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Douluo Dalu - Volume 16 - Consummate Fusion

Page 3

by Tang Jia San Shao

  “Silly girl, don’t go disturb him right now. It’s better if he can understand on his own. Believe in him. Give him a little space.”

  Xiao Wu looked at Liu Erlong. Liu Erlong softly pulled her into her embrace, gently stroking her long braid.

  Grandmaster coughed once, attracting everyone’s attention,

  “Well, Tang San has gone into seclusion. The next month is also a time for you to get into shape. This past month of high density matches has had different degrees of benefit for each of you. But this is still far from enough. I think you’ve all seen that you’re not the only talents in this world. Tang San has met an opponent that restrains him, and you will also do the same. You’re all as one, in order to help prevail and obtain the ultimate victory, you will have to pay even more. Therefore, I’ve decided that in the next month’s recuperation interlude, I will once again conduct a period of strengthening training for you. What are those faces for? Stand up properly. If anyone has any objections, I don’t mind doubling the training.”

  Blood curdling screams echoed simultaneously in the hearts of the Shrek Six Devils. Right now they suddenly envied Tang San. At least, in seclusion Tang San didn’t need to undergo anymore hell training…...

  The place Tang San chose for his seclusion was still that log cabin in the middle of the forest. The secluded surroundings, the quiet world, was most suitable for his cultivation.

  When he’d already spent two days here, Tang San still sat vacantly. He didn’t cultivate, his mind always enveloped in a dense fog. He couldn’t find any way out of his problems, and he also didn’t understand in what direction he should grow. He even doubted whether the control system route he’d walked until now wasn’t a mistake.

  In two days Tang San had thought a lot, but the more he thought, the more confused he became.

  Two days and two nights had passed, he didn’t even rest, not eating anything, completely passing the time in this kind of hazy condition. This kind of painful feeling wreaked havoc in his heart. He didn’t even know why he was in pain.

  Ever since the day he became a Spirit Master, he had always stood at the summit of his peers. Blue Silver Grass wasn’t any formidable spirit, it was even a trash spirit, but cultivating under Grandmaster guidance, his strength had never been below those Spirit Masters of his age who possessed more formidable spirits. He was even ahead of everyone. As time had passed, Tang San had even already forgotten about the issues of his Blue Silver Grass, he’d always stood on equal footing with Spirit Masters with formidable spirits, he’d even felt somewhat superior.

  However, now that he calmed down and thought it over, he discovered that if it wasn’t for having the external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances, if it wasn’t for always having the support of his comrades at his side and his luck in obtaining those spirit rings, perhaps, he wouldn’t be much of anything.

  Each of his spirit rings were of better quality than other peoples’, but in his previous confrontation with Shui Bing-Er, it couldn’t be said his spirit abilities held any advantage. Perhaps these kinds of circumstances should have appeared before, only in previous matches and fights, he had always used tactics to cover up this gap. But after Blue Silver Grass’s own defects were revealed, Tang San immediately discovered his problem.

  A truly formidable control system Spirit Master needed not only control, but also spirit abilities with a certain attack capability. Shui Bing-Er’s spirit fusion ability was even better quality. However, could his Blue Silver Grass do that? No. Even if he already possessed a ten thousand year spirit ring at fortieth rank, without really using his external spirit bone he didn’t have any advantage of Shui Bing-Er.

  Rather than saying that his previous opponents had lost in strength, it would be better to say they had lost in tactics. Once an opponent appeared who wasn’t below him in planning, then the flaws of his control would immediately be exposed. This was still when he had taken the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot. If he didn’t have these two immortal treasure herbs, perhaps his weakness would have been exposed even earlier, even Huo Wu could have easily beaten him.

  ‘Why, why is it like this? Don’t tell me all these years of effort have been a waste?’ Tang San very clearly understood that the innate flaws of a spirit would gradually appear along with the growth of spirit power.

  ‘No, it can’t go on like this. Blue Silver Grass basically isn’t a good spirit, I’m still young, there’s still time to give it up.’

