Douluo Dalu - Volume 16 - Consummate Fusion

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 16 - Consummate Fusion Page 6

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Release the hands encircling Tang San, Xiao Wu took the initiative to separate from his wide chest, smiling at Tang San under the moonlight:

  “Since you’ve already figured it out, then I’m at ease. Ge, I believe you will definitely be the most capable Spirit Master. I won’t disturb you, I’m leaving first.”

  Finished speaking, she walked into the log cabin, collecting the lunch box and prepared to leave.

  “Wait a moment.”

  Tang San stopped Xiao Wu, reaching behind her in a few steps, cautiously pulling up the long hair already trailing on the ground.

  “I’ll help you comb your hair, you can leave afterwards.”

  A blush bloomed on Xiao Wu’s cheeks. Stretching back her hand and handing over a comb, she softly lowered her head.

  The two meter long hair was so supple it originally didn’t need any great effort to comb, but Tang San spent a full hour. Compared to last time, the braid he made this time was a lot better. In that peace and warm fragrance, his heart suddenly became incomparably penetrating.

  Once Xiao Wu left, Tang San didn’t return to the log cabin, but rather walked into the woods, slowly roaming the forest with the log cabin as the center, walking without pause. If one observed carefully, one could discover that his pace was unusually measured, the distance of each step practically exactly the same.

  Even more peculiarly, Tang San always had his eyes closed. Walking without using his eyes to see, he still didn’t bump into any trees, using the best path to unhurriedly advance.

  Faint white light began to gradually appear over his body. In the places he passed, the exuberant blue silver grass on the ground would subsequently sway rhythmically.

  Tang San walked just like this a whole night. After the night, as he returned to meditate in the log cabin, the blue silver grass in the forest seemed to have become more lush than before.


  One month’s time isn’t particularly long, but this one month couldn’t be called relaxed for the Shrek Seven Devils. Tang San only spent ten days in seclusion in the log cabin, returning to his companions after the ten days to accept Grandmaster’s hell training alongside them.

  The training Grandmaster gave them wasn’t the same as before. According to what Grandmaster told them, this time’s training was called the potential stimulating plan.

  How was potential stimulated? Grandmaster explained it very simply, the greater the pressure, the greater the propulsion, the easier it would be to stimulate their potential.

  Therefore, this potential stimulation plan consisted of constant battle. The Shrek Seven Devils didn’t confront a lot of opponents. Only one. Slaughtering corner, Liu Erlong.

  Liu Erlong’s spirit power wasn’t the strongest in the Academy. Compared to Zhao Wuji and Flender she was roughly a bit lower.

  But in terms of combat ability, neither Zhao Wuji or Flender would dare confront her. Her attack methods consisted completely of that kind of berserk oppression, as frantic as an erupting volcano. She basically wouldn’t give her opponents any chance to catch their breath.

  Before Tang San emerged from the log cabin, Dai Mubai and the others would every day learn the intricacies of masochism under Liu Erlong’s torrential attacks, but after Tang San’s return, this situation changed. Even though they were still beaten, it wasn’t as unsightly.

  “Seven as one.”

  Tang San shouted loudly, swiftly retreating.

  Right now he was already completely unable to breathe. An enormous flame in the shape of a giant dragon hiding the sky and covering the earth rushed out. Even though he was immune to fire, the tremendous force of impact contained within that flame wasn’t something he had the ability to withstand.

  * * *

  [1] 1尺 = ⅓ m

  [2] A small force diverting a large force.

  Chapter 109: Outschemed Liu Erlong

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  It was the last day before the ranking competition, and this day was also the Shrek Seven Devils’ last time confronting Liu Erlong.

  Without the slightest hesitation, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun simultaneously interposed themselves in front of Tang San, blocking stiffly.

  Dai Mubai’s body had already expanded to the limit, White Tiger Barrier and White Tiger Vajra Transformation used simultaneously. But Ma Hongjun burst with Bathing Fire Phoenix and Phoenix Ascension, his chubby body soaring in midair, blocking above as Dai Mubai did below. Fully using their spirit power, they obstructed Liu Erlong’s attack, giving Tang San time to fight.

