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Dangerous Possession: The Claiming

Page 2

by The Claiming (lit)

  “This is supposed to be a night of relaxing.” She kept her eyes trained on the group.

  “Okay, you need to settle down. They’re just nervous having you here,” Shane replied.

  “Looks like we’re not wanted here to me,” Melody said, indicating the women across the room. Shane and the other men that stood next to them looked at the group. The men began to growl and show their teeth. The women moved apart slowly, showing their submission.

  “Forgive them. They’re not too fond of humans,” the man standing next to her said. He had to be the Alpha the way he stood and his gaze scanned the woman frowning. He never took his watchful gaze off them, yet knew what everyone was doing in the room at the same time.

  “Now, Shane, aren’t you going to introduce me to this lovely lady Alpha?” His tenor voice caressed her body and turned it to mush.

  His dark blue eyes turned to her as he spoke. His gaze traveled down her body and settled on her breasts for a moment, then back up to her face.

  She could feel the frown on her face. His handsome face and long black hair would be any woman’s fantasy. Even with his hair pulled back she knew she would love to run her fingers through it. She felt like a shrimp standing next to him. He stood at least six and a half feet tall.

  “Excuse me, Alpha, you know my mate, Melody, and this is her best friend, Tabatha. Tabatha, this is our Alpha, Hoyt Cyrus,” Shane stated and lowered his head slightly.

  “Shane,” a woman’s slightly irritated voice called to the group. Each turned toward the tall women who interrupted their introductions, the same woman who had taken their coats earlier. She swung her hips more to make her costume jingle when she walked.

  Tabatha laughed and shook her head. “You’re doing it wrong. Let me show you how to do it.” Her hips and belly moved, showing the woman how to dance. The woman glared at her as men watched in awe while she worked her costume, making every bead sing.

  “This phone rang in one of their coats.” She pushed the phone toward Shane, ignoring Tabby. Her head turned, she lifted a perfectly manicured eyebrow as she walked past Tabatha, staring at her, and growled.

  Tabatha couldn’t let it go. She wasn’t going to bow down to anyone, not even a pack of female wolves. Fuck this!

  “Listen, you bitch, you growl at me one more time and I will rip that snout off your pretty little face. Be gone with you.” She shooed the woman away with a flick of her wrist, then turned her back toward the group.

  Everyone stared at Tabatha as if she had grown another head.

  “What?” She looked innocently at the group. “It’s the second time that blonde bimbo has growled at me. I didn’t come here to be threatened. I’ve had a day from hell and this is supposed to be a party. All it’s been so far is a bunch of bitches showing their teeth!”

  Melody laughed and hugged her. “Here, it’s the other police detective on the phone about your car.” She handed her the phone.

  She looked around the immediate area for a quieter place. Tabatha found a corner a few feet away from Shane and Melody and she walked to it.

  “This is Tabatha Spinning. Did you find my car?” She sat down at the empty table, while the officer told her what happened. By the time she hung up the phone, Melody stood there with Shane, who stared down at her.

  “What? What’s wrong?” Melody asked, sitting down next to her. Shane handed Tabatha a beer and she took a long swig.

  “It seems.” Tabatha blew her hair out of her eyes and handed the phone back to Melody. “My car is trashed. On the hood of the car, some ritual words are scratched into the paint. The inside of the car is covered in human blood. They’re handing the case over to the PSU. From what the detective said, someone has summoned a demon named Chax.” She grabbed her beer and finished it, then grabbed Shane’s trying to drink it, but he held it away from her.

  “Hey, you need to slow down,” Melody said.

  “I can’t believe this crap! Do I have freak magnet attached to my body or what? Do you think it’s connected to the monsters that killed my family? I like Halloween and all, but this is too much.” She shivered.

  Melody grabbed her hand. “I’m so sorry, Tabby. It has to be Kenneth. Everyone likes you. Well, except the bimbos around here.” She giggled. Tabatha laughed aloud as well. “I bet he’s just trying to scare you.”

  She looked up and noticed Hoyt standing before the table, his features stony as he gazed upon her.