  Tang San couldn’t hold back the thoughts of his other spirit, Clear Sky Hammer. The hereditary spirit of one of the Spirit Master world’s seven great schools, Clear Sky School. If he had chosen to cultivate the Clear Sky Hammer from the start, then his current strength wouldn’t just be like this. He could only become more formidable.

  The more he thought, the lower Tang San’s confidence in Blue Silver Grass became. His heart was just like a raging sea, all kinds of chaotic thoughts making him feel somewhat crazy.

  Two days had passed, without any cultivation. In the past this was something Tang San couldn’t even have imagined, that was how diligent he was. However, right now he didn’t have a trace of desire to cultivate.

  “Little freak.”

  A green silhouette appeared in the yard outside, the sudden voice snapping Tang San out of his whirlpool of suffering.

  Perhaps it was because these two days had consumed too much mental strength, but even though that voice sounded familiar, Tang San still couldn’t make out who it belonged to.

  Standing, Tang San walked out of the cabin. After sitting too long, as the glaring sunshine hit him, he couldn’t keep from swaying a moment.

  “Little freak, what’s going on?”

  In practically the next moment, the green silhouette was already in front of Tang San, one powerful hand directly clasping Tang San’s shoulder, mellow spirit power somewhat overbearing and somewhat coarsely penetrating his body, rousing Tang San’s mind somewhat. Then he clearly saw who it was.

  Part 2 (TL by Bagelson)

  It wasn’t a stranger, but rather Shrek Academy’s honorary dean, one of the formidable Title Douluo, Dugu Bo.

  Dugu Bo looked doubtfully at Tang San. Right now Tang San’s appearance was somewhat scary, his hair in a mess, his facial hair unkempt, both eyes bloodshot, a completely dispirited appearance.

  “Old freak, you’re back.”

  Managing to squeeze out a smile, the spirit power within Tang San’s body operated automatically, clearing his rigid blood vessels, letting him stand upright.

  Dugu Bo doubtfully said:

  “Little freak, what’s going on? Weren’t you still well when I left, how would you become like this in a few days? Come on, let’s go inside first.”

  Dragging Tang San into the log cabin, Dugu Bo’s expression was somewhat serious. He could of course see how lacking Tan San’s mental state was right now. As a formidable Title Douluo, he was only too clear on the cultivation circumstances of Spirit Masters, and Tang San’s current condition was extremely dangerous. In case of a nervous breakdown, he would either go insane or be totally ruined.

  “Little freak, tell me, what actually happened to strike you into this kind of appearance. In my memory, you little freak was always a freak among freaks. Don’t tell me you met someone even more freakish than you?”

  Looking at Dugu Bo, the rims of Tang San’s eyes suddenly reddened somewhat. Grandmaster absolutely hadn’t expected his current condition. After all, nobody knew Tang San was a person of two lives, his mind was far beyond his peers, but it was also because of this that it was even easier for him to get stuck bashing his head against a brick wall.

  Dugu Bo’s appearance made Tang San recover somewhat. Especially his mind had a somewhat hopeful feeling.

  “Old freak, can you tell me, if I cultivate my spirit power beyond the seventieth rank, will I still be as far ahead as I am now?”

  Dugu Bo’s brows puckered,

  “Why would you ask that? Litt
le freak, what happened to your confidence? What’s actually gotten into you? You should understand how important confidence is to a Spirit Master, If you don’t have the most elementary confidence, if you don’t believe in yourself, then later you won’t make even a centimeter of progress.”

  Tang San smiled wryly:

  “But, I don’t know what I should do. The spirit I’m cultivating is just Blue Silver Grass. Even though I’ve already reached the fortieth rank, as my level increases, Blue Silver Grass’s weaknesses will be revealed more and more clearly. In the future, can I really rely on this spirit to contend with other Spirit Masters?”

  A jade light flickered in Dugu Bo’s eyes, staring at Tang San with a burning gaze,

  “Go on.”