  At the same time, the others didn’t stay idle either. Three lines of light shot out simultaneously, two of them falling on Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, releasing an aura of defense, while the third fell on Xiao Wu with a speed boost. The user of these three lines of light was Ning Rongrong. The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in her hand shone brilliantly, providing the optimum support while saving the most spirit power.

  Xiao Wu had already leapt, pouncing straight at Liu Erlong. But Liu Erlong didn’t seem to see her, both hands spreading, two lines of Fire Dragon energy struck at Zhu Zhuqing approaching from the side, suppressing her.

  But at this moment, a silhouette soared high up in the air, incorporeal wings flapping behind his back, Tang San.

  Using a flying mushroom to provide one minute of fast flight, let him soar far into the air.

  Liu Erlong practically unconsciously raised her head to look at Tang San, but what met her was two beams of purple golden light.

  Even if Liu Erlong was a Spirit Sage, she still shuddered a moment under that powerful mental attack. The spirit ability she had just prepared to use was immediately obstructed. And this moment was when Xiao Wu only was five meters away from her.

  The Soft Bones Demon Rabbit’s second spirit ability, Demon Confusion, launched.

  Under normal circumstances, Xiao Wu’s Demon Confusion would clearly have been ineffective on Liu Erlong, she would even have been injured by Liu Erlong’s mental strength backlash. But right now was different. Liu Erlong’s mind was at its weakest when under Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye mental attack. Xiao Wu’s Demon Confusion ability immediately showed results, increasing the time Liu Erlong was deadlocked by two seconds.

  Hardly sparing her spirit power, the next moment, Xiao Wu’s third spirit ability, Teleportation, launched. Her body abruptly appeared behind Liu Erlong, subconsciously avoiding a frontal attack. Her legs wound around Liu Erlong’s waist, and Waist Bow launched.

  Liu Erlong’s spirit power really was too great. Even if Xiao Wu’s Waist Bow instantly doubled her strength, it still wasn’t enough to throw Liu Erlong. But under this kind of stun, Liu Erlong still couldn’t stand firm. The spirit power within her body erupted, wanting to shock Xiao Wu loose.

  But, the degree of toughness of Xiao Wu’s body was so valiant that even with Liu Erlong’s spirit power, it still wasn’t easy to shake her off in an instant. And confronting her adopted daughter, Liu Erlong was also unwilling to use her flame attack to injure Xiao Wu.

  Only at truly close range could the frightfulness of Xiao Wu’s Soft Skill be experienced.

  Her bone maggot-like attack method basically didn’t give the opponent any chance to strike back. After getting close, none of the other Shrek Seven Devils could match Xiao Wu in use of strength. Right now, even though she was unable to throw Liu Erlong, Liu Erlong had no doubt also lost her agility.

  Zhu Zhuqing suddenly stopped after her retreat, her figure flashed, turning into three. It was her fourth spirit ability, Hell Shadow Doppelgänger. Immediately afterward, her third spirit ring also flared. The three claws of the figures rose simultaneously, launching Hell Decapitation.

  Zhu Zhuqing’s Hell Shadow Doppelgänger wasn’t like the mirages Xiao Wu produced with speed, for a brief moment, her doppelgängers had the power to attack.

  And this moment coordinating the third spirit ability Hell Decapitation was doubtless like three separate Hell Decapitations simultaneously striking in one

  Coordinating the fourth spirit ability with the third spirit ability, no doubt made her attack power increase geometrically.

  At this moment, Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai erupted as well.

  The two both fully used two spirit abilities, White Tiger Barrier and White Tiger Vajra Transformation already raised Dai Mubai’s spirit power to its peak condition, and Fatty’s phoenix flame also equally reached its peak under the boost of Phoenix Ascension and Bathing Fire Phoenix.

  Under such circumstances, the two turned from defense to offense in an instant. Dazzling white meteors fell from the sky, blasting at Liu Erlong. Fatty already swiftly flew in front of Liu Erlong under Phoenix Ascension’s effect.

