safe on this day, but the next time, you will not be here to protect it.”

  “Kill you!” It was all Sigrid could manage to say through the pain wracking her body. A shimmering, black portal opened beneath Sigrid and Leila and the pair fell into the darkness.

  They dropped from a gray sky and landed on a rain-swept field. Their bodies steamed with the heat of their torture. Though they still wore their Valkyrie armor, they could feel the weakness in their flesh. Even Leila, only days old, knew the truth.

  “We are mortal,” she sobbed.

  Sigrid staggered to her feet, muddy, blood running from her hairline down her jaw and dripping onto her golden breastplate. The mighty Valkyrie felt the heaviness of her mortality. Though she still had wings, they were merely vestigial appendages when robbed of the magic that allowed her to fly. She looked up at the rainy, gray sky.

  “This is the mortal plane,” she said. “We have been cast down.”

  “Noden will come for us, right?”

  “He does not walk this place unless called by his worshippers,” said Sigrid, wiping blood from her face on the sleeve of her tunic. “He comes only in the dreams of mortals.”

  Leila surveyed the dreary landscape, “Is this what all of the mortal plane looks like?”

  “I forget, you have never visited before. No, this place is…” Sigrid looked to the horizon, where several mountains of black stone rose above the broken landscape of grassy hills and rocky va
lleys. “Esirfel, I think. Those are volcanoes.”

  Leila shivered and wished her tunic weren’t soaked with water and her slender legs weren’t bare. Though she was uninjured, she felt mortally wounded.

  “We are going to die here,” she said.

  Sigrid put her strong arm around Leila’s shoulder. The mighty Valkyrie’s ample breasts swelled in her breastplate and caught the falling rain.

  “We are the daughters of Noden, the Forever King of Valheim. We are his flesh and blood, whether immortal or not, we will behave like Valkyries.” Sigrid’s icy blue eyes glittered as she looked down into Leila’s golden eyes. “Trust me, sister. We will walk the sunny fields of our home one more.”

  Leila wanted to trust Sigrid, but she could not quite bring herself to admit it with words. She nodded her head and softly asked, “W-what do we do now?”

  “Now, we seek out the humans of this land. They will recognize our divine lineage and show us the way to the nearest temple of Noden. One of father’s clerics will call to him on our behalf.”

  They began to trudge through the rain. Leila did not know how Sigrid knew which direction to walk.

  “What about Jotun?” The young Valkyrie asked.

  “Unless Valheim falls, the giants are forbidden from entering the human plane. They will retreat to Jotunheim.” Sigrid’s eyes narrowed as she stared at the distant smoke of a settlement on the horizon. “But his kobold devotees lurk in these lands. We must be wary.”

  Sigrid and Leila made their way across the unwelcoming landscape and crossed a fast-flowing river of cold water. The smell of smoke hung in the air as they approached the human settlement. Dirty-faced peasants looked at the gorgeous Valkyries with a mixture of astonishment and hostility.

  “There,” said Sigrid, pointing to a two-floor wooden building with light glowing through its crude windows. “That is a public house. Warriors congregate there and drink ale. They will know of the nearest temple of Noden.”

  Sigrid pushed open the door and they stepped into a fire-warmed room filled with the sounds of conversation and the soft playing of a stringed instrument. The music died away as Sigrid and Leila entered. The dozen or so patrons of the establishment rose from their chairs. A few rested their hands on their swords.

  “Valkyries,” shouted a burly man from behind the bar. “Why do you come to this place?”

  “I know you, Kenek Orskandr,” said Sigrid. “I carried your brother to Valheim after the battle of Mitlsbend when the men of the north isles rose up against the two kings of the outlands. You did not fight, but your brother was a hero.”

  “I was barely more than a boy,” muttered the barkeep. “What do you want with us?”

  Leila stepped forward and asked, “Where is the nearest temple of Noden?”

  “Temple of Noden?” One of the men scoffed. “We worshipped him and what did it get us? His temples have been razed, Valkyrie. We lost the battle of Mitlsbend and worship of Noden has been outlawed.”

  Leila was disconcerted to see shock on Sigrid’s face. The great Valkyrie’s voice was a hoarse whisper as she asked, “None hold the glory of Noden in their heart?”

  “Not here, Valkyrie,” growled another man, stepping closer. “Maybe in the nations where Noden does not leave his faithful to be enslaved. We work the mines for outlanders and offer our prayers to their gods.”

  The men in the tavern closed in around Sigrid and Leila. The younger Valkyrie reached slowly for her short sword. Sigrid carefully draw her blade, but held it down.

  “I do not wish to fight you men,” she said. “Only to return to Valheim.”

  “Yeah?” A short man with a crooked nose and missing teeth grabbed Sigrid by her wrist. “You can go back to Valheim. After we’re through with you.”

  “Yeah!” Shouted one man.

  “The outlanders took our women! We’ll take you!”

  Leila thought the men meant to kill them, but Sigrid saw the wild looks in their eyes and knew what they intended. As a Valkyrie, she was pure, and the thought of being defiled by these lowly humans angered her nearly as much as being force to serve Jotun.

  “That’s enough of that,” shouted the barkeep, Kenek. “You lot, back away from them. A round of ale, on me. Come back here, Valkyries, and we will talk.”

  The bartender poured drinks for the grumbling crowd of men. They took their drinks and returned to their seats. Kenek showed Leila and Sigrid into the backroom behind the bar.

