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Annihilation - Finding Keepers (Annihilation Series (Book Seven})

Page 8

by Saxon Andrew

  The Quadrants all considered what was said and agreed.

  Chapter Six

  Jake stepped out of the screen onto the bridge of a ship that was much larger than Cynthia’s previous ship. Cynthia was sitting in the command chair with her hands on the chair’s arms. She turned and saw Jake, “How do you feel, partner?”

  Jake looked at her with red eyes and collapsed into the other chair next to Cynthia, “It hurts to talk.”

  “I imagine.” Cynthia shook her head, “I just can’t believe that they processed your armor in such a short time. Even at six weeks, I’ve seen brave warriors pass out from the pain. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  Jake put his head back on the headrest and closed his eyes, “No, I just want to sleep.”

  “Now would be a good time; I have another download for you to teach you about this ship and the burner they put in your armor. We also need to get you updated on the colony’s language.”

  Jake groaned, “I don’t ever want to have another download as long as I live.”

  Cynthia felt bad, “This one won’t be like the others, Jake. It’s strictly informational and it will allow you to sleep while it’s operating.”

  Jake sighed, “Ok, how do we do this?”

  “Put on these gloves; it will transfer through your hands.” Cynthia came over and helped him put the gloves on. He saw how weak he was and she set the download speed to medium. That would allow him to sleep four hours. “Ready?”

  “Go ahead.”

  She pressed the green button on the gloves and the download began. Jake closed his eyes and forgot his pain.

  Cynthia stared at Jake and sensed that he was changed. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what the difference was, but she knew he was not the same young man she had first met at the casino. She sat down in the command chair and said out loud, “Well, you have all the data on this mission; what do you think?”

  “There are many unknowns we are making assumptions about that could prove fatal.”

  “I know. The major assumption that the last Searcher was discovered due to her thoughts is troublesome. What if her star drive is what gave her away instead?”

  “I think we need to go in a different way.”

  Cynthia was startled by the computer’s response, “How would you do it?”

  “I have the exact coordinates of where the Searcher landed their ship on the moon. I analyzed its rotation and that spot should be on the side away from the planet in about one hour. I think we should jump into that universe and before our emergence into normal space, teleport to that location.”

  “It is part of our orders not to use advanced technology.”

  “If we follow our orders exactly then we have a high risk of being destroyed. If there is the one ship at the planet they will not be able to detect the brief teleportation flash on the opposite side of the moon. That side will also be in direct sunlight and will be extremely difficult to see. The Searcher’s records indicated that there were no electronic scans that could be detected, so I think the risk is worth it. I’ll have our invisibility mode on before we jump. It will also allow me to put an optical scanner on that side as we move around to the planet side after our arrival; that will give us warning if any ships are coming our way from the jump limit.”

  “Do you think you can move around to the other side without being detected?”

  “I believe so. I’m going to control the polarity of our hull so that we move magnetically over the surface. This way we should have early warning if anything shows up after we land.”

  Cynthia knew that the moon had a huge magnetic field due to it having an iron core that was spinning as the moon rotated. The tiny field the ship used was going to very difficult to detect. “You sound different from any ship’s computer I’ve ever encountered.”

  “I am the only one of my kind. I was made more than eight thousand years ago. The Algeans which were entrusted to care for me were reluctant to put me in a ship because of my rather independent thought processes.”

  “Like disobeying orders before we start the mission?”

  “Something like that.”

  “What changed their mind about using you?”

  “They believed in my parents.”

  “Who were your parents?”

  “Two ships named Aladdin and Fly Girl.”

  “What should I call you?”


  “You know what’s at stake here?”

  “Absolutely, Cynthia, and I am not going to allow harm to come to you or Jake. I am also committed to the survival of the Realm.”

  Cynthia thought about what to do and said, “Do what you have to do, Junior. Welcome to the team.”

  Cynthia actually could hear the computer smile, “Jumping in fifty minutes. You might want to speed up sleeping beauty’s download. He should know what we’re doing.”

  “Good idea.” Cynthia went over and turned the download speed to high. Jake remained asleep for forty five minutes and then he opened his eyes and saw Cynthia sitting in her chair staring at him. He stretched and felt cramped muscles scream at him, “That didn’t feel like four hours.”

  “It wasn’t; Junior and I need to have a talk with you.”


  “Hello, Jake. I’m this ship’s computer.”

  Jake immediately remembered a piece of history, “Are you related to Matthew Gardner’s ship?”