  “Who’s this Kenneth, and why would he want to scare you?” Hoyt asked, and then took the chair beside her.

  Melody yelled over the music as the band started to play.

  “Well, he used to be her boss, but he fired her because she wouldn’t sleep with him. Did it today after she worked all day.”

  “I have to go to the police station tomorrow,” Tabby said to Melody. “They want me to look at the car and see if I recognize anything. Would you mind taking me, Melody? I don’t feel like taking the bus to the police station. I told the detective I would be there around ten o’clock tomorrow morning. That way we can sleep in a little.” The beat of the music called to her as she waited for her to answer. She tapped her foot to the song the band played.

  “Sure, no problem.” Melody grabbed her hand. “Let’s go dance.” She pulled Tabatha onto the dance floor.

  She could dance all night long if the music and the men were right.

  “I know you love this song. We can show these women what’s up.”

  The band played “Going Under.” They began to dance to the rhythm, their bodies moving to the beat. The women who growled at them earlier now glared. Then she saw Hoyt out of the corner of her eye. He slowly stalked around the dance floor watching her every move, growling and showing his teeth. Men stepped back out of his way and showed their respect.

  Chapter 2

  Tabatha danced for him not understanding his attitude. She could feel his deep blue eyes on her body while she danced. Her long blonde hair swirled around her as she moved.

  He swept in closer to her, invading her space. He began to sway to the music matching her movements. They danced in perfect rhythm as everyone watched. Even Melody stopped dancing, leaning against Shane as they watched them perform.

  Tabatha couldn’t believe it. This hunk of a man could dance, and he is gorgeous to boot. The song ended too soon, and she heard the claps and whistles from the crowd.

  Hoyt pulled her to his body, nuzzling her neck, and whispered, “You’re beautiful.” He inhaled deeply. A low moan escaped his lips. “You smell like roses.”

  She giggled as he licked her neck and strong arms held her in place. He sank his teeth into her tender flesh. Is he giving me a werewolf hicky? She felt the sharp bite of his teeth and she jerked, but he held her tight. Tabatha couldn’t break free. As the pain lessened his hands caressed her body and made her weak at her knees.

  He grabbed her ass, pulling her against his hard cock, rubbing it against her. He took her mouth in a deep kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth, devouring her. His tongue demanded attention as it fought with hers.

  Tabatha’s hands encircled his neck, pulling her body closer to his. After a moment of pure ecstasy, he broke the kiss, placing a parting kiss upon her nose, and led her back to their table.

  Shane and Melody waited with two large men. She could only gather that maybe they could be his guards. After all he was Alpha. A fresh beer waited for her. Greedily, she took a mouthful, but immediately spit it out. The smell of urine now reached her nose and her stomach rumbled ready to upchuck everything she had eaten that day. Tabatha glanced across at Melody and knew she would smell it. Without paying any further attention to her friend, Tabatha jumped up as anger heated her skin. She slammed down the tainted beer and began to jump across the table.

  “You fucking bitch, I warned you!” Tabatha screamed as Shane and Hoyt held her back.

  “What the fuck? Tabatha, settle down. She’ll rip you apart!” Shane yelled trying to grab her. Hoyt growled. Shane took his hands
off her in surrender. He pulled Tabatha into his lap and grabbed her beer. Hoyt smelled it, and threw it across the room, barely missing the group of women. He stood, while he still held onto Tabatha. His two men flanked him.

  “That’s it. You will stop this now! She’s mine. If anyone attacks her, I will deal with you myself! Is that understood?” he yelled, his eyes boring into the women. They all whimpered, trying to get close to him. He growled and they scampered back.

  Hoyt turned to Tabatha. She tried to spit the rest of the offensive beer out of her mouth.

  “I need a toothbrush. Damn it!” she yelled, stomping her foot down on his. He released her as she glared at him.

  “You don’t own me. That bitch put piss in my beer. Even a human nose can smell it. You should have let me rip out her eyes!” Tabatha grabbed her purse, stomping to the bathroom, ignoring everyone. Tabatha thanked her mom who had taught her to always carry things in her purse. She had a toothbrush and toothpaste in her purse with her. She never went anywhere without it. She ignored everyone she left in her wake.

