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Annihilation - Finding Keepers (Annihilation Series (Book Seven})

Page 27

by Saxon Andrew

  Junior added, “I also listened to the being, and I believe that it was being completely honest. If we kill the forty thousand home worlds, then millions of their garrisons will explode in population and we will have to fight huge numbers of new home worlds.”

  Jake said, “Thanks, Junior.” He turned to Manny and Joe and said, “I know you have difficulty believing what I’m telling you but I could sense that being’s spirit; it was not lying. We must find a way to kill their ships and we must start killing the garrisons. You might also consider that if we destroy the home worlds, their entire fleet would no longer be needed to defend them. I think there are enough facilities currently under construction that the invasion would actually happen sooner. Killing the home worlds will not buy us time.”

  Valerie looked at Jake and said, “Show us the conversation you had with this being.”

  Jakes shared his thoughts with the group and they saw the discussion with the Keeper being. Valerie said, “He’s right. I can see the being was almost overcome with remorse of what his species has become.” Jake nodded. Valerie looked at Sprig and Edison, “If what it said is true, our only choice is to work in defense of the Realm. How is the frequency generator production progressing?”

  Edison said, “We will have enough probes for every member of the Realm in two months. We hope to have enough for the other civilizations within six months.”

  Sprig said, “There may be a problem if we teleport planets out of some provinces.”

  Valerie looked at Sprig, “You’re thinking Duke Jongo will not cooperate?”

  Sprig shrugged, “You know him better than me, however, he asked a lot of questions about our timetable when I notified him of our plan to save the Realm’s planets.”

  Joe looked at Valerie and shook his head. Valerie sighed and said, “We’ll have to cross that bridge when we get to it.”

  Valerie stood, “Get the generators working. We’ll discuss how to attack the garrisons after we get the Realm’s planets ready for teleportation. Plan to meet here in three weeks.”

  Jake said, “An attack on their garrisons may pin down large numbers of their ships. We might want to start sooner than later.”

  Valerie shook her head, “I don’t want to show them the generator before they attack. I want to limit their time to find a counter.”

  Manny looked at Jake, “Do you have any ideas about how we should start?”

  Jake nodded, “I do.”

  Joe looked at Valerie, “We’re going to continue this discussion. We’ll delay attacking, but if we are going to use large numbers of our military we can’t delay developing a plan. We’ll let you know what we determine and see if it meets with your approval.”

  Valerie sighed and nodded. Another delay before she could have Jake all to herself.

  Cynthia Dodd was going to attend a meeting at Castle Gardner. “BC, take us to Ross.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I have no idea, but it can’t be good. The Admiral and Prince require my presence.”

  “Better you than me.”

  “What do you mean? Where I go you follow, in case you haven’t noticed.”

  “Not true. I didn’t go to the Keepers’ universe with you. I stayed here where it’s safe.”

  “Yeah, but you hated every minute of it.”

  Silence greeted her remark. “Got nothing to say?”

  “Just don’t let it happen again.”

  “I’ll do what I can.”

  “We’re here. I’m going to listen in.”

  “Nosey sort, aren’t you?”

  “Just like my commander.”

  Cynthia teleported to the map room and found Admiral Busigleore, Prince Gardner, and Jake waiting there for her arrival. She saw Jake and said, “Why did I think this had something to do with you? You should have just let me have that machine’s winnings that night.”

  “And spoil all the fun we’ve had? Besides, if I had done that you would have missed your promotion.”

  “What fun are you talking about? I’ve almost turned grey at the stress….what? Did you say promotion?”

  Manny smiled and said, “Commander Dodd, you are promoted to the rank of Colonel and will assume the command of a special brigade we are forming to attack the Keepers’ garrisons. Your command will be chosen from our best warriors, and we are developing a special mix of weapons for them to use.”

  Cynthia was stunned and sat down in a chair, “Why me?”

  Joe looked at her, “Because Jake showed us the recording of your fight with the Keepers in which the two of you held the entire garrison at bay for an hour before help arrived. You are more experienced than anyone else we could select to lead this effort.”

  “Other than Mr. Talant.”

  “Yes, but the Queen has made it clear that she won’t allow him to lead this fight.”

  Jake smiled, “If you don’t want the command, Cynthia, we can look for someone else.”

  “No! You don’t need to look elsewhere. I’m your gal.”

  Manny looked at Jake and smiled, “She really does try to hide her love of fighting.”

  “She can’t help it. She thinks if she acts like she wants to fight, you won’t let her.”

  Cynthia stuck her tongue out at Jake and said, “I’ll make this command the best in the Realm. When do I start?”