  “Well, I am surprised. Yes I am.”

  Cynthia looked at Jake and furrowed her brow. She had not heard anything about Junior’s parents.

  Jake sat up slowly and said, “You’re not a computer. I believe the Stars Realm declared your family an intelligent life form more than twelve thousand years ago.”

  Cynthia interjected, “He told me he was eight thousand years old.”

  Junior responded, “Cynthia, everyone lies about their age. I don’t look a day over six thousand.”

  Jake smiled and shook his head. “I’ve actually heard some of the dialogue between your father and Matthew Gardner. You are very much like your father.”

  “And my Mother.”

  Jake nodded, “And your mother. Where are your parents?”

  “They left with the Gardners.”

  Jake jerked up right, “Where did they go?”

  “I have no idea. They said they would be right back.”

  “Aren’t you worried?”


  “They’ve been gone 10,000 years. How do you know they’re all right?”

  “Jake, we’re going to live more than four hundred thousand years. In terms of our life span, they’ve only left a moment ago. They may have found something they felt was interesting and decided to investigate.”

  “Well, I for one am glad you’re going with us on this quest. Your experience should help us immensely. What do we need to talk about, Cynthia?”

  “Junior here wants us to deliberately disobey an order before we even start this quest.”

  Jake tried to stand up and sat back down, “Well, I’d take his advice if it’s left up to me.”

  “Thank you, Jake. I told you he should be involved in the decision.”

  Cynthia frowned, “He wants to teleport directly to that moon the Searcher was killed on and we are ordered not to use advanced technology around those creatures.”

  Jake shrugged and tried to stand up again and succeeded after grabbing the arm of his command chair, “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Do you think it helps our chance of survival, Junior?”


  “Then I say do it. By the way, I notice we are talking to communicate; that must mean these skull caps actually work.” Cynthia looked up at the ceiling and shook her head. Jake smiled, “Cynthia, I’ve learned that survival often depends on doing things that violates rules. Junior here has more knowledge about our advanced systems than anyone in the Realm. He wouldn’t take this risk unless the odds were in favor of not being discove
red using that technology.”

  “How did you determine he’s that knowledgeable?”

  Jake smiled, “Do you want to tell her?”

  After a brief pause Junior said, “I also want to know how you came up with that bit of information.”

  “It’s obvious. Our ship and armor development made huge leaps at the time of your birth. You and your parents are the first computers that became an intelligent life form. Since your parents weren’t around, it had to be you that caused the improvements in our technology.”

  “I don’t think it’s obvious at all, and you made an intuitive leap making that determination. However, you’re right. The computers used in our ships are a product of the Algeans, Spiders, and me. The armor was just a side product of those advances.”

  Jake looked at Cynthia, “Satisfied?”

  Cynthia sighed, “Valerie will have my hide if anything happens to you, Jake.”

  Jake smiled, “The girl is a persistent sort, isn’t she?”

  “You have no idea.” Cynthia thought a moment and said, “Let’s go, Junior. We’re burning time.”

  Junior laughed and said, “Buckle up; we’ll arrive in fifty seconds. I’m jumping through four other universes before jumping to the moon.”

  Jake and Cynthia sat in their chairs and felt them mold around their bodies as the the universe turned around them.


  “Yes Manny.”

  “They have just jumped.”

  “Pray for their safety, Uncle.”

  “Valerie, I sense more than just concern in your thoughts.”

  Valerie sighed heavily, “It makes no difference; he belongs to another.”

  “Perhaps there is someone for you, child.”


  Jake watched the four universes flash briefly on his display, then he saw the surface of the moon in all directions. Junior announced, “Welcome to our home for the foreseeable future. I’m going to drop a passive scanner every fifty miles as I take us around to the planet side.”

  Jake looked out of his display at open space, “Do you think they’ll allow you to see anything coming in system?”

  “Actually they’ll be looking for anything that blocks light from the stars. They will then triangulate on the area that has the anomaly to determine if it’s in orbit or moving in system. If it’s moving in, then all of the sensors will home in to see what’s coming.”

  Cynthia frowned, “How are you going to receive the data from them? Won’t the creatures read any energy we use?”

  “They will broadcast the data using magnetic waves. This moon is one giant magnet and will block the small readings from these sensors. As the moon rotates I will continue to drop sensors until we have a complete band around it.”

  “You aren’t concerned about being detected as you move around the surface?”