  “Was it true what those men said?” Sigrid asked, her voice surging with anger. “Has everyone lost faith in Noden?”

  “Many still revere him, Valkyrie, but they do so in secret.”

  “What about you?” Leila asked.

  “I know Noden is real as surely as I know that he left us to our fate,” said Kenek.

  “You were weak! You should have won that battle!”

  “They had gods who blessed their blades! Magic that defeated our warriors. My brother… You know, Valykrie.” He lowered his voice further. “I know of a secret temple to Noden. I will take you there. But you must pay me.”

  “We have no gold,” said Leila.

  “Your sword,” he said. “A rune blade like that could fetch a fortune.”

  “You will not have the blessed blades of Valkyries,” snapped Sigrid. “Valheim steel is not for mortal men. It is your duty to aid the daughters of the Forever King of Valheim. You will--”

  “I will do nothing, Valkyrie, unless you pay me,” sneered the man. “You may have taken my brother, but you have left me in hell. Do not think I owe you anything.”

  “We have nothing with which to pay you,” said Leila.

  Kenek’s eyes roamed lecherously over the slender Valkyrie’s body. Sigrid stepped defensively in front of Leila and Kenek’s gaze fell upon the older Valkyrie’s ample breasts rising and falling within her molded golden breastplate.

  “You have ways of paying me,” said Kenek. “Little one, what do they call you?”


  “I will take pleasure from your body,” he said. “Undress for me and let me get my cock in you and I will take you to Noden’s temple.”

  Leila cried out in shock at the demand. Sigrid grabbed Kenek by his sweat-stained shirt and pushed him back. Even robbed of her magical power, the shove was nearly enough to topple the burly man over backwards. He steadied himself on a cask of ale.

  “She will not do it,” said Sigrid.

  “Then you will,” snapped Kenek. “Or you will have no help from me.”

  Sigrid turned the idea over in her head. She had never consorted with a mortal man, but she knew enough of the way they desired women. Their lewd behavior was often visible on the margins of a battle and some men would continue to behave in such a manner even in the presence of a Valkyrie sent down from Valheim to the mortal plane to retrieve the soul of a fallen warrior.

  Sigrid locked her icy blue eyes on the plain brown eyes of the barkeep.

  “Leila,” said the older Valkyrie, “wait outside for a moment. I won’t be long.”

  Kenek could not help but break into a grin. Leila, muttering soft objections, retreated from the storage room behind the bar. Once the door closed behind her, the young Valkyrie turned to find the men that had menaced her before still drinking in the bar and staring at her.

  In the back room, Sigrid confronted the barkeep with his demand.

  “I will do as you ask, within reason, human. I will not sacrifice my chastity to you.”

  “Rather hard to satisfy my demands then, love,” he said. Regardless of his disappointment, he approached Sigrid breathing heavily and rested his hands on her shapely hips. She tried her best to conceal her disgust at this soft oaf of a man. If he were a warrior, at least she would know he was an honorable man.

  Kenek was pale from the indoors and buttery soft, with beady brown eyes, an unhealthily ruddy complexion, and a nose too big for his face. Kenek’s beard was unkempt and his shaggy brown hair reminded Sigrid of moss dangling from
the branches of a willow tree.

  He pulled her suddenly against him and smother Sigrid’s soft cry of protest with a kiss. His beard scratched at her chin and his tough thrust into her mouth, pushing her tongue aside as he explored the limits of her mouth. His hands roamed to the back of her pleated leather skirt and he squeezed Sigrid’s firm, but ample ass through the armored skirt.

  “Caw,” he exclaimed, momentarily breaking the kiss, “you’re the prettiest thing I’ve seen, Valkyrie. What do they call you?”

  “S-Sigrid,” she stammered.

  “Pretty name,” he chuckled and smothered any reply with another kiss.

  She was struck by the arousal she felt. It was not a familiar sensation and she had not expected to react so dramatically to the touch of such an unappealing man. Kenek, heedless of the effect he was having, continued to kiss her and even sneaked his hands under her skirt to roughly squeeze the mounds of her satin-covered buttocks.

  “That’s enough,” she gasped, trying to pull away. “Stop touching me in this way… it’s…”

  He kissed her once more, before she could find the words to refuse him, and he thrust a meaty hand between her muscular thighs. His fat fingers pulled aside the satiny gusset of Sigrid’s panties and exposed the bare petals of her quim. She felt a fever-heat upon her cunt and his fingers sent shocks of pleasure through her body as he stroked her tender furrow and rubbing intently at the bud of her clitoris.

  “Mmmmmmm!” She cried out against his kiss, her hips jerking wantonly as he sawed his fingers along the length of her slit. He fiddled her quim with practice, evoking such pleasure that it made her thighs tremble and her knees weaken.

  Before her legs could buckle, Kenek scooped Sigrid up in his arms and set her bottom down on the top of a stack of ale casks. He hardly had to lean over at all to spread her thighs and thrust his ruddy face between her legs.

  “No!” She cried out, pushing her hands against his brawny shoulders. “No, you can’t do that with your tongue! That’s –AHHH!”

  As Kenek’s tongue lashed her swollen folds and the fat bud of her clit, she could not help but throw her head back and wail with intense pleasure. She had never even considered a man placing his tongue upon her there and the pleasure it summoned was like a spell cast over her entire body. Convulsions of ecstasy shot through her and she lifted her knees and granted the burley barkeep even greater access to her slick nethers.


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