  Xiao Wu’s delicate body leapt backwards, her mission already complete. And the split second she leapt back, the Spider Web Restraint Tang San shot from the air landed on Liu Erlong.

  Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing, the four main attackers were simultaneously suffused with a layer of pink light, the might of their spirit abilities reaching the peak in a split second. And the splendor of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda also changed at this moment. Altogether eight rays of light separately falling on the four of them. Each person had support from two rays of light, Ning Rongrong’s spirit power boost and attack power boost.

  Under the support of the pink stimulating sausage and Ning Rongrong’s all out dual boost, right now the attack power of Tang San and the others had doubtless reached the limit.


  The first to erupt was Fatty’s Phoenix Cry Sky Strike, the distorted space just taking the place of Xiao Wu’s Demon Confusion, accurately acting as a follow up strike. An enormous pillar of flame burst up, its attack power erupting completely.

  The attack from below shocked Liu Erlong’s body, even though her flame resistance was very high, the adhering properties of Fatty’s phoenix flame were extremely powerful, finally having an enormous restrictive effect on her fire dragon breath.

  And those three Hell Decapitations and the White Tiger Meteor Shower in midair also all accurately struck Liu Erlong.

  From Tang San’s use of Purple Demon Eye, up to the quadruple cooperative attack, the whole process left Liu Erlong without any chance to resist. The initial and follow-up restraining abilities completely restrained her from acting.

  “Fuck, you little bastards.”

  Enduring White Tiger Meteor Shower and three Hell Decapitations finally brought Liu Erlong back from the daze. Under such circumstances, even she had no choice but to use her most powerful defensive ability.

  Magnificent flaming radiance burst out from within her body, Fire Dragon Avatar erupted.

  But at this moment, in the ground below Liu Erlong, suddenly, countless knife sharp incomparable Blue Silver Grass abruptly exploded out, a one diameter circle of Blue Silver Grass caught up to her in a flash. The timing when the Blue Silver Grass erupted was the moment after Liu Erlong had taken White Tiger Meteor Shower, Hell Decapitation, and Phoenix Cry Sky Strike, when her defense was at its weakest, just transforming into Fire Dragon Avatar.

  Tang San’s forth spirit ability Blue Silver Prison’s variant version Blue Silver Thrust, launched.

  Tang San had waited for this opportunity all along. Ten days of secluded cultivation let him figure out a great many things. Blue Silver Prison wasn’t powerful in itself, but its superiority lay in ease of control. Under the effect of his fourth spirit ability, Blue Silver Grass would become incomparably hard, and utilizing this fact, Tang San had developed this Blue Silver Thrust. The same as Blue Silver prison, the most terrifying part of Blue Silver Thrust wasn’t its attack power, but rather its unexpectedness. Right now, even Liu Erlong couldn’t help jumping with fright.

  Tyrannical piercing power once again slammed at the not yet completely turned into Fire Dragon Avatar Liu Erlong, and at this moment, a black little hammer dropped from the sky, just falling on top of Liu Erlong’s head.

  A dizzy feeling spread through her entire body, and Liu Erlong’s Fire Dragon Avatar was forcibly interrupted by that intense daze. Immediately afterwards, her ears caught a burst of mechanical sounds.


  A ragged Liu Erlong fell to the ground. Even if she hadn’t suffered any true injuries by relying on the defensive abilities she had launched at the start of the battle as well as her formidable spirit power, right now her clothes were already substantially damaged, the qi and blood within her body roiling, for a moment unexpectedly unable to use spirit abilities of her third spirit ring and higher.

  And at this moment, she also clearly saw the Shrek Seven Devils. These seven little fellows each had a black square box in their hands, just smiling and chattering looking at her. Clearly they didn’t intend to shoot her, but Liu Erlong still felt a chill run down her back.

  No matter how she couldn’t understand why these little monsters suddenly became so ferocious today. Just yesterday they had still been oppressed by her. But in this fight today, Liu Erlong had been completely unable to display her strength.

  “Alright, it’s over. Erlong, you lost.”

  Grandmaster’s slightly stiff voice echoed.