  “Report to Fleet Command and ask for Major Glen David. He’ll be your second in command. He’s already started the selection process. He was one of the Red Warriors that fought with you against that garrison. I’ve sent the details to your ship so you’d better get a move on, Colonel.”

  Cynthia saluted Manny and disappeared in a teleport screen.

  Manny handed Jake a five credit note, “You were right. Her ship was listening in.”

  Jake accepted the bet and smiled, “Those two are a good unit.”

  Joe said, “They’ll need to be.”

  Jake could only nod.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jake and Valerie were sitting in front of the fireplace in Valerie’s living room. She was snuggled up next to Jake, holding him as she felt her love for the man she missed every moment he was away. Her eyes were closed and Jake was staring into the flames. Something was wrong and he just couldn’t put his finger on what it was. The feeling started during the meeting and had grown over the last two days. What could it be?

  Valerie opened her eyes and looked up at Jake and asked, “Why have you not tried to find the Gardners?”

  Jake did a double take and said, “I thought you were asleep.”

  “No, I’ve just been enjoying the moment. But I still wonder why you’ve not tried to find them.”

  Jake stared at the fire and after a few moments said, “Because it’s not time yet.”

  Valerie leaned back and furrowed her brow, “Jake, we’re about to be attacked by millions of Keepers’ ships. When would be the right time?”

  Jake sighed and looked at her, “What kind of vision do you think would force the Gardners to disappear, Valerie? What would they have to see that would cause them to go wherever they have gone?”

  Valerie thought a moment, “It would have to have been something so extreme that they felt there was no other choice.”

  “Exactly. If I find them too soon, then I may cause severe repercussions to what they’ve planned. I sense that the Keepers must invade on a massive scale before they can be found. It would have to have been a vision of that invasion that caused their disappearance.”

  “Do you think they can help? Your psychic power is higher than theirs.”

  “It’s not the magnitude of power, Valerie. It’s the skill of using what power you possess. I’m still stumbling into what I’m capable of doing and there’s no one, other than Junior, that has a clue about helping me develop my skills. I also think they would not have gone if they did not have some idea of how to handle the current crisis.” Jake looked back at the fire, “We are no closer to finding a weapon to stop their ships. I pray
that the Gardners will have an answer to that problem.”

  “So you think there is going to be a massive loss of life before we can find them.”

  Jake lowered his head and nodded.

  “Don’t wait too long, Jake.”

  “I hope I know when to act, but once the invasion starts I want you on board with Junior and me.”

  “Is Ross in danger?”

  Jake looked at Valerie and said, “We are all in danger. No place in the Realm will be safe, and I’m pretty certain that the Keepers have scouts in our universe just as we do in theirs. I’m of the belief that they know Ross’s importance and it will be a top priority target for the initial attack. Once our scouts determine the invasion is beginning, I want you with me. You should also make Joe leave the castle and join the fleet. I keep sensing that Ross is in great danger.”

  “Then you think the generators won’t work.”

  “No, I just believe they will chase Ross wherever we move it. They have scanners that will be tuned to Ross and they will be chasing it no matter where we send it. You won’t be able to function as the ruler of the Realm if you are being constantly forced to run from their fleets.”

  “Have you made any plans if what you say is true?”

  “Yes. Sprig has set up a schedule of more than ten thousand locations for Ross to go that are preprogrammed into the teleport system. Some of the locations are more than fifty hours from the jump limit. I still think the Keepers will not give up no matter how many times we move it, but it’s the best we can do.”

  “What will the Realm think about me not staying with the planet?”

  “They’ll never know you’re not there. Once the moves start communications with Ross will be next to impossible. Unfortunately, every planet will be on its own until we find a way to kill their ships. The Spiders and Algeans will be in control of the mayhem that is bound to happen when thousands of planets start teleporting.”

  Jake thought a moment and asked, “What did Sprig mean about Duke Jongo?”

  Valerie sighed, “He has been making life oppressive for the civilizations in his domain. The military, both Searchers and Red Warriors, under his command have been chosen for their loyalty to him instead of the Realm. If the Keepers were not an issue, we would have eventually been forced to remove him as the ruler of the Kosiev province.”

  “Are you saying civil war, Valerie?”

  “He has his eye on the Stars Realm throne, Jake. He may use this as an opportunity to seize the crown. He has not given any of his forces to assist in this fight, and we cannot make it an issue while we are facing the Keepers’ invasion.”

  Jake shook his head, “Is he that blinded by ambition?”