  Tang San said:

  “The reason why I’m considered powerful among my peers right now isn’t because of the strength of my spirit, but rather because I have better spirit rings than ordinary Spirit Masters, and even have the external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances. You should also have seen my second spirit before. I don’t need to hide anything from you, my second spirit is Clear Sky School’s Clear Sky Hammer. Right now I’m thinking that if I cultivated the Clear Sky Hammer instead, then wouldn’t the circumstances be different? Right now I have fortieth level spirit power. I only need four spirit rings that suit me to be able to bring out the Clear Sky Hammer’s strength. It’s far more formidable than Blue Silver Grass. Even though I’m still not fifteen, I’ve already spent far too much effort on cultivating, I don’t want to waste my later effort on a trash spirit like Blue Silver Grass. Does that make sense?”

  Who was Dugu Bo? Anyone who could become a Title Douluo power was highly intelligent. From Tang San’s simpler and agitated words, he had already gradually understood the problem Tang San faced right now.

  Waving his hand, he didn’t let Tang San speak further. Dugu Bo looked Tang San in the eyes, sternly saying:

  “Little freak, do you know why I’ve always considered you a freak among freaks?”

  Tang San stared blankly,

  “Is it because of my knowledge in using poison?”

  Dugu Bo shook his head, saying:

  “That’s only a small part. Even more significant is your Blue Silver Grass.”

  The pupils of Tang San’s eyes contracted violently. Looking at Dugu Bo, his eyes revealed deep doubt.

  Dugu Bo indifferently said:

  “That’s right, Blue Silver Grass is a trash spirit. Moreover it’s the best known trash spirit. In the past, it was basically impossible for anyone who possessed Blue Silver Grass as spirit to have the chance to cultivate. But. You? Tell me. What were the circumstances when your spirit awakened? I heard Grandmaster say it was full innate spirit power, right?”

  Tang San nodded.

  “What does full innate spirit power signify? It signifies the foundation of the spirit. Even my own granddaughter who inherited by Jade Phosphor Serpent Spirit only had seventh ranked innate spirit power. And you had tenth ranked. And moreover, you still cultivate Blue Silver Grass. What does this signify? It means your Blue Silver Grass is different from the masses. That’s not simple Blue Silver Grass. You can also guess who your father is. Think, with your father’s background and strength, would he be together with a woman who only possessed common Blue Silver Grass? If it really was common Blue Silver Grass, how would it produce a little freak with twin spirits like you?”

  Tang San was naturally deaf to Dugu Bo’s explanation of full innate spirit power, because he always believed that it was the result of his own diligently cultivated Mysterious Heaven Skill, and not bestowed by Blue Silver Grass. Even more, at the time he awakened he also had a Clear Sky Hammer, even if the spirit truly had assigned him some spirit power, that should also be from Clear Sky Hammer.

  However, Dugu Bo’s later words made him somewhat startled. Yes, his Blue Silver Grass really was somewhat uncommon, especially not long ago when he had the feeling of being in contact with the natural wild blue silver grass. That throbbing came from his spirit itself. Just that no one had ever cultivated Blue Silver Grass to his present degree, Tang San also didn’t know whether this was something that Blue Silver Grass should be doing. But it was Dugu Bo’s last words that touched him the most. It was also an important question he’d always had.

  His father was a directly related disciple of Clear Sky School, and also one of their greatest powers, would a woman who only possessed the a waste Blue Silver Grass Spirit be with him?

  “Old freak, is there any relation between the strength of the parents’ spirits and twin spirits?”

  Tang San’s breathing had clearly become hurried.

  Dugu Bo grinned, saying:

  “In this field, perhaps that teacher of yours doesn’t even know. Even though his spirit research is very thorough, you’re after all the first person he’s met who has twin spirits. Before, I once read some top secret information in Spirit Hall. It was a written account of twin spirits. Spirits are hereditary, generally coming from the parents, so tell me, what’s the relation between inheriting the parents’ spirits.”

  Having followed Grandmaster for so many years, this kind of question naturally wasn’t difficult for Tang San, and he answered without the slightest hesitation:

  “Generally speaking, the spirit inherited is the relatively more powerful one of the parents’ spirits.”

  Dugu Bo went on:

  “Then when there’s hardly any difference in strength between the spirits, or even when they’re identical, what will happen?”