  Melody ran to go with her. “I am so sorry, Tabby,” blurted Melody as they entered the ladies’ room.

  “It’s not your fault. It’s that stupid bitch out there,” she said as she grabbed her toothbrush and paste. She brushed her teeth when the bathroom door opened and two of the women came in, ready to fight. The time had come, and she wasn’t going to be hassled again. Tabatha spit out the toothpaste on the floor in front of the woman. Glaring at the women who pushed up next to them, she growled in their faces. She probably looked like a rapid dog, but that didn’t matter.

  She looked at Melody, who smiled her agreement, and simultaneously attacked. Both of the werewolves went flying into the air as Melody and Tabatha gave them a kick in the gut. The werewolf women slammed into the bathroom doors making a loud bang. Their heads hit the wall and blood seeped from the wounds. Tabatha stood over them. All the frustration of the day boiled to the top of her anger.

  “Listen, and listen well. I came here to have a nice quiet night, but oh no, you stupid little wolves wouldn’t stop. Back off or you will really see what we can do! I don’t care what you are. No one threatens me!” Tabatha yelled.

  A second later, the bathroom door burst open. Hoyt and Shane came running in, staring at the women lying on the floor. Hoyt looked at Tabatha. He scanned her body looking for injuries and when he didn’t find any, his gaze turned hot. His face darkened and a snarl slipped out. Rolling her eyes, Tabatha grabbed her purse. “I am out of here, Melody. I’ll use your phone to call a cab. See you at home.” She pushed her way to the front door and ignored everyone as she grabbed her coat, but Hoyt stopped her in her tracks.

  “I don’t want you to leave. Please, stay. Plus you have to be protected. Someone wants you dead. Things will be different, I promise.” His eyes pleaded with her and tried to reassure her.

  “Listen, I don’t want to come between you and your people.” Tabatha stepped back and tried to keep distance between them.

  “It seems they don’t want us together.” Her eyes focused on the females who stood watching them. His gaze followed hers as she continued. “We just met. It’s no big deal. I am sure you can find someone else.” She tried to skirt around him, but he growled and pushed her up against the wall.

  He picked her up off her feet and stared into her face. “You don’t understand. There can be no other for me. We only have one mate and that’s you.” He pulled her close and nuzzled her ear. “You’re it, Tabatha, and I refuse to let you go.” He tugged on her hair, tilting her head back so she had to stare up at his face.

  She could see the heat in his eyes as she listened to him. Her head turned, ignoring the plea in his eyes. “I’m a human, plus how do I know you’re not the one who killed my family? The police told me a werewolf killed my family. It could have been you.” She squirmed, trying to get down, but she couldn’t move.

  “I could never hurt your family. Ben was my best friend growing up. We went into the force together to bring about change among our species and others. One of the reasons I became Captain of the PSU was to solve this case. Now, you’re the target. I won’t lose you.” He turned her head and gazed into her eyes. “I have been searching for you for years.” His finger grazed over her bottom lip. “I’ll deal with my pack, but you’re mine.” His kiss was hard and fueled with fire, as if to punish her. He carried her to the stage. His mouth did not leave hers. The band stopped playing and moved back when he put her down and broke their kiss.

  “Stay and listen,” he ordered before he left her on the stage. She glared at his back as he walked up to the microphone and stared out at his pack.

  “I have been Alpha for the past ten years. As Alpha, I have always kept the pack’s interests before my own. Tabby is my mate. As my mate, I expect you to show her the same respect you would show me. If not, I will take my mate and go, if that’s what it takes.” He looked around the room.

  “I suggest you men get these women in line. The two who attacked her in the bathroom are banished from the pack. If I even hear of another attack on her,” he pointed toward Tabby, “there will be death. Now, this is supposed to be a Halloween party. Let’s continue and have a good night.” Hoyt reached back, pulling Tabatha into his arms. There must have been about one hundred werewolves there, staring up at them. The women kept their eyes downcast.