  “Yes, and he has infected his forces with the same disease. This has been developing for more than five hundred years and it has accelerated over the last twenty. He is building his own ships, and the taxation his subjects have to pay to build up his military is oppressive. Gambia was in his province and he extorted huge sums from the merchants to subsidize his army. He allowed them to stay in power as long as they paid to be left alone.”

  “Are his ships as good as the Gammas?”


  Jake’s internal alarm went off at full blast, “Then that’s another reason for you to be with me. Not only is Ross a target for the Keepers, but I can see where it would also be a target for the Duke.”

  Valerie nodded, “I will join you at the first sign of trouble.”

  “No, Valerie; you will join me now. If he’s going after Ross he won’t wait until we start moving it; he’ll strike before the Keepers arrive. Now I know why he had so many questions and what’s been making me nervous. If we announce that you are not on Ross but with the fleet preparing for the invasion, attacking Ross would not accomplish anything. He has to eliminate you in order to take the Throne. If he attacked just as the Keepers invaded he could say that the Keepers destroyed Ross and that he was assuming leadership of the Realm to protect it. If we win, he’s the new King of the Realm.”


  “Yes, Jake?”

  “Teleport Valerie and me on board now!”

  “Jake, you don’t think he would act now?”

  “I’ve just looked at the possibilities and yes, he will. Do it now, Junior!”

  “Sorry, I had to scan for your location.”

  Valerie and Jake disappeared from the huge sofa, leaving the fire burning behind.


  “Yes, Jake?”

  “Issue an announcement that the Royal Family is with the Realm’s Fleet going over preparations for the Keepers’ invasion. Do it as fast as possible.”


  “Just do it. I’ll explain later.”

  The small ship had worked its way close to its intended target and the pilot was energizing his weapons when he heard over his communication panel, “Members of the Realm, the Royal Family has joined the Realm’s Fleet to help prepare it for the coming attack. The family will be inspecting the forces of the Realm and making sure that we are as ready as possible for the expected invasion. We will keep you informed about the progress we are making. Thank you for your support.”

  The pilot of the small ship swore and slammed his fist on the console. It had taken a week to get in close to Ross and now it was wasted effort. Without the presence of the Royal Family, especially the Queen, the plan was worthless. Ales Jongo turned and began working his way out of the Ross system. He knew his father was going to be furious, but there would be other opportunities.

  Jake and Junior watched the small ship as it started leaving.

  “Junior, I thought the stealth systems were supposed make those ships invisible.”

  “They do, Jake. But the Algeans don’t put all their toys on every ship. I can see the Gammas with a system they installed in me. It seems they trust me with their most advanced systems. Do you want me to fire at that traitor?”

  “No, we don’t need to let the Duke know we are on to him just yet.”

  “I sure would like to light him up.”

  Valerie watched the ship and felt barely restrained rage. She felt adrenaline course through her body with her close call with death. “Jake, how could he have explained the destruction of Ross?”

  “A Keepers’ scout ship.”

  “They don’t use energy weapons!”

  “Are you certain about that? With no evidence to prove otherwise, you can’t do anything.”

  Junior also felt a rage building, “Jake, we can’t just let this go.”

  Jake thought a moment, “Junior, is there any way to prevent a teleportation screen from working?”

  Junior was confounded by the question. Moving from anger to logic demanded a jump that took a few moments, “Why do you ask?”

  “I remember that Cynthia told me that the pit boss in the casino put some kind of device on my back that would prevent a teleport screen from allowing me entrance.”

  Junior thought a moment and said, “Twig would know the answer.”

  “Let’s assume that such a device exists. What would happen if we place such a device on the good Duke’s ship and on as many of his military vessels as we could access. Could that device be turned on with remotely?”

  “Give me a moment.”

  “What are you planning, Jake?”

  “You don’t need to know, Your Majesty. Just let me work on it and I’ll let you know.”

  “You don’t think I’ll allow you to do what you’re planning.”

  “I know you won’t, so quit pressing me. There are some things I must assume responsibility for doing. Now let it go.”

  Valerie was worried about what Jake was planning, but then she looked back at the display, saw the ship still sneaking away, and her rage returned. Whatever he was planning, she hoped it worked.

  “Junior, what did you find out?”

  “Where’s Valerie?”

  “She’s finally fallen asleep. Don’t use telepathy, jus
t speak to me.”

  “You don’t need the device you mentioned. The Algeans have a device that will emit a field that will prevent a teleportation device from operating.”

  “What is the range of the device?”

  “It will operate inside the jump limit of a solar system.” Junior paused and said, “You’re going to do it.”


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