Douluo Dalu - Volume 16 - Consummate Fusion

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 16 - Consummate Fusion Page 5

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Her pace was very fast, each time her legs hit the ground she would be propelled at least five meters. In just a moment, she had already reached the log cabin in the woods.

  Body shooting up, quietly crossing the fence, in just two leaps she stood in front of the log cabin’s door.

  Quietly moving into the log cabin, before she had time to even move, a strand of durable Blue Silver Grass had already quietly twisted around her long legs. A cold voice echoed from within the darkness,


  “Ge, it’s me.”

  Along with the sweet voice rising, Blue Silver Grass quietly withdrew, and Tang San lit an oil lamp in the cabin.

  Part 2 (TL by Bagelson)

  The arrival was Xiao Wu. She placed the lunch box she carried on the table and looked somewhat worriedly at Tang San, but didn’t ask anything.

  Even though nobody else knew Tang San’s condition in these two days, she had brought food to him every day, and the corners of her eyes revealed her concern.

  After asking Grandmaster several times, Grandmaster had only told her that Tang San would have to sort out his problems on his own.

  Even Grandmaster hadn’t expected Tang San to be in even more danger than he had expected.

  Under the lamplight, Xiao Wu’s charming countenance seemed even more beautiful, a pair of black big eyes, long scorpion braid, and still those somewhat exaggeratedly long legs. Even though she only wore the simple school uniform, the air around her was still pervaded with a fresh and clean air.

  “Ge, eat something first.”

  Xiao Wu opened the lunch box, taking out the dishes inside one by one, four dishes and one soup, as well as several steamed buns. Extremely sumptuous, and right now still piping hot.

  This was also an important reason why Xiao Wu had rushed over, she was afraid the food would go cold.

  Rubbing Xiao Wu’s head, Tang San pulled out a chair and, without any trace of politeness, quickly ate in big bites. He had gone two days without tasting what he ate, and now that his issues had been resolved, his appetite naturally returned. He swept clean the dishes in front of him like wind scattering clouds.

  Watching Tang San eating heartily, Xiao Wu first looked distracted a moment, then very quickly had a somewhat smiling expression. The two had been together for so many years, how couldn’t she spot the changes in Tang San’s mood? Seeing that Tang San had already passed the danger zone, Xiao Wu’s taut heartstrings relaxed automatically.

  “Ge, I’ll tell you something good. My spirit power is already thirty ninth rank.”

  Tang San somewhat astonished raised his head. While chewing a mouthful of food, he said with delighted surprise:

  “So quickly, then perhaps by the finals you’ll also have broken through to the fortieth rank. Even if you haven’t, just breaking through one rank of spirit power will boost strength somewhat.”

  Xiao Wu smiled and shook her head, saying:

  “Fortieth rank might be impossible in time for this tournament. That’s after all a bottleneck to break through. But it shouldn’t be too far away. I’ll try as hard as I can, so you have to try hard too! That match couldn’t be blamed on you. After all, our cooperation with Tai Long and the others really was a bit lacking. Once we reach the finals, our Shrek Seven Devils can go up together. The result will definitely be different then. All of us will support you. Everyone’s been together for so long, experienced so much, the final champions will definitely be us.”

  In a short while of work, Tang San had swept the plates clean. When he smiling looked at Xiao Wu quietly clear the bowls and chopsticks, for some reason he unexpectedly didn’t feel like thinking about cultivating.

  “Ge, we haven’t exchanged pointers in quite a while. You rest a bit first, then how about we compare notes later? No spirit abilities and hidden weapons.”

  Seeing Xiao Wu’s as if smiling without smiling appearance, Tang San said:

  “Aren’t you looking to bully me? Truly well said. Only, even without spirit abilities, right now you still might not beat me.”

  If it was without using spirit abilities and hidden weapons, before when Tang San and Xiao Wu exchanged pointers he would frequently be beaten by her. Her flawless Soft Skill really was too overbearing.

  If caught, let alone equal level, even opponents one level higher than her wouldn’t stand a chance. In terms of physical fighting capability, among the Shrek Seven Devils, Xiao Wu absolutely wasn’t inferior to Tang San, even above Dai Mubai.