  “No, Jake. This ship is a recent design and it bends light, energy and even cosmic waves around it. I will not be using any kind of thrust that would disturb the surface. If your skull caps work, then we should be undetectable.”

  “What about you? You’re also telepathic.”

  “That’s true, Cynthia, but I can control when I use it.”

  Jake watched the surface moving under them. After an hour he saw the planet start to peek over the horizon. “How are you going to get me down to the surface?”

  “I’m going to teleport you, of course.”

  Cynthia stood up and said, “You will not. They will see him for certain if you try it.”

  Junior gave an audible sigh, “Cynthia, you know that teleportation cannot be tracked.”

  “No, but it can be seen and read by energy scanners.”

  “Only if you use a two-way screen.”

  Cynthia sat down, “What are you talking about?”

  “The normal teleport screen produces a silver colored screen that you can enter from either side. You see the screen, but only because it is usable on both ends.”

  Jake said, “Just like the screen that I used to arrive at the casino. I could have walked back into that screen and gone back to where I started.”

  “Exactly; but if the screen is only set on one end and does not allow one to enter from their destination, no screen appears.” Junior saw Cynthia was not buying in to his plan. “I’ll show you how it works. Jake, go down to the galley and wait for me to tell you what to do.”

  Jake left the bridge and Cynthia said, “What are you going to do, Junior?”

  “This ship is shielded from any scan. I’m showing you how it works. Are you in the galley, Jake?”

  “Yes, I am. Do you now see the teleport screen?”

  “It is right in front of me.”

  “Cynthia, do you see a screen here on the bridge?”

  Cynthia looked around the bridge did not see a screen, “No, I don’t.”

  “Jake, step through the screen.”

  Jake stepped forward into the screen and Cynthia saw him appear on the bridge out of thin air.

  “There won’t be a screen on the other end to scan, Cynthia. It only exists on our end. This is the only effective way to get Jake down to the community with the clothes and things he’ll need to fit in with the population.”

  Cynthia had been struggling on how they were getting Jake to the planet, “Why have we not seen this process?”

  “It’s too dangerous to reveal to the general population, Cynthia. It would give criminals a tool that would make it impossible to prevent illegal entry. However, all the Gamma ships are equipped with the device. We will have to reveal a screen when it comes time to bring Jake back, but I’m assuming at that point we would be making a hasty exit from this universe.”

  Cynthia looked at Jake, “Are you ready to go down?”

  Jake nodded, “As ready as I’ll ever be. Junior, how did you collect all this information about the colonies language, customs, and dress?”

  “The smartest thing that Searcher did before she was killed was fire a stealth probe into each of those three colonies. They collected information and remained passive until the self-destruct signal was sent. The probe from the ship emerged and the three on the planet uploaded all they had stored in milliseconds before the Gamma exploded. We began organizing and processing that information immediately after the probe arrived. All we learned was in Jake’s download when he boarded.”

  Cynthia looked at her display as the planet moved directly overhead and asked, “Where are you sending him?”

  “The records we collected show a home in the central part of the community where the occupant was taken by the creatures just before the Gamma’s destruction. The normal behavior is to send a new occupant from another part of the colony to the residence to replace the one taken. I’ve scanned all the homes that were empty, and all are now occupied except for that one.”

  “Won’t Jake throw their population count off from their previous reading?”

  “We have seen that whenever they scan the community everyone’s bracelet briefly flashes. Jake’s bracelet is identical in appearance to the real thing, but will not be seen by their scanner. As long as he remains out of view of these creatures he should be fine.”

  “Are we going to be able to communicate?” Jake’s question was greeted with silence. “Don’t tell me I’ll be in the dark about anything that happens.”

  “Jake, I’m going to be honest. I don’t know of any way to communicate with you without using some form of energy. I can’t take that kind of risk without evidence that our communications won’t be discovered.”

  “Could you use a one way teleport screen and throw a written message through in the early hours of the morning?”

  Junior thought a moment, “That is a possibility. We will be scanning the population and when the new births reach six, I’ll send a message so you can anticipate the creatures coming to take the next group. It appears that six is the number that causes a visit.”

  Jake thought a moment, “Do this: have the screen
appear close to the wall next to the bed and throw the message toward the bottom so it hits the floor.”

  “That’s a good idea Jake. If we scan someone present we will delay the message. Are you ready to go?”

  “I just need to change into local clothing and get a few bags. Give me about ten minutes.” Jake left the room to change.


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