  Tang San said:

  “Under such circumstances, it will be inherited randomly, but under such circumstances there’s also a higher chance of spirit variation.”

  Dugu Bo nodded, saying:

  “Worthy of being Grandmaster’s disciple, your explanation is quite right. But, do you know, what are the odds of twin spirits appearing under such circumstances? The reason twin spirits are so rare, is because the conditions are so harsh. This is what’s written in Spirit Hall’s records. The birth of twin spirits mainly has two preconditions, first, the parents’ spirits can’t be identical, the more they differ, the higher the odds of bringing about twin spirits. At the same time, the closer the quality of both sides’ spirits, the higher the odds of bringing about twin spirits. In other words, if there’s a gap in quality between the spirits, it’s basically impossible to birth a child with twin spirits. Even if these conditions are met, the probability of issue with twin spirits is only one in a thousand, or even one in ten thousand. Understand?”

  Tang San was clever, even though his mental state wasn’t very good right now, he still very quickly caught on to what Dugu Bo meant. Dugu Bo was using this example to tell him his Blue Silver Grass Spirit absolutely wasn’t simple. Capable of possessing qualitative parity with Clear Sky Hammer, what kind of Blue Silver Grass was that?

  According to Grandmaster’s research, twin spirits was a kind of spirit variation, only the circumstances in which it arose were really too rare, and therefore so very few had appeared on the Continent. Dugu Bo’s analysis wasn’t bad, and Tang San immediately recalled the other two cases of twin spirits Grandmaster had talked about. Sure enough, the quality of the twin spirits really was extremely similar.

  The originally vacant heart once again became burning hot. Tang San’s eyes finally began to focus again.

  Dugu Bo unhappily glared at him, saying:

  “Even if your Blue Silver Grass’s quality wasn’t good, do you think that really matters? How old are you this year? Still not even fifteen, but already fortieth rank. Your present worries are matters for later. Since you could obtain formidable spirit rings and spirit bones to pull open the distance with equally ranked Spirit Masters before, don’t tell me you couldn’t do it again? No effort is wasted. If you don’t have even this much confidence, then you’re not freakish, but rubbish.”

  Part 3 (TL by Bagelson)

  “Correct, if you cultivated Clear Sky Hammer now, your strengt
h would indeed start rising again in a short time. As long as you have suitable spirit rings, you will immediately become powerful, even more powerful than fifty or sixtieth ranked Spirit Masters. But, haven’t you considered, if you began cultivating Clear Sky Hammer at ninetieth rank, getting nine spirit rings, what quality would they be? At that time, even if getting nine hundred thousand year spirit rings at the same time wouldn’t be impossible. Even if Blue Silver Grass was no good, it would still be enough to push you to that level, it wouldn’t be too late to prepare at that time. With your present cultivation speed, perhaps you will break your father’s record of becoming the youngest Title Douluo. What’s the rush?”

  Dugu Bo clearly didn’t know about the deadliness of twin spirits, but his arguments were clear and easy to see.

  ‘Yes, I could obtain external strength before, why couldn’t I do it later? When others have ten thousand year spirit rings, I have a twenty thousand year spirit ring, when others have fiffty thousand year spirit rings, I’ll get a hundred thousand year. Relying on the effect of spirit rings can also pull closer the gap between me and the quality of others’ spirits. What’s more, right now I still have a spirit bone to trade. Aren’t these also my own advantages?’

  The disorder in his mind gradually left, and the fog in his heart quietly dissipated. Right now, the only question that still remained was how to make himself stronger.

  Dugu Bo looked at Tang San’s changing expression and knew this little freak had already figured out a lot from his pointer. Leaning back in his chair, he smiled:

  “Little freak, do you know where I went this time?”

  Tang San snapped:

  “How could I know what an old freak like you is up to?”

  Along with his mood recovering, he clearly became a lot more relaxed.

  Dugu Bo grinned, saying:

  “I went to exchange pointers with an old friend.”

  “Eh? Win or lose?”

  Tang San asked.

  The green light in Dugu Bo’s eyes became agitated,

  “I didn’t win, and I didn’t lose, it was at least a draw. Haha.”


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