  Xiao Wu pouted, saying:

  “No way. My Soft Skill has improved again recently. We haven’t had this kind of physical fight in more than half a year?”

  Tang San nodded, saying:

  “More or less. In this half year everyone’s been constantly drilling tactics.”

  The advantages of Xiao Wu’s Soft Skill were clear, and the flaws were equally clear.

  That was the need to get close, and when confronting some formidable Spirit Masters, once spirit abilities were released, getting close would be extremely difficult. Even when teleporting.

  Like against Huo Wu’s Defying Flame Ring that could push away the opponent at any time, Xiao Wu’s Soft Skill would naturally be unable to show effect.

  Tang San and Xiao Wu had also once carefully researched this bit, but so far they hadn’t found a perfect solution. Even though they could resolve it by cooperating, Xiao Wu’s lone combat capability still couldn’t effectively improve.

  “Come, we’ll try it now. Let me see to what degree your close combat ability has reached.”

  Tang San smiling said to Xiao Wu. He wasn’t an ordinary person, and even though he had just eaten a lot, it still wouldn’t influence a bit of exercise.

  The two went outside, facing each other under light of the the seemingly smiling moon.

  “Ge, then I’ll start.”


  Tang San smiling crooked a finger at Xiao Wu.

  Everyone’s strength had improved, and Tang San’s Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track had gradually reached a degree of perfection along with the progress of his Mysterious Heaven Skill. Even though Xiao Wu’s close combat ability was very strong, as long as he didn’t let her get close enough to use force, what was the use of even more power? Therefore, Tang San basically didn’t believe he could lose.

  Xiao Wu moved. She really was very fast, before he even saw her legs bend, she had already appeared in front of Tang San in a flash. The long scorpion braid behind her whipped out, covering a large area, and she simultaneously stretched out her hands, hugging towards Tang San’s neck.

  Tang San swiftly took three steps, his body flickering successively as if illusory, his upper body simultaneously bending backwards, extremely ingeniously breaking out of Xiao Wu’s attack range. He didn’t attack, but swiftly retreated using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track.

  Xiao Wu naturally wouldn’t leave it at that. Upper body suddenly leaning over, her pace swiftly accelerating, and with a slight swaying of her upper body, Tang San only felt something blossom before his eyes. In that instant, Xiao Wu’s body seemed to become illusory, as if three of her appeared simultaneously.

  If he wasn’t exceedingly familiar with Xiao Wu’s spirit abilities, Tang San would have believed she had used her abilities. But reason told him that it wasn’t any kind of spirit ability. The reason why three silhouettes suddenly appeared was her speed.

  At the same time as the three silhouettes emerged, Xiao Wu’s speed had reached a terrifying degree. Even though it couldn’t compare to teleport, she had pulled close the distance to Tang San in just a split second, three silhouettes, two empty and one real, surrounded Tang San all at once.

  The scorpion braid whipped out once again.

  “So fast!”

  Tang San gasped in admiration, but his feet didn’t pause. If Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track could be broken so easily, then it wouldn’t be Tan Sect’s secret lore. As a support skill for hidden weapons, lightness skill had always been extremely impo
rtant at Tang Sect.

  Seeing Tang San’s body also becoming illusory, truly like a shadow flickering several times, he was obviously escaping to the left, but in fact his body had already moved to the right. Xiao Wu, determined to win, still only pounced at empty air.

  Pausing, Xiao Wu fuming looked at Tang San,

  “What are you doing running away so quickly, I’m not going to eat you.”

  Tang San grinned, saying:

  “What’s wrong in running when I can’t win? If you have the skill, catch me.”

  Xiao Wu snorted,

  “Then I’ll use my true strength.”

  While speaking, her right hand pulled at her scorpion braid.

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Tang San teased her.


  Xiao Wu’s one hand held her braid, upper body swaying once again, she charged directly at Tang San. Just when Tang San prepared the same old trick, once again using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track to dodge, Xiao Wu suddenly moved.

  The scorpion braid flung out, suddenly coming undone. The originally long braid suddenly became like a black cloud that enveloped Tang San completely. Even though Tang San was fast, all this was really too sudden. He only saw his vision go black, and he subconsciously retreated.