  “Now, how about a nice slow dance? I need you in my arms,” he whispered, as he guided her down the stairs, and onto the dance floor. The band started to play a slow song for them. He pulled her body into his and held her tight.

  “How do you know I am your mate?” Tabatha asked, inhaling his scent. He smelled of the wind, fresh and clean. She leaned her head against his huge chest. Her hands snaked around his neck and hugged him close.

  “We can tell by a woman’s scent, and yours sings to me. I want to claim you right here.” His hands roamed down her back to her ass.

  Tabby leaned her head back, looking at him in surprise. “Is that a wise choice to claim me here on the dance floor?”

  “Probably not. You’ve already whipped two of my pack. Let’s save the rest for another time.” He placed a soft kiss in her hair.

  Tabby relaxed against his body. The music’s beat flowed around them.

  “Tomorrow, I’ll go to the police station and find out what I can about your car. I don’t want you anywhere near the station now. I’ve met the demon that’s marked on your car. He’s been summoned before.” Hoyt squeezed her ass cheeks, kissed her neck, and nibbled her ear.

  “You called, Hoyt?” A voice boomed in the room. Everything in the room seemed to stop. Hoyt shoved her behind him. Glancing around the room she watched as all the men turned into their wolf form. They knew they had a new threat before them and that it could destroy many.

  Tabatha peeked around Hoyt as Melody moved up next to her.

  Shane stood in his werewolf form and growled while he shielded Melody. The demon Chax stood seven feet tall. His bright red hair flowed to the ground. His leather coat was black. Tabatha glanced at Hoyt and noticed his fur coat was pure black and he stood well over seven feet tall.

  “Hoyt, my problem does not concern you. I have come for the woman.” The demon’s deep vibrating voice offered challenge. He stood alone, but by his walk Tabatha could feel his arrogance. His muscular body and chiseled face could woo any female if they didn’t know a demon lurked under the mask.

  “Will you let her leave with me, or shall I take her myself?”

  Could this day get any worse? She couldn’t help but wonder. Just when something good happens, something bad always followed and sure enough a demon shows up. The wolves moved in and surrounded her and Hoyt.

  “I am afraid therein lies the problem, Chax. She’s mine,” Hoyt declared.

  Chax stopped in front of the guards that surrounded them and smiled.

  Tabatha tried to peek around Hoyt’s body when Chax saw her.

  “She is beautiful.” C
hax sniffed the air. “And she smells different.” He grinned and licked his lips, his eyes trained on her.

  “I can see why that puny human, Ken, would want her. Let’s discuss this problem we seem to have,” Chax announced.

  “We can talk all you want, but she won’t be hurt.” His lips pulled tight against his teeth while he talked showing his fangs. “I’ve seen what demons can do to human females. Come, sit, join me for a beer,” Hoyt stated. His wolves stood on alert and watched every move he made. Hoyt pulled Tabatha to his body as they walked to the table and sat down.

  She sat on his lap. The tension in the air dissipated a measure. Tabatha noticed Melody slip in behind them, Shane behind her. Chax sat and a guard placed a beer in front of Hoyt. After one sip, he nodded his head and motioned for the guy to give Chax a beer also.

  “You know, I can take her. But, I find myself in a predicament, and I think the both of you can help me out of it.” Chax stared at them, taking a drink of his beer.

  Tabatha’s eyes roamed the demon before her. His handsome face was strong, his eyes glowed and even with horns and a tail she felt attraction to him. His long red hair framed his massive shoulders. His eyes shone bright blue like stars in the evening. She noticed his hands next, huge fingers with claws. He was the perfect specimen of the devil. Once the most beautiful angel in heaven, now marred by evil. Hoyt’s grasp on her was unyielding.

  “And why should we help you with your problem?” Hoyt took a drink of another beer that had been set before him and handed it to Tabatha, waiting for Chax’s answer.

  She took a swallow, knowing he tasted it to make sure it wasn’t tainted. The chivalrous action brought a smile to her lips as she curled into his lap. A sense of calmness settled in her chest and seeped through her veins, as if she were home. Chax stared at them. She could see something in his eyes, but didn’t know what.


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