  Unwinding the mechanisms, the Shrek Seven Devils simultaneously withdrew their Godly Zhuge Crossbows, stretching out their right hands and making victory signs. Ning Rongrong was even shouted excitedly.

  Yes, even if there were seven of them, the one they defeated today was an immense seventy something ranked Spirit Sage, and moreover had terrifying attack power, burst strength so tyrannical she was known as the Slaughtering Corner, Liu Erlong. How couldn’t they be excited?

  “I don’t accept it.”

  Liu Erlong walked over in front of Grandmaster in a spitting rage,

  “Why did I lose? They didn’t even really hurt me. If it went on, I would definitely win. Even those Godly Zhuge Crossbows of theirs might not be able to really hurt me.”

  Seeing Liu Erlong seething, Grandmaster raised a hand to help her sort out her disorderly red hair. Shaking his head with a smile, he said:

  “No, you already lost. Didn’t you notice they already went easy on you? Mubai and Zhuqing’s spirit fusion ability wasn’t used, and Tang San still held back his external spirit bone.”

  Part 2 (TL by Bagelson)

  “Since they could link up other spirit abilities, then they shouldn’t be unable to join together two powerful abilities. You lost out of carelessness, when Tang San stunned you with Purple Demon Eye, you had already lost any chance. These little fellows basically wouldn’t give you the time to retaliate. Constantly hit with restraining abilities, what could you have done? Even if your strength exceeds theirs by far, that’s still no good against an explosive bombardment maneuver like theirs. You were outsmarted by them.”

  Liu Erlong turned fiercely, looking at the Shrek Seven Devils excitedly celebrating their victory,

  “Hurray, you little bastards, how long have you been scheming against an old woman?”

  Oscar grinned, saying:

  “You’re too strong, if we didn’t do this, how could we be your opponent?”

  Liu Erlong angrily said:

  “This old woman should fully use her spirit avatar once, then teach all of you a proper lesson.”

  “Useless. They have too many interrupting abilities. They wouldn’t give you the chance to use spirit avatar. Your other abilities also aren’t enough to beat them. With two auxiliaries, they can completely boost the strength of two or three people above the fiftieth rank. These little monsters have basically perfected their teamwork. If it was Flender here, the result would still be the same.”

  Grandmaster looked at the group of children in front of him with satisfaction, they had clearly grown a lot in just this one month. Moreover, their growth speed was faster than even he had imagined. Not just Tang San, but all of them.

  Right now, the spirit power of the seven had also reached the limit of their rank under Liu Erlong’s pressure, already not far from pro

  Grandmaster very naturally embraced Liu Erlong’s shoulders,

  “These seven little monsters started planning against you at least three days ago. With this kind of teamwork, even if you could defeat them, it wouldn’t be easy to oppress them like you did the last few days. They were showing weakness to the enemy, making you drop your guard. They are clearly unable to defeat you in true strength, but in circumstances where they’re showing weakness, it would be impossible for you to take the initiative and use your more powerful spirit abilities. Consequently, your defeat today.”

  Liu Erlong looked fiercely at the Shrek Seven Devils,

  “Hurray. You seven little creatures actually dared scheme against me. You’re toast. Come, let’s continue exchanging pointers. If this old woman doesn’t beat you until you’re crying today, then my name isn’t Liu Erlong.”


  Before Liu Erlong even charged, the Shrek Seven Devils were already screaming. Everyone’s pleading gazes fell on Grandmaster.

  Grandmaster raised his head to look at the sky, very flatly saying:

  “Even though your tactics were pretty good, the one you schemed against was after all your teacher’s wife. Let her vent her anger. Erlong, start off a bit leniently.”

  The Shrek Seven Devils,


  In the next several hours, the classes in Shrek Academy’s main school building could all clearly hear blood curdling screams echoing continuously. Apparently, the forest behind the academy had become a world of misery.

  Most miserable were Tai Long’s quartet. They didn’t have any part in the scheme against Liu Erlong, but they still couldn’t avoid their share of the beating.

  The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament ranking competition wasn’t as bustling as the qualifiers. In order to protect the privacy of the spirit masters, and also out of security considerations, not spectators were allowed at the ranking competition.


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