  The scorpion braid itself could be called Xiao Wu’s tool to extend her attack distance. When it was a braid, it was more than one meter sixty long, but now that it suddenly opened, the braid’s length abruptly shot up to two meters and change, making Tang San misjudge the distance. Even more importantly, the braid was originally like a whip, and its attack range was after all limited.

  But now that the hair dispersed, not only did the area it covered turn from a string to a surface, at the same time it also instantly covered Tang San’s field of vision.

  Xiao Wu was even faster than Tang San imagined. If Tang San could see the expression in Xiao Wu’s eyes right now, he would definitely see a crafty glint within. In that attack before, she basically hadn’t used her speed to its full limit. But now, if Zhu Zhuqing was here, she would definitely discover that Xiao Wu’s speed unexpectedly wasn’t inferior to hers, at most Xiao Wu was only a bit less agile than her.

  The braid suddenly separated into five parts, separately binding Tang San’s neck, arms and legs. Tang San’s Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track also only let him dodge the two parts below, his arms and neck tightening simultaneously.

  Tang San secretly cursed, both arms immediately turning in reverse to grab and remove Xiao Wu’s braid. Simultaneously he immediately leapt up, just managing to get away from Xiao Wu’s twisting long legs.

  Grabbing Xiao Wu’s hair, Tang San suddenly had a strange feeling. That hair had a faint delicate fragrance, supple where he grabbed, slipping out of his hands, and basically couldn’t be grabbed firmly. Moreover, the hair had an indistinct tenacity, agile as if it was alive.

  Suddenly, the hair wound around Tang San’s neck and arms released, slipping through the cracks between his fingers. No matter how much strength Tang San used, he was still unable to hold back the smooth black hair.

  Xiao Wu’s lovable laughter also echoed at this time,

  “Ge, this time I want to see how you’ll still run.”

  Part 3 (TL by Bagelson)

  Right now Tang San had also realized he was in a bad position. In order to avoid Xiao Wu’s long legs, he had already leapt into the air, planning to rely on the hair he had grabbed to change direction. But the hair suddenly slipped through his fingers left him without anything to pull, and he soared straight up into the air.

  No matter how miraculous Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, it still needed some place to exert strength. Where could Tang San exert any strength now?

  Xiao Wu’s leg lock maneuver was a feint, and at the same time as she withdrew her hair, she already crouched slightly, and in the next moment shot up, chasing after Tang San in midair.

  Delicate little hands once again wound around Tang San’s neck, and helplessly, Tang San could only pour strength into his arms to block. But were Xiao Wu’s hands so easy to resist? Hands with arms so soft as to being boneless stretched along Tang San’s arms, smoothly winding around his neck, her entire body already pasted to him.

  Tang San only felt something tighten around his waist as Xiao Wu’s powerful long legs wrapped around him. Whether arms or legs, Xiao Wu gave him a feeling of extreme pliability and toughness, even a bit more durable than his Blue Silver Grass. Most terrifying was that Xiao Wu’s toughness was as slippery as her long hair. The strength Tang San used dissipated immediately with a slight sway of Xiao Wu’s body.

  If it was described using Tang San’s martial skill in his last life, then the skill Xiao Wu used right now was the most powerful four liang pushing a thousand jin[2]. No matter how you used strength, you would be unable to throw her off. Even Tang San’s arms were completely locked up by Xiao Wu’s arms around his neck, and he couldn’t attack even if he wanted to.

  If he was facing an enemy right now, all Tang San could have done was a headbutt. But how could he want to do that to Xiao Wu, what could be done if Xiao Wu was by some chance injured? What’s more, if Xiao Wu really was an enemy, then Waist Bow would have already launched the instant she caught his neck, without giving him any chance to resist.

  But Xiao Wu didn’t use Waist Bow. The long hair fluttering behind her back, arms tightly wound around Tang San’s neck, the two fell from the sky, face to face.

  Until they stood firmly on the ground, Tang San still couldn’t believe this was real. Looking at Xiao Wu almost within reach, exhaling fragrantly, he couldn’t help being speechless.

  Tang San was certain he absolutely hadn’t been careless. He knew Xiao Wu’s close combat ability, and he had used Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track from the start. But finally it had still ended like this. The key was Xiao Wu’s long hair and the changes in her body.

  Xiao Wu’s close combat had clearly become even more powerful, but this didn’t seem to be something given her by spirit rings. Tang San was very curious as to what she had actually done.

  “I’ve won.”

  Xiao Wu giggling looked at Tang San. Her legs twisted around his waist didn’t let go, the two touching so closely they could smell each others’ breath.

  Right now looking at Xiao Wu at such close range, Tang San’s gaze froze somewhat. A ball of flame ignited deep in his heart, and his breathing clearly became more ragged.

  Xiao Wu very quickly discovered the changes in Tang San, and the smile on her face gradually faded. Staring at him equally fixedly, slowly moving the arms twisted around his, releasing Tang San’s arms, but both her hands still embracing his neck, her small butt right now stuck to Tang San’s abdomen. Her breathing also started to become equally rough, and she could even hear her own heart beat faster.

  Tang San’s hands subconsciously embraced Xiao Wu’s slender waist, pulling her closer. Xiao Wu’s arms also used strength at the same time. A trace of confusion spread through their hearts simultaneously.


  The call of a nocturnal bird suddenly smashed the tranquility, clearing Tang San’s mind, and he hastily curbed his state of mind.

  ‘She’s my little sister, what am I doing?’

  Subconsciously releasing the hands pulling Xiao Wu’s waist closer, Tang San somewhat panicked grabbed Xiao Wu’s shoulders, tilting his head,

  “Xiao Wu. How did you do it? Your close combat capability seems to-, seems to have grown a lot stronger.”

  All Tang San could do at this moment was to change the subject, only like that could he somewhat ease the embarrassment he felt.


  Sensing Tang San’s mood cooling, Xiao Wu also gradually calmed. But she still wasn’t willing to separate from the contact with Tang San at this point. Even though her legs slipped from Tang San’s waist, she still embraced Tang San’s neck, her body leaning against his, her head resting on Tang San’s shoulder, her face naturally disp
laying a faint smiling expression.

  Tang San wanted to push away Xiao Wu, but also couldn’t bear it. Xiao Wu spoke up,

  “Ge, do you know why my close combat ability grew so much stronger?”

  Tang San blankly shook his head. Even though he was intelligent, right now he had somewhat lost the ability to think.

  Xiao Wu said:

  “I know the flaws of my own abilities, but not long ago I also understood the ‘soft’ in Soft Skill. Spirit abilities might not necessarily come from spirit rings. True powers also have a lot of capabilities not inferior to spirit abilities. Just like your Purple Demon Eye mental attack, right? We all have a lot of potential ourselves, and developing one is a kind of spirit ability. A spirit ability created by oneself will have an even deeper understanding than one brought by a spirit ring, and they’re also even more practical.”

  Listening to Xiao Wu, Tang San couldn’t help looking distracted a moment. He forgot about pushing away Xiao Wu, immediately sinking into deep thought. Xiao Wu’s words could be described as having opened another door for him. If Dugu Bo’s pointer before could be described as having created the thought of a prototype for his future abilities, then Xiao Wu’s words erased the vagueness before his eyes, making everything become clear.

  Xiao Wu leaned against Tang San’s shoulder,

  “Also, when we use spirit abilities we can also be more meticulous, coordinating our own spirit abilities, and coordinating with our companions’ spirit abilities. Even if it isn’t a spirit fusion ability, the effect should still be even more powerful than adding one plus one to make two.”

  Tang San astonished said:

  “When did your insight become so penetrating, this is also what I’ve wanted to tell everyone. The coordination of our spirit abilities can still improve, especially the coordination of our own spirit abilities. Like your three spirit abilities right now, I think the best way of coordinating them is Demon Confusion, Teleport, Waist Bow. Using Demon Confusion to deadlock the opponent, teleport to instantly get close, then erupting with the strength of Waist Bow. That way it can doubtless show its greatest fighting strength. As long as the opponent is a little bit careless, they won’t have the power to resist